Read Rubbed Raw Online

Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Rubbed Raw (13 page)

After going through them all, he looked at me. “Not yet.” Then he left us and walked towards a group of policemen. One of them smiled at him, and they shook hands. I wondered if he was a fan or someone Jon really knew.

When several new lists had come out and none of their names were on them, I started to get nervous. Chris pulled my head to his chest. “If worse comes to worse, you come home with me. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

That made me cry; I grabbed the back of his shirt and let the flood of tears flow. He just stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head. After a while, my feet started to hurt, so I shifted my legs carefully.

“Wanna take your boots off?” Tommy asked as he came up next to me.

I turned to him. “The floor’s nasty. I’d rather suffer.”

“Then just go sit,” He suggested.

Chris didn’t wait for a response. He guided me to an empty group of seats and took my shoulders in his hands as he almost pushed me down. I winced as my ass hit the chair.

“Ooh, Crystal, I’m sorry.” Chris touched my cheek. “No wonder Chad’s pissed. He hurt you pretty bad, huh?” He sighed when I didn’t reply then said, “It’ll be a while. I’m gonna see if Jon found anything out.”

Then Tommy positioned himself in front of me. “Damn, what a nice view,” He quietly said as he looked down at me, glasses lifted.

I followed his eyes and saw that sitting down made a lot more cleavage show. I tried to pull my blouse up a bit, but it was no use; almost half of my breasts were exposed. “What do we do about a lawyer?”

“Jon got it all taken care of.”

Then a man in a business suit called out, “Mr. Fischer.” Tommy turned and walked about a foot away from me to talk with him.

There was a young redheaded woman with him who came towards me. She put a hand on my shoulder. “Hi, I’m Preston.” We shook hands. “Don’t worry. It’s just a bar fight. We’ll get them out tonight.”

“Thanks.” I felt a little relieved as she walked away.

“How much for twenty minutes?” Slowly, I turned towards the voice. A young man was sitting next to me. He looked me over. “You look expensive though. Do you give out free samples?” His hand moved to my bare thigh.

I quickly shouted, “Tommy!”

He was at my side in an instant. “Hey, back off, buddy.”

The man stood up, towering over Tommy, “Why, you her pimp?”

“If you touch the lady one more time, you’ll never use that hand again,” Jon suddenly said from behind the guy.

He turned around and looked up at Jon, who had at least six inches on him. “Sorry, dude.” Then he walked away.

Chris sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. “Sorry I left you.”

I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I couldn’t wait for the night to be over. “I’m fine. He just made a mistake.”

After about an hour, Jon said, “Hey, Phil and Mark are supposed to be up in the next group. Just stay here. I’ll make sure they get bail or whatever.”

“Thank you.”

“I always help my friends.” He smiled and lightly touched my shoulder then disappeared into a courtroom.

Chris kissed my cheek then called out, “Tommy.” He had been checking the most recent list, but came to us right away. “I gotta take a piss. Stay with her.”

They switched places, and Tommy hugged me. “It’s gonna be soon, OK? If Mark and Phil are ready, they will be, too.”

I was trembling a bit with the worry that court would shut down before they got to them. I had heard a few lawyers and police officers say it was running later than usual. I also heard the holding cells were overcrowded, and they wanted to clear out as many cases as possible. That meant they had a chance.

After a few minutes, I tapped Tommy. “I gotta pee, too.” When I stood up, he picked up my hand and led me down the hall.

Chris passed us. “I’m gonna go see what’s up with the guys.”

Tommy took me to the men’s room and with his hand on the middle of my back, ushered me past a few men staring at me. He walked into a handicapped stall with me. “I ain’t taking a chance again.”

“I can’t go with you watching,” I protested.

He turned away, looked at the wall and covered his ears. “I can’t hear or see a thing, just go.”

I laughed quietly. He was trying to be a gentleman it seemed. “Don’t look.” Then when I was finished and had washed my hands, I touched his back. “I’m done.”

He lowered his hands and turned around. “So, now…”

Then he quickly got me up against the wall. He pressed his lips to mine. He gently held my ass in his hands and ground his stiff cock into my pelvis. I was almost as startled as the very first time he got me alone. I couldn’t push him away, just basically melted in his arms.

“I’ll make it quick,” he whispered in my ear. Then I heard him putting a condom on. “I need your pussy so bad.”

I was so enthralled. I hesitated. I knew I had to tell him no, but I wanted the closeness sex gave me. “Tommy...”

“Shh.” He kissed me as I felt his hand between my legs, moving my thong and guiding his cock. Then he gasped as he thrust into me. “Open your legs more.” When I didn’t move, he helped me do it.

After a minute, I whispered, “Tommy, we can’t do this.” I cringed at the bit of pain I felt with each slow stroke.

“Let me make you cum. You’ll forget everything. Relax,” He said in my ear as he continued driving into me. “Oh, damn, babe.”

“You’re fuckin’ her?” Jon suddenly shouted. I jumped, and Tommy’s hips stopped. “Get your dick outta her now, Tom! You’re acting like Dean.”

Tommy looked into my eyes. “Did I step over the line?”

“Please, no more.”

He pulled out and tossed the condom. “I’m sorry. I thought you wanted me.”

I fixed my underwear and looked down. “Can we just forget this ever happened, please?”

“Yeah.” He ran his fingers through my hair after closing his pants.

Then we walked out to Jon standing in the doorway with his arms folded across his chest. “Don’t you ever let me catch you taking advantage of her again. She got enough to worry about tonight. You just had to compound it, huh?”

“It’s just sex,” Tommy told him. “What’s the big deal?”

Jon exhaled loudly. “To her, I’m sure it’s more. Just ’cause you fuck for no reason, don’t mean she would.” He put an arm around my shoulders, and we walked out.

Soon I heard Phil’s voice and I felt relief. “Then Noah swung at Giovanni. If they hadn’t put me and Chad in a different cell, I woulda tried to knock him on his ass. The idiot was bragging about having such a big dick, he made Crystal cry when he fucked her.”

I winced, remembering the pain I was in our last night together. Noah was completely trashed and extremely aggressive. His cock was bigger than Chad’s, and he had been ramming it into me harder than ever.

Then Mark came to us. “Noah’s in there now.”

I didn’t want to see him again, but within minutes, he was in the hallway also, walking right to me. “You got me fucking fired, bitch!” he shouted at me as he came closer.

Jon stepped between us right away. “You lay a hand on her, and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.” He looked back at me for a second. “No one told you to shove Chad. You got your own self fired.”

Noah opened his mouth, looked at Jon and seemed to think better of it. Then he walked away, and I relaxed again.

“What about Chad and Giovanni?” I asked, nervous about the answer.

Chris turned to me. “Chad’s scheduled in about 10 minutes. I saw Giovanni towards the bottom of the list. That’s like 30 minutes away.”

Soon, Jon sat in the courtroom with me. The judge told Chad to stay out of trouble for six months, or they would reinstate the case. I felt such relief. They’d all been released so far.

As soon as he could, Chad took me in his arms. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t know it was gonna get so outta hand.” I reached up and touched the new bruises on his face. “It’s no big deal. You should see the other guy.” He laughed.

I did smile then realized the “other guy” was Giovanni. He was just joking to relax me, but I worried that Giovanni was hurt badly.

“Nothing broken on either of us.” He caressed my cheek, “Just superficial shit. I swear, he’s fine, too.”

The three of us walked out into the hallway. Jon put a hand on Chad’s back. “I think you guys should leave with Tommy. I’ll wait with Crystal.”

Chad rolled his eyes. “We ain’t gonna fight in the courthouse. That would be pretty stupid. She needs me.” He hugged me again. “Baby, how you doing?”

“I don’t know,” I admitted.

He held me until Chris came to us. “Come on, it’s soon.” He took my hand, and we followed Jon into the same courtroom as Chad had been in.

Jon walked to the front and whispered something to his lawyer. I just clutched Chris’ hand and sat down with him. We watched a few arraignments. I leaned on Chris’ arm and closed my eyes for a while.

Then I heard a lot of movement. I looked up. People were putting things away, and the judge was stepping down from the bench.
They were done for the night?

I jumped up. “No, you can’t quit yet!”

An officer said, “Come back on Monday.”

“You can’t do this, please!” I started crying. “I can’t go home without him. This was all over me, please.” Everyone was looking at me by then, but I didn’t care. “Jon, do something. They can’t keep him till Monday. I’ll never make it that long without him. Someone, please ask the judge to come back.”

A man in a suit came to me. “There’s nothing we can do. It’s too late.”

Then I ran out of the room, hysterical.

Chad grabbed me right away and held me close. “What, baby?”

I replied between sobs, “They… didn’t… get… to… h-him....” Then I felt more hands on me.

“It’s OK,” Phil quietly told me. “Monday’s not as far away as it feels.”

Chris touched my cheek. “I told you, you can stay with me. We’ll watch movies, or go out and keep busy.”

I just nodded my head and gripped Chad’s shirt as I kept crying anyway. The night was a complete disaster. How was I going to go a whole weekend without Giovanni?

After about 15 minutes, Jon wasn’t back yet. Chad kissed my forehead. “Baby, maybe you should go home with Tommy and Chris.”

“Get your hands off her!” Giovanni suddenly yelled.
Where had he come from?
He grabbed Chad and pulled him away from me.

Jon quickly got his arms under Giovanni’s shoulders and pinned him in place. “If you fuck up now, you ain’t getting out for like six months.” Jon growled. “Cut the fucking shit and deal with it. They’re close and that’s just how it is.”

“He fucked her last week,” Giovanni explained as I strode towards them.

Jon looked at me then Chad. “Damn that was fucked up, but you gotta get through it somehow.”

Giovanni’s eyes met mine. I saw his body relaxing, and then Jon released him. He slowly came to me and pulled me into his arms. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m gonna get the rest of them home,” Tommy said from behind me. “See you guys in the morning.”

I let my tears flow again, trying to purge the fear and anxiety I had left. Giovanni ran a hand up and down my back, soothingly. “It’s all good, my love.”

Chapter Eleven

“Hold still!” I said through gritted teeth as Giovanni flinched again when I pressed the cotton ball soaked in peroxide to a cut over his eye.

“That fucking stings,” he complained as he sat on the closed toilet.

I smirked. “Then stop fighting.”

“Ouch!” He let out as I moved on to another cut on his cheek.

When I was done with his face, I moved over to the vanity. “Put your hands over the sink.”


I sighed. “Come on, stop being a baby.”

He huffed and did as told. I looked at his cut-up knuckles, then leaned down and kissed both of his hands.

He said, “All better now.” He pulled his hands back. I glared at him and pointed at the sink. “Hey, you can’t blame me for trying.”

I exhaled loudly and poured peroxide over one hand than the other as Giovanni winced and sucked his breath in through his teeth. The cuts turned white as the peroxide bubbled up.

“Are you gonna make it up to me?” he asked after a few minutes.

My eyebrows rose. “Make what up?”

“You torturing me.”

“Ha! You
be the one paying. I was worried sick for hours.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” He softly kissed my lips and groaned.

I sighed as I glanced at his split lip. It must have bled a lot because his black T-shirt had hard-to-see stains on it, just below his mouth. Then he took a step back and took the shirt off.

“Oh my God! What the fuck happened?” I stared at the bruises all over his body, some almost blending in with his tattoos.

He turned around and showed me even more. “Most of them are courtesy of your asshole ex, but I fucked him up just as bad. Why didn’t you tell me what he did to you that night? I knew I should’ve stayed.” He took me in his arms. “I would’ve stopped him from hurting you. He was fucking bragging about making you cry. I think he just wanted me to hit him, so I’d stay locked up. I’m not stupid, so instead he sucker-punched me.”

I sighed. “I don’t wanna talk about that night. It mostly sucked, except when you were there.”

“You got me now, my love.”

I ran a hand carefully down his side then undid his belt buckle.

“Yeah, that’s what I need now.” He moaned softly. “Suck me till I’m hard, please.”

I looked up at him while I opened his pants. “Sorry, I was just thinking you need a shower. You’re kinda sweaty and smell like… like jail.”

“Guess I do stink.” He laughed. “OK, I’ll wash up, and then I want your mouth on my cock, got it?”

I smiled, “Deal.” Then I pushed his pants and boxers down. His cock was half-hard already. I thought about giving him a blowjob anyway, but he looked so grimy, I couldn’t. “Call me when you’re done.” I kissed the corner of his mouth that wasn’t hurt and left the room.

After a few minutes in the kitchen, I heard, “Crystal, I need you.”

With a sigh, I put the glass I was cleaning back in the sink and stepped into the bathroom. “You OK?”

“Come in here and help me.” He replied. “It hurts to reach some places.”

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