ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (40 page)

The Alpha approached the girls, and started sniffing the first one. 

“My, my,” he said with his eyes closed, “Quite a treat we have!” The crowd laughed.  He passed by every single girl, commenting on how lovely, voluptuous, beautiful, fertile-looking they all were.  To Nadia, it all appeared like a pre-recorded speech, given too many times to have a truly profound effect.  But still, she couldn’t help but tremble as he got nearer and nearer.

Once in front of her, he pierced her with his brown eyes, barely visible under the bushy eyebrows. 

“And look at you,” he almost whispered in her ear, at which point she completely forgot what was going on, and just imagined his sweaty body on top of her, all night long.  His index finger glided down her neck, as her nostrils flared.  It kept on going down, crossing her collar bone, down towards the opening in her blouse, and the soft spot just between her rising breasts.  He kept on going down, until the very tip of his finger gently brushed her now erect and sensitive nipple. 

“How dare you touch me, you beast!” She jumped backward, to which the Alpha, and the whole pack, laughed heartily. 

“Looks like we’ve got a fighter!” He roared.  “Just the way I like ‘em,” he winked at her, and continued his inspection of other girls. 

Once this whole charade was over, the girls were taken back to the hut where they were previously dressed for this occasion.  Before the guard closed the door, he revealed the following.

“You were chosen by Amarog himself, our almighty Alpha.  You should be very proud of yourself, because many of us wanted you,” he sighed as he checked her out from head to toe.  Nadia shuddered slightly, and pressed her arms to her chest.  “Oh well, I guess others will have to do, when the time comes.” With those words, he left her alone, but made sure she knew that he was right outside, in case she harbored any crazy ideas of trying to escape. 

Once alone, Nadia started pacing the room, like a nervous tiger. 

“To sleep with that arrogant jerk! How dare he!” She flared.  “I’d rather die than let him touch me like that again! The nerve!” She yelled into the mirror and in one powerful swoop, smashed all the perfume bottles and little makeup trinkets. 

“Is this a bad time?” A voice spoke behind her back.  It was similar to Alpha’s voice, but somehow gentler, kinder.  She turned around and to her surprise, saw the guy from the crowd, whose gaze she met for just a second. 

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” She boldly took a step towards him, to show him that she won’t be intimidated into anything anymore.  Enough was enough. 

“Easy there, you.” His hands showed surrender.  “My name’s Edon.  I’m not here to hurt you.  Promise.  I just want to talk.” He pointed to the chair, silently asking if it was OK for him to sit down. 

“What would you and I possibly have to talk about?” She insisted proudly.  “Aren’t you one of the men who are going to take advantage one of the girls you brought here?”

“Well, now… isn’t that a bit harsh?” He sounded like as wounded puppy.  She knew what he was doing, but she wouldn’t have it.

“Isn’t that exactly what you people are doing?” She raised her hand theatrically.  “Kidnapping girls, sleeping with them, and once they bear you children, you dispose of them like trash! So, yes, I think that about covers it!” Her pent up rage wouldn’t let go.  She had to get it out one way or another and this guy was the perfect punching bag. 

“So, you kidnap me from my friends and family, bring me to this island in the middle of nowhere, expect me to jump into bed with whoever finds me most attractive and then be all like, sure, yeah, come in, let’s chit chat about stuff? Seriously!?” She flew to the door and swung them wide open.  “Get out!!” She figured there was nothing to lose, but at least she wasn’t going down that easily.  No way. 

“I just want to tell you something, just five minutes and then I’ll be out of here, promise.  Could you do me that much?” He was still standing, like a puppy in the rain, begging to be let in. 

She closed the door and sat on the small, greyish sofa. 

“Five minutes, then I want you gone.  Capish?”

He couldn’t help but smile.  “Whatever you say.”

He made himself comfortable on the chair, before he spoke to her. 

“You know, I noticed you during the Choosing immediately.  You’re one tough cookie, and I wasn’t wrong.”


“So, I’ve been waiting for someone like you for a long time.  Someone with vibrancy of life, with passion, with love, with integrity and knowledge or right and wrong, someone who isn’t afraid to express her mind no matter what.” His body turned fully towards her as he spoke.  She felt her cheeks flare up a bit, so she was really glad to have those dimmed lights right about now.  The last thing she wanted to show was that his words actually affected her positively.  So, she just remained mysterious and quiet. 

“I know my brother chose you for himself…”

“Your brother??” She was shocked. 

“Yes, Amarog is my brother.  He’s… well, a real wolf Alpha.  But, you see, times change, we change, and many of us don’t want this anymore.”

“So, why are you putting up with him? Strip him off his power! Rebel! Do something!” She moved on the sofa, so that she could be closer to him. 

“It’s not that easy, Nadia.  There are rules, protocol, we can’t just overthrow him.  There has to be a duel and a new winner.  This isn’t a democracy, you know.” He sighed.  “There is something in you which made me approach you, which made me bare my soul and my intentions in this vulnerable way.  Yes, something, a magnetic force that’s been drawing me to you ever since the first moment I laid eyes on you.” He extended his hand and gently caressed her cheek. 

She knew exactly what he was talking about.  There really was a certain magnetism, an animalistic desire flowing through her that made her attracted to him, but at the same time, she couldn’t get Amarog out of her mind. 

The spell suddenly broke, and she moved away from him. 

“I think you’d better go now, your five minutes are up.” She said almost inaudibly, without looking at him. 

His hand retracted, and he headed towards the door, stopping only once, as if he wanted to add something, something she was desperate to hear, but he just closed the door silently after him. 


The following night, she was informed that the Alpha himself had called for her to be brought to his hut, which was apparently a huge deal, because the guard was both shocked and surprised at the same time at what he had to do.  He even added that this had never happened before, a girl being asked to visit Amarog’s hut before the actual celebration of the Day of Fertility. 

The same old lady was asked to prep her up for the visitation, but Nadia was feeling unresponsive.  Whatever happened, would either happen now or in a few days, and seeing there was little she could do to change anything, she stopped trying to find means of escape.  The little hope she had was barely kept alive by Edon’s words.  She couldn’t say why, but she actually believed him.  Or maybe, she just wanted to.  Was she desperate to believe him? Whatever the reason, she was hoping that somehow, someway, he would be her ticket out. 

When she was led into Alpha’s hut, she was surprised by the lack of any royal items in there.  It was just a hut, very similar to the one she was placed in.  What set the two apart however, was a huge bed right in the middle of the room, dressed in silk sheets and a whole lot of pillows, which she couldn’t really find a purpose for, seeing usually one person slept in the bed.  On top as well as to the sides, were large mirrors, one covering a small minibar. 

“They’re all the same,” she thought to herself.  “Sex and booze, that’s all they care for.” She didn’t smile as she greeted him, and without showing him due respect, which she was ordered to.  Luckily for her, he found this amusing.

“Ah, Nadia! You can’t imagine the strength of my anticipation!” He approached her, and laid one soft, moist kiss on her cheek, very close to her lips.  “Come! Sit!” He ordered. 

She sat on a chair, the furthest one away from the bed.  He, on the other hand, went to the bar and without asking her if she wanted a drink or what she wanted, started making a mixture for them both.  He was confident and majestic, like a lion playing with a cornered gazelle. 

“I’m making us something called a Death in the Afternoon…” he was pouring champagne into a glass with a greenish liquid.  “It’s what Hemingway drank, you know.  A dash of absinthe and some champagne, and voila!” He offered her a drink of opalescent milkiness.

“Umm, no, thank you.” She said indignantly.  “I don’t drink with strangers.” She knew being rude wouldn’t help her, but then again, what would?

Amarog laughed heartily, almost spilling the drinks. 

“You’ve got spunk, kid.  I admire that in a woman,” he drank one cocktail, bottoms up.  The other he rested on the little nightstand. 

He approached her and she could smell the ocean on him. 

“All you have to do is relax,” he spoke softly, as he breathed into her neck.  She could feel her hair standing on its ends.  “How I am enjoying this?” She wondered, as Amarog grabbed her by the neck with his claw-like fingers and kissed her neck hungrily.  Her thighs responded to his caresses, and a surge of electricity ran down her spine. 

“No, no.” she jumped away from him.  “I don’t want this.” She managed to utter.

He laughed yet again.

“You think it’s about what you want?” He almost lost his voice.  “Your poor, deluded thing.  Now I want you more than ever!” He rushed towards her and picked her up, kissing her violently, as he took her towards the bed, enclosed by the gaping mirrors.  Before she knew what was going on, she was returning his kisses, hungrily biting his lips, digging her nails into that chiseled back of his. 

Was it wrong? Absolutely.

Did it feel oh so good? Absolutely!

Then, suddenly, one of the guards barged in, apologetically. 

“I’m sorry….  Master Amarog… I didn’t know….  But there’s….  They are…”

“Spit it out already! Can’t you see I’m busy!?” Amarog thundered. 

The guard looked at Nadia, all red and flushed on the bed, like a school girl who wasn’t sure where her books were. 

“I’m surrounded by idiots,” Amarog jumped out of bed and approached the guard, who whispered something in his ear.  “Alright, I’ll deal with it immediately.” Amarog rushed outside, stopping only to add, “And get her back to her hut,” slamming the door shut behind him. 


One back in her hut, Nadia tried to get her thoughts in order. 

“Good God, what just happened? I almost slept with him! With that horrid, wretched man! What’s wrong with me?” She was ashamed of what she felt, of her desires that overtook her in a flash, without any remorse.  “I’m just like them,” she concluded silently.  She felt like crying.  Falling down to her knees and just crying, until everything flowed out of her, and she was clean again. 

“Knock, knock,” she heard, just as she was about to break.  She lifted her gaze, and there he was.  Edon. 

“Oh, it’s you,” she said, barely audibly. 

“Are you alright?” His voice showed real concern.  She hadn’t heard that in a while and she welcomed it with open arms. 

“Oh, it’s… everything… I wish I was back home, with my mom and dad,” she sighed.  “From the looks of it, I’ll never see them again…” It was all too much, and she broke down, crying. 

Before she even realized it, she was held in Edon’s powerful embrace and he was wiping the tears off her face. 

“Sweet Nadia, don’t cry… It’ll be alright, you’ll see.” She listened to him, and couldn’t help but wonder, how many girls before her had heard this very same speech?

“We want to change our future, and you can help us do so,” he kissed her forehead.  “You are my driving force, you are what I needed to set me on the path to changing my life, to changing all our lives, because we can’t live under Amarog any longer.” He rocked her in his arms.  Her tears had already stopped, but her heart beat faster and faster. 

“We don’t want women for breeding,” he raised her face to his.  “We want women who love us, who live for us, we want a different world than the one Amarog has created for us.”

She looked at him, as his fingers tangled her hair, as his palm left burning prints on her neck.  It felt good.  It felt desperate and hot, and she clumsily placed her hand on his thighs. 

Suddenly, he kissed her in a frenzy of ecstasy, and she replied with equal zeal.  It was an explosion of pent up rage and desire, build up from a long time ago, before either of them even knew about each other’s existance.  He lifted her up and sat her down in his lap, forcing her against his chest, against his throbbing manhood.  He wrapped his cobwebbed fingers along her spine, as he kissed her, mouth open, tongue loose, pulling her hair. 

Then with both hands, he tore open her blouse, revealing two perfectly sized breasts, lavishing them with undivided attention.  One hand cupping her breast, as his mouth explored its whiteness.  He played her just right, like a violin virtuoso, she made the sweetest sounds: raw and intense, as he slid one finger inside.  She grabbed him by the hair, and released a deep moan, shuddering, quaking.  Almost there. 

He slowed down, but just enough to turn her around, bending her over the sofa.  Continuing passionately, almost violently, he yanked her legs back, griping her behind with one hand, giving her hard, full thrusts, deep inside.  She could feel her breasts bouncing up and down, his hand cupping them.  Her mouth open, intensity washed over her face, as she moved in rhythm with Edon’s motions.  Her hands dug deeply into the sofa, when finally, she felt her body dissolving into dust, every muscle contracting, then releasing.  She could feel his own palpitations deep inside of her, as he rested his head on her back. 

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