ROMANCE: Military: SEALED BY APACHE (Military Soldier Navy SEAL Romance) (Alpha Male Billionaire Bad Boy Romance Short Stories) (47 page)

“Come now, we mustn’t be like this.  It’s not the end of the world, you know.” She neared Esther and without even thinking, enshrouded her with her long, wing-like arms.  “We all do what we must in this world, Esther my dear.  Remember that.  If you don’t do, you die.  And you, my dear, are a doer, like me.  Remember that.”

Esther couldn’t hold it in any longer, and allowed herself to let loose all the pent up tears and rage that have been building up in the last couple of weeks.  She sobbed loudly.  Her nails dug deeply into Madame Claude’s back, but she didn’t seem to mind.  The two remained embraced for a long time, both in search of something vital, something that would give them not only strength, but also redemption. 


When she reached her destination, Esther was composed.  She wanted to get it over and done with as soon as possible, and knew that being nervous and jittery would only prolong the torture.  After having rung the bell, she was escorted inside by a strange looking man, in a very tasteful suit, leading her straight to the dining room, where he urged her to take a seat and wait a little. 

The room was opulent, but tasteful, without too many details to wear it down.  She actually liked the dark, heavy curtains and the paintings of what she assumed were people long dead.  She took several deep breaths and kept convincing herself that it would all be alright. 

“I’m sorry I’m late,” she heard a pleasant voice from behind her.  She immediately jumped to her feet, but was stopped mid-action.  “Oh, please, don’t get up.” Her hand was swiped by another one, long, cold and white, and upon hers, a gentle kiss was placed.  She remembered these actions only from books her mother used to read to her as a child. 

“It’s… perfectly fine,” she managed to utter, once her hand was released.  The man circled around her and perched himself right across from her, at the dining table. 

“I’m sorry if all this is making you feel a little awkward,” he grinned, as he rang a bell for the food to be brought in.  “You see, I don’t usually do this sort of thing, but as you yourself must know, times are changing.” He was interrupted by the introduction of food, which Esther welcomed with relief.  She didn’t really believe him, he didn’t seem to belong to her time, to her problems, her ideals, but chose not to say anything.  At least not for the time being. 

The evening passed by nicely.  After a brief introduction they both offered, as it seemed to be appropriate for the situation, he did most of the talking.  She couldn’t say that he was overly handsome, because his pale physique revealed that he had probably never done hard work in his life, but there was definitely something about him.  He spoke like a man of the world, he shared anecdotes of his travels to Europe and Africa, to lands Esther had never even heard of, of strange animals with huge ears and long necks, of animals that jumped instead of walked, and of lands where there the Sun shines only a couple of hours every day. 

She enjoyed the meal, and little by little, she found herself becoming talkative, about how her younger sister made the best pancakes in the world, how her younger brother could lift a baby cow, how her mother did all she could to take care of the farm and the land, and how her father… This was where her words gave up.  Gabriel knew not to push, so he simply changed the topic back to the strange animals she was so mesmerized with.

Then, he stood up and walked towards her.  “I’m sure this is all sudden for you,” he whispered in her ear softly.  “But, I promise you, I won’t hurt you.” He gently kissed her earlobe and ran the tips of his fingers down her neck, stopping at her collarbone.  She stood motionless, as tingles passed down her spine, all the way down, to where she never knew she could feel these sensations.  He took her by the hand, with one deft swoop of his chiseled arms, he picked her up and was heading towards the bedroom.  This realization banished all the sweet, tingly sensations she had just felt.  Her body stiffened.  His, in response, became even more inviting, whispering softly, “Do not be afraid.”

Her mind was a blur, as she felt soft cushions beneath her, and someone’s nimble hands undoing the laces of her shoes.  Then, he rose and neared his face to hers.  She could feel his warm breath on her lips, and his fingers walking along the edge of her spine.  Sweetly, taking his time, he brushed her lips against his, until he clasped her lower lip and felt her exhale.  It was her first kiss, and she tried to remember what her friends had told her to do.  “Just lick his tongue with yours,” was Loraine’s idea of kissing.  Esther wasn’t sure this was what she wanted to do. 

His other hand cupped the back of her head, as he left butterfly kisses all over her lips.  He twisted her head to the side, and moved down her swan-like neck.  She could feel every hair on her body rising to its end.  And somehow, with every deep exhale, she just let go.  This needed, no, this had to be done. 

Shakenly, her hand found his shoulder, which made him smile.  Then, a pop of a button made Esther tighten again.  It was coming.  One by one, her buttons were opening up unexplored lands of dormant desire, lands not even Esther was yet aware of.  His kisses left prickling sensations everywhere they landed, until finally, the full whiteness of her breasts was revealed.  This made him even gentler, soaking up her body’s kindled vibrations, replying to his stimuli.  He pressed his lips against her paleness, while her cheeks burned.  Her deep breaths revealed how much she was enjoying it. 

His hand traversed the ruffles of her dress and underskirt, nestling in the soft spot between her thighs.  It was cold, and it made her shudder.  Gently, he laid her down, and continued to release her body from the cotton prison, until there was nothing left but darkness and two bare bodies.  His lips started all over, from her neck, traveling down, traversing the soft shapes of her firm breasts that sank and lifted in rhythm, the sweet indentation of her belly, until finally, she could feel a warm breath sending spires of electricity all through her body.  She twitched in pleasure, as his tongue explored her softness, sliding in and out.  Without even realizing, she reached for his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin. 

Suddenly, his lips rushed back up, towards hers.  His body was wriggling, as his hand fumbled skillfully between her legs.  First, she felt his fingers, and then something bigger, something more.  She threw her head back and in an ecstasy of sweet pain, released a moan of pleasure.  Their bodies moved in rhythm, feverishly hot, as his slick and muscular body set the pace.  Her hips followed wildly, when finally, she felt a huge wave of pleasure wash over her, followed by a sizzling sound of white noise.  He stopped simultaneously, and they remained lying there, in a purity of desire and oblivion. 


Esther returned home, with a proper excuse as to her absence from home.  She still had no idea how to present the money to her father, because after all, neither he nor her mother were stupid.  Days passed by, when one late afternoon, she saw a carriage in front of their house.  She recognized the finely dressed usher, and knew that Gabriel had sent for her.  Eager to return, but not willing to admit it to herself yet, she excused herself at home and was taken away yet again. 

Upon arrival, Gabriel was waiting for her at the door.  She didn’t know how to react, seeing that they hadn’t seen each other since that night, but his firm embrace showed her there was nothing to worry about.  They had dinner together, during which he showed all his gentlemanly behavior, not even mentioning their previous night together.  He shared new stories which made her laugh, rekindling her long lost trust in human kindness.  Afterwards, she was dutifully taken home.

Every week from then on, Gabriel and Esther spend as much time together as possible.  She introduced him to her parents as a newcomer who was looking to settle down, that they met at the convenience store one day, got to talking and now, were getting closer.  Her father didn’t approve of their evenings all alone, but his wife’s gentle nagging and the knowledge that he couldn’t really prevent his daughter from doing what she wanted finally won over. 

One evening, during their walks along his estate, she noticed he wasn’t his usual self. 

“Esther… there is something I must tell you.” He said, with a pain in his voice.

“You can tell me anything, you know that.” She pressed his hand against her lips. 

“This is difficult for me to say, so I’ll just go ahead and say it.  Then, you can hate me if you must, but I will love you for as long as I live.”

“There is nothing you can say that will make me hate you… Now what is it? You’re scaring me.” She pleaded.

“Esther… I… I am a vampire.” His voice sounded hollow.  The entire statement sounded too ridiculous to be credible, and he knew it. 

“A vampire?” She blurted out.  “There’s no such thing as vampires.  You’re just pulling my leg!” She swung around his neck, playfully. 

“No, no, listen to me,” he released himself from her grip.  “I am a vampire.  Please hear me out.  We do exist.  We just don’t mix with you people often.  We try not to, at least.”

“So, does that mean you drink blood?” She had an urge to make a step backward, but managed to resist it.

“Well, yes.  We have to.  But, it’s not what you think…” His voice pleaded.  “My family has been sustaining on animal blood for centuries.  Monkeys have the best blood compatibility with humans, which is why I travel often.  We don’t kill people, Esther, I would never do that.”

“I know you wouldn’t,” she hugged him hard.  “I know you…”

“We are in touch with Mother Nature, she nurtures us and we do the same for her.  This is why I liked you from the start, Esther… I’ve been watching you ever since I moved here, I knew I would reach a point where I couldn’t be without you.  I saw my chance at the auction and I had to have you.” He pressed a moist kiss on her forehead.  She buried her face beneath his jaw, and knew that she loved him, no matter what.


She spent more and more time at his manor, learning about his ways of the world.  She found an impressive library, filled with all kinds of books, in languages she had never heard spoken before.  She saw faraway lands, where people saw only snow, which she wasn’t even sure what it was, where all water turned into ice.  She yearned for other ways of life, that didn’t include only toil and turmoil, where the sun wasn’t only scorching, but was mild and caressed with tenderness.  She ached to be like Gabriel, worldly, well-read and knowledgeable.

“What if I became a vampire, too?” She asked him one day.  He put down the book he was reading, and looked at her solemnly. 

“Would you like that?” She nodded. 

“Do you know what that means, Esther? What you’d be giving up?” He looked at her intently. 

“I know what I would gaining.  I want a different kind of life.  I want your life, the life you showed me in your stories and books.  That’s what I want.” She rushed to him, and like a little girl, sat on the floor next to him, with her chin resting on his knees. 

“If we do this, there is no way back, Esther.  You know this.” She lifted her gaze and nodded again. 

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her passionately.  Without warning, Esther could sense nothing else in the Universe but Gabriel’s lips, his tongue and his hands.  Gently, he bit her lip, but she knew that wasn’t it yet.  He leaned against her, and together, they landed on the hard, wooden floor.  Nothing could have prepared her for these new sensations she was feeling.  His lips were devouring her hungrily this time, unrestrained and desperate, forcing her to yield to him. 

She squeezed the blankets in delirium of passion, as his sudden movements both startled and aroused her.  Like a hungry animal, he licked, he bit, he touched and he kissed every part of her body, until she thought that her inner earthquake would shatter them both.  She grabbed him by the hair, and arched her back, when he cupped her buttocks and pushed himself closer to her.  She could feel him pulsating, hard and rigid, waiting for an invitation.  Her erect nipples brushed against his chest, as she suffocated a moan. 

Finally, she could feel his hand between her legs, relentlessly caressing, exploring with his delicate pads, until he pushed against her, into her, crying out loudly as he dug his fangs into the depth of her neck.  She released a scream against his beating heart, and swayed her body in unison with his, feverishly hot, as he kept penetrating her, making them one. 


No morning light penetrated their bedroom, nor would it ever.  She knew this.  Gone were the days of morning walks, of greeting the sun at dawn.  But, she was fine with that.  She took a book from the nightstand and started reading. 

“Well, good morning, sunshine,” she heard his voice from the sheets.  “Didn’t think you’d wake up so early.  How do you feel?”

“Alright, I reckon.  I’m happy.  I’m real happy here, with you, Gabriel.” She turned towards him. 

“Wait til I show you what I have in store for ya, honey bun.  I’ll show ya a real hog-killin’ time!” His clumsy accent made them both laugh. 

“I never did like that expression, ya know.” She punched his shoulder jokingly. 

“So, I was thinking, Esther, hear me out.  Today, we go and see your father.  I know his deadline for paying off the debt is next week and we need to act fast.”

“How do you know that?” She asked, surprised. 

“You forget who I am, dear.  I know everything.” He gave her a wink, not unlike the one she got from Madame Claude that fateful night.  “So, we go see your father and I ask your hand in marriage.”

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