ROMANCE: Trapped on Ice Planet: Science Fiction Romance - A Sci-fi Alien Invasion Warrior Romance Thriller Story Book (The Adventure of Leila and Auzo 1) (3 page)

Chapter Five


There is no way I’ll let him go.  I rub my boobs and wiggle my body.  “Come get me.”

His dirty smile grows wider.  He moves to the door and reach in for my boobs.  I step back.

He tries a few times and then steps back, tossing me a kiss again.

Fuck, he is going to leave.

I spit on his face.  “You dirty asshole.”

The alien is upset.  He wipes his face and then pulls out a key.   He opens the door and storms in.  I step back quickly. “Come get me.”

He chases me, letting out sharp whistling.  I’m sure he is angry now.

“Girls, get him.”  I look around.  But all the girls have retreated to the walls, leaving me alone in the middle. 

“What the fuck are you waiting for?  Jump him!” I yell, stepping back.

Suddenly, I fall over someone.  I turn over.  “Darcy?”

Darcy gives me a broad smile.  The next moment she sends her shoulder all the way into the alien’s belly.

The alien tumbles a few times and then drops to the floor. 

Darcy lands hard on his fat form, turning her head and yelling, “Come on, girls.”

A few girls respond to the call, running to crush the alien. 

The fat monster kicks, screaming.

I pick up the gun but can’t shoot.  So many girls are on him that I worry I may shoot them.

“Hurry up, Leila.” Darcy screams.  The alien is pushing her off his body.

I lift the gun high and bring the butt down onto his ugly head.  The alien screams much louder.  The smell from his wound is terrible.  Green blood spills out, wetting the floor.

I keep hitting and hitting.  After a while, Darcy holds my hand and gasps, “He’s dead, Leila.”

The alien is now motionless.  I wipe the green blood off my face.  “Let’s go.” I look at the girls.

Suddenly, a girl at the door begins to scream.  I raise my head and see an alien running our way, with his gun on his shoulder.

I aim at him with the dead alien’s gun and reach for the trigger.  But I touch nothing.  “Shoot, Leila, shoot!” Darcy screams.

“No fucking trigger.”  I scream back, my hand searching for the trigger all over.  Suddenly a sharp laser beam shoots into the alien’s chest.  He stumbles a few times and then drops flat on the floor.

I look down and see my finger on a button.  “Let’s go.” I run out of the door.

Darcy runs right behind me.  “The gun, the gun.” She calls. 

We pull hard to get the gun from under the second fat alien body.  “This is the trigger.”  I show Darcy the button.

“Got it.”  She smiles.

We run down the hallway as quickly as we can.  Suddenly we see the control room.  It’s a huge room with large screens and control panels.  “Hurry up.”  I wave my arm.  We will have to capture the top alien and force him to send us back to Earth before the spaceship lands.

Suddenly, loud gunshots fill the air as an alien appears from the control room, shooting at us, bullets zooming by my ears. 

Without thinking, Darcy and I open fire at him.  Laser beams hit his body but he keeps shooting. 

“Fuck, he is bullet proof.” Darcy keeps shooting.

I see green beams from his eyes.  I aim my gun higher.  The laser beam cuts through his face and sends him flat on the floor. 

Behind him, the control panel goes up in flames. My laser is burning through it.  “Oh, fuck!” I let go of the trigger immediately. But it’s too late.  The spaceship begins to tumble.  Huge amounts of fire and smoke spew out from the control room. 

“Back!” I cough, running back down the hallway.

The spaceship is quaking like crazy.  It’s now so hard to keep balance.   “Hell, we’re going to die.”  Darcy screams with the other girls.

“No fucking wa—” I fall into a pitch dark world.



I open my eyes and look around. 
Where am I?

I see a pile of girls.  It doesn’t take long for me to remember what happened: we crashed the spaceship.

Most part of the spaceship is gone.  The hallway and control room are no more.  We’re only still alive because we’ve retreated to the tail of the spaceship.

“Darcy… Darcy?” I look.

“I’m here.”  I hear Darcy’s weak voice.  Two girls lie prone on top of her.  I pull the girls away.  Their bodies are cold.  God, they are dead.

“Darcy, you okay?” I wipe the blood off her face. 

“Yeah.  I’m still alive, right?”  She gives me a tiny smile.

We regroup, and take the time to tend to the wounded, stopping up any bleeding with strips of the girls’ own clothing.

Six girls were killed during the crash.  All the aliens are gone, the only two left are the two we killed at the cage.

It’s deadly cold.  Snowflakes dance in a strong wind, making their way through a few cracks in the hull.   The largest hole is at the top.

“Are we back on Earth?” one of the girls ask.

“No way.  I heard them talking about
for a long time.  I think that this is their home planet.” Darcy says.  She stops for a short while and then points at the sky.  “Look.  The sky is pink.  Our sky is blue.”

I look through the hole.  She is right.  The sky is all pink.  

“Shoot.  What are we going to do now?”  My head swirls fast.   See, since this is their home land, we may probably see more aliens.   The same vicious kind.  Hell, this is no good.

What are our options?  We need food, clothing, and medical aid.  We can only get these from the local habitants.

“May be we should go to find help.” I murmur.

“Sure.  It’s the only way.”  Darcy agrees right away.

“Who’s going, then?”

“You.” She smiles.

She’s right.  Other girls are either wounded or super weak.   Darcy’s leg is badly hurt.

I smile.  “Okay, I’ll do it.  But I need some warm clothing.”  I look around.  Every girl is wearing only a little. 

Strong wind is blowing snow into my face.  I shiver.  “Heck, I can’t go out like this.”

“You can take my blouse.”  Darcy begins to unbutton.

“Are you crazy, Darcy?” I stop her right away.

I think for a while and then smile.

“Girls, I’m going to need your help.”  I walk towards the alien body.

Soon, we remove everything from the body.  Then we take the clothes from the second body too.  They are too short and tight for me.  And they smell like shit.  But I put every piece on except for the shirt that is soaked in the green blood.

“Do I look good?”  I make a three hundred and sixty, spreading my arms.

“You look terrific.”  Darcy gives me a weak smile.  “Take this.” She gives me the earring.

“Thank you, Darcy.” I put the earring on.  Now I can understand the Affendor language.  That reminds me something.   “Darcy, do you think they’ll understand

“I’m not sure, Leila.  But at least you can understand them.”


It takes a long time for us to make the hole at the top big enough for my body to go through.  I hug each girl.  “I’ll look ‘til I drop.  Or until I find help,”  I smile, “Whichever comes first.”

“Sure you can do it, Leila.”  Darcy says.

“Don’t’ wait for me if I don’t come back.”  I squeeze out a smile.

With the help from a few girls, I climb through the hole and slide down the hull.   The moment my feet touch the ground, my body begins to roll down the steep slope. 


I spread my arms and scream…

Chapter Six


Finally, my body stops rolling.  I stand up and look.  The wreckage of the spaceship is now far away, near the top of the hill. 

I look down and see a deep valley.  Hell, it’s going to take a huge amount of time and effort to get down there.  There isn’t a trace of civilization.

Is it worth it to take the risk?  I look down at the boots that I’d picked up at Bergdorfs on sale. They are on-trend and great for Downtown Manhattan shopping but are awful when filled with snow.

I have lived in New York for all my life.   Yeah, there is snow there.  But I can stay in my cozy department.  Everywhere I go is warm: the shopping mall, the office, the subway… I’ve never liked winter and I think the weather here is ten times worse than New York.

I look at the valley and worry what’s under all this snow. If I fall, then what?  Maybe I will trigger an avalanche and disappear in the snow forever.


Shoot, I forgot to bring the alien gun with me, which will be extremely helpful in case I’m challenged by a bad alien or some dangerous creatures. 

I look at the wreckage and feel the pull of safety. I want to go back.  But I know I will have to do everything I can.  The girls are counting for me.  I am their only hope.  If I come back, we will all die.


I look down again and see trees covered by snow at the bottom of the valley.  Maybe someone lives nearby? 

I step down slowly.  The wind is chilly.  Luckily, I’ve covered my face and hands with the clothes from the alien bodies. The smell is worse than shit but it keeps me warm.

I tread carefully down the incline until the hill flattens out. Here, the valley narrows into a small path. And in my way, is a big rock. The only way through is up over this boulder. There is grass on the rock, all white.  I grab hold of the grass, hauling myself onto the rock.     Suddenly, the grass raises, pulling my hand up.  I turn and see a huge brown eye staring at me.   The grass I’m holding is the whiskers on the huge mouth.   Two or three giant teeth appear right beside those whiskers.

I scream and let go of the ‘grass’, tumbling down as fast as I can. 

I hear growling from the sky.  I turn and see a huge white monster standing right above me.  It looks like a polar bear but not the same.  The head itself is at least two or three stories high.

I want to run but there is no way I can pick up my legs through the deep snow.  

The bear looks at me, sniffing.  Hot air from its huge nostrils blows through my body.  It’s wet and sticky. 

Suddenly, it shakes its body, sending a snow avalanche from the sky.  I’m buried deep inside.   The world suddenly turns quiet and white.  I can’t hear anything.  It’s so hard to breathe.  I struggle, but I can’t move my body a bit.

Gosh, I’m going to die right here.  I should have stayed with the girls.  That way at least, I wouldn’t have to die all alone.

Slowly, my tensions ebb.  I feel so comfortable.  I’m dying.  But I’m not scared at all.  

A scratching sound over my head wakes me from my sweet dreams. The world is shifting, and suddenly, I’m out of the snow again.  I blink snow from my eyes and see a huge paw hanging above me.   The bear has dug me out.

Is he going to eat me?  Heck, I’d rather die in the snow. 

After a few moments, the paw disappears.  Now I see a pair of brown eyes staring at me from the sky.   Every once in a while, they blink.  The movement of the eyelids in its otherwise still face is shocking.  Suddenly its mouth opens. I see a huge wall of pink meat approaching me.  That must be its tongue.  


I know it’s going to lick me into its huge mouth and swallow.   I’m so terrified that I can’t even scream.   The tongue scoops me up.  My body is high in the air.  I see a huge cave approaching fast.  I know it takes only one second or two before that cave crashes down and send me into the dark world of that bear monster’s throat.

Chapter Seven


Suddenly, deep rumbling comes out from the cave.  A huge amount of air rushes out, sending me high in the air.  A thunder follows, along with a shower of rain.  I am floating in the air across the valley and drops deep into the snow.  The bear opens its mouth again.   A bigger sneeze blows up huge amount of snow.  The valley turns murky.

It takes at least ten or fifteen minutes before the valley is clear again.   The bear monster is nowhere to see.   I struggle out of the snow and check.   There are a few scratches on my arms.  My back and butt are sore.  Other than that, I’m okay.


I can still see the wreckage of the spaceship on the other side of the valley.  But it looks very small.   I’m cold and hungry.  But I have to move fast to find some intelligent creatures. 

But are they going to be as big as the bear?  If so, they will probably hurt me.   I mean, even if they may not intend to do so.  Instead they may accidentally step on me.  Also, my voice could be too tiny for them to hear.  To them, I may be just a little bug.  

But I have no time to hesitate or worry.   It’s getting colder and darker.  The night is coming.  If I don’t find food and shelter soon, I may die in the night.

I can’t decide what to do next, or where to go.  I look along the valley carefully. There is no house of any kind.  Everything’s covered with snow.  There are tall trees out there.  So, that’s good news.

I move down to the bottom of the valley and begin to walk towards the trees.   If I can’t find aliens, I may find something edible, like mushroom. 

Does mushroom grow in the winter?  I’m a city girl so I have no clue at all.  But I guess the weather is a bit too rough for the poor mushroom.  Lots of mushrooms are poisonous anyway. Better not try any, even if I do find them.

Or maybe I shouldn’t worry that much.  Either I die of hunger, or die of poison.   Dying with some food is surely a better option.

It takes much longer than I think to reach the trees.  To my surprise, they are not trees.  They are bamboo.   Awesome.  Maybe I can find some bamboo shoots?

Yeah, I know, trying to find bamboo shoots in the dead winter is a silly idea.  But some might have been left untouched since the spring.  

I roam among the bamboos, kicking the snow.   All I need is one bamboo shoot.  Look at the bamboo.  It’s so big.  The shoot must be huge too.  It will be a nice dinner for all the girls.

I try to keep my spirits high.  This is the only way I can keep looking.  I begin to sing, imagining that I’m Madonna.

Suddenly my body is lifted high into the air.   The world turns upside down.   I look up and see a thick rope holding my foot.  The other end of the rope is tied to the top of a big bamboo.

Oh, great, Leila.  Now you’re close to intelligent creatures—in a hunting trap.

I struggle, trying to free my foot.  However, the harder I struggle, the tighter the rope becomes.   I stop struggling, looking at the upside-down world swinging back and forth in front of me.  

Maybe I can free my body with my self-defense skills?  I try to bend my body upwards.  Unfortunately, all my training is about attack and defense.   I’ve never learned to bend my body like this.  Now I’m sorry I ever laughed at people who do yoga.

I give up, allowing my limbs to drop down they way they like.  All my blood is rushing to my head, making me feel that it’s going to explode.

I’m still dangling in the trap when moon appears from the top of the valley.  It’s much bigger than the one we have back on Earth. 

The wind is terribly cold.  I’m dying.  This is my third time today.   Yeah, I’m dying alone.  But it’s better than being swallowed alive by the monster bear, right?




It’s getting dark.  But I have to patrol the valley before turning back.  Rumor has it that the enemy tribes are planning an attack on us.  They want to turn our men into slaves and our women into their wives.

The fight for women has been going on for decades.  For unknown reasons, more baby boys are born each year than baby girls.   We’re having a woman crisis.   And the solution has never worked well.   The tribe chief had allowed men to share a wife.  But soon, the tribes are raiding each other, attacking the villages and stealing off with women at night.

Tribe battles have been going on for so long.  But still, there are not enough women to mate despite the fact that the number of men has been drastically reduced by battles.   The total population is going down fast.   The way it goes, there won’t be any people on this planet soon.

Luckily, the Puebjorians began to ship girls to our planet.   They are a gross and greedy bunch.  But the girls are always pretty.   They said that the girls are from Earth.   They bring the girls by the dozens.  Girls there must be dirt-cheap.   But they charge for so much they are definitely ripping us off.

Rip off or not, I don’t fucking care.  I’m only a warrior, a tribe soldier.  There is no way I can afford an Earth girl.   My only hope is to win a big battle.  Then hopefully the tribe chief will award me a girl. 

Any girl is perfect for me. 


This year’s winter came so early.  The snow in the valley is too deep.  My socks are getting wet.  It feels like hell.  But I am a warrior.  I have to fulfill my duty and finish my patrolling.     

Yup, the bamboo grove is right ahead of me.  That’s the end of my journey.  I don’t think I see anything abnormal.  Maybe I can turn back now?

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