Room to Breathe (16 page)

Read Room to Breathe Online

Authors: Nicole Brightman

Chapter 23

I am hiding up in my room. I have been since breakfast. Eric was pretty cold to me again and I have no idea why. Tristan was still his charming self but has backed off a little. I feel much more relaxed around him than I did last night.

The house is buzzing with preparations for everyone arriving tonight. Claire has been even bubblier today than normal. I keep waiting for her to pass out. Between her loud rambling and Eric ignoring me I just decided it was best to stay up here until it is time to get ready.

I spent most of my time online. I had a ton of emails to catch up on. I haven’t talked to my family and friends back home much in the past few weeks. I miss them so much sometimes. It is hard responding to them since I am not really sure what to tell them about what I am doing and about Eric. I then did a little book shopping until it was time to get dressed.

Eric had professional people brought in for hair and make-up. I am really happy with what they did. The make-up is a little heavier than I would do but it is still clean. My hair is down and the way Eric likes it. This is supposed to be a more casual party than tomorrow. I decide on a simple black cocktail dress. It has one shoulder and floats nicely around my body to the top of my thighs.

I look at the clock on the command center. Everyone should be gathering for drinks already. Only about half of the people are here today. According to Claire more are coming around lunchtime tomorrow.

Before I can open the door to my room there is a knock. I am surprised to see Claire standing there. She looks stunning in a purple sparkly cocktail dress. Her dark red curls are pulled partially up showing off her petite features. She is shaking slightly.

“I can’t do this,” she says.

“What do you mean?” I ask raising my eyebrows at her.

“What if I really like them and they all hate me? What if I make a complete arse of myself?”

“Well first off it is impossible not to like you. I tried when you almost blew the man I am in love with, so trust me. You are the most likable person ever. Not to mention, have you seen you? You look freaking hot.”

“Really?” she asks and I nod. “Okay well, what if I do something stupid?”

“Well then as your friend I promise if you do something stupid I will do something twice as stupid so one notices what you did.”

“Thanks Cora,” She smiles a small smile and loops her arm through mine. We walk down stairs arm in arm. The second our feet touch the bottom three very handsome men are there surrounding Claire. I give her arm a little squeeze and slip away.

I have only taken a few steps when a glass of wine is thrust into my hands. “This can be a bit surreal your first time,” Jane smiles at me as she sips her own wine.

“It is a little. Thank you for the wine. Have you been to a lot of these?” I ask. God this wine tastes good. It is one that I have come to love only since being here.

“Yes, I have but to be totally honest they aren’t really my kind of party.” She gives me a coy smile.

I am about to ask what type of party is her kind when I feel someone grab my elbow.

“Oh, I am so sorry,” the very good-looking man says. “I thought you were someone else. I am Thomas Williams and you are?”

“Cora Allen,” I say holding my hand out. He takes it and gently kisses it. What is it with guys kissing my hand lately? I turn to say something to Jane as a way out of the conversation but she has vanished.

Thomas begins asking me about where I am from and as I am explaining, a small group of mostly men have gathered around me. They each seem intrigued but what I have to say. I feel a little bit like an American on display.

“No, I really don’t mind the weather here,” I answer a young man named Sean. He is really stunning with jet black hair and blue eyes. “Where I am from in America has pretty much the same kind of weather.” My wine is gone and I really could use another. I scan the room looking for a waiter, or whatever their official title is, but I can’t seem to find one.

“Here you go Miss Allen,” a man with a slight Scottish accent says to my right. He is holding a fresh glass of wine. He takes my empty one and sets on the tray of someone passing by.

“Thank you so much,” I respond taking in my savior. He is tall and with a broad build. Even in his tux you can tell he is very muscular. He has short light brown hair and hazel eyes with bright flecks of gold. He offers me a lop-sided smile and he is hands down the second most attractive man under this roof. The first being my wonderful Eric. Now if only I could find him.

“I am Harrison MacGuire. I am a friend of Tristan’s and he has told me quite a bit about you.” What the heck? How could Tristan tell anyone anything about me?

“Well it is nice to meet you Mr. McGuire.”

“Please, call me Harrison.” The crowd around me has started to disperse. I am really pleased since my feet are starting to kill me. I have been wearing such high heels lately it is a wonder I can walk anywhere.

“Well, then thank you for the wine, Harrison. I think I am going to sit down for a moment,” I say as I walk away. I really want to find Eric. Better question is why hasn’t he found me yet?

“Oh, I believe there is a free space over here,” he says guiding me to a seating area that has been set up just for the occasion. I sit in one of the wingback chairs. It feels nice to be off my feet. I will give up trying to find Eric for a moment. “So Cora, if you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?”

“Oh wow. That is a hard one for me,” I smile at him. He has no idea how happy I am to be answering questions about something other than being American. “Probably India. The culture has always fascinated me and there are still pretty large parts of the country that have little to no access to clean drinking water.”

“Clean drinking water?”

“Yes, Cora is our resident philanthropist,” Tristan smiles and winks at me as he sits on the loveseat opposite us.

“Is that so?” Harrison asks sipping his brown liquor. The light reflects off the gold in his eyes making them sparkle. I can’t believe how many good looking men are in this house right now. The women are mostly gorgeous too. I feel a little uncomfortable with it all.

“Well I don’t know about that but yes, I feel everyone should have access to clean drinking water. I would like to start a charity someday to help people.”

“I think that is wonderful,” Harrison responds his eyes softening a little. “You know Japan has a wonderful water distribution system. It is literally considered one of, if not the, best in the world.”

“Really? I actually didn’t know that.”

“Yes, they lead the way in payment for ecosystem services before really anyone else was doing it.”

“You are interested in water?”

“Well honestly not really. But I am interested in the software that controls those facilities. That is what I do. My company designs computer programs and one of the ones we did is for the UK water facilities.”

“Alright, well you two are boring the shit out of me now,” Tristan interrupts rolling his eyes. “So why don’t we talk about something a little more interesting. Cora, what is your view on anal sex?”

“What?” I gasp, spitting wine. Harrison chokes a little on his drink.

“What is your view on it? Are you for or against?”

“Well,” I pause to see if Harrison is going to save me but he is sitting silent watching. “I would have to say against because I have never tried it.”

“Really?” Tristan asks standing. “That is a damn shame. You know, we could always remedy that.” He winks and saunters off.

“Well, that was unexpected,” is all I can manage.

“That is Tristan for you,” Harrison says with a laugh.

After Tristan walks away a few of the men from earlier wander over. I am entertaining them with a story of Mr. Johnson from the pub. They all laugh so loud we draw the attention of everyone around us. Talking about the pub makes me a little sad. I really do think about Maggie often. I wonder if we will ever be close again. I doubt it.

Suddenly my spirits lift as Eric walks over to our side of the crowded room. His eyes lock on mine for a second and he smiles. He then takes in the boisterous men and scowls. I try to signal to him to please come over when he is cornered by a pretty blonde woman. She is flirting with him so obviously it is pathetic, not that I can blame her.

Eric in a tuxedo is truly a thing of glory. At the first sight of him I feel the blood in body rush south and I am sure my panties are damp. I am looking him over and waiting for him to dismiss the blonde when she puts her hand on his arm. He doesn't do anything about her touching him. He just keeps talking with her like her hair twirling is the most wonderful thing he has ever seen. I start to get angry. I understand what is going on with him and I really don’t like it. I am vaguely aware that Harrison has asked me a question.

"Yes, actually I really enjoy horseback riding,” I answer turning from Eric and the bitch.

"Splendid! We will have to go sometime,” Harrison says with a warm smile.

"Yes that would be nice”, I say absent-mindly. “You know I am very tired. I think I will head up.” I look right at Eric and once again his eyes find mine. I take a step towards him and just like that he turns his back on me and walks away to see Jane. I feel like someone just punched me in the stomach. Harrison is at my arm.

“Are you alright? Maybe I should see you up,” he asks, obviously concerned.

I let him guide me to the foot of the stairs. “Thank you I am good from here. It was really nice to talk with you,” I say, smiling and I mean it.

“It was a pleasure for me too. I hope to see you tomorrow.” He kisses me lightly on the cheek. I see Eric once more and once again our eyes lock. This time I repay him by turning and walking up the stairs. I walk calmly all the way to my room.

Once in my quite dark room, I feel my eyes get hot with tears. I know he has obligations but that is no excuse for ignoring me like that. I take a scalding shower washing away the night. As I soap up I can't help but think of Harrison. He was unexpected and really nice. It might not be so bad to have another friend in the country. It certainly doesn’t hurt that is so good looking. He seems to be really muscular, more so than Eric. I wonder what Harrison looks like with his shirt off. I decide to get out of the shower before I need a cold one.

I am curled up in bed naked. I just didn't feel like finding pajamas. I replay the night trying to sort it all out. I really wish I could just talk with Eric. I am also worried that I wouldn’t like what he has to say. Harrison was fun to talk to. I wonder if he will be here all weekend. Slowly my thoughts start to blur. I fall gently to sleep with muddled thoughts of Eric, Tristan, and Harrison.

I don't know how long I have been asleep when I feel the other side of the bed dip as someone slides in next to me. Holy shit! Someone is in bed with me and I don’t know who it is. I hold my breath. I am not sure if I should scream or run. Well fuck! I can't run. I am naked! Why in the hell didn't I put on pjs? Or better yet why didn’t I lock the door? I start inching to the edge of the bed. I hope I can reach the command center.

“Honey, are you awake?” Oh thank god; it is Eric! What the fuck is he doing here? He couldn't be bothered to even talk to me and now he thinks he just climb in my bed? “Come here.”

He wraps his strong arms around me and pulls my front to his. God he smells so good. Spicy, clean and just Eric. My body betrays me and responds instinctively to him. I uncurl and melt right against him.

He is naked and warm. The feel of his skin on mine sends shivers up and down my body. He cups my face in his hands and crushes me with his kiss. I know I should still be angry with him but my body continues the betrayal as it aches for him instantly.

His hands roam my body rubbing every inch of me. His touch setting my skin on fire.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispers against my mouth. Suddenly my head clears. I push away from him.

“Well clearly not beautiful enough for you acknowledge me in front of your friends.”

“Are you fucking joking? Cora,” he says in a sexy breathy whisper. He crushes me to him again. His kisses are urgent and powerful. He plus back from me only slightly. “You are mine. Do you understand? Mine. Every inch of you is mine. This sweet mouth with your perfect pink tongue. Mine,” he says biting my lower lip gently, erasing all rational thought from my mind.

He kisses down my neck. “Mine,” he says pushing me to my back and takes a breast in each of his hands kneading them gently. He leans down and licks and sucks on one nipple. “Mine,” he says then turns to the other nipple. “Mine,” he says as he comes back up and kisses my mouth again.

His hand slides down my torso until he reaches my wet aching center. He brushes his thumb across my swollen clit. “This is mine and this,” he says sliding two fingers inside me, “is absolutely mine and only mine. I don't want anyone else inside you ever again. You belong to me, Cora. You are completely mine and I cannot live with less.”

He pulls his hand free and rests his body between my legs. I can feel the tip of his hard cock against my folds. The ache I am feeling for him is almost unbearable.

“Eric, please,” I plead softly.

“Tell me you understand. Tell me who you belong to,” he says gently nipping at my neck.

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