ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (108 page)

“I’ll dress you up in boots and a cowgirl hat or is that pushin’ it?” Shoving him a little from over the center console, Sasha felt her lips turn up at the jibe. Wyatt knew how to press all of her ‘happy’ buttons and she wasn’t sure how she was going to handle him.

“Whatever you say, cowboy. I learn the hard way not to mess with you.”

Pulling up to the farmhouse, Wyatt killed the engine to his truck and opened the door to climb out. He understood that Sasha was kind of afraid, but he’d stuck around a lot longer than he’d anticipated. It was a sign, at least to him. Besides, they had chemistry. Serious chemistry.

“Come here, Sasha.” Shivering lightly as Wyatt pulled her deeper into her bedroom, Sasha bit her lip as he watched her with smoldering eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Lying down on her bed, Sasha’s whisper came when Wyatt was holding himself on his hands and knees above her. Their faces were close, so she didn’t have to talk loudly. Honestly, she didn’t know why she was apologizing, but he just shook his head. Carefully settling on top of her, he pushed his jeans off to leave him in just boxers before offering a response.

“I’m not. You’ve been my girl since the moment I got here, darlin’.” Kissing her before Sasha had time to say something back, Wyatt’s hands traveled down her curves to tug at the end of her night shirt. She’d gone to the hospital in her pajamas, but he didn’t mind removing them. They were light and breathable- Texas was arid at this time of year.

“You’re so sexy.” His mumble made her groan. Lifting her hands above her head, Sasha shivered when she was free of her shirt and his hands squeezed her breasts. Kneading with just the right amount of force, Wyatt leaned down to take her chocolate, tight nipple in his mouth and suckle.

Gasping, Sasha lifted her hips as her fingers tangled in her sheets. She loved the sensations running through her, and how expertly Wyatt played her body. Running her hands through his thick brown waves, she sucked in air through her teeth as his fingers flirted with the edge of her pajama pants and lifted her hips in a silent plea. She’d always been comfortable with her body, but he made her feel sexy- wanted the way a woman wanted to be wanted.

Wyatt moved slowly from one breast to the other, doing a thorough work up unlike the singular previous time they’d been together. He treated each breast with the same extensive attention, and Sasha was panting heavily by the time he trailed kisses down the uneven plane over her midsection. Whimpering softly when he straightened himself between her legs, she quivered with expectation as he slid her pants down her legs, quickly following up with her panties.

Spreading her legs more, Sasha found herself holding her breath as she lay bare for Wyatt. Leaning down, he kissed both her inner thighs before running his fingertip gently up her slit, and her grip on her sheets tightened considerably. Her heart pounded in her chest and her head was heady with arousal. Hot breath flowed across her flushed, darkened folds, and he gave her a big lick with all of his tongue. Flopping with a low moan, Sasha’s legs twitched before Wyatt latched on to the little bundle of nerves that ached for his attention.

He sucked on her nub, flicked it with the tip of his tongue and scraped his teeth over it to leave her a writhing, moaning mess. This had only happened once before, and she wasn’t exactly sure if the bolts of pleasure that tightened into a coil in her abdomen were healthy- they were so intense. Groaning, Wyatt lapped up her juices as his hand slid up her body to tease her nipples, and Sasha felt about ready to explode. She didn’t remember her body being this sensitive.

“W- Wyatt… Wyatt- please-“Hearing him grunt, Sasha opened her eyes as Wyatt pushed himself up to take off his boxers, and she felt her pupils dilate wildly. His penis was dark, it stood tall and showed just how turned on he was. Reaching forward before she had half a mind to stop herself, the silky flesh was hot and throbbing under her fingers. Hearing him groan, she felt a surge of boldness shoot through her before she scooted forward. Close enough to see the bead of pre-cum that seeped from the spongey, bulbous head, her mouth watered a little before her tongue shot out to collect it.

“Ah, shit-“ Making a growling noise, Wyatt took Sasha’s hair in both his hands and held on tight, but not tight enough to hurt. She only hesitated for a moment before opened his mouth, and the feeling of him entering her mouth made her eyes close and a small moan tear from her throat. She’d never expected a man to taste so good- like pure man and just a hint of sweat.

Sasha held Wyatt’s thighs as he slowly thrusted into her mouth. She wasn’t in control of the act she was preforming, but he didn’t take advantage of her. Her lips wrapped around the base of his phallus and her teeth scraped his skin, and when she looked up his head was tilted back. The surge of feminine satisfaction she got from the way his jaw was working was almost distracting.

“God, darlin’ you’re so good at that.” Grinding out the words through his teeth, Wyatt tightened his grip on Sasha’s hair as he exited her mouth before pushing back in. He was nervous he’d go too far and she’d recoil. She just bobbed her head, though, and took him deeper down her throat.

When Wyatt pulled her away, Sasha was panting and had to wipe her mouth. Pushing her onto her back, he climbed on top of her and kissed her lips hard, holding her face in his palm as he pushed his tongue into her mouth to explore.

“It’s easy to fall in love with such a wonderful woman, Sasha.” Blinking hard at the mumble against her lips, Sasha’s entire body relaxed for half a second before Wyatt gently, slowly thrust into her feminine sheath. He mouthed at her bottom lip, and kneaded her waist with one hand while the other fisted the sheets near her head. Moaning as he thrust a second time, Sasha wrapped her hands around his biceps and tried to stop her orgasm. Her breath came in short, shallow pants as his muscle played under her touch.

Rocking together, in sink, Sasha wasn’t sure how she’d ended up in Wyatt’s lap but she didn’t question it. His mouth sucked on her neck, and through her half lidded eyes she could barely make out where the ceiling and the wall connected.

“Hmm- so good.” Gasping out the words, Sasha rocked her hips to the beat of her blood and felt Wyatt smile against her neck. She was so close, but somehow managed to stave it off. Kissing her mouth, he picked up the pace and held both her hips in his hands, so she bounced on his lap.

The change made Sasha wrap her arms around Wyatt’s neck and buried her scream in his shoulder as she twitched. The energy that had built up inside her womb released with staggering intensity, and after a few more thrusts he also released with a harsh groan, squeezing her waist tightly. Panting, Sasha’s insides undulated and tightened, milking him for everything he was worth.

“You mean a lot to me, Wyatt.” Lying in bed together, naked, Sasha’s confession came after she’d come down from their sex. She’d thought about it, and no, she didn’t love Wyatt, but she felt like she could. With a little time it could happen. Squeezing her to his side, he rolled over to face her and brush her damp hair from her face with a tender expression.

“Glad to know it’s not one sided, darlin’. Now you just gotta come with me and watch me win the rodeo.” Smiling, Sasha simply shook her head at that. Wyatt ate, slept and breathed horses and bull riding, and when he wasn’t with her or doing something on her farm he was practicing.

“Whatever you say.”



Sasha had never been to a rodeo, but it was a lot like a fair- only with horses and bulls. People rode them or they were tied to posts. There was food everywhere that made her mouth water, and games for people who were just passing time before the rodeo began.

However, Sasha ignored almost everything, and stopped only to buy a bag of popcorn.

Sitting in the row closest to the dirt floor, Sasha ate with a feeling of content. According to her doctor, her baby was growing at a normal rate, and she tried not to eat anything too junky, although she couldn’t deny her cravings sometimes. In the past week since she found out she was pregnant, she’d called her job and asked for a transfer to Dallas. It wasn’t like she needed to work, but fashion was something she wanted to do, and Wyatt didn’t discourage her. She could live on what her mother had left her, and the horses she’d sold, for at least two years, but she wanted to save up just in case. Money went fast, after all.

When Wyatt came out ready and rearing to go with just a cowboy hat and nothing to cover his chest, the crowd went wild. His eyes instantly sought out Sasha, and he couldn’t stop his smirk as he tipped his hat. Tonight was definitely going to be interesting, and he knew she had no idea. Moving the bull into the barred box to wait for the shot, he put himself into contest mode. He couldn’t be distracted by what happened afterwards.

Sasha watched, enraptured, as Wyatt rode the wild bull with strength and precision. How one man had such control over an animal like that was fascinating. Around her the gathered fans chanted his name, but she barely heard the thundering roar of the crowds.

When Wyatt broke his own record he felt good. He was flying high and the cheering around him didn’t do much to help that feeling. The rodeo had been his first love, but now he couldn’t say it was his only.

After the bull was out of the arena, he walked over towards Sasha in the bleachers. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the box he’d carried all the way from the ranch.

“Sasha I want you to marry me, darlin’.” Just like that everyone in the arena became quiet, waiting on baited breath. Sasha was clearly shocked by his declaration, but it wasn’t long before her mouth opened and closed a few times.

“I- you… Y- yeah! Yes! Of course!”






Chapter One- Finding Tanya

Tanya Adams was having a bad week. She had found out her boyfriend of two years was cheating on her, so she had broken it off. She did not understand how Jared could have done that to her, or that she had been so blind to his behavior. All she knew for sure was that right then, life sucked. She was discussing that fact with her best friend Jillian over a few beers at Jillian's place.


“It is not like I have a great record with men. First my father left when I was eight years old and pretty much every boyfriend I have had ended up being a creep. Once I got over the initial doe eyed phase!” Tanya told her friend. Jillian snorted.


“You are a bad picker to be sure girlfriend! But, you can't really take the blame for your Dad leaving. Crap Tanya, you were only eight. In a way though, I think it is good thing Jared is gone. For you anyway.” Tanya was surprised. She stared at Jillian a moment and then took a gulp of her beer thinking maybe that would help her understand her friend.


“Huh? What are you talking about?” Tanya expressed.


Jillian sighed as if having to explain to a child.


“Let's see, hmm, once you started dating him you hardly ever got to hang out with your friends and frankly I missed you! Also, look at this.”


She took Tanya's hand and tugged her to her feet leading her to the bathroom of Jillian's apartment and then stood her in front of the mirror. Jillian pointed at their reflection in the door sized mirror.


Tanya was in a red track suit zipped high up and a little baggy. Jillian was wearing snug blue and white flannel pants with a red tank top that almost matched her wavy hair. She was a slender young woman with nice breasts and a pert rear. Her friend reached up.


“Watch this.” She instructed Tanya. She undid the clip holding Tanya's hair up and told her to shake it out. She did and her long smooth midnight hair fell around her face. As she did Jillian unzipped her sweat jacket. She then tugged it off of her.


“Now look at us, remember this?” Tanya pushed her hair out of her eyes and looked at herself. Her white tank top was bulged by her large breasts and her pants hung low on her wide hips. She had always been more voluptuous than her friend’s slimmer hips.


“So...what Jillian? What am I missing?” Jillian shook her head and her hair swung back and forth.


“Remember when you used to dress how you like? I know Jared made you cover up. He was changing you Tanya and it about broke my heart. Jeez, we used to be the Taunting Twins.” Jillian reminded her.


Tanya felt herself smiling slightly. Both at Jillian’s nickname for her and the fact that they had been known as the Taunting Twins. She knew she had started dressing more conservatively since she had started dating Jared. Jared had often tried to dictate who she would hang out with as well. Jillian was right, he had been controlling her. She turned sideways in the mirror and her smile widened some. She did look good. What is more, she told herself, is that she used to like looking good! Her smile turned to a saucy grin and she faced her best friend.


“Thank you Jillian. I don't know if it is the beer talking, but you are right!” She hugged her friend and got a good hug back.


“Yay, my friend is back!” She punched the air and they laughed. The buzzer rang then, interrupting their fun.


“Oh crap, it is the pizza guy.” Jillian said.


“I got this, since you got the beer.” Tanya told her and grabbed her purse on the way through the living room toward the door. She answered it and paid the kid, tipping him well and then shutting the door, she found herself smiling. The kid had been checking her out and obviously liked what he saw. It felt good to her and she cheerfully went back to celebrate her freedom with her friend.


When they were sitting and attacking the pizza Tanya made a decision.


“I am done with men, at least dating for a while. I just need to have fun.” She announced through a bite of the combination thick crust pizza. They had decided to do the whole pig out thing for the night. Jillian cheered her decision.


“Me too Tanya. Michael went back to his folks and I am free as well. Let's make a deal, we do not date, at least for a year, and just enjoy ourselves. What do you say?” Tanya agreed completely.


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