Romance: Mail Order Bride "The Ideal Bride" Clean Christian Western Historical Romance (Western Mail Order Bride Short Shorties Series) (175 page)

Chapter 6

Things got better between us almost overnight. When he finally started paying attention to me and actually talking to me, he discovered that I was a good person and that I could be a good wife. I started putting extra effort into my cleaning and cooking and he made sure to offer his approval. He finally stopped inviting me into his bedroom and we seemed to be on the verge of making an agreement, though he still treated our relationship as a business transaction. That was just part of who he was and I’d settled with the fact that I was just going to have to get used to that.

He’d gotten into the habit of taking me out with him to ride horses. I still wasn’t comfortable getting on the beasts, but I would go out with him and watch him trot around and make the horse do tricks. I always enjoyed these moments because he was happiest when he was riding horses.

Bethel had been such a small town that you could get around without a horse. My father had one, but we rarely got to ride. I was thrown off its back once when I was younger and had been afraid of riding them ever since.

He brought the horse around to me and looked down, smiling. “You always observe. Let’s get you on the horse,” he said with a grin, offering his hand to me.

I frowned and shook my head. “I don’t think so.”

“Isn’t this whole thing about compromise? Come on, now. It’ll be fun,” he assured.

I looked at his hand for a moment and sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to let this go unless I got on the horse. He helped me onto the saddle and grabbed the reins, his arms encircling me in a way that made me feel safe. He was so strong and so amazingly handsome. When I thought about it too long, my cheeks would flush pink and heat would fill my body. I never thought I’d meet a man like him.


“Ready for wh-,”

Before I could finish asking the question he snapped the reins and the horse took off. I screamed and closed my eyes, pressing myself against his chest as we whizzed through the forest. I finally opened my eyes after a few moments and the view was breathtaking. We’d broken through the line of trees now and we were racing through a beautiful field full of wild flowers. The spring storms had made the land lush and green.

He yanked back on the reins and the horse came to a trotting stop, moving in a small circle before finally stopping completely.

“What is this?” I whispered, my eyes wide.

“I discovered this place when I first inherited that house.”

“It’s amazing.” My eyes were wide in wonder as the wonderful scents filled my nose.

“I thought you might like it.”

I turned to look at him for a moment, glancing over my shoulder. “Why would you take the time to bring me here?”

This was definitely out of the ordinary for Adam. It had been enough to eat meals with him and sit in the grass while he rode horses. I never really expected anything more than that, even if we got married. He was intent on keeping our relationship purely contractual.

He smiled and slid off the horse, holding his arms out to help me down. Adam led the horse to a nearby stream and tied it up close enough that it could drink. When he came back over to me he had a strangely serene smile on his face. He reached up and cupped my cheek tenderly.

“Because you deserve so much more than what I’ve been giving you.”

My eyes widened and I stared at him, my heart beginning to thud in my chest. “It’s time that I’m honest with you.”

My brows furrowed, but I stayed silent, allowing him to talk. He closed his eyes for a moment as if remembering a painful memory. “You are not the first woman who has been in my home.”

I frowned a little. “What do you mean?”

“I was married once.”

My heart slammed in my chest and I felt betrayed somehow, though I knew that was ridiculous. He hadn’t really done anything wrong.


“I had a wife. Her name was Louise and she was my everything. I fell in love with her head over heels and I knew I wanted to marry her.” He paused for a moment, trying to hold himself together. “She died giving birth to our first child and it turned me into a cold, bitter man. I couldn’t let her go and I promised myself I wouldn’t fall in love ever again. I couldn’t handle the pain of losing someone I loved twice.”

I looked up at him, my eyes wide in shock. “I’m so sorry, Adam…I wish I’d known.”

“I’m glad you didn’t,” he said, looking at me for a long moment. “If you’d known, I don’t think you would have pushed me like you did.”

“How could my pushing possibly be good?”

“It made me believe again.”

I frowned and pulled away a bit, but he reached out and yanked me closer, holding me tight. I allowed myself to relax in his grip, burying my face in his chest.

“You made me believe that I could love again. I was so cruel because I knew I’d fall for you if I let myself get close, so it was just safer to keep you at arm’s length.”

I looked up at him and reached up to touch his cheeks. “What are you saying, Adam?” I demanded.

“I’m telling you that I love you.”

The words shot through me like a bolt of lightning, bringing tears to my eyes. My breath hitched and I threw my arms around him, holding him tight.

“You do?”

He held me close, his hold on me tightening. “I do,” he promised.

Tears were rolling down my flushed cheeks as I clung to him, sobbing softly into his shirt. I’d wanted to hear those words so badly, but I’d just accepted that they were never going to happen. Was this real?

“I still need time,” Adam said. “I still need time to accept marriage, but I want you to know just how much you’ve changed me. How much you’ve worked your way into my heart.”

He looked down at me and cupped my cheeks. I could hear my blood rushing in my ears, the sound nearly deafening. The world narrowed until it was just us, and he pulled me close, pressing his lips to mine in a long, eager kiss.

I threw my arms around his neck as stars exploded behind my eyes. This was everything I’d ever wanted and so much more. A warmth filled me as he kissed me, and when he pulled away I felt a tingle on my lips. He pressed our foreheads together and I let out a long, slow breath.

“Adam, I love you too.”

Chapter 7

That was the beginning of something wonderful. We were finally accepting each other, and not only that, but accepting who we were and what we needed. I blossomed after that, not only as a wife but as a woman as well. Everything was perfect in my world.

I stayed quiet about the success of our relationship for a long time, but I was having a hard time keeping myself contained. I knew I had to tell someone, and Penny seemed like the perfect person. We were working in her garden, digging into the soft dirt and planting seeds into the cool, wet earth. I was about to explode with excitement and Penny noticed almost immediately.

She smiled and raised a brow in my direction. “Are you alright?”

“I’m so amazing!” I gasped, a wide grin on her face.

She blinked for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle. “Well, I guess that answers that question.”

“I kissed Adam! He told me he loved me.”

Her eyes widened but she grinned and threw her arms around me. “Congratulations! I’m so happy he came around. You deserve someone who cares about you.”

I blushed and pulled away, holding onto her arms and laughing breathlessly. “He took me out to this beautiful field of wild flowers and he told me everything. He told me why he didn’t want to get married and then he told me how much I changed his life!”

Penny smiled and took my hand. “That’s wonderful, darling,” she said, patting the back of my hand. “I’m so happy for you.”

“I hope he’ll marry me some day.”

“I’m sure he will. You just have to be patient with him. He’s lost a lot.” She hesitated a moment. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about his wife before, but it felt like an intrusion. He needed to tell you in his own time.”

There had been a brief moment when I was angry at the other women for not telling me about his wife, but the longer I thought on it, the more I realized it was for the best. Penny was exactly right. It was an intimate thing that Adam had to tell me himself. Hearing it from someone else in a different situation would have just put more strain on our already delicate relationship.

“I’m not mad. I understand why you didn’t say anything.”

Penny smiled and kissed my cheek for a moment before pressing a seed into the dirt.

“So I heard you were going on a trip with him.”

“Yeah. I don’t really like the idea of him going out there on his own,” I said softly.

Penny chuckled. “Don’t let him hear you say that. Men don’t like it when you don’t have faith in them.”

I gave her a look but smiled. “It’s not that I don’t have faith in him. I believe in him wholeheartedly. He’s such a strong man and I know he can do anything he puts his mind to. It’s just-” I stopped short.

“It’s just what?”

“Don’t you ever get scared out here?”

Penny sighed and leaned back, wiping her hands on her skirt. “I think everyone gets scared out here. It’s a terrifying place, but you can’t let that fear eat you alive,” she warned. “You have to be strong in a land like this. You have to be ready to stand up to your fears and fight for what you believe in.”

The words cut me deep. I knew she was right. Everything she said was so right. Especially for women. Our plight in this land was not an easy one. So many of us had been taught that ladies don’t play in the dirt and ladies don’t do men’s work. Here in the west, there was no such thing as men’s work. There was still women’s work, of course, but women were expected to care for children and till the land. This was a new world where a woman couldn’t be shy and without confidence. Living here had given me the confidence I needed to survive in Madison.

“I see,” I said, pondering Penny’s words. “All the more reason for me to go, then. I came here to start a new life, Penny. I came here to expand my horizons. In Virginia I was scared of my own shadow. I didn’t have any faith in myself and I would have turned tail and run at even the slightest threat of danger.” I frowned. “I don’t want to be that woman anymore.”

Penny smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. “You aren’t,” she promised. “You’re a strong, brave, and amazing woman. You stood your ground and you got your man.”

A grin spread across my features and I threw my arms around her. She laughed and hugged me back, patting my side gently. “Alright, alright,” she hummed. “It’s getting dark. You’d better head home. Good luck on your trip to the trading post!”

I turned and waved at her excitedly before I ran out her garden gate and started down the road that would lead me to my house. It wasn’t just a house; it was a symbol of my fortitude and of the risks I’d taken to get here. The risks that I was so proud of now. The wind blew through my hair and I breathed in deeply.

This was perfect. This was where I was meant to be and no one would ever make me doubt that.

Chapter 8

The days passed and soon it was time to head out on the trail. I was settled on the horse as Adam strapped the last of the gear to the horse and the wagon. The wagon was small but it was big enough to carry all of the food and camping gear we would need to make it through the trip.

I hadn’t been sure as to where we were going until the other day when Adam told me we were going to a local trading post. I was still unsure as to why we were going, so I decided to clear it up.

“Why are we traveling to the trading post? Doesn’t the market have everything we need?”

He hesitated and tugged at the straps, a knowing smile coming to his lips. “Not everything,” he said softly.
I got the feeling that he was talking circles around me but I didn’t bring it up. I trusted Adam with my life. I had to. We stopped in the market to pick up some last-minute perishables and then we were on our way.

Wisconsin was a beautiful state. It was green like Virginia but it stayed rather cool all year round and the air wasn’t as muggy. Adam told me about the Southwestern deserts and I was more than a little thankful I hadn’t ended up in a place like that. I liked plants and flowers and anything green. Adam told me I could expand my garden and add flowers. When I first moved he told me it was a waste of space but had since come around.

We moved through the plains and hills, riding until the sun began to set. Adam stopped the horse for the night and tied it to a nearby tree before pulling out the tent. It was simple but it would give us enough shelter from the elements for the night. After all, it was a clear, cloudless night.

I sat on a nearby log, watching him work, his muscles flexing and relaxing as he moved. He was the picture of perfection and watching him work brought a blush to my cheeks. We’d begun sleeping in the same bed, though I’d insisted that only sleep happen until we were married. He never pushed that decision and I was thankful for his understanding.

Once the tent was pitched he waved me over and I jumped up from the log, smiling. “Do you need any help?”

“Not at all. It’s time to go to sleep.  I want to be up by sunrise tomorrow so we can get their before it gets dark.”

“Will we head back as soon as you get what you need?”

He shook his head and pulled me close as we settled down on top of blankets. “No, no. There’s an inn and we’re going to stay there for the night. I thought it might be romantic.”

I blushed a little and buried my face in his chest. “Really?”

“Yes Really. Now go to sleep, darling.”

I smiled and closed my eyes, doing just as he said. I was completely oblivious to the danger we were in.

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