ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories) (109 page)

I followed. I made my way up to my room and locked the door as I cried myself to sleep. I decided I was going to confront Garret about what had happened to Nico. Maybe he knew something about it.

The morning came without me dreaming. I felt that that was weird, as I always dreamed. Sometimes, it was a simple dream like me washing clothes or cooking. But never did I go to sleep and wake up without a single dream.

I tried to act as normal as possible. I went downstairs, pulled out a few pans, stated the burner and cracked a few eggs. Then I brought out the bacon they all loved. Honey cured and homemade, just the way mom used to make it.

I mused over that thought. If mom were here with me, would she have reacted the same way that everyone else did? I knew she wouldn’t. She never was the judging type. She was fair. Even when she got sick, she didn’t lash out at the doctor or us, her family. She just charged it as fate.

The food was set. I retreated back to my room. Next was the bar. I needed to get down there to check up on everything. We had closed it down for the wake, but now more than ever, I needed an excuse to leave the house and drown myself in something other than my problems.

I tied my hair back and as I slipped into my slim jeans and tank top. I liked that it made me look sexy but not haughty. It showed my curves – the ones I truly loved.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Vince asked as I headed down the stairs.

“The bar.” I answered as short as possible without turning my head to even look at him.

“I don’t think so.” He replied.

“What do you mean? I need to get to work now.  Just leave me alone.” I spat.

“No.” Guiles appeared from the other room, his face red from having been drinking all night. “Father decided you need to be kept here until your little problem is settled.”

“I don’t have a problem.” I replied flatly as I made my way to the door.

“Jenna.” My father spoke. “Have you lost all sense of respect for me?”

I trembled. Of course I hadn’t. But keeping me locked up in the house was not something I was willing to just go along with. “Father. Please.”

“Enough.” Father said. “Go back to your room and stay there. Vince will keep an eye on you, while Henry, Guiles and I will tend to the bar and to your problem.”

I couldn’t believe it. I was now a prisoner in my own little home and I couldn’t do anything about it. I ran back to my bedroom with my tears fighting to break away from my eyes.

This was unfair. I’ve been good to them. When my mother passed away, I stood there, filling her shoes. I let go of going to college just to be here for them. I never expected this to happen. My own family had betrayed me – punished me for finally choosing my own way. They knew Garret had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with it, but they went ahead and tried to protect me from a nonexistent danger.

I slammed myself onto my bed, tears unceasingly flowing onto my pillow. As I started to drift off into sleep, I heard a quiet tap on my window. I stood up wiping the tears that had carved lines down my face. Someone was throwing stones at my window. I looked down at the forest that had always greeted my room. I searched for the source of the stones and finally found a man hunched under a bush. It was Garret.

What the hell was he doing? He came here in broad daylight when he knew all along that my family hated his and could easily take him down with a few shots from their hunting rifles.

I rushed downstairs and found that the truck had vanished, and that Vince was asleep on the couch. I quietly tiptoed through the kitchen and out the back door, and greeted a big man who was so happy to see me. I rushed to him as he rushed towards me as well. He wrapped me in a tight embrace as I stared into those kind and happy eyes.

He put his finger against his lips, beckoning me to stay quiet as he held my hand and led me deep into the forest. We found a spot far enough from home so we could talk freely.

“My brother.” I started.

“Jenna.” He replied.

“No. I need to know that it wasn’t you.” I replied. “Tell me it wasn’t you.”

“It wasn’t me. I was with you, remember?” He replied.

I blushed. “I do. But, my family, they’re convinced it was one of your people.”

“I don’t know how to say this, but trust me on this one Jenna. It was not one of us.” He said with a stern face. “Your brothers have started invading our territories, and my elders do not like it at all. I’ve been successful so far in stopping them from retaliating. But Jenna, I can’t hold them off forever. You’re family has to stop. This wasn’t any of us. If there was a werebear there, then wouldn’t he have been injured from being caught in the trap?” He asked, soliciting a response from me. I nodded. “But none of my kin have any injuries of that sort. No one, Jenna.”

I saw the fear in his eyes, which bothered me.

“Are you scared?” I asked.

“Yes.” He answered.


“I’m scared I might lose you because of this misunderstanding.” He replied.

“You won’t.” I answered as I reached out to his face just like I did the first time. He held my hand firmly against his skin as he closed his eyes.

“I love you.” He said.

“I love you too.” I replied.

He pressed his lips against mine. I let him. I took his hands and brought them closer to my body. Heat emanated from our contact as I felt his bulge growing. We unlocked our lips as I unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a layer of hair covering a well-defined chest.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

“Yes.” I answered without hesitation.

I removed his shirt and ran my hands down his chiselled chest, and started to unbuckle his belt. His hands started to explore my curves, as he slid his hands along my waist and rested them on my ass. He gave my cheeks a light squeeze and pulled me in closer, my hardened nipples poking through my tank top against his chest. Our lips met again with more urgency and I parted mine inviting him to explore my entire being. His tongue met mine and they mingled as our bodies grew hotter and closer. I could feel his bulge growing  as I finished unbuckling his belt and unzipped his pants, allowing them to fall to the ground. I reached into his boxers and firmly grasped his huge cock. I could hardly get my hand around it, and the thought of having Garret’s dick inside me was making me wet with eager anticipation. Garrett slid his hand up under my tank top and expertly unlatched my bra, releasing my breasts. I felt my face starting to blush and he raised my shirt over my head and threw it out of the way. He traced his hands down the curve of my waist down to my jeans and unbuttoned them. He slipped his rough hands under the waistband and pulled my jeans off of my hips. I stepped out of them and stood there topless in only my black lace panties, exposed to the forest.

Garret laid me down on the mossy forest floor kissing my neck and began a trail of kisses down to my left breast. He massaged my right breast circling his thumb around my nipple as it pebbled in the crisp forest air. His lips wrapped firmly around my left nipple as he sucked gently with his tongue flicks sending jolts of electric desire directly to my clit. My panties were getting wetter by the second and Garret reached between my legs to feel the juices through the lace. “Jenna, you’re so wet,” He murmured in a low tone as his fingers slipped under my panties and began to caress my slickened folds. I could feel the strength of his fingers has he stroked my pussy, sending my body into a state of intense longing. I let out a breathy moan as he lowered his head between my legs. I felt his warm breath on my thighs as he quickly pulled off my panties. He ran his tongue along the length of my slit, my nectar inviting him in for a deeper taste. His tongue circled and flicked my bud as he reached up with both hands and massaged by tits. He kept one hand on my left breast, rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger while the other hand went down to my sex. His mouth continued sucking and nibbling my clit as his fingers smoothly moved in and out of my vagina. With precision, he found my g-spot and continued to pleasure me deeply with his fingers. The intensity of the pleasure engulfed me in ecstasy as my breath quickened and my hips naturally started circling. Garret sucked my clit hard as I began to lose control and let out a squeal as I orgasmed intensely, my hands tangled into Garret’s tousled hair. I motioned for him to bring his face to mine and I kissed him passionately, our tongues intertwined.

I looked straight into Garret’s eyes and felt a warmth and kindness I had never seen before in a man. I tenderly grasped his engorged cock and led it to my pussy. He inched his large dick into me and I felt my pussy stretching to accommodate his size. He moved slowly and he kissed my breasts while our bodies found their synch and rhythm. I felt my juices starting to gush as Garret quickened his pace. We moved as one with our bodies and our breath.  With Garret, I felt beautiful and safe. I felt as though I had arrived home, exactly where I was supposed to be.

Garret motioned for me to turn over, and so I did without hesitation . He quickly found my drenched slit and again slid his dick deep inside, fucking me from behind. He reached one hand around to massage my breasts and I reached down to rub my clit. With my eyes closed and our bodies moving as one unit, I felt myself completely let go. I felt our energies merge and transcend this earthly plain. With our breath heaving and moving in unison I felt his manliness grow even harder and stronger within me. I started letting out animalistic screams as I was taken to the limit on every level of my being. Together we climaxed, with an explosion of sensation through every cell in my body. My awareness was heightened, and I could feel his cum meeting my most inner places. We both collapsed onto the cool, soft forest floor as we melted into the oneness of all existence.




I made my way to my home alone. Garret had insisted he would walk with me, but I didn’t want to take that risk. I was lucky though. When I got home, Vince had just woken up and had not even realized I had left my room at all.

An hour later, I heard my brothers arriving home. Guile was lugging a duffel bag that he was handling with careful delicateness. Henry was walking around with a grin.

“We have to do this father. For Nico’s sake and for Jenna’s too.” Henry pleaded with their father.

“I know.” My father said almost sounding unsure. “This is the only way can get justice for what that monster did to Nico.”

“Tonight is going to be a long one.” Guile muttered as he opened his bag.

My mouth dropped as I saw the contents.

A few bullet cartridges, a bunch of shotguns and hand grenades – these weren’t things you used to hunt. These were things used in waging war. I felt my stomach curl as Guiles counted the stash. Vince had spread out a map of the northern woods on the coffee table. I lurched closer to try to listen to what they were saying.

“We really gonna do this?” Vince said, obviously anxious and  nervous.

“Yes.” Henry replied. “We have to do this and we have to do this tonight.”

That was all I needed to hear. Tonight - they were attacking Garret’s tonight. I rushed to my room, locked the door shut. I needed them to think I was still here. I needed to buy myself time to warn him.

I slid open my window and pushed my way through. I’ve done this a few times, but that was when I was younger and slimmer. Tree branches scattered everywhere made the task easy. When I propped myself down on the ground I spied Nico’s old bike. I jumped on it and started peddling along the shore up to where I first met Garret.

I hopped off the bike when I reached that small clearing where I first saw Garret turn. I called his name as I battled tears from coming out. Soon after, a young woman, about my age, ran towards me. She had the same dark hair and soft eyes as Garret.

“Are you Jenna?” She asked.

“Yes. Do you know where Garret is?” I answered back.

“Of course, he’s at home. I was just picking herbs when I heard you call my brother’s name.” She answered still confused. “Garret has told everyone about you. You really are beautiful.”

“Thank you, but we don’t have much time. Please, take me to your home.” I said in a hurried voice.

“Yes. Of course.” She dropped her basket and grabbed my hand as we ran towards a cabin not too far away.

“Mama, Papa, Garret. Everyone!” She yelled as we neared the huge house.

As we did, Garret came out to the porch, trying to discern who was coming with her sister. Behind him were men and women with the same dark and burly hair and kind faces.

“Jenna?” Garret asked astonished. He ran towards me to catch me as I collapsed in his arms. I was exhausted from the rush.

“My brothers. They’re coming to get you and your family. They have guns and grenades. You need to hurry and protect yourselves.” I pleaded. His family had heard me. They gasped and started clutching each other.

“But we can’t!” Garret exclaimed.

“What do you mean you can’t?” I asked.

“It’s impossible. We can’t protect ourselves against guns and grenades Jenna.” He said in a defeated voice. “We are kind people. We don’t hunt with those things. We are completely without weapons except for a few knives and bows.”

“What?” I asked stunned.

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