Romancing the Billionaire (19 page)

Read Romancing the Billionaire Online

Authors: Jessica Clare

“My ass isn't as small as it was—”

“Your ass is beautiful.” His hand moved down her side, skimmed her hip.

She snorted.

“It's true. It's big and juicy and I'd love to take a bite out of it.”

She gave a nervous giggle at that.

“What?” he asked, chuckling a bit himself. “I can't want to sink my teeth into that creamy skin of yours?”

“You make me sound like dinner.”

“No, you're dessert. Sweet, delicious, and I can't wait to taste you on my lips.”

Her breath caught in her throat and he watched her lashes flutter again.

“Shall I get undressed?” he asked her, skimming his hand down one lovely thigh.

She nodded, silent.

His hands went to his belt and he began to slowly unbuckle it. Jonathan was pleased that her gaze went to his waist and she watched him, eyes hot, as he slid his belt out of the loops and dropped it to the ground, then unbuttoned his pants and dropped them. His cock was hard and aching through his boxers. It would have to wait for relief. He intended on making Violet come until she was limp with pleasure. And then maybe once more after that.

With that thought in mind, Jonathan dropped his boxers and stepped out of his clothing.

Her eyes widened and she licked her lips at the sight of him, which just made him harder. “I forgot how good you look naked. That's so unfair.”

“How is that unfair?” He took his cock in hand and slowly stroked it, tip to balls, just to watch her reaction. Sure enough, her gaze followed his hand, riveted. He liked that.

“Because you shouldn't look that delicious. Here I was trying to get over you, and you look better than ever. I mean, you've got a six-pack practically up to your throat.”

As he stroked his hand down his cock again, her gaze followed and she licked her lips once more, then made a soft whimper in her throat.

“Are you just going to sit there and tease me?” she asked.

“Nothing wrong with a bit of teasing,” Jonathan told her, and gave his cock another fierce stroke with his hand, enjoying the way her eyes gleamed in response. “Whets the appetite.”

“But I already had a healthy appetite,” she told him.

“Mmm. Healthy, but not ravenous.”

“And are

“For you, I am.”

She gave a little shiver. “Then show me.”

How could he resist that suggestion?

Jonathan took a few steps toward the bed and crawled in next to her, his gaze locked on her face. He watched her nervous eyes flicker over his body as he draped his bigger form over hers, and then he was on all fours over her helpless form. Her body was trapped below his. Jonathan grinned down at her, feeling wickedly in control. He liked that Violet was his to do with as he liked, and he intended to exercise that control. “Still trust me?”

“Of course.” She sounded more confident than she looked.

“Good.” He leaned in and gave her a light, nipping kiss.

She lifted her mouth, her tongue slicking against his, and he lost himself in the taste of her. Violet was delicious. Everything about her—the soft feel of her lips, the tease of her tongue against his, her hot, wet mouth—everything was perfection. Jonathan groaned against her, then took control of the kiss, slicking his tongue against hers and intensifying the kiss until it felt as if they were devouring each other. Violet gave little whimpers underneath him, whimpers of pleasure and need, and they made his cock ache. He longed to press it against her, but with her tied up and laid flat, maneuvering was limited. Still, this gave him the opportunity to crawl all over her and do as he pleased, and he certainly would.

Reluctantly, he ended the kiss, then couldn't resist biting down on her lower lip and sucking on it even as he pulled back.

She gasped, her eyes sleepy with desire as she gazed up at him. “Oh, man, you're a good kisser. I'd forgotten how good up until a few weeks ago.”

“And then I was so good that you kneed me in the balls?” He kissed along her jaw, reminding her of their first meeting.

She gave a girlish giggle that delighted him. “It's your own fault. You don't just maul a woman you haven't seen in ten years.”

“Not even if she's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen and I've fantasized about her for a decade?”

Violet moaned as he bit down on her earlobe. “Not even then.”

“Now that's unfair,” he told her, licking down her throat. Her breasts brushed up against his chest, and he could feel how hard her nipples were even through the fabric of her bra. That would be coming off very soon. He wanted to feel her bare skin against his chest.

“Jonathan?” she asked, breathless.

He continued to kiss down her throat. “Hmm?”

“You haven't asked me if I had anyone else in the last ten years.” Tension vibrated through her body.

He hadn't, because the thought drove him insane. “Do you have anyone else you're seeing?”

“No! Of course not!”

“Then no one else matters, because from this moment on, you're fully mine. Body and soul.” He pressed his mouth to her throat and sucked. He wanted to mark her, brand her as his, though he knew that was crazy. His intense love for Violet drove him to madness though. She'd been his first and only love, and having her back in his arms was a dream made reality.

“Oh, Jonathan,” she sighed, arching her throat so he could continue to kiss and suck on it. “Sometimes you know just the right thing to say to make a girl's knees weak.”

“I'm not saying it just for a reaction, Violet. It's how I feel. It's how I've always felt. You are, and have always been, mine. You have always owned all of my heart. I've never stopped loving you.”

She bit her lip and then gave him a teasing smile. “You've never stopped talking, either. I thought we were going to make love?” She gave a little shake of the bonds over her head.

Was he making her uncomfortable with his vows of love? He'd silence them, then. Anything for her. He just wanted her to know how he felt. “I didn't realize you were so eager,” he murmured, lifting his head and dragging one hand over her breast and cupping it. Her nipple was pointed through the lacy fabric of her bra.

“Of course I'm eager,” she said, her words sweetly sarcastic. “I've been throwing myself at you all day.”

“Is that what the bikini was for? It covered less than this.” His finger slid under the edge of one of her bra cups, teasing the skin underneath. “I liked it.”

“That was the point,” she said, her voice a little more breathless at his touch.

“To entice me? Minx.” He kissed the delicate skin at her collarbone. “I am flattered. And, I'll have to make sure you're amply compensated for your efforts.”

His hand slid under her back, and she arched, allowing him easier access to the clasp behind her. She was breathing rapidly, excitement coloring her skin a pretty, flushed pink. He undid her bra with one hand and began to push it out of the way.

“You did that rather easily,” she murmured. “Lots of practice?”

“If you're fishing for answers, the one you seek is ‘professionals.' No relationships. Just lots and lots of working girls.”

“I . . .” She shook her head. “I can't decide if I'm appalled or amused. I thought you were a playboy.”

“Only for show.” He'd taken the odd girl with him to high-profile events when a date was required, but usually a friend of a colleague, and never the same girl twice.

“I'm just surprised. Professionals? Really?”

“They're easier than a relationship,” he explained, sliding her bra up around her collarbones so he could admire her newly-exposed breasts. God, they were glorious. All soft and cream and pink. “They require nothing more than a condom and money. If I had an itch that needed scratching, I'd call up a service that had clean, vetted girls and get it taken care of.”

“You make sex sound like a business transaction.”

“That's all it was,” he said bluntly. “There was no emotion involved.”

“And . . . with me?” There was a soft catch in her voice.

He leaned down and licked the slope of one breast, nearly groaning at the delicious taste of her skin. “With you, I'm making love. There is no comparison.”

“Is it . . . weird that I'm glad? That there's no one else?”

Only if it was weird that he was glad of it, too, if only so he could be free for her here, now. “I never pursued anyone else. It wasn't fair to them if my heart was still yours.”

“God,” she murmured, and her body clenched underneath his. “Are you trying to seduce me with words alone?”

“No, I plan on using my tongue quite a bit.” And to prove it, he took one lovely nipple into his mouth.

She moaned, arching against him, her arms pulling against the bonds over her head. The little tip was tight with need, and he swirled his tongue over it, teasing her. He knew the touches she liked the best—rough, quick licks on the underside of her nipple—but he wanted to draw out the pleasure. He wanted her entire body to quiver and ache.

His mouth worked on the one nipple while he shifted his weight, easing his body over hers. He wanted to press the entire length of his skin against hers, to rub his cock against her sex and feel her rock against it. All in time, he told himself. He needed to pace himself. The most important thing was blowing Violet's mind. That was his goal.

He wanted to palm her other breast and work it even as his mouth worked the first, but he needed the hand to prop himself up on the bed. For a moment, he cursed his “great” idea of tying her hands up. He wanted nothing more than for Violet to touch him, to show that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Christ, he was dying for her touch on his skin.

As she wiggled underneath him and moaned, again he regretted his idea. He wanted Violet wild and writhing in his arms, fully participating. She was helpless while tied down to the bed—

Then an idea hit.

He pulled his mouth from her nipple, pleased with her murmur of protest. “Tell me what you want me to do to you, Violet.”

Her gaze was unfocused, passion-glazed. “W-what . . . ?”

He leaned down and kissed her breast. “Do you like my mouth here?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“Then tell me where you want it next.”

She stared at him for a long moment, as if incredulous that he was going to make her take the driver's seat. Then, she flung her head back and groaned. “Can't you just . . . wing it? You're doing great so far.”

“I want you to lead me,” he told her. “This is about your pleasure. You tell me where you want it, and I'll put my mouth there.”

She sucked in a breath at that, but was silent.

Was Violet . . . shy about asking for what she wanted in bed? He tried to remember, but his memories were of equal partners, of greedy hands and passionate kisses stolen after long days at the dig. But now, Violet had gone silent.

He rested his chin on her soft, lovely skin and waited.

She shifted. “You . . . you're really going to make me say it?”

“Why wouldn't I?”

“Because I'm not as thin or as pretty as I was when I was younger. I'm not . . . exciting.” She bit her lip. “I grew up and got boring and dowdy.”

Was she insane?

“And I was fine with that until I saw you and you turned all breathtakingly gorgeous, and now I feel like . . . well.” She sighed. “I feel like I'm not holding up my end.”

“You're mad,” he said, leaning down and licking one pert nipple. “I see no flaws when I look at you. Nothing but lush skin and delicious curves just begging to be tasted.”

“That's kind of you,” she said with a small, nervous smile.

“I'm not being kind, Violet.” He tongued her nipple again. “Being kind would have nothing to do with taking you into my bed. I desire you. I want you more fiercely now than I did in the past. My cock aches to be buried deep inside you once again. And I want you. The you with the short hair and the mistrust in your eyes, because that's the woman I loved once and still love. The things I loved about you—your sharp wit, your sharper tongue, your smile—none of those have changed. You're still the same woman I fell in love with ten years ago, and the same woman I fell in love with all over again yesterday and the day before.”

She seemed to tremble underneath him. “Why is it that the poetry sounds sweet, but your words sound even sweeter?”

“Because you know they come from my soul,” he told her, and kissed between her breasts. “And you know I want to pleasure you more than anything else in the world. You know that, right?”

He felt her tremble again, and when she was silent, he looked up.

She gave a jerky nod.

“Then . . . tell me what you want.”


h, sure. He made it sound so easy.
Tell me what you want me to do to you, Violet.
Great words in theory, but now that she was in bed with Jonathan, naked, and he was all glorious and tanned and she was not? It wasn't quite so easy to spit out things like
I want your face between my thighs
I want your cock deep inside me

All Violet could see were her pasty-pale thighs against his sun-browned skin, her soft curves against his hard muscles. One of them had been working out in the last ten years and it wasn't her.

She had no idea why she was so fidgety. He'd seduced her on the plane and she'd been a little anxious, but not wildly nervous like this. He'd gone down on her and had made her feel beautiful. So why was she trembling like a schoolgirl at the thought of demanding that he do the same now?

Because the stakes were different.

Because now her heart was fully committed, and she didn't want him to be disappointed in her. Because for the last week, she'd been wondering if he'd been repulsed by touching her, and it had made her question her own desirability.

Violet didn't think she was disgusting, of course. She was just shorter and a little curvier than most. The problem was that she wasn't the same long-haired wild child she'd been when he'd known her.

She didn't want him to be disappointed, because she wasn't disappointed in him at all. If anything, she loved the changes in his body.

So she licked her lips and tried to push her nervousness away. He was gazing up at her with those intense eyes, that full-on stare that told her she was the center of his universe, and nothing else mattered. It was hard to speak up under that intense scrutiny. To say lewd, dirty things about what she wanted.

“Tell me,” Jonathan murmured, and leaned down to tongue her nipple again.

She gasped, arching her back so she could thrust her breast against his mouth. “But you're doing so well on your own.”

“I want more, though. I want to make you wrung out and limp from pleasure.”

“You're already on your way there,” she protested.

That heat was back in his eyes. “Tell me what you want from me.”

“I . . . I want more kisses.” God, she was such a coward.

One eyebrow raised, and just that small gesture made her wetter. “Anywhere in particular?”

She sucked in a breath. “My mouth?”

He crawled over her again, and Violet strained at the ties on her hands. His big body covering hers was sinfully delicious. She liked that he was almost a foot taller than her, liked that when he prowled on top of her, he could cover her entirely. It made her feel dainty and delicate in a way most men didn't.

Jonathan braced his hands at her sides and gave her a slow, sultry smile before he leaned in and lightly brushed his lips against hers. As he did, his cock brushed against her sex, and she realized he'd dropped his knees so his erection would rub against her sensitive flesh with every touch of his mouth against hers.

Violet moaned.

When her mouth fell open, Jonathan's tongue slicked inside and he began to slowly, sensuously kiss her. Soft, licking kisses that seemed to take all the time in the world to explore her mouth, to savor her taste. She was entranced by those kisses, drugged by their sweetness. And with every flick of his tongue, he'd give a little thrust of his hips, grinding his cock against her folds. Folds that were already slick with need and aching for a touch.

Her breath came in a ragged gasp that he swallowed with his mouth. She'd asked for kisses, and he was going to give them to her. Over and over, he made love to her mouth, slicking and tonguing until she was lost in the feel of his mouth, his lips against hers, the taste of him on her tongue, the feel of his cock pressed against her pussy in a silent but firm suggestion.

It was so good. So, so damn good. Violet's legs fell open farther, until she was spread wide on the bed underneath him, and when his cock dragged between her folds, she felt all of him.

And it was incredible.

She moaned again, lost in the sensation.

His tongue danced over her lips. “What do you want now, Violet?”

Oh. She was being asked to think? She couldn't think of anything but his mouth on hers, his cock gliding through her folds and brushing against her clit with every little movement of his hips.


“Hmmm?” Her lips clung to his, not wanting him to pull away. God, he had great lips.

“Tell me what you want or I'm going to stop.”

She whimpered. “You're cruel.”

“No,” he said softly, and kissed her parted mouth again. “I just want you to be a full participant in this, love. I don't want you to feel like you don't have a say in things just because your hands are tied. You might be the one in the ropes, but you're still the one in charge.”

She shivered at that. Slowly, she dragged one leg up and wrapped it around his hips, pushing with her foot to press his cock harder against her pussy. “I want more of that.”

This time, Jonathan groaned. His mouth dragged across her jaw. “You want my cock inside you?”

Oh, hell yes, she did. But not yet. “Soon,” she promised. “But I want you to keep teasing me.”

“Is that so.” He licked at the side of her neck. “I think I can manage that.”

She lifted her other leg, both now hitched around his hips. “Show me.” God, she felt so wicked, demanding this of him.

“Look at me,” he told her, and his face lifted from her neck. “Look at me when I touch you.”

She hadn't realized that her eyes were closed. She'd just been lost in the way he was making her feel. It seemed insanely difficult to drag her eyelids open, but she did, and saw the strain on his gorgeous, intense face, the dark pupils, the thick eyelashes, the strong features.

He rubbed his nose against hers in a surprisingly tender gesture, and as he did, he swiveled his hips. The motion ground his cock against her pussy, dragging over her sensitive clit with exquisite sensation. And as he did, he continued to watch her.

That was . . . so erotic. Violet sucked in a breath, her gaze locked to his. To his dark blue eyes with their amber flecks. To the gaze that seemed to be demanding more and more of her. And all the while, he continued to slowly grind against her clit, until she could feel her juices dragging over his skin and wetting them both.

She moaned.

“Like that, Violet?”

She nodded, unable to look away, unable to speak. She was wrapped up in Jonathan's intensity.

He pushed against her, the surge focused on rubbing the head of his cock against her clit. He spread her lips with his erection and dragged back and forth through her juices, his face hovering inches away from hers.

“You're mine,” he told her in a soft voice, even as his cock slid against her clit again. “My Violet. My love. You know that, right?”

She trembled underneath him again. “I—I—”

“Shhh,” he said, and leaned in to kiss her. “You don't have to say anything. Just know it.”

Her body flexed underneath his as he rocked against her again. This was a sensual feast, but it was also torture. Her body demanded more than just rubbing. Her nipples ached, begging for more attention.

She strained at the bonds on her wrists again.

“Are your arms all right, sweetheart?”

“They want to be around you,” she said breathlessly.

“Not this time,” he told her. “This time, I'm pleasuring you.”

But he'd done that last time, too. When would it be her turn to pleasure him? Violet opened her mouth to object, and he nipped at her lower lip again.

“Tell me what you want.”

She arched so her breasts pushed up, begging for attention. “Penetration,” she breathed.

He groaned, the first sign of loss of control he'd shown thus far. Violet was fascinated, and excitement flashed through her. She wanted more of that. She wanted him to lose control, too. While his control was exciting, the thought of him losing his mind while touching her was even more gratifying.

So she decided to talk dirty to him, getting bold now with that groan echoing in her mind. “Is that all right?” she asked him, and she nipped at his lip. “Or did you want to keep dragging this out? Because I've been aching to have you deep inside me for days now.”

His eyes closed, his dark lashes fanning as his jaw clenched. It looked as if he were struggling to keep control.

She nipped at his lip again, even as he rocked his cock against her pussy once more, a bit rougher this time. “Don't get me wrong,” she murmured. “I love the feel of that big, thick cock against my pussy, but I love the thought of it deep inside me even more. Love the thought of you filling me up and making me ache because you're so big that you're stretching me around you.”

He groaned again. “Violet—”

“It's true, you know. You're big. You're always a tight fit. I remember that.” She wriggled her hips against his, gasping when it did wicked things to her clit. “I loved how tight you were inside me, how you filled me up. It always makes me so hot to think about. And you know I've been thinking about it since you touched me on the plane.”

“Have you?” he rasped, his voice ragged. His mouth dragged over hers, his tongue slicking against her own for a fierce, quick kiss.

“Mmmhmm,” she said when he pulled away. “I've dreamed about it. About you grabbing me and tossing me down on your bed and drilling into me—”

He groaned and pressed his face to her neck. “Fuck, Violet, hush or I'm going to lose control.” His hips thrust against hers roughly, and she felt him draw back. She lifted her hips, tilting them, and the head of his cock pressed against her core, taunting her.

She bucked against him. “Condoms,” she breathed. “Need condoms.”

“Condoms,” he agreed thickly, but he didn't get up from her. He held his body clenched against her own, making her crazy. Then, his mouth sought hers and he gave her another slow, lingering kiss.

He wasn't moving fast enough, though. She was aching with desire and need, and she felt so empty that she might scream from the delicious ache of it. “Don't you want to sink deep inside me, Jonathan? Bury yourself balls deep and make me scream with pleasure?”

Jonathan groaned again and pulled away from her clinging legs. He tore off the bed, heading for the condom he'd left on a nearby dresser.

She watched, eyes greedy, as he opened it and rolled it down his thick length. The head of his cock was a deep, delicious reddish-purple, and she imagined he ached to be inside her as much as she ached to have him there.

Condom on, he approached the bed, the hooded look in his eyes making her quiver with need. She wanted him to climb on top of her and start thrusting away. To take her savagely and fill her up. God, she wanted that so bad.

But he was determined to drive her crazy with lust, it seemed. He sat on the edge of the bed, next to where she lay panting and sprawled, and just gazed down at her.

“You're beautiful, Violet. Have I told you that?” His fingers caressed the line of her jaw.

“You've mentioned it once or twice,” she said, trying to keep her voice playful. When his fingers got near her mouth, she tried to nip them.

“I could stare at you all night,” he said, his gaze going down to her aching breasts. His hand cupped one, his thumb teasing the nipple as she moaned and strained against the neckties holding her wrists, preventing her from reaching out and grabbing that big, delicious, condom-sheathed erection that was so close but so far away.

“I hope you're not going to,” she told him breathlessly. “I don't think my pussy could stand it.”

“We can't have that, can we?” He leaned in and gave her another intense, deep kiss, distracting her. She was so engrossed by the feel of his mouth on her own that she didn't notice his hand until it cupped her mound and he began to drag his fingers back and forth through her wet folds.

Violet whimpered and panted against his mouth. Her hips arched off the bed, bucking against his hand. “Oh, God, Jonathan, please.”

“Please what, love?” he whispered against her mouth. “Tell me what you want.”

She wanted relief from that maddening, erotic torment of his fingers. She wanted more of it. Hell, she didn't know what she wanted. She wanted the orgasm that was so close to rising to the surface. So she simply rolled her hips against his hand and when he brushed his fingers against her clit again, she gasped. “Right there!”

“Right here, sweetheart?” He dragged a finger through her slickness, down to her core.

“No, no,” she moaned. Cruel tease.

“Here?” he murmured, and circled her clit with two of his fingers.

She gasped. “Yes! Oh, God, yes. Right there.”

“Tell me it's what you want.”

Violet moaned. He was torturing her. “I want it, Jonathan,” she said, practically sobbing the words. “Please, please, play with my clit.”

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