Rose, Charlotte - Bayou Flood [The Shifters of Alligator Bend 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

Sophie couldn’t stand it. She pounced across the bed and began to undo the buttons for him, desperate to get him naked. Her cunt was pounding with desire, and she didn’t want to wait any longer for her men to satisfy her.

“Uh-uh,” Virgil said, pulling her hands away and gripping her wrists. Sophie struggled to get free, but she found that she was stuck. She also found that she enjoyed it.

“I think she needs to be taught a lesson about patience,” Gabriel said, picking up his tie.

Virgil grinned. “I agree.”

“Wait, what? What do you mean, teach me a lesson?”

Virgil moved his hands down her arms but didn’t let go. Gabriel walked up and wove the soft fabric around her wrists and then tied it together.

“I suggest you lie back down and just enjoy watchin’,” he said, easing her back down onto the bed.

She had no choice but to comply with their requests. They resumed their slow unbuttoning, and Sophie wasn’t sure how she’d survive her body’s pounding need. She tried to reach down to give some attention to her needy pussy, but Gabriel had bound her hands in such a way that she couldn’t quite reach her clit.

He laughed when he saw her trying. “No release for you, baby. Not until we give it to you.”

“But I need you. I need both of you.”

Virgil leaned over. “Soon,” he whispered. His lips brushed against her earlobe, sending tremors down her spine. Stepping away, he unbuttoned his pants then slid the zipper down a centimeter at a time before suddenly zipping it back up again. Gabriel did the same thing, grinning as he tortured her. Sophie could see the rigid outlines of their cocks straining their pants and wondered how they weren’t as desperate as she was.

Finally, Virgil slid out of his pants and quickly slid his boxers off. Settling himself on the bed, he proceeded to stroke his fingertips around her breasts as Gabriel completed undressing. Once he was done, he gave his attention to her legs, massaging her muscles and gently stroking her inner thighs, his fingertips coming close to her pussy but never quite reaching it, no matter how far she opened her legs.

“Please, more,” she gasped.

Gabriel looked up at Virgil. “What do you think? She had enough?”

“Hmm.” Virgil’s face had turned mischievous again. “I think she’s had enough teasin’. But at the same time, I like seein’ her tied up like that.”

“Who says we can’t have it both ways?”

Gabriel straddled her, the head of his cock teasing the entrance to her cunt.

“You ready for me, baby?”


“I don’t know,” he said, running his cock along her pussy lips. “Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe we haven’t tortured you quite enough yet.”

“Please!” she cried out. “Please, take me now!”

Gabriel grinned. “It’s so hot when you beg, baby.”

With that, he plunged into her cunt, and he groaned as her muscles locked around him. Virgil’s mouth was instantly on her breasts. He focused on using his teeth, his bites placing her just on the edge of pain, sending waves of intensity down her body that enhanced the pleasure building up in her cunt.

Suddenly, Gabriel completely stopped moving.

“I thought you were done teasing me,” Sophie said, gasping for breath. The last thing she wanted was for him to stop. She was so close to coming and was more desperate for release than she’d ever been in her life.

“I thought I was, too, but the desperation on your face is so damn sexy.”

Virgil didn’t stop biting her breasts. The need was growing more and more furious by the second, but without Gabriel’s cock, she wasn’t going to be able to come.

“Please. Please, I need your cock.”

“You need me?” he asked, sliding out halfway.

“I need you.”

“Just the words I wanted to hear.”

He started slamming into her even harder than he had before. She couldn’t believe a man could move with such speed and fury. Reaching forward, he pressed his index finger against her clit and began to move it in quick, hard circles. That was just the stimulation she needed to send her over the edge. Her pussy muscles clamped around his cock, and she began screaming his name as the pleasure rocketed through her body.

Seconds later, Gabriel froze again, though this time, it wasn’t to tease her. She felt his cock give one more huge throb as it emptied into her. He threw back his head and moaned with release.

Gabriel briefly collapsed on top of Sophie as he caught his breath, and she relished the feeling of his weight on top of hers, pressing her into the bed. As soon as he rolled off, Virgil was on top of her, desperate for his turn. The aftershocks of her first orgasm were still sending sparks through her pussy as Virgil plunged into her.

“Damn, you feel amazing,” he groaned.

Sophie felt frustrated again when he didn’t start moving right away. Gabriel hadn’t sated her. He’d only left her hungry for more.

“Are you going to tease me more, too?”

“Just wanted to make sure I didn’t finish too soon,” he whispered before beginning his long, slow thrusts. “You feel amazing.”

“So do you.” She groaned before closing her eyes and allowing the pleasure to start filling her body again.

Gabriel picked up Virgil’s tie and dangled the thin end just above her body. He trailed it up and down her arms, along her torso, and around her breasts, which were still pulsing and throbbing from Virgil’s earlier attention. Sophie was shocked at just how erotic a single piece of fabric could be, amazed at the way it enhanced what Virgil was doing to her.

Virgil seemed to slow his pace for a moment, and she whipped her eyes back open.

“Don’t slow down. Please, don’t slow down. I couldn’t take it if you did.”

He winked at her. “Should I go the same pace, then?”

“You know I want you faster.” She shuddered at the thought of how powerful he could be. “I want you as fast as you possibly can go.”

“Your wish is my command, baby.”

She couldn’t believe Virgil’s power. It matched Gabriel’s, but it stunned her that she had two men who had equal amounts of strength. She didn’t have much time to dwell on it, though, before the orgasm surged through her cunt all the way up and out of her body. She screamed again, her hands jerking against the tie that held them together, desperate to get free. Virgil came at the same time she did, uttering low, guttural groans as his cock gave the final pulses.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he said as he finished, giving her a passionate kiss. “That was amazing.”

“Yeah, it was.”

Both men curled around her, and Sophie realized she’d never felt so safe or happy before. There was much in her life lately that scared and confused her, but things seemed clear when she was in their arms. She felt the emotional bonds forming and strengthening as she lay there with them. For a moment, she felt nervous again. It was one thing to find Virgil and Gabriel attractive. It was another to have serious feelings for them, to actually consider the possibility of being mated, of becoming a gator.

But if it’s always like this, maybe I actually would enjoy it

Chapter Seven

Sophie woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. Georgina’s name popped up on the display, and Sophie immediately silenced the ringer.

“Who was that, baby?” Gabriel asked, his voice thick with sleep.

“Nobody. Go back to sleep. I’m not ready to wake up yet.”

She’d barely finished the sentence when she heard a pounding on her door.

“What the hell?” she muttered as she crawled out from between her lovers. The air outside the bed was a sharp contrast to the heat their bodies generated, and she was grateful for her thick, heavy robe as she made her way to the door. Looking out the peep hole, she saw Georgina on the other side.

“Shit,” she muttered. Part of her didn’t want to open the door, but she knew Georgina wouldn’t leave until they talked. Taking a deep breath, Sophie opened the door a crack.

“Hey, sorry. I was still asleep.”

“Where the hell have you been all week? You’re always busy, and now you’re not even returning my calls or texts. What’s going on? And are you going to let me in, or do I have to stand out in the hall to get my answers?”

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Virgil and Gabriel stirring in the bedroom. She ushered Georgina inside and shut the door.

“One second,” she whispered and rushed into the bedroom.

“Hey, what’s that noise?” Virgil asked.

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it. Go back to sleep.”

Gabriel lifted his head from the pillow and blinked his eyes. “Ain’t you gonna join us?”

“In a minute, I promise.” She blew them each a kiss and hurried back to the living room, softly shutting the bedroom door behind her.

“Thanks so much for the hospitality,” Georgina said. Sophie cringed at the sarcasm.

“Look, I’m really sorry. Things have just been really weird lately, and I’ve needed some time alone to work things out.”

“So you ditch your best friend? You haven’t even told me when your shows are so I can come see you. I don’t understand. What did I do to you?” Georgina’s voice rose higher and higher with each statement, and by the time she finished her rant, she was crying.

“I’m so sorry,” Sophie said. “I was wrong to blow you off like that, and I feel terrible about it. I’ve just been so confused, and I needed to have some alone time to think.”

Georgina wiped her tears away. “Confused? What’s to be confused about?”

“Hey, baby, what’s goin’ on?”

Sophie looked up to see Gabriel walking into the living room, completely naked. He was in profile, and his cock was already semi hard.

Georgina’s eyes widened. “I know that voice.”

“Shit!” Gabriel did a one-eighty and immediately bolted back to the bedroom before Georgina turned around.

Tears started flowing down Georgina’s face again. “I can’t believe you. The congregation betrayed me, and now you have one of them in bed with you?”

Sophie felt her face grow red as Gabriel walked back into the room, this time wearing jeans, with Virgil right behind him.

Georgina turned around then snapped her face back to glare at Sophie. “You have got to be kidding me. You slept with both of them?”

“Georgina, what on earth are you doin’ here?” Virgil asked, the annoyance already creeping up in his voice.

She snapped around to face him. “I’m here trying to talk to my friend about why she’s been blowing me off. Though now I have my answer. It’s because she’s been fooling around with the two of you and didn’t want me to know. She betrayed me.”

Gabriel raised his eyebrows. “

“Yeah, maybe you remember that time when

Georgina sucked in her breath, and her face turned red.

Sophie began to shake. She couldn’t deny the truth any longer. Georgina had lied, and her mates had been honest. “I take it by your sudden silence that their story is the real one. That you tried to sell out members of your own congregation.”

“You’d seriously believe them over me? I’m your best friend!”

“You’re not denying the accusation.”

“I seriously can’t believe you’d take the side of two guys you barely know over me!”

“It’s not like I know you much more than I know them.”

Georgina’s jaw dropped. “What?”

“As far as I can tell, our whole friendship has been based on lies. This is the first day that I’ve actually known anything about you. You’ve misrepresented yourself from day one. Virgil and Gabriel have always been open and honest with me, even when they weren’t sure I’d believe them. So I’d say yes, I probably do know them better than I know you.”

Georgina whirled around and glared at Gabriel and Virgil. “I can’t believe the two of you would do this to me! What the hell?”

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. “What? You thought we’d be completely okay with you lyin’ to our mate? Spreadin’ stories about us?”

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