Read Royce Online

Authors: D. Hamilton-Reed

Royce (37 page)

Then they walked arm and arm to the limo.  He had them set up a wedding feast in their villa, it was beautiful and the hotel made beautiful wedding cakes.  They walked in and there were two tables, one held a wedding cake, a beautiful two tiered wedding cake, and the other was loaded down with food, an attendant was standing there waiting to serve them.  Justin ran around the room, and Joy let him, he’d been good all through the wedding, but now he needed to run around and be a little kid, free to move a little.  She went to check out the cake.  It was beautiful, white scrollwork on a champagne colored background, “Oh baby, baby look at you.  How’d you get everything so right,” she asked. 

He smiled at Joy and hugged her to him, “I tried my best baby, I hope it’s what you want, I just wanted to make it our day, just ours.” Joy let him hold her but she turned her head so he could have her lips and he kissed her and she felt him holding her tight, loving her, “And you did baby, I love you, it’s so beautiful.”  The kids were talking loudly about what they wanted to do, “I want to ride the New York roller coaster,” Lindsey said excitedly, “Can we ride mommy, can we?”  “I think so,” she looked over at Royce, “Tomorrow we’ve got all day, but tomorrow night it’s David Copperfield,” they all cheered again, “Let’s eat so we can have cake,” Joy said. 

When everyone was seated the waiter came, he placed a napkin in everyone’s lap and took their drink order, and they ate like a family should, talking, lively, even though they were dressed so beautiful.  Joy in her wedding dress, Royce in his tux, the kids in their wedding finery, they were a family, everything was just as Royce wanted. 

After cake the butler came up to him, “Everything is as planned sir,” his name was Claren, some kind of weird name like that, but he was American, blonde and blue eyed American. “Good, look I know it’s probably not what you normally do, but I need you to stay around, watch out for kids, listen out for the baby I need to spend a little time with my wife,” and he felt himself smile at those words.  He’d thought of everything except a babysitter, “Just stick around and there’s a very big tip in it for you,” and then he added, “But don’t hesitate to come get us if you need too though okay.”  He didn’t want this poor guy trying to soothe Justin if he cried, he didn’t look like the babysitter type.  He was young about twenty-five or so, very clean cut and stylish in his butler tux, so tending to a baby probably wasn’t on his short list. “No problem sir, I am here to serve you,” he said as calmly as you please.

Joy came back from laying Justin down, “He’s asleep and out, hopefully for the night.”  Royce took her hand, and he saw Claren looking at her in a strange way, “Okay we’re set,” and he nodded at Claren.

“Can we go swimming daddy?”  Karen asked excitedly and he’d thought they were winding down too, but obviously not, “Yeah sure, what do you think Joy?”  “Sure, they brought swim suits,” the kids cheered. “Hey don’t wake your brother,” Joy said.  They quieted and ran to their rooms, someone had put away their clothes and they rummaged through drawers and found their swimsuits and when they came out, “It’s late so keep it down okay, and listen out for your brother,” Joy told them and they nodded and ran out the door to the pool and so much for quiet, they all yelled and screamed when they jumped in.

Royce took her by the hand, he’d been standing there nuzzling her, kissing along her throat, her shoulders, but she’d insisted on waiting for the kids, now he led her to their room, “The butler will listen out for them.” She looked at him, “The butler?”  She looked over at Claren who was still standing there and he smiled at her, “Everything is under control Mrs. Harrington.” 

Royce led her to their room.  The bed was pulled back and strewn with rose petals, their clothes were put away, champagne was chilling in a bucket on the nightstand, and next to that a tray of chocolate covered strawberries. 

Royce pulled her back towards him and kissed her along her neck, he was feeling amorous, she was his wife and he wanted to love her as his wife for the first time he would love her as his wife and that aroused him in a way he never thought.  Just thinking of her as his wife and the journey it took to get to this point made him want her, want to fulfill this moment, to consummate it with love. 

He popped the champagne, she took a bite of a chocolate covered strawberry, and he filled two glasses, “To us,” he said.  “To our love and the new life we’re about to share,” Joy said and he could see she was happy.  They toasted and Royce began to undress her and she him, he was so ready for her and wanted her. 

He laid in bed, she put her glass down and came to him, “I love you baby and I don’t know what made you do it, but I’m so glad you did it this way, I’m so glad baby, I’m so happy.” He pulled her to him and began to love her, to kiss her kissable lips.  He ran his fingers through her hair, wanting to touch her everywhere.  She was his now, truly his, his tongue ran up and down her skin, his lips kissing and sucking her, his hands caressing her.  He found her breasts and caressed them.  He sucked her nipple that was hard and waiting for his mouth.   She cried out,
his wife
, she moaned,
his love
his wife
and he wanted her to feel every pleasure she could of her husband. 

He went down her belly, ran his tongue through her soft patch of pubic hair and found the place he knew that would give her the most pleasure, he licked her and licked her, she moaned.  He wanted to please her, she was his wife, not his girlfriend his wife.  His tongue went to the spots he loved, he was deep inside her, giving her pleasure, her body moving sensually feeling what he knew he could give to her, her night of love.  He licked, sucked and went deep inside her until he felt her legs clench around him, and he smiled, he’d pleased his wife. 

Her hips pushed onto his tongue and he licked her deep.  She moaned and her body gave in to its pleasure, and when she came down she pulled him down on her kissing his lips, loving on him.  She touched him all over, ran her fingers down his body and sucked him on his chest, his nipples, small and hard, he moaned at that.  Her hands ran along the six pack he’d worked hard to get. She sucked and kissed him there and ran her fingers through his short pubic hair and found what she was looking for.  She took him in her mouth, sucking him large and swollen, “Oh Joy, my wife, my wife,” he whispered.  She moved her hands on him and sucked him, licked him and sucked him some more, he moaned out his pleasure. Then she pulled him up, “Baby you’ve done so much for me today and I want to do something for you,” he didn’t know what it could be, he wanted what he was getting. 

She bent over and raised that beautiful Joy behind up in the air, “I want to fuck you baby, I want to fuck you,” she said huskily.  He grew harder when she said that knowing what it implied.  He pushed inside her, she met him and pushed against him, “Oh baby, fuck me baby, fuck me,” and she did until he lost control and lost himself and erupted in her hard and his body jerked and spasmed and he was loose limbs and he felt himself slowly collapse on her. 

After he regained himself, “Oh baby, damn you know what that does to me,” he said as he laid against her, content in being with her and he knew what it did to both of them and that was the last thing he remembered.




Because Michael was adamant and yelled and fussed about him living at the La Casa Madrid house they decided to sell it and her, Deon, Lindsey and Justin moved into, 23 Chaucer Street, his house.  They settled in and after a couple trying months he wanted to have fun, let loose. 

He knew Tammy was upset, and he didn’t give a care.
The one good thing he’d heard she was dating someone, and Michael still being a jerk let it slip to Joy about his affair with Amanda which hurt her and she fumed saying, "I can't believe he was having an affair on me with that bitch!"  And he had to endure a tortuous scrutinizing visit from his in-laws.  Her mother eyed him like he was a lab specimen and after a rough start he and her father had come to an understanding, as long as he loved Joy and would keep her in the standard of living she was accustomed too he was acceptable and he still had not taken her to meet his parents. 

But other than all that he was happy and wanted to take Joy dancing.  “Real Two-stepping,” as she called it, “Not just around the house, but out in public,” she cried out alarmed when he told her.  "Yes, real Two-stepping.  You're not afraid of a little Two-Stepping are you?" And the challenge was on.

Bobby and Sarah picked them up, Joy was wearing tight jeans that made Royce’s mouth water, he loved her in jeans and tonight they were all cowboyed and girled out.  Joy was beautiful and looked like a cowgirl, her hair long and tousled wearing a white off the shoulder shirt that clung to her body, and was just sexy enough so when she raised her arms a little bit of her midriff showed and to complete her look she wore dark brown alligator boots with a matching belt and silver belt buckle, and to top it off she had a little small flat brown suede pouch like purse with an Indian style turquoise clasp.  Royce watched as she put her driver’s license, credit card, a couple of twenties, and her lipstick inside, and that was all that could fit and snapped it shut and she put the strap over her head and it went across her chest, “What’s the money for?”  “My momma taught me to always carry a little cash with me you never know what could happen,” he laughed, and he looked like a natural in dark jeans and black leather cowboy boots, a white button down shirt, his black belt with a big silver buckle.

Cowboy hats in hand they opened the door to Sarah and Bobby, both were just as cowboyed and girled down too, “Look at you, you look gorgeous,” Joy said to Sarah. “Ya’ll ready?”  Sarah said in her most southern accent.   Royce helped Joy up in the back seat and couldn’t help himself he copped a few feels of her backside, she giggled and he hopped in and they drove to Lewisville.

They pulled into a full parking lot heavy with cars and trucks, people were milling around.  They parked and sat for a moment to get a feel for the place. “Lose the hats, lose the hats,” they all said and put their hats down, no one was wearing cowboy hats.  Although no one wore cowboy hats they saw cowboy boots galore, but they also saw tennis shoes, dress shoes and for the girls it seemed anything goes, high heels, sandals, and some had on boots. 

They walked into the club, it was called Texas Outback and the country music was bumping, it was loud and Joy thought,
Oh god what have I got myself into?
She saw people two stepping and it was much faster than what she was used to with Royce, the couples were all over the floor and the men were leading the ladies, twisting and turning them this way and that.  The place was huge, and the dance floor large, it was like a big barn, hay on the floor, bales of hay around, saddles on the walls, pictures of horses, cows, bulls and cowboys roping, sexy cowgirls posing, ropes tied in knots on the walls, it looked fun enough, but she wasn’t sure, but Sarah was ready.  She strutted in and as soon as they were far enough inside she said, “Come on Bobby let’s dance,” and she took his hand and off they went.

Royce looked at her, “You want to try or sit this one out?”  And she could see he wanted her to have fun, “Hey I came to have fun didn’t I,” and he smiled and took her hand and led her to the dance floor.  He twirled her around a couple of times and started moving around the floor and before she knew it she’d forgotten about the unfamiliarity of the club and was having fun.  Royce was a good dancer, he moved her around, and she thought it was fast, but he moved fast with the music and she kept up, and she must have laughed and laughed it was so much fun, twirling and moving to the music and his smile was worth it.  He kept her out there for a while, then a slow song came on and he took her in his arms and held her close and she laid her head on his shoulder and let him take her away, and when the song was over she looked up at him and he was looking at her with so much love he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.  “You want a beer or something?” “Yeah, it’s hot in here,” he went to the bar and they looked around and saw Sarah standing by a table waving frantically to get their attention. 

“Look at that, I didn’t know we could’ve worn that,” Sarah said. “I know we didn’t need to go shopping,” and the men guffawed. “Ha, you girls not finding a reason to go shopping,” Bobby laughed and said and Royce was right with him, “You can shop with best of them, I know I get the bills,” he teased, and she looked at him, “Well what can I say I have good taste,” Joy joked back. “I know baby, we’re not complaining, are we Bobby?  They chose us didn’t they,” and they cracked up.  “Well we can agree with that!”  And Joy high fived Sarah. 

“Come on Joy, I’m going to show you how to line dance,” Sarah said grabbing her hand.  The dance floor was full and they joined in, and Sarah showed Joy how to do a country and western line dance.  She laughed and Royce cheered her on, and when the song was over as she and Sarah were leaving suddenly someone grabbed their hand and they were pulled back.  And Joy found herself in the arms of another man, a big man, a huge man, he was much taller than Royce and wide.  He was older, his blonde hair was short wavy and streaked with gray, he was dressed in the cowboy fashion except he had on a black leather vest he wore open.

“Hello little darling, I’ve been wanting a chance at you all night,” Royce was watching Joy having a good time and when he saw her being pulled back he got up.  Bobby stopped him, “It’s just a dance Royce, just be cool okay,” “Okay, but I’m going over there,” with his heart racing he walked close to the dance floor.  The big guy was taking Joy around. “What’s your name little darling?”  “I’m Joy,” “And that guy I’ve been seeing you with is he…holy cow,” he said when he saw her ring, “What kind of cowboy you got to give you a ring like that?”  She laughed and she’d seen Royce come close to the dance floor and she was grateful, “That cowboy right there, he’s my husband,” she said nodding and pointing to Royce.  The guy turned and looked at Royce, he nodded, “I don’t think he’s taking too kindly to Big John dancing with ya is he?”  He chuckled, “I’ll have you back to him safely.  I didn’t introduce myself did I, I’m Big John ma’am and I must say you are the prettiest thing I’ve seen in here in a long time, that cowboy of yours is a lucky man,” Big John danced her over to Royce. “Hey cowboy, this is a pretty lady you got there.” “Thanks I know,” Royce took her hand and kept dancing with her, he smiled at her, his heart settling down.  He moved with her around the dance floor, and when they sat back down Big John came over to their table with a pitcher of beer.

“A round from Big John,” he introduced himself all around, another guy was with him, he was the one who grabbed Sarah.  “Hey, I’m Big John, we just wanted to meet you fellas,” Big John said, “This is my buddy Ray, and we didn’t mean no harm dancing with such pretty ladies,” and they started talking.  They found out Big John owned a lot of land.  He sold boats too, big boats, speed boats, fishing boats, you name it and he owned lots of bait and tackle shops on almost every lake in Texas, “Yeah, Ray Hubbard, Texoma, and of course Lewisville, what you fellas do?”  And they told him about their business, “Oh yeah, hey I might need to talk to you guys…You fellas need to come check it out up here.  I got a house out on the lake, ya’ll should come up sometime,” Big John went on, and Royce saw him cutting glances at Joy.

He was sitting across from them, taking drinks of his beer and when he did he stole a glance at Joy and Royce wondered is this what he was in for being married to her, other men wanting her?  He’d seen that with Claren, now Big John was looking at her, is this what Michael had gone through?  He knew Michael had gone through it with him.  He held her hand as they talked stroking the back of it, “Hey come on baby, let’s dance.  Nice to meet you Big John, Ray, but the dance floor is calling and I came to dance with my wife,” he knew he wanted to get away from Big John and his glances.  He pulled Joy on the dance floor and he danced and danced with her, and when a slow song came on he took her in his arms and held her close, “Oh baby, I love you, don’t ever forget that,” and his heart was hurting a bit.  He was her husband now and he was going to have to put up with guys like him wanting Joy and that scared the hell out of him.

When the song was over Royce stood there holding her and kissing and kissing her forgetting for a moment where he was.  He just wanted to show her how much he loved her.  He’d never wanted to hold on to someone as much as he did Joy, and that’s why he’d asked her practically since they’d left Vegas, “Let’s have a baby?”  “Can’t you see us having a little girl like Justin?”  “Just one more before Justin gets too old,” he’d used every argument and at first she balked and then she gave in, “Okay let me finish the month out,” she said of her birth control pills, “That way I’ll know when I’m late, if not we can throw off my system.”  That had been two weeks ago when she took her last pill, and now she was birth control free.

“Let’s hear it for the lovebirds out there tonight,” the DJ said in his deep southern drawl and the club cheered and clapped and he looked up and discovered it was them.  He laughed and escorted her off the dance floor, and he was glad Big John was gone.  And before they knew it the DJ was calling, “Last call, the bar will be closing in thirty minutes folks, so get your last order in,” his deep southern voice drawled over the mike.

They used that as their cue to leave.  “Hey, where to next?”  Joy asked, “The night is still young,” they all laughed. “Yeah, it’s still young,” Sarah said. “Still young?
It’s two o’clock in the morning we’re heading home,” Bobby said. “Nooo, Bobby, let’s go do something,” Sarah pleaded.  “Hey don’t you feel like a teenager right now, like we’re a bunch of teenagers,” Joy said and they all laughed, “And if we were we’d be going somewhere to make out,” Royce said, and just like that it was on. “Let’s go make out, let’s go make out,” Sarah chanted.  “Hey I like that idea,” Royce said smiling his easy Royce smile, and Bobby looked at all of them like they were nuts but said sarcastically, “Okay let’s go make out, and where should we go, we don’t have the slightest idea where we are?” “We do, we’re in Lewisville and Big John said there’s a lake out here, so let’s go to Lake Lewisville,” Royce said. “Yeah,” Sarah cheered egging him on.  Bobby laughed, “Alright Lake Lewisville it is.”

Bobby drove following the signs to get to the lake and they found themselves driving through heavily forested roads with the lake on one side.  They followed the road and passed other parked cars and trucks, “Someone else had the same idea,” they laughed.  They drove further back and down a few roads, twisting and turning until the lake was right in front of them.  Bobby parked and all of them jumped out of the truck and ran down to the water, and ran back when the waves lapped in.  It was a beautiful night, the sky full of stars, the night was not as hot as it could be in June, most of the time it was still ninety degrees just as hot as the day.  Bobby let the tail gate down and they sat there looking at the dark lake, the moon shimmering on the dark water. 

It was Royce who started kissing Joy first, “I’d love to make out with you baby,” he whispered and started kissing her.  Sarah and Bobby soon followed and before they knew it the ladies were laying down, the night sky above and Royce and Bobby their hands under shirts, their lips desperately kissing and going lower.  Royce pulled her up and took her to the backseat  They hopped in and he was all over her like a teenage boy.  “Oh Joy,” he moaned and raised her shirt and unhooked her bra and was sucking her like crazy.  “I want you baby, I want you,” Bobby and Sarah had climbed in the front seat and were going at each other.  “No Royce not in front of Bobby and Sarah, I promise I’ll take care of you when we get home.” “I can’t wait that long baby, I’ve wanted you all night, I can’t wait baby,” he kept kissing and caressing her. “Bobby man I love you as a brother, but you gotta leave now!  Get out of the truck, go play in the water, something man!  Leave Bobby, leave,” Royce pleaded. “No, man, I’ll pretend you’re not back there if you pretend we’re not up here, just do what you gotta do man, I am” and they heard Sarah moan, and Royce unzipped Joy’s pants.

Sarah was straddling Bobby’s lap, his pants down to his ankles.  Sarah could see Royce and Joy in the back seat, and it was such a turn on, seeing Joy’s legs spread, one on the back of the seat, Royce’s hips moving and she got little peeps at his behind as his shirt moved aside.  It was so erotic and hearing Joy’s cries of pleasure, she was so hot, so hot listening and watching them make love, she moaned.

“Oh Joy, oh baby, baby, baby,” she heard Royce whispering softly in Joy’s ear, and she was so hot she erupted on Bobby and cried out her pleasure.  Royce was pumping and moaning his pleasure and loving Joy, loving her so much and kissing her so good and losing himself to the pleasure and so was Joy until she heard them cry out, his eruption, and Joy’s quaking rocked the truck with their finale, “Oh baby,” Royce said and softly and sweetly kissed Joy’s lips.

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