Rooter (Double H Romance) (22 page)

Chapter 27
The Seduction

Me, Miranda, Rooter, and Bear are meeting several of our friends—including Ryan—at the Red Door for Miranda’s birthday party tonight. I sent Rooter home an hour ago so I could get ready. Usually, I’m not one to get dressed up, but tonight I want to look hot.

I made Miranda take yesterday off so she could go shopping with me. We found the perfect little red dress. A sheath halter with a plunging neckline that goes almost to my belly button. It’s so short it barely covers my butt and has a dangerously low cut back. For a finishing touch, Miranda lets me borrow a gold body chain, and a pair of strappy gold heels. I want to wear my hair up, but she insists I wear it in long loose waves. As per usual, she applies my makeup complete with smoky eyes and red lipstick to match my dress. After putting on some double sided tape to make sure I don’t suffer an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction, I’m all set.

When I look in the mirror, I don’t recognize the girl in front of me. She doesn’t look like a girl at all. The reflection staring back at me is all woman. A hot blooded, sexy woman. Before today, I never would’ve had the guts to wear something this revealing. But something in me has changed since my make-out session with Rooter. I feel sensual and sexual for the first time in my life and I want to celebrate it. And I want Rooter to celebrate it with me.

But something has changed in him too since that day.

“He hasn’t touched me, in that way, since the day in my room,” I whine to Miranda. I watch as she sprays her swept up messy ponytail with at least a pound of maximum hold hairspray.

“That’s weird.” She repositions a few strands of hair and sprays again and I nearly choke. “Have you asked him about it?”

Miranda looks amazing in her white party dress. It has one strap with crystal beading mesh along the sides. I’d give anything to have her curves or at least her boobs. Though, I’ve been told on several occasions I have the perfect legs and ass. I turn and inspect my backside in the mirror. I don’t really know. I guess it’s decent.

“No. I don’t know how. I mean, it’s kind of embarrassing to talk about.” I twist a lock of hair between my index and middle finger. “He said he thought what we did was hot, but now when we kiss, he stops before it can go any farther.”

Last night, after work, he kissed me like he always does with full on passion. When I suggested he stay the night, I was dejected when he turned me down by saying he had to be at the shop by six. So then I said, “I promise to make it worth your while” and he kissed me on my forehead and still said he couldn’t.

“Trust me, when he sees you tonight, he won’t be able to stop himself. He’s going to flip his shit.”

“You think?” I pinch at the sides of my dress, unsure.

She turns and faces me with a serious expression and grabs me by the arms. “I know. Sophie, the man eye fucks you constantly. And that’s when you’re wearing capris and loose tops.”

“He does?” She’s probably misconstruing his typical intense demeanor for something else.

“Yeah,” she says like I should already know this and laughs. “How do you not notice it?”

I shrug and look at myself in the mirror again for a boost of confidence. I hope Rooter likes what he sees. I want to make him want me so much that he can’t keep his hands off of me. I’ve been going through withdrawals the past couple days, craving his touch. Yearning for the feeling of his wet mouth on my bare skin.

“Girl, listen, you may not even make it out of the house tonight once he sees you.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Trust me. I’m right.”

I text Rooter to let him and Bear know we’re ready. The limo is waiting. I stand in the living room fidgeting with the hem of my dress. Maybe it’s too short. What if my tape gives away and a boob pops out while I’m dancing? What if Rooter thinks I look ridiculous? My heart pounds in my chest. I shouldn’t have bought this dress. Who am I kidding? I can’t pull this off. This isn’t me. I’m not sexy. I’m cute, athletic Sophie who ran track in high school.

All the girls who ran track in high school constantly complained about their boobs hurting when they ran, but not me. My boobs weren’t big enough to cause me pain. If there actually was an itty bitty titty committee, I could be the president. I take after my mom in that department.

“You look amazing, Sophie.” Miranda squeezes my hand reassuringly.

I bite my lip. “I think this dress was a mistake.”

“That dress is definitely not a mistake. You wait and see.”

And then there’s a knock on the door. Too late to change now. I begin to hyperventilate so I take a deep breath and hold my head high in an attempt to appear confident when Miranda opens the door. Rooter steps through the threshold and the moment his eyes land on me they bug out of his head and his jaw goes slack.

“Goddamn,” he says and walks to me. His eyes trail from mine down the length of my body and back up.

“What do you think?” I ask, trying to masquerade my fear.

“It’s so unlike you.” He blinks and looks me up and down again. “You’re hot as hell, babe.”

“Really?” I ask and sigh in relief.

He licks his lips. “Oh yeah.”

He’s definitely eye fucking me.

“See, I told you he’d like it,” Miranda chirps and ushers us out of the house.

In the car on the way to the club, Rooter can’t take his wild eyes off me. His eyes vacillate between the body chain and my legs. He wraps one arm around my shoulders while gently stroking the top of my thigh with his free hand. He sucks in a breath and chews on his bottom lip.

“You look… Fucking edible,” he whispers into my ear.

His words boost my confidence. “I might hold you to that,” I whisper back and nip on his earlobe.

His jaw drops and longing swims in his dark eyes. I revel in what I’m doing to him.

“Keep doing that,” his voice is deep and thick with desire, “and we won’t make it out of this car.”

“That would be okay with me.” I take his earlobe into my mouth and suck.

“Christ, Sophie.” The hand that’s on my thigh travels upward and slides under the hem of my dress to cup my bare ass.

Miranda clears her throat reminding us we’re not alone. Rooter removes his hand from inside my dress and tries to straighten up in the seat. His chest rises and falls with fast, shallow breaths. Miranda was right. This dress was definitely not a mistake. I have Rooter wrapped around my little finger, right where I want him. I’m going to have a lot of fun with him tonight.


The music is pumping as we enter the Red Door. Rooter places his hand at the small of my back and it’s like fire on my bare skin. Miranda advises the door man we’ve reserved the VIP section tonight. We must make quite an entrance because all eyes are on us as we make our way to the back of the club where our seats are located. All of our friends are already there. Ryan hurries over and excitedly pulls me into an embrace.

“Babe!” He squeals.

“Babe!” I squeal back.

He grabs my upper arms and looks me up and down. “Holy fuck! You put every bitch in here to shame.”

“Yes, she does,” Rooter agrees. My head whips in his direction and he smirks at me. Desire still looms heavy in his eyes.

After greeting all of mine and Miranda’s friends, Rooter and I sit on one of the red leather loveseats. His left arm is draped across my shoulder holding me close. I inhale his intoxicating scent and it sends pangs of yearning straight to my core.

“Do you want a drink?” He asks and I nod.

“Jack on ice.”

He winks and waves for the VIP waiter to come over. “Two double Jacks. One on ice, the other neat. And whatever those two want.” He points at Bear and Miranda. “I’ll start a tab for the four of us.”

We sit on the sofa talking with Ryan and my other friends. Jess and Abby are here tonight. They stare at Rooter like he’s a God and hang on his every word. He is at ease and confident. Everyone seems to love him as much as I do. I take the last sip of my second glass of Jack and begin to feel the effect of the alcohol. Rooter’s hand is on my thigh, stroking it lightly from the hem of my dress to my knee and back making me shiver. The way his eyes drill into mine and the curl of his lips conveys he knows what he’s doing to me.

“Let’s go say hi to Mario,” Miranda suggests and points at the DJ booth with one hand and reaches for me with the other.

Mario is the DJ. We’ve known him for years. Miranda used to think she was in love with him, but he always had a thing for me. If it hadn’t been for her affection for him, I might’ve gone out with him.

I glance to the DJ booth and see him waving at us. Rooter and Bear are engrossed in conversation so I decide not to interrupt them and stand to follow Miranda. Rooter tugs gently on my hand.

“Where are you going?”

“Miranda and I are going to say hi to a friend.”

He nods and I follow Miranda to the DJ booth. When Mario’s eyes go to me, he has the same reaction as Rooter did when he first saw me.

“Damn, girl! Looking good.” He pulls me in for a hug and squeezes my ass.

I quickly pull away. “Watch it, pal,” I say jokingly, but I mean it. I turn to see if Rooter saw anything, but he’s not in his seat. I look around trying to find him when he suddenly appears before me. He wraps an arm around my waist and gives me a panty wetting grin. Mario’s eyes go wide the moment he sees him.

“Mario, this is my boyfriend, Rooter. Rooter, this is Mario.”

Rooter juts his chin out as his only means of greeting. He definitely saw Mario grab my ass.

“Nice meeting you, man.” Mario extends his hand. The same hand he grabbed my ass with.

Rooter glares at his hand a moment before shaking it. “Want to dance?” He asks me.

I gawk up at him with surprise. “You dance?”

He holds his hand to his chest feigning offense. “I’ve been known to on occasion.”

“Well then let’s do it.” I smile and lead him to the dance floor.

The dance floor is crowded to the point that it’s more like a mosh pit than an area for dancing. But once people see Rooter they move away and create space for us. Mario spins a mix of the latest pop and dance hits. Rooter’s hands go straight for my hips and we move in sync to the beat. Damn. The man has rhythm. I can barely keep up with him. His smug expression says, “I told you so.”

The song changes to one with a slower tempo and Rooter pulls me flush against his body. His hands move from my hips to my ass and he squeezes. He leans in and speaks into my ear. “You have a fantastic ass.”

My face heats up. “I’m glad you think so.”

“Every man in here thinks so.”

I shake my head at his grandiose exaggeration, but he continues.

“Every guy in this place wants to be me right now.” He smiles, and it’s not at all egotistical. He means it.

“You’re the only one I want,” I murmur into his ear. I think I hear him groan, but the music is so loud I can’t be sure.

Rooter spins me around to face away from him and pulls me against him, my back to his front and rocks his hips to the music, grinding against my backside. One hand is on my hip while the other touches the center of my chest where the body chain rests. I let him lead me as I move my body in time with his. He leans down and grazes my shoulder with a trail of wet kisses up to my ear. Suddenly, all else falls away, and it’s as though we’re the only two people in the club.

His breath is hot against my ear. “I have never seen anything as beautiful as you.”

I feel my face flush. We continue to dance in this manner for two more songs. The combination of the booze and this dress have me feeling brazen and sexy. Rooter is still behind me and I do my signature bend and flip which garners several hoots and hollers from other dancers on the floor. I strut slowly around him, grazing his ass as I make my way around to the other side where I grind against him, take it low and bring it back up. Our bodies move perfectly together.

Several dancers, mostly men have stopped moving and are now watching us. Rooter pulls me against his chest and swipes his tongue against my neck. He leads me as he sways his hips expertly. His eyes are focused on my chest where the body chain lies.

“You like?” I ask.

“One day,” he reaches out and traces the chain, “I want to see you in just this, a thong, and these heels.”

I lean in to his ear and try my hand at speaking seductively. “I’d be happy to show you tonight.”

Rooter chokes and his eyes go wide. “You’re killing me, babe,” he groans.

Before I can tell him how serious I am, we’re interrupted by Miranda and Bear joining us on the dance floor. Bear can’t move like Rooter, but Miranda dances well enough to make them both look good.

Rooter takes me back to the VIP area and orders us another round of drinks. I sit on his lap on the loveseat and sip on my drink. His eyes never wander from me, even when he’s speaking to someone else. He’s a starved man and I’m his prey. A bead of sweat rolls down the side of his neck and I can’t fight the temptation to lean down and taste it.

“You taste so good,” I croon into his ear.

“You two need to get a room,” Ryan teases.

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