Royally Ever After (Royals of Valleria #7) (20 page)

Rebecca nodded. “Shall we sign the papers, then? Everything in order, Mara?”

“Yes, Your Highness. We’ve marked where you need to sign.”

Rebecca walked carefully across the room. “Did you test the pen?” The last thing she needed was black ink all over her hands or white wedding dress.

“Yes, it’s all set.”

Rebecca picked it up and, for the last time, signed her maiden name: Rebecca Frances Campo. She signed their Royal Marriage Certificate, required as she married into the royal family, the Vallerian Marriage Certificate, which was required by all commoners entering into marriage, and her name change documents.

Finally, she signed her new full name – Rebecca Frances Santoro di Valleria – on the Royal Marriage Decree, to be sent to the Royal Council not for approval, but merely for historical recordkeeping purposes.

Alex signed the documents after her, then Genevieve signed as Alex’s witness, and her parents signed as her own witnesses.

It was done.

They were married.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to kiss you, Mrs. Santoro.”

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you.”

He grinned, then gave her a long, semi-chaste kiss.

When he pulled back, Rebecca said, “I hope you have a different kiss planned for the balcony.”

“Why? What was wrong with that one?”

“It’s a little, er, much for the public, don’t you think?”

He blinked, then burst out laughing. “No, my wife, I don’t think so, but I’ll restrain myself even further, if you wish.”

“I wish.”

“Then your wish is my command.” He kissed her hand.

While Genevieve made a quick call to Ethan – Arianna was still in surgery, and there was no new news – Rebecca touched up her makeup. Francine was carrying Rebecca’s lipstick in her purse for her.

Then they exited the room, just as the last strings of the song played. They took their position in front of William, and waited until their parents found their seats again.

A famed Vallerian poet did a reading of her poem about love. Then, William concluded the service with a few words blessing the union.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Please rise and congratulate Their Royal Highnesses, Prince Alexander and Princess Rebecca!”


Rebecca was a full-fledged princess.

Alex squeezed her hand and she gazed up at him. Just one touch, just one look from him could calm her, center her.

She’d be lost without him.

“I love you.”

He smiled broadly. “I love you, darling.” He brought their joined hands to his lips, and pressed a soft, sigh-inducing kiss to her hand.

Then, they walked down the aisle together, towards their new life.

Chapter Sixteen

he was perfect
. Ten little fingers. Ten little toes. She had a tuft of dark hair on her head and green eyes.

Just like her father.

Arianna was in her hospital recovery room, finally able to hold her little girl, who was swaddled in a soft, Brazenbourg green blanket.

Finn was tucked behind her in bed, holding them both in his arms.

“She’s amazing,” Finn whispered, as his daughter’s eyes fluttered closed again. “You’re amazing.” Finn kissed her neck, and Arianna nuzzled him back.

Her body was ravaged, pain latent in every muscle and bone in her body.

Yet, she felt none of it.

Not with their daughter nestled safe, whole, and healthy in her arms.

“The doctor said she’s fine, but they want to keep her in the hospital a few days to be sure.”

Finn gave them a squeeze. “Since you’re not leaving the hospital for at least a few days yourself – though I think a week would be better – that timing works out.”

“Don’t you want us all home?”

“Absolutely. But I need you both healthy first.” Finn shuddered. “I almost lost you, baby.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t.”

“Either of you.”


“I love you, baby.” He tilted her face to his and gave her a long, sweet kiss. If she hadn’t just given birth, she was sure parts of her body would be tingling.

“And I love you, too, little Eloisa Santoro de Bara.” Finn leaned around Arianna and pressed a kiss to the baby’s head. A soft click came from nearby and their heads shot up.

Carolina stood in the doorway with a camera in her hands and a big smile on her face. “Eloisa, huh?”

Finn smiled. “It was my mother’s name. I thought we could call her Ellie.” Finn greatly missed both of his parents, who had been killed in a car accident some years ago.

“She’s got our family name, too,” Ethan said as he walked over and stroked the baby’s cheek with the back of his index finger.

“Since she looks just like Finn, I thought there should be some of me in there somewhere.”

Finn smiled. “Baby, she may look like me, but she’s all you in personality.”

“How do you figure that? She’s only an hour old.”

“I can tell. Just you wait and see.”

Arianna rolled her eyes and Finn chuckled.

“So? Is Auntie Carolina allowed to hold little Ellie?”

“Of course.” Arianna carefully passed the baby over. “Don’t forget to support her head.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to? I’ve been an aunt in training for years already.”

Arianna chuckled, then gripped her stomach; her body couldn’t take laughing quite yet. “I know what you mean. I thought for sure one of our brothers would have knocked someone up by now.” She gave Ethan a pointed glance.

“I am appalled by that statement,” Ethan said, feigning injury to her words.

“But am I wrong?”

“That’s beside the point.” More chuckles in the room.

“What a day,” Arianna said. “Alex and Rebecca married, and we’ve got our new little girl.”

“Speaking of the wedding,” Ethan said and then flipped on the television. They caught a news story with highlights from the wedding.

“In a delightful surprise, His Royal Majesty, King Gabriel, joined the newlyweds on the palace balcony!

Looking pale, but dashing in his dress uniform, he briefly greeted the bride and groom – kissing each of them on their cheeks – before waving to the crowd and exiting the balcony. Such a delightful sight to see Valleria’s king on the mend.”

“Papa does look better, doesn’t he, Ethan?” Carolina asked.

“Much better. Thank God.”

“You know,” Carolina started. “I thought it would stink being away from Valleria and Papa and the wedding but, holding this little gem, I’m much happier to be here. And even happier to be away from those crowds.”

“Not to mention all the wedding festivities,” Ethan added. “The wedding breakfast is going on now. Then there’s the family reception tonight, and the farewell brunch in the morning.”

“Well, we’ll just have to enjoy our time with little Ellie now. You know once Mama gets here, she’s won’t let this baby go.”

“Then let me have my turn,” Ethan said.

“In a few minutes.”

“In a few minutes, she’s going to wake and need a feeding. Come on. Come to Uncle Ethan.”

“It’s my turn.”


“No, still mine.”

Arianna rolled her eyes. “You sound just you did when we were kids. Stop fighting over my daughter.”

“Might as well get used it,” Ethan said sagely. “She will likely be the most loved and probably the most spoiled baby ever. Am I right, Finn?”

Finn just smiled. “Yeah. I think she will be.” Finn, who’d been without family for a long time, didn’t seem to mind that thought so much. “I love your family, baby,” he whispered in her ear.

“I know,” she whispered back. “They’re your family, too. Don’t forget.”


“In related news, Princess Arianna – who, as you know is former princess of Valleria and our current crown princess of Brazenbourg – has given birth to a healthy daughter, whose name has not yet been announced. Royal watchers will remember the princess married our ruler, Prince Finn de Bara, in a secret Christmas ceremony last year, much to the delight of the country.

Prince Ethan and Princess Carolina of Valleria did not attend the royal wedding, choosing instead to spend time with Princess Arianna as she suffered some complications in her pregnancy. Princess Arianna is said to be resting and doing well. We wish both mother and daughter a speedy recovery, and a hearty congratulations to the entire royal family, both here and in our sister nation of Valleria.

The newest princess may not be the next ruler of our fair country, however. The Brazenbourg Council of Mayors has yet to approve a measure allowing women to rule, though Prince Finn has been petitioning the Council to pass the law for some time. Will the Council follow through, or risk the wrath of a public who adores its royals? More on this coming up next.”

“Is that true?” Carolina asked. “Could they really prevent Ellie from ruling?”

Finn nodded. “I’ve been working on them for months. I’m hoping to use the momentum from Ellie’s birth to get it passed. If they won’t pass it now, I’m afraid I’ll miss my chance for it.”

Arianna crossed her arms over her chest, wincing as they came into contact with her overly large, sensitive breasts. “It’ll happen. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Are you going to take on the mayors, baby?”

“I’ll take on anyone who tries to harm my daughter, including those who would deny Eloisa her birthright.”

“We’ll figure it out together.”

Arianna turned into Finn. “Yes, we will.”

. It was a term Arianna never thought would apply to her. She’d never imagined, after her past, that she’d ever find anyone, least of all a true partner.

She’d never imagined she’d have all this.

Safe and secure in her husband’s arms, she fell asleep watching Carolina reluctantly hand Ellie over to Ethan.

* * *

orenzo watched
from a corner of the room. The wedding breakfast was in full swing, with some even dancing on the floor. After appearing on the balcony and taking pictures, their father had gone to rest. The remainder of the family was seated along the dais, Alex and Rebecca seated in the center now that they’d completed their dance.

They were really happy, and really, truly in love.

Lorenzo took another sip of his drink and watched them. He’d been in love once. Or, at least, he thought it’d been love.

He’d seen his parents, and now a few of his siblings fall in love. He thought he knew what love was.

Perhaps he’d been wrong.

His head turned to the crowd, searching for a face he’d seen at the church. A face from the past.

A face that’d broken his heart.

His breath stopped.

His heart skipped.

He wasn’t dreaming.

He hadn’t been imagining things.

It hadn’t been the power of the uniform, making him remember things he’d buried.

It was her.

Cecilia Marshal.

He’d called her Lily because she reminded him of a flower.




How wrong he’d been.

How really fucking wrong he’d been.

And now she was here.

No one knew about their relationship. No one had ever known. If Lorenzo had ever bothered to review the copies of the guest list Tavin or Mara had sent him, he would have known she’d been invited. He could have been prepared.

You can’t change the past, just the future
. His commanding officer had drilled that into him after he’d returned from war.

He couldn’t change the past.

He also couldn’t forget it.

He sucked back the rest of his drink, dropped it on a passing tray, and made his way to Lily.

Maybe if he spoke to her, danced with her, held her in his arms one last time, he’d understand.

Maybe he’d get some closure and would finally be able to forget.

Her back stiffened as he came closer, as if she were bracing herself. She whipped around, her eyes frantic.


God, Lily.

She locked eyes with him.

“Miss Marshal. So good to see you again.” He reached down for her hand.

Sparks, bright blue and electric, fizzed between them.

It was still there, after all this time.

God, Lily.

He kissed her hand, his eyes locked on her expression. She shut her eyes and inhaled, as if she were relishing his touch.

She used to do the same thing whenever they’d make love.

“L-Lorenzo. I mean, Your Highness.” She did a belated curtsy. “M-May I congratulate you on your brother’s wedding, and provide my hopes for a speedy recovery for our king and Princess Arianna.”

“Thank you. May I have this dance?”

Her eyes widened. “Your Highness, I couldn’t.”

“Yes, you can.”

Cecilia took a quick look around, noticed others watching their exchange, then nodded.

Settled on the dance floor, he pressed her a little too close. She slid slightly away. “Don’t try running, Lily. Not again.”

She swallowed. “I-I’m not running. We’re in public. People will think–”

“People always think. This is a private reception. Anyone who dared mention who danced with whom would be blacklisted from future royal events, not to mention blacklisted in business. My family takes privacy seriously, as you know.”

She relaxed and leaned forward, sliding her cheek against his as she settled against him. “I remember.”

“I remember too much,” he admitted. “I remember your perfume. I remember your soft curves, and smooth skin.”

“Lorenzo, please.”

“I didn’t know you’d been invited.”

She pulled back, gazing at him with disbelief.

“It’s true. I didn’t know until I saw you at the church. I haven’t been involved in the wedding planning.”

She searched his eyes, then nodded, apparently satisfied. “I’d wondered.”

“Yet you still came.”

“I–yes, I still came. I wanted a chance to speak to you, about everything that happened.”

“It’s been almost five years. My number hasn’t changed. Only my address, and it’s no secret I’ve been living in Masillia for the last few years.”

“No, I knew where you were.”

“Where are you these days? Still here in Valentia?”

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “No, I moved to Masillia.”

His hands tightened on her body. “When? When did you move there?”

“A few years ago,” she whispered.

He searched her eyes this time. “What’s your game?”

She shook her head. “No game. But I do need to speak to you.”

“We’re speaking now.”

“Not here. In private.”

“We can leave now.”


“What game are you playing?” he repeated.

“Please, listen to me.”

He bit back his retort, and nodded.

“I need to explain what happened all those years ago.”

“Why you brushed me off, you mean.”

“Please, let me finish. I didn’t want to leave you. Truly, I didn’t. It wasn’t my choice.”

Tears were pooling in her eyes. She looked ravaged. If she was playing him, it was a very good act.

He never could handle it when she cried.

God, Lily.

“You were hiding something from me in the end.”

She pursed her lips and nodded.

“Something big. Something to do with why you left me.”

She nodded again. “It wasn’t my choice.”

“Everyone has a choice.”

“I didn’t,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought of you.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“Not now, but soon you will.”

“You seem sure of that.”

“I’m sure of you.”

God, Lily.

“You still love me.”

“Who could ever stop? Especially after what we went through.”

He gave her a long look, oblivious to the curious stares around them. “When do you go back to Masillia?”

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