Read Rode Hard, Put Up Wet Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Western, #Erotica

Rode Hard, Put Up Wet (38 page)

John’s hands shifted to clasp her soft cheeks firmly, keeping his mouth sealed against her clit as spasm after spasm rushed through her body. A high-pitched keen pierced the air in rhythm with her blistering orgasm.

“I can’t wait anymore, honey.” Pushing her farther onto the bed, his hard body came over the top of hers, knees spreading her legs, and in one long thrust his hard cock slammed into her pussy until it was seated deep inside.

“Christ, Jodi…I wanted this to be special,” he gasped. “To take my time.” He pulled his hard shaft back, increment by slow increment. “I wanted to romance you.” His steel rod drove deep into her core. White-hot shards of sensation raced through her body.

John’s breath rasped in her ear, every muscle in his back knotted beneath her grasping hands as he pulled his cock back with painstaking precision. The slow pace was maddening. “Slip the clothes from your body piece…” he panted, “…by piece.” His neck corded with strain. “Carry you to the Jacuzzi…” His head fell back between his shoulders, and he labored to get each word out. “Hold you in the hot…water…whisper of days…to…”

His hips flexed, and his cock drove forward, a hammer pounding a steel spike home in one long percussive impact. Jodi’s back arched, tight as a drawn bow, and her vagina contracted around his shaft. Damn, one more hard stroke, one more thrust against her cervix and her world would go up in flames of glory. “Unh…John, please!” He slowly pulled back to begin again.

“Share sips of champagne.” Each word was emphasized by the hammering of his cock. “Share dreams…give you time to know the real me.” Tremors raced through his taut muscles. Bracing his upper body on his elbows, John rose and all motion ceased. He looked directly into her eyes, smoothing back the damp locks of hair from her face.

“Marry me, Jodi. Please. Come share my life with me. I promise you moonlit walks.

Nights spent in the warm ocean water, our bodies moving as one. Roses, chocolates, champagne. Enough excitement to last a lifetime.”

The heartfelt words made her throat tighten around a thick lump of emotion. He finally gave in to desire and began to move in a steady rhythm. Jodi wrapped her legs around his hips, her fingers grasping his head to draw his mouth closer. Their lips met and she mumbled against them.

John pulled back, hope shining in his eyes.

“What, baby?”

“Margaritas. I hate champagne. Now shut up and fuck me, you fool.”

What if “the one who got away”…didn’t?


© 2007 Patrice Michelle

Deidre Nelson has never forgotten the man who stole her heart so effectively a decade ago. When circumstances bring her back to Ventura, Texas to look after her parents' B&B, she prepares to face Jonas Mendez, the sexy wrangler-turned sheriff, with growing anticipation.

Deidre’s engaging smile and seductive gaze has haunted Jonas for ten years. But life’s cruel ironies pepper his past, leaving him guarded and wary. He vows to keep his interaction with Deidre strictly professional while she's in Ventura.

But when vandalism at the B&B turns life-threatening, Jonas finds himself intimately involved with the one woman he has always wanted but never touched.

As a decade of built-up anticipation becomes reality, suddenly the line between protector and possessor begins to blur.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
: Once she’d locked the door and walked down the stairs to stand beside Jonas, the air around them grew strangely quiet. He slid his hands around her waist. She relished every second of his warm palms touching the bit of skin below her tank top as he easily lifted her up on his horse.

Deidre tried to sit sidesaddle, but Jonas squeezed her waist. “You’ll have to sit astride, darlin’, or it’ll make for an uncomfortable ride.”

She squirmed nervously at the idea of sitting astride in a skirt. “I really should go change clothes—”

Before she could finish, he gripped her hip with one hand and slid his other hand up her calf, pushing her skirt up until her thigh was bared. “Lift your leg over.”

At his soft command, she did as he asked and moved her right leg over the horse’s back. Without a word, Jonas swept up on the saddle behind her.

“Comfortable?” She tilted her eyebrow, casting a quick gaze over her shoulder.

“Not quite,” he whispered in her ear. At the same time, he used his thighs and hips to slide her body forward until her bunched skirt was all that sat between her pubic bone and the saddle horn.

Molding his chest to her back and his thighs around her hips, he put his arms around her waist and unwound the reins from the top of the saddle horn. “Now I’m ready.”

The sensation of the hard horn between her thighs and the cowboy’s muscular body surrounding hers sent her heart rate soaring. Deidre gripped the top of the saddle horn and let out an edgy laugh. “Just don’t gallop, ’kay?”

Jonas urged the horse into a walk toward the trails behind the B&B. “We’ll take it nice and slow, I promise.”

As they entered the darkened woods, Deidre shivered at the change in temperature.

Even though the evening sun slanted through the canopy of trees, bathing her skin in ribbons of diluted golden warmth, the forest’s shade brought an exciting coolness in contrast to Jonas’ body heat radiating against her back. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensual combination.

“Does this trail lead to the Mendez property?” she asked.

“Mmm, hmm.” His chest rumbled against her back as he rubbed his nose along her neck. “Do you want to know how many times I’ve thought about you?”

She jerked her eyes open, surprised by his question. “How many?”

His left hand spread across her exposed thigh and his fingers tightened around the bare flesh. “I’ve lost count.”

Jonas’ sincere admission caused the butterflies in her stomach to stir in haphazard abandon. Earlier today might have been about emotional limitations, but tonight was about confessions, she realized. “I’ve never forgotten you.”

He gripped her thigh harder. “I never cheated on her.”

Deidre understood the anguish in his voice. She placed her hand over his, her heart tripping at a rabbit’s pace. “I know. Your integrity was one of the things I admired so much about you.”

His body tensed behind her. “I’ll never say the words ‘will you marry me’ again.”

The vehemence in his words told her just how much his ex-fiancée’s betrayal had hurt him. Deidre’s heart went out to this strong, self-contained man. Even though his statement tore her up inside, she admired him more for being honest with her upfront.

Running her hand across his warm one, she laced their fingers together and let out a soft sigh. “We’ve both had our share of disappointments in life. I just want to feel your arms around me. I don’t have any expectations beyond that.”

Jonas brushed her hair to the side and buried his nose against her neck. “I’m sorry, Deidre. You blew me away the moment I saw you again after all these years. There needs to be pure honesty between us.”

“No expectations, Jonas….just anticipation,” she said at the same time the tiny niggling voice in her mind dared to rear its ugly head.
I hope I haven’t built you up in my
mind to be a bigger-than-life, beyond exceptional lover.
But the throbbing ache between her legs reminded her that the man definitely knew how to leave her wanting.

“Anticipation,” he said in a husky tone as he laid the reins across Admiral’s neck.

The horse continued to plod along without guidance as if he knew the trail well.

Deidre’s pulse thrummed when he placed his hands on her legs then slid her skirt higher, exposing her thighs completely.

He cupped his fingers along the bend of her legs and began circling his thumbs on her muscles just above her knees. She bit her lip to keep from moaning at the sensations rocking through her.

As he moved his hands higher, massaging her muscles in small circles, tiny tremors started in her inner thighs and slowly wound their way to her sex. With a low growl rumbling in his chest, Jonas shifted his weight forward in the saddle, forcing her body fully flush against the saddle horn until she literally rode the hard surface.

Each dip and sway of the horse’s movements caused her mound to rub and bump against the saddle horn. Agonizing friction built and ricocheted through her sex, tensing her lower muscles. Deidre tightened her thighs around the horse and swallowed a moan.

“I feel your tension. I know you’re holding back. I want to hear your excitement,”

Jonas said at the same time he gripped her inner thighs and forced her legs open wider.

His action no longer allowed her to stop the constant pressure against her sensitive parts.

Deidre began to pant then gasp each time the horse’s movements made her body meet the molded surface.

Jonas moved his thighs behind hers, keeping her sex flush with the horn. The sensation of his hard cock pressing against her backside made her want to whimper.

“Your sweet ass rubbing against me is a helluva cock-tease,” Jonas said in a husky tone. His hands slid up her rib cage until they covered her breasts. “Do you feel how much I want you?”

As his fingers brushed across her hard nipples, exquisite pleasure shot through her breasts and down her center. Deidre let her head fall back on his shoulder, shutting her eyes tight. The heat radiating from his hard erection seeped right through their clothes.

She’d never been more stimulated.

“Yes, and it’s definitely mutual,” she managed to babble out while a multitude of arousing sensations battled within her. The horse had slowed, but each step became a sensual punctuation to the built-up emotions roiling inside her. Her panting turned rampant as her sex began to throb, ready for release. “Jonas… I’m…”

“I know, sweetheart. Let go. I want to hear your scream,” he said at the same he slid his fingers forward and pinched her nipples hard.

One tempting heiress. Two sexy cowboys. Three means fun beyond her wildest dreams—

until her Cord starts to unravel.

Take Me

© 2007 Mackenzie McKade

Available now at Samhain Publishing

Thoroughbred rancher’s daughter Caitlyn Culver has always wanted playboy Cord Daily, even after her daddy threatened to bankrupt him. But winning a racehorse in a poker game means Cord is no longer just a cattle rancher. He’s come back wealthier and more wicked than ever.

Snaring this cowboy won’t be easy for Cait, and keeping him will be even harder.

Still, his sexual antics and taste for ménages won’t scare her off. She knows the best way to snag a man like Cord is to pretend indifference. So when he comes onto her in the barn, she plays along—only to leave him tied to a ladder, aroused and unfulfilled.

It’s payback time.

Cord seeks out Cait and brings along his playboy cousin, Dolan Crane. The two cowboys are enough to set her body afire. She’s bound and determined to resist their sexual allure, but ends up experiencing a night beyond her wildest fantasies. Now Dolan wants Cait for himself. Cait’s father wants Cord’s racehorse. And Cord wants Caitlyn to choose—her father’s money or her cowboy’s love.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, ménage a trois, and BDSM.

Enjoy the following excerpt from
Take Me
: Cait nearly swallowed her tongue as she jerked away from the stall. Startled, her heart raced, only picking up speed when she saw who addressed her. Cord’s deep, sexy voice and his soft laughter that followed sent chills up her spine.

In a last-ditch effort to steady her hands, she rested them on her hips. “If it isn’t the bad boy of Santa Ysabel, California.”

Palm over his heart, Cord cried, “Owww…”

One minute he sported a mournful expression, the next his eyelashes lowered and he narrowed his eyes on her. When he pushed away from the stall Cait knew she was in trouble.

Her breath caught on an inhale.


He approached with bold, arrogant strides, flashing a drop-dead sexy smile that melted her insides.

She had to remind herself that Cord might make her mushy on the inside, but she had to be hard as nails on the outside in dealing with this man. Haughtily, she swept her gaze up and down him, pausing deliberately at his groin, before they came eye to eye.

Two can play this game

Cait had been barely nineteen when she left California. She wasn’t the same girl now. Still little had changed when it came to her desires. She knew exactly what she wanted.

Cord Daily.

Rumors were his sexual antics ran wild. His taste for ménages had scared the living crap out of her. Not anymore. She’d take Cord any way she could have him.

Already she was imagining his lean, muscled physique pressed against hers, the feel of his slightly wavy blond hair between her fingers. The thought sent a twist of sensation in her belly and caused her heart to beat even faster.

The taut denim stretched low across his hips, outlining an impressive package—one she had every intention of unwrapping and soon, but not yet. The time had to be right or she’d lose him.

Slowly, he caressed her from head to toe, stripping her naked a piece of clothing at a time with just a look.

Little did he know that’s how Cait wanted it—skin-to-skin. Night after night, she dreamed of Cord’s hands roaming her body, heating her blood until she came apart at the seams.

Pulse pumping madly, she held her breath and prayed her aplomb wouldn’t shatter.

She managed not to flinch when he reached for the ribbon holding her hair and pulled, releasing her tresses to fall around her shoulders. She even contained a reaction when he used that ribbon to tickle her bare shoulder blades and tease the exposed swells of her

breasts. But no amount of willpower could have restrained her gasp as he released the ribbon to slither down her T-shirt.

He was good—damn good.

Her knees weakened, while her chest rose and fell more rapidly than she would prefer. And that wasn’t all that was going on with her body. The sting in her nipples twisted into an ache that shot straight for her pussy. She only prayed he couldn’t scent her arousal.

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