ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Alpha's heart(BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (44 page)

Chapter 3


When they finally arrived on Tu’Fal, what awaited Kelly was far more

beautiful than anything she could have imagined. She obviously didn’t know what to expect going in to landing on an advanced alien planet, but she knew that it’d definitely be a decadent experience. When their craft landed, they exited in quite a comfortable fashion; the ship was large enough and had enough exits that nobody needed to really file out of the ship, and there wasn’t much of a wait. Kelly just had to gather the clothes and toiletries that the Tu’Fallians had provided for her and clear out with the rest of the group.

              Leaving with the group was the most disorienting part of the entire process. That is, until Zeus arrived to lead her into her new life at her side. She felt his presence before she saw him; she guessed it had something to do with the permanent bonding practices that the Tu’Fallians engaged in. She hadn’t been told much of anything about that, but she figured it had to do something with pheromones or vibrations; they seemed far past the base needs of sex appeal and the associated chemicals with their advanced technology and philosophies. However, the ever-present protective and possessive nature of her arranged mate definitely showed her otherwise.

              Her stomach was churning as they approached the door out – since she had been beamed up, essentially, she had never gotten a chance to see what the portals to her tiny world had looked like. They were similar to any other bay doors, with the bright light of their landing area outside shrouding definition around the frame. As humans, Tu’Fallians, and other races she could only hope to name one day left the ship, she could hear cheering and shouting, and could only hope that that cheering and shouting was for a good reason.

              “You have nothing to be worried about,” Zeus said into her ear, leaning over. She was initially startled when he began doing things like that, preempting her need for reassurance or kindness, but she had grown used to it after their month and a half (she estimated) voyage through the stars where they had grown to know each other closely. She squeezed his hand in return to show that she had heard him and believed him, and looked up at him smiling.

              “I would think not given the resources put into this ship, but I have no frame of reference…” she responded.

              “Believe you me,” he said, “You and the others we have brought are of the utmost importance. You’ll see shortly.”

              And so they did.

              Upon the exit of Kelly, Zeus, and the rest of their Earth group (which she had taken was to be representative of classical culture and the beliefs of those times that had given form to the family line that Zeus was from), they too, were greeted by cheers and shouting. Kelly put her hand up to guard her eyes from the light, as she found natural light a bit extreme after her extended stay in artificial light manufactured in the void. When her eyes focused, she found beings that looked incredibly similar to the Tu’Fallians that she had come to know within their on-ship community. They all highly resembled humans – from far away, you would almost say that they were human. However, when you got up close, you noticed the exact perfect proportion of their muscles, the tone that they had, their unmarred skin, and their facial symmetry. They were all literal embodiments of classical beauty, and stood at a height that was slightly taller than you would expect a person to be, though not completely out of the ordinary.

              Through their laughing and cheering, they threw offerings upon those disembarking. There were glittering, iridescent flower blossoms that found themselves getting stuck in Kelly’s hair as she walked arm in arm with her own personal lifeboat through this alien world as inspired cries in languages innumerable erupted around the landing party.

              Tu’Fal’s saviors, their seed banks, had arrived planetside again, and the fate of this species was decided for the better because of it.

              Kelly was curious as to where they were headed to, but knew better than to try to ask amongst all the din. Instead, she held her head up high and continued to walk proudly with Zeus in the procession of chosen ones. As she walked, she could only hope that wherever their destination from disembarking was just as opulent and shining as the simple procession through the large, flat, paved landing area.

              Her mind wandered as they walked. There wasn’t much interesting in the way of scenery, but the finery that the myriad of residents wore and offered to them was enough to keep her occupied. Colors she had never thought of assaulted her vision as she caught glimpses of a skirt here or a flower there, and other colors still made themselves known, but avoided her definition when she focused on one thing or another. When she looked down to examine the lot they were walking through, she noticed that even the pavement glittered in the light that was able to find its way through their shadows. The streets were literally lined with gold, it would appear. She hoped it wasn’t actually pyrite.

              Soon, their parade took a left turn, then a right, and another left. They passed through glass walls that were similar to the invisible and indestructible doors that were on many of the rooms in the space cruiser, but on a grander scale. Once inside, the light dimmed, though the glass was untinted. It was enough to see without straining, and what she found was just as beautiful as the glimpse of the outside surroundings that she was able to gather.

              Everywhere she turned, things sparkled and shined. There was something in everything that naturally occurred on Tu’Fal that made it glimmer in the light and radiate knowledge and a long, proud tradition – longer and prouder than anything any race on Earth could have imagined or hoped for. Once they were inside, the crowds began to thin and disperse around them. They were going somewhere that the general public wasn’t necessarily allowed, it seemed, and that was probably for the better. After all, they needed to hear what was going to happen next. It wasn’t like they could just be turned loose to do what they pleased without meeting the authority that had brought them there.

              The shining silver and glass corridor they had been walking through suddenly ended with a large audience floor. At the far end of the floor stood a raised dais with a half circle table. At the table sat eleven figures, though none of them could be properly made out. They all seemed to be invisible, but for the shimmer that their form left on where they were located. When one of them turned to talk to another or cough silently while they awaited their explorers and refugees to be in their places. It was almost as if their pure will made an imprint upon the physical world so they could communicate with the masses, and stopped there. She looked up at Zeus to ask a question, but thought better of actually opening her mouth immediately. He was staring intently at the dais and the figures seated at the table, eyes full of reverence. She assumed these were the leaders of their society, the ones who saved her and the other chosen members of the human race. It was probably uncouth to speak in their audience without being spoken to, she assumed.

              “You have all been brought here to preserve the life spirit and force of all of the reaches of the cosmos.”

              The voice that she and the others in their party heard was not just one voice, but all eleven. The many voices that were one did not have any that stood out as being male or female among them. Instead, all were simultaneously both genders and neither. Nor was this statement actually audible – it seemed to resonate within Kelly’s bones, originating from within her own eardrums, though she knew it was external in nature.

              “From this point on, you are residents of Tu’Fal. Your planets have been destroyed by natural phenomena, but we took an interest in your species and your flora and fauna long before this was even to be known. When it was, we took steps to save your peoples. In return, we ask only for partnership; truly loving partnership.”

              There was a pause as they all took time to process what was being said to them. There was an impression in the air that what was being communicated was the absolute truth – if there was any doubt in anybody’s mind of their planet being gone, it was now eliminated.

              “Within the next week on our planet, you will all undergo the bonding ritual of our people in order to integrate into our society if you so choose,” the voices continued, “Though if you choose not to, you will certainly find a place among us here as well, though we will regret that you have chosen to forsake your debt. Whether or not you asked for it is moot – on your own planet, there were many circumstances that you had no choice in, but accepted anyways for one reason or another. We have every confidence, however, that we chose correctly, and that those among you will understand the significance of your position not only here, but among your celestial neighbors.”

              An air of awe and of heavy acceptance flowed through the crowd. Their new lives were waiting for them, they were at the threshold – all they had to do was reach out and take their destiny.

              “Now, go. For those of you who have a long way to travel from the capitol, there is transport waiting. Your partners will take good care of you, we are sure. You have the full week to make your decisions, though we sincerely hope that this week will be filled with festivity and fulfillment for all who have arrived to our home.”

              With that, the voices were gone, as were the shimmers that had represented them. Though the leaders of the wondrous society were never truly seen by any of the humans present in that chamber that day, their presence was certainly made known, and made a strong, lasting impression on each of them. After a few brief moments of letting their communication sink in, humans and Tu’Fallians began to turn to one another to make their game plan. Zeus and Kelly were no different, though they were one of the first pairs to exit through the doors past the dais.

              “Do we need the transport?” Kelly asked.

              “No, I live here in the capitol,” Zeus responded. “We could easily walk to where you will be staying from here, though it will take a significant amount of time. Instead, I propose we walk out of here, then past the maglev cruiser bays, and out into the city, where we should show you a few blocks on foot before getting a ride to your new home,” he finished with a smile.

My new home,
Kelly thought. She liked the sound of that. She had no idea how affluent Zeus was on this planet, or if affluence was even a thing in this society, but she just knew that it would be just as beautiful as the rest of what this advanced species had shown her. She also knew that a soul as patient, intuitive, and understanding as Zeus’ could not stand to live in a place that wasn’t as beautiful as he was either. She smiled at him for the millionth time and took his hand as she walked through those back doors with him at her side, ready to start her new life.

Chapter 4             


It was clear after Kelly’s first night on Tu’Fal that they would be going through with the bonding ritual after all. There wasn’t ever any real doubt in her mind, but after seeing the space that she would be sharing with Zeus should they follow through with the path laid out for them, she knew that it was the right decision. She always through that the place that someone lived was a direct reflection of who they were as a person, and she could tell that she had met a kindred spirit upon seeing his abode. The entryway, like every other on Tu’Fal, appeared to be made of glass. She had initially been put off, asking how he dealt with his neighbors being able to just peer in his front door, and he laughed. He then explained that they obscured any sort of living and intelligent forms that were behind the glass – humans, Tu’Fallians, any sort of pets they might have in the future, would be able to walk in front of the door and remain unseen. After passing through it, she was met with a main room filled with a golden light and covered in huge cushions and plants potted in marble containers. The rest of the home was just as opulent – it tickled her to know that her new bathroom came equipped with a claw foot bathtub like she had always wanted and a four-poster bed with a deep red plush comforter like she had dreamed about as a girl.

              “It’s perfect,” she had said, breathless.

              “I changed some things up before we left to get you,” Zeus said, “Those in power who had been keeping track of you, making sure you were still stable enough to come here, had let me know some of the things that had been lurking around in your mind. I didn’t want anything too personal – you know me and surprises – but I figured I could make a dream or two come true to make you feel more at home.”

              Upon hearing this, Kelly’s heart melted. The gold light in his home showed what she had come to infer about his character – he truly did have a heart of gold. Why else would a far advanced, desirable male from another PLANET take steps to make her feel comfortable without even meeting her? After getting her meager assortment of belongings put away in the closet, they spent the rest of the day and night wandering around their home with Zeus showing her the ins and outs of his courtyard, which was so heavily foliated that it formed its own small maze in the middle of their residence. It was a paradise in the middle of paradise. She took the opportunity of having her own kitchen again to show him some recipes from Earth, as they (not so) surprisingly had ingredients from her own planet at her disposal.

              As the sun began to creep up into the sky, however, Kelly made moves to break the remaining sheet of ice that was between the two of them. Though they had taken great steps to come to know each other, they had not yet even kissed. She leaned her head up at Zeus’ and moved to do so. It shocked her when he backed up with urgency.

              “Any sort of intimate physical contact before the bonding ritual will go directly against everything that I am,” he said quickly in response to her hurt eyes and body language, “It will set off chain reactions that I cannot stop, and can leave our relationship permanently damaged.”

              “How? I just want to show you –“

              Zeus stopped her from going any further.

              “If you are serious, then we will undertake the ritual today, in the eyes of the public and in the eyes of my genetic code, what my species is. Will you have that?”

              Without having any idea of what that entailed or had in store for her, Kelly quickly accepted. She was fully ready to embrace her new life on this alien planet with the alien masters of the universe who so tenderly cultivated and protected the life that they encountered.

              Though they slept late into the morning, immediately upon waking, Zeus urged her to get ready to leave the house. It did not matter what she wore, he said, as the temple guardians would be taking care of attire and other aesthetic needs when they arrived. Kelly nodded and threw on one of the shift dresses that was dispensed to her. Knowing she was about to get done up in what she could only assume was Tu’Fallian formal attire, she couldn’t wait to get rid of the uniform looking clothes provided to her in favor of things she would pick out herself.

              They took their own transport down to the temple – when Kelly saw it, she could barely stop herself from laughing despite the intensity and importance of the event. It looked almost exactly like the Parthenon.

she thought. Once inside, she was rushed away from Zeus by women who covered their eyes with their palms, though there were eyes painted on the backs of their hands that seemed to guide them through the halls.

Oracle worshippers,
she thought, smiling. Her regalia change was a whirlwind event. When she was able to look in the mirror that was given to her, she could only assume that she looked like Aphrodite – or at least would to the only man that mattered.

              The ritual itself was fairly short. There were incenses burned that she was completely unfamiliar with and vows taken in three different languages – she tried her best to repeat the two she had never heard. There was still no intimate contact, though the ritual seemed to be drawing to a close. She grew worried, though she did not let it show outwardly in the least. She did want to have a kiss on her wedding day.

              Just as that thought entered and left her mind, she felt a change overtake her. Her vision began to vibrate and her head began to swim. She felt weak, and her palms felt clammy, though it wasn’t horrible. She felt her eyes drawn from the priest that had been conducting the ritual to Zeus standing beside her. When she looked over, he was already staring at her, pupils wide. Their eyes locked, and it seemed to her that time froze. For a moment, she was overwhelmed with thoughts, emotions, and memories that weren’t hers, but Zeus’. She saw his childhood, felt his excitement at being a part of his species’ future, and then felt his nervousness of meeting someone he was supposed to bond to, to essentially end his life for, and wanting them to accept him just as his genetic code wanted him to be accepted his entire life. She became aware that he was privy to the same information, and then understood why the ritual was necessary for the bonding to be permanent and whole.

              The trip back to their home was a blur. Though she changed back into her normal clothing before they left the temple, it would appear that the ritual’s magic had some way of letting everybody in the area know what had just happened as well, as there were well wishers all the way back to their transport, though Kelly knew none of them, and Zeus mentioned when they entered their vehicle that he knew none of them either. The ride home seemed instant for Kelly, who had forgotten all about a kiss on her wedding day with something that intimate in its place.

              When they passed through their front door, she finally got the kiss she was looking for, however. No sooner had they crossed the threshold when Zeus grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. It was the first time that she truly felt his strength, and his name became even more fitting, she thought. She felt his god-like muscles ripple against her back as he continued to pull her into him, almost as if he wanted to absorb her himself. When he pressed his lips to hers, an electric shock ran through her body and everything began to tingle. She felt devoured by his kiss and his arms, and felt herself melting into him, becoming one. She kissed him back passionately; so passionately that she didn’t notice that she had been whisked up and was being carried back to the bed of her childhood princess fantasy dreams. She certainly noticed this, however, when he threw her down onto it and quickly leaped on top of her.

              In stark contrast to his normally refined nature, Zeus committed himself physically to her with the hunger of a starving animal. His mouth wandered over every inch of her body, placing light or hard kisses on every spot it could touch, seemingly wanting to taste everything she had to offer. She was overcome by sensation and could do naught but dig her nails into his back, her nerves overloaded like she had just been given an orgasm, and he hadn’t even entered her yet. He drew himself back up the length of her body to meet her eye to eye, and she realized that for the first time, she was truly bare and nude around her now-husband, partner for life. Instead of being intimidated by the man above her filled with animalistic lust, she opened herself to him more. She felt a warm aching between her thighs and began to feel her own slickness creeping down them as she ached to be filled and claimed by the master of both her dreams and reality. She felt his cock press against her hips through his pants and let out the first noise she had been able to make in what seemed like hours – an aching, throaty moan of pure desire that overtook every fiber of her being. She quickly moved her hands down to those pants and ripped them off, overcome by the same kind of chemical passion that enveloped Tu’Fallians when they were ready to finally mate and bond to their partner.

              Their spiritual connection from the bonding ritual and contrasting hungry and physically needy attitude from Zeus in stark contrast to his usually formal and polite demeanor was enough to make her ready for him to enter her – it was the first time she had gotten laid and hadn’t needed copious amounts of foreplay to make it palatable. She didn’t even care that his member was larger than any she had had before, to the point where if she wasn’t so sure of how right the pairing was, that she would be worried about possible injury. She could feel his heartbeat in it as he lay against her for a moment, simply in the nude, feeling their skin touch. It thundered through the blood vessels lining his cock, bulging out of it in urgent need. She could feel his own slickness of precum starting to pool on her stomach, and she exhaled in a shuddering sigh. With a sharp, carnal intake of breath, Zeus sucked the rest of her breath from her lungs with another deep, impassioned kiss, and entered her suddenly.

              Electric shocks fired through her body when he entered her, separating her connection from her physical form while strengthening the bond she had with her own nerve endings. She arched her back farther and faster than she ever had before and gasped for air under his shining form, looking into his eyes for grounding. Ever conscious of her needs, Zeus quickly found her eyes and looked into them lovingly, reminding her without having to say anything that she was his number one priority, that she was safe, that she was loved, and that this was where she needed to be. He moved out of her slowly this time, then back in, savoring the feeling. Kelly felt herself overloaded at every little sensation – the way her pussy would cling to him, the way his curving veins felt rubbing against her g-spot, and the catch of the head of his huge cock at her lips. He increased his pace subtly with each stroke, building back up to the fast and demanding stroke he initially took.

              The pleasure overload that she initially felt returned as well, though this time, since she knew what it was supposed to feel like, she was less disoriented and felt herself moving naturally with his strokes, embracing the feeling. It was like having a constant orgasm, something that she thought was impossible. However, the physical feeling mixed with the alien love spell that had come about through the bonding ritual took it to a level that she couldn’t have ever imagined. Every microscopic point on her body was in bliss, vibrating at the same pitch as the universe, in tune with all of the connection between lovers that was on Tu’Fal.

              Zeus held her close as he continued to pump himself inside of her; when he was sure that she was used to handling the feeling of his turgid member inside of her, he sat her upright and began to lift her up and down on his cock while she sat on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck for her own personal support, though she knew that his huge, strong hands were more than capable of supporting her themselves. This position had her wrapped tighter around him, and though she had no clue how Tu’Fallians would signal that they were close to orgasm, she could guess that he was getting there based on the tighter grip he placed around her ribcage and the way he was breathing heavily into her ear and neck as he moved her over the length of his manhood.

              She too, felt herself growing closer and closer, though she didn’t know how she could feel any better than she already did. She wanted to cry out to him, to beg him to cum inside of her, to do what they both knew was right, but she couldn’t seem to remember her powers of speech among the haze of extreme neural and physical pleasure. Their movements continued in sync until the crescendo of their passion was upon them. Kelly was blindsided by her
orgasm, which racked through her body so powerfully that she felt its energy around her, melding with Zeus’ sexual energy as well. He obviously felt it as well, as this was enough to send him over the edge. Kelly relished every coinciding spasm that they had, loving the feeling of his mammoth dick pressing tighter against her walls, stretching them further than she had experienced before, but satisfying and filling her in a way she never thought possible. Each of his shots was a shockwave through her entire body, and she felt herself bucking with them involuntarily, as if she was a puppet whose entire range of movement was controlled through his cock alone. He finished after what felt like ages, and she was left limp on his lap, full to spilling with his seed that would serve to continue the paradise she had found on Tu’Fal. As his ever-strong arms slipped her under the comforter he had bought just for her, she felt herself sinking into the plush majesty of her new home, fitting right in with her destiny, satisfied as the mother of a species in her own right. As she drifted off to sleep, eager to wake the next day in the bliss that had now become her everyday life, she realized exactly why Tu’Fallians mated for life, and found herself wishing that her first child would be a son.

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