Read Rogue Dragon Online

Authors: Kassanna

Rogue Dragon (6 page)

Kirill rubbed the center of his torso. His human form was taking a beating. Stepping into the mouth of the cave, he lifted a lantern from the shelf. A puff of fire and the lamp lit up the passage. He raised it high and huffed. Silly human, or whatever she was. He pursed his lips and moved with ease down the roughhewn corridor. Out of the darkness, her foot caught him at the ankles, sending him reeling to the floor. The lantern flew forward and the flame flickered out.

“Oh, no, you don’t!” He grabbed her calf, swiping her off her feet. She hit the ground with a thud and he rolled, pinning her with his body. Wind whistled through the cave and the chilled air skated down his spine. In the darkness, he could only make out the outline of her face without flipping his vision. “Do you submit?” His voice was an octave above the wind.

“Make me.” Her voice cracked.

She was a challenge. His blood pumped at her defiance. He shifted to rub his growing erection against the inside of her thigh. Holding her wrist, he pulled her arms above her head and dipped his head to take a taut nipple between his lips. He laved the hard nub with his tongue and gently bit down. Faint whimpers reached his ears. Using his free hand, he cupped her other breast, massaging her areola and pinching the tight nubbin between his thumb and index finger. Her whimpers became loader moans. She pushed at the hold he had on her arms, trying to break free. He released her nipple and spoke.

Smoke seeped out as he rasped, “If I let you go will you behave?”

“Depends of your definition good behavior,” she taunted.

He pressed his nose into the crook of her neck while softly squeezing the supple tissue of her heavy orbs, working one then the other. Kirill traced his tongue along the tendons in her throat to her ear where he sucked her lobe into his mouth. He dropped minute kisses along the shell of her ear. “Will you submit to me, Synda?”

“Show me how badly you want me, Kirill.”

With a slight shift of his pelvis he pressed his hard shaft at the apex between her thighs, grinding against her. He trailed his lips across her cheek and dropped a quick peck on her nose before moving to her mouth. Nipping at her lips, he took tiny bites, urging her to open for him. Without thinking, he released her wrists, dragged his hand down the length of her arms, and caressed her rib cage before gripping her waist to hold her in place. She combed her fingers through his hair, her nails scraping his scalp. When he bit down on her bottom lip and she opened her mouth, he slipped his tongue in to tangle it with hers.

She slid her hand south, moving across his shoulders. The heat of her pussy enveloped his cock and he continued to flex his hips. He broke the kiss and steadily worked his way down her body, using his tongue to leave a faint, wet trail on her skin. Her nails cut into his triceps and scraped him as they traveled up his arms, while he moved lower. She trembled under him, and Kirill wasn’t sure if it was from what he did to her or the fact she lay on the cold ground. He called on his beast and allowed his core temperature to rise, making his body hotter to warm Synda.

Taking his time, he perused her body. He noted every scar and indentation she had, and took his time to kiss each spot with reverence. She was his, created by the great fire goddess to be a part of him. He slid his digits between her skin and the elastic of her panties, tugging the material away with a

He kissed the trimmed patch of hair atop her mound. Kirill eased his hands under her knees bending her legs and sliding them up his arms to rest her calves on his shoulders. The smell of jasmine wrapped him in a cocoon of scent. He pulled her nether-lips apart and lowered his head to lick the sensitive tissue of her labia. Curling his tongue, he followed the folds, dunking in and out of the deeper crevices. Her thighs quivered under him. A flick of his thumb and her bud emerged from beneath its hood.

Latching onto it, he rolled her small clit along his teeth and gently bit down. She arched off the rocky floor. Her legs clamped around his head. He pried her thighs apart and looked at her.

“Don’t stop,” she panted.

“Accept our bond.”

She thrashed her head when he her circled her hard bud with his thumb.

His monster churned, just beneath his skin, ready to pounce. He wedged his shoulders against the inside of her thighs to keep her legs apart. Kiril took his time and slowly inserted a finger into her channel. She flexed her legs, sliding the soles of her feet up and down his back. He pulled his hand back, his digit hovering at her vaginal opening.

Her voice went up an octave with her demands. “Finish what you started.”

He thrust one finger, and then another into her undulating channel. Her muscles pulsed around his fingers. He wrapped his lips around her clitoris and crooked his fingers. His cock hardened to an unbearable rigidity. She stopped moving and tossed her head back. Her mouth hung and her cream coated his palm. Kirill removed his fingers and sucked them into his mouth. Her eyes fluttered open, and her amber gaze blazed with an inner light. She pinned him with her stare.

“What’s my name, Synda?” He crawled up her body.

She spoke softly. “Kirill.”

He took her mouth in an open kiss. Releasing her lips, he gripped her waist and reversed their positions. Sharp pebbles bit into his back, and the slick heat of her core seeped onto his belly. Synda leaned forward, palms flat to his chest.

She touched his nose with hers and whispered, “A mating cannot happen.”

He cupped her cheek. “You have all the power. There is nothing I will not do to keep you safe. I offer my body as your shield. I give you my heat so that you will always be warm, and my heart so that you know you are completely and utterly loved. Death will not separate us.”

The words flowed from him as easily as if he’d prepared to say them all his life. A flash of pain seared his side as she shook her head. Synda’s tears ran along the edge of his hand. He brushed them away with his thumb. She traced the dark swirls on his shoulder with her index finger and scooted back on his body, tugging his pajama bottom with her as she went. His cock bobbed in the draft.

She stopped and giggled. “I guess I should have expected you to go commando.”

He cocked a brow. “Ah but,
slaa dast
, there is more there than mere underwear can hold.”

“You know, you can be an ass.”

Praav da
, very true but I am
ass.” He slapped her butt cheek for emphasis.

She closed her fist around the base of his shaft and lifted her body. A quick shuffle and she slid her feet under her butt and moved into a squatting position above his cock. He slid his palms along the outside of her thighs, up her hips to her waist. Synda held his gaze as she lowered her body to encompass his dick in her pussy. He broke their stare, threw back his head and gritted his teeth as the wet heat of her passage enveloped him. She released him and gripped his wrists. His legs spasmed and he bent them at the knees. Warmth poured into him from their connection, flooding his system. Fully seated on his shaft, she rolled her hips in a circular motion and colorful dots floated across his vision. He bumped the back of his head on the floor when she sat there.

. Please move.” His accent thickened as the words rolled past his lips.

The side of her mouth kicked up, and the pink tip of her tongue darted out to trace her lips. “Payback, babe. You wanted me and you got me…in spades.”

“Then accept me as your mate, Synda.”

Cool air circulated the length of his cock as she slid up and lingered briefly before dropping down to grind her groin against his. He jerked at her hips and she nodded. Synda ran her hands up his abdomen and he tensed. She tweaked his nipples and he couldn’t hold back the growls that bounced off the rocky outcroppings around them. Wrapping her fingers around his shoulders, she leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his. Using her legs for leverage she began to bounce on him.

The friction of their connection sent currents of electricity sizzling along his nerve endings. He could feel an inferno building in his core. She broke the kiss and bowed her body back, latching onto his thighs to keep her balance. Sweat poured from his skin and her hands slid down his thighs. Her passage rippled along his member and he fought the urge to shift. He could feel his nails lengthen into talons and he shut his eyes tight battling his beast as she controlled the speed and depth of her movements.

“Open your eyes.” Her words came out at the end of a breath.

He met her stare and saw the amber glow brightening in her irises as they flipped from reptile to human. Her body shined from an ethereal light that seemed to come from within.

“You are mine, Kirill.” She closed her eyes and tossed her head back.

He snaked an arm around her waist and flinging his other arm behind him, rose up. Kirill pulled her flush against him, moving his pelvis with piston-like quickness to meet her every down stroke. Her body burned with a fever and the blaze within him built, stoked by their connection. He could feel the flames licking just beneath his skin. She hurled her arms to her side and her body continued to brighten with her own heat. She was lighting the cave up as if she, herself, was the midday sun.

His muscles strained as she fell back against his limbs, her touch seared his skin. Wails erupted past her lips as her juices flowed over his cock. Unable to contain his fire, he dropped his head back and opened his mouth. White-hot flames burst from his mouth, scorching the cave’s roof, and their bond solidified, locking them together. He snapped his mouth shut and swallowed, his saliva cooling the raw tissue in his throat.

Kirill hugged Synda, running his hand along her spine. She laid her head on his shoulder and he discovered the distinctive loops and swirls on her arm from shoulder to elbow. He moved and her head wobbled. A quick peck on her temple and he maneuvered them so he could stand. First, he would get them to bed. Then he needed to solve the problem of Drago.

Chapter Six

Synda stretched and felt the delicious soreness between her thighs. All through the day, she and Kirill got to know each other’s body in various parts of the house. She reached out to wrap an arm around her new mate and felt empty, cool sheets. Lifting her head from the pillow, she cracked an eyelid to confirm she was alone in bed. A sigh escaped through her lips, and she opened both eyes to peer around the room. Maybe she’d given in too easily, but she was so tired of running, and no matter how many blows she’d dealt Kirill he just kept coming.

Who was she kidding, the sex was fucking fantastic. Her sigh became a groan. She’d have to tell her daddy she was bound, Manx would not be a happy dragon. While she was growing up, he’d entertained her with stories of dragons and their escapades. His tales always had a meaning, though. Manx never hid the fact that she was a hybrid and probably the only one. He’d always told her he’d loved her mother with a ferocity equivalent to a category five storm.

Synda sat up. She could respect the depth of her father’s love for her mother and knew he loved her just as much. But she’d always felt as if she was missing something. He tried hard to hide his illness but she knew dragons didn’t live for very long after their mates died, and yet he’d hung on for well over thirty years because he loved her. The idea that she felt bereft for some reason elicited feelings of guilt to compound her sadness. Manx had done everything he could for her. She should be grateful.

She rolled over and pressed her face to Kirill’s pillow, taking his scent deep into her lungs. After keeping human men at bay for fear she would give something away, she’d finally found someone who desired her and knew exactly what she was…sort of. It had been a long time since she’d entertained the thought of being with a man or acted on the attraction.

After high school, she’d had that one horrible experience when she’d had sex with her human boyfriend. Which had ruined the idea of making love with anyone ever again. At the hospital, while her then almost-lover was in triage for second degree burns to his thighs, buttock and cock, Manx had made some excuse about her and her partner getting too close to a furnace while having sex. She shook her head and knew the authorities didn’t believe his story, but honestly, they had no other explanation, so people accepted it. That incident started the nightmare and earned her the nickname Firestarter amongst the teens and young adults in the surrounding communities.

No boy wanted to come near her after that. She snorted. Her only reprieve had been Assan, one her best friends and a fellow shifter.

Leaving her past behind, she contemplated her present circumstances. Maybe she’d given in because deep down she knew this man—dragon—could keep up with her. She would no longer feel so alone. Her friends, especially Ember, mattered but she could never really tell anyone her about her true nature. She always had to rein in her emotions for fear someone would figure out she wasn’t their brand of
. Synda scooted up in the bed and rested against the headboard. She still had to tell Manx. After drilling into her head how bad it would be to bond with another dragon, he would be pissed that she done just that.

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