Rugged Fire [Rugged Savage Valley, Colorado 4] (15 page)

Read Rugged Fire [Rugged Savage Valley, Colorado 4] Online

Authors: Edith DuBois

Tags: #Romance

The bed dipped on either side of her, and before she could look, Seb and Will were both stretched out next to her running their hands over her shoulders and back. “Lianne, it’s okay,” Seb said. “You don’t have to hide anything from us.”

But she did. She knew she did.

“Turn over, sweetie. Let us see your face.” Will gathered her long hair and held it away from her body so that she could turn over without accidentally yanking it.

Sucking in a deep breath, she rolled over and looked up at both of them. When they saw her, both their faces split into huge grins.

“There she is,” Seb joked. He leaned down and placed a gentle, welcoming kiss on her lips. “I want to make love to you, Lianne.”

His words startled her. His intensity startled her. She knew she shouldn’t read into what he’d said. “Making love” was just an expression. It didn’t mean what she wanted it to mean, but her heart jumped anyways.

“I want you to, Seb. Please, I want you so much. I always have.”

She probably shouldn’t have said that, she realized, but it was out and Seb wasn’t running away, so she couldn’t worry about it. Seb kissed her. This was her night. This was her deepest desire. She would enjoy it. She

Seb pushed against her mouth, harder than she expected. She felt something from him, something intense and urgent, and she answered. She reached for him, her body taut and strained. After grabbing a condom from the nightstand and quickly putting it on, he moved on top of her. She felt his hard legs against the insides of hers, loved the way his hair tickled her smooth, sensitive skin. Unable to stop herself, wanting to feel everything, she pulled her legs up his and then slid them back down, the sensation of their skin together sending fire through her body. She needed to touch everything.

She ran her hands down each side of his spine and then spread her palms over his firm ass cheeks. Closing her eyes, she breathed in and out, reveling in the way her nipples moved across his chest. His hair tickled her breasts and sent tingles through her skin. Seb moved his lips across her face with featherlight kisses. He nibbled on an earlobe. He lingered on the pulse in her neck.

Their body heat melded, made her so hot, but she wanted more. She wanted fire.

“Don’t make me wait, Seb. Please. I need you inside me.”

“I’m right here.” He looked deep into her eyes as he positioned his hips. The tip of his cock pushed up against her pussy. A shot of adrenaline punched through her body. She was scared. This was the moment, and she couldn’t breathe.

“Seb,” she choked out in panic. She held his waist, not sure if she meant to hold him away or pull him closer.

But Seb didn’t give her a choice. He pushed his cock to the inner edge of her cunt. Not all the way but enough to stretch her uncomfortably. She let out a gasp of pain, and Seb held still. “Are you okay?” He smoothed a hand over her forehead. “Breathe, Lianne. Look at me and breathe.”

She nodded and did as he said. After the first few tentative breaths, he said, “Okay?”

When she breathed in again, he pushed himself further inside. Her instinct was to stiffen up, to clench and keep the thick, hard cock between her legs at bay, but in her heart and mind she wanted him deeper.

“Relax, sweetie.” Seb leaned over and placed a warm, comforting kiss against her lips. She clung to that. She thrust her tongue up into him and pulled him hard against her mouth.

“Push all the way in. Just…come on.”

He grabbed her impatient, squirming hips and held her steady. The he shoved himself deep inside. His cock slipped as far as it could go, and Lianne had to bite back a scream. Her whole body began to tremble. She didn’t know if it was shock, pain, pleasure, or excitement. It could have been all, but she couldn’t hold still.

“Keep going. Don’t stop, Seb.” She whimpered because he wasn’t moving. She needed the motion and the energy.

She looked up at his beautiful face. His eyes were already on her. He was enjoying this, she could see. His brow was tense. The lines of his face were slightly drawn, and a slight sheen of sweat covered everything. She rose up to meet him, but somehow her body and mind weren’t together. Her motion was sharp and jerking. She couldn’t make anything smooth.

She wanted this so much. It was too overwhelming, and she couldn’t even get it right. She didn’t know what to do with herself. She wanted Seb to enjoy it, wanted him to love it and love her and love them together, but she was failing. She could feel the awkwardness of her body, and it made her embarrassed, and it made her more awkward.

She tried to thrust upward again, but it wasn’t right. The rhythm was off and her body jerked against his.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m not good at this. I wanted to be good, but I’m not.” She tried moving again, but Seb reached down and grabbed her waist, holding her still.

“Lianne, look at me.”

She did.

“Now you listen. You could be horrible. You could be the worst lover known to man, and you’d still be the best. Do you understand me? This is special. I know you know that, so relax. You’re fine.” He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “You’re beautiful.”

She clenched her eyes shut tight. She couldn’t hear words like that. She’d build houses and families and years and everything she wanted on words like that, and she just couldn’t. Not right now. Not when she wasn’t strong enough to keep her hopes away.

Seb pulled out slowly and then sank back in. His movement was precise and controlled, and that soothed her. He pulled out and pushed in. He pulled out and pushed in. He was so strong.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

When she did and he sank into her again, warmth blossomed in the depths of her pussy. His cock hit something sweet, and it sent a shudder through the walls of her cunt.

“Oh.” The sound came from someplace primal and deep inside of her.

Seb smiled. He knew exactly what he was doing.

He hit the spot again. Without thinking, without wondering if it was right, her hips rolled up and met his. Their bodies kissed, and a wave of heat washed through her. She held on to him as his thrusting got faster, more demanding and more powerful. He was right. This was right. Everything felt right.

The rhythm came to her, and soon her doubts and insecurities vanished into the haze of their lovemaking. All she could think about was Seb. She could only think about her body and his body and the way they were moving together.

She began to tremble. “Seb.”

She hardly recognized her own voice. It held so much inside of it, so much emotion and passion. It came from a part of her that had never existed before this moment. “Seb,” she said again. He pushed deeper. He owned her, every part of her, and he could have anything. She knew it. She knew that truth in the purest part of her soul. Maybe she’d always known it, but only now, now that their bodies were joined in this way, did she fully realize it. She belonged with him. She belonged with Will. She was theirs.


His hand reached between their bodies and toyed with her clit. She couldn’t handle that. Her pussy began to squeeze his huge cock. She recognized the fluttering, electrifying tingles dancing across her skin, and then he pressed harder on her clit.

“I’m coming,” she whispered just before it hit. And then she cried out. She held him tight. She squeezed her arms and her legs around him. How could she ever let him go? How could she ever let this go?

Seb crashed into her again and again, driving her orgasm to unimagined heights.

With a groan, Seb pushed and held himself inside her cunt. The walls of her pussy were clamping. Her clit was on fire. Her whole body shook with their power of their joint climax. Seb’s hips jerked, and he pressed his forehead hard against hers as his body rode their pleasure.

After a long moment, after the waves started to lessen, Seb relaxed. He kissed her between her eyebrows. He kissed her nose. He kissed her mouth. And then he pulled his cock out of her. She winced. It hurt. It felt good. She didn’t know.

“I’ll be right back, sweetie.”

The chilly air in the room shocked her hot, sweating body for only a moment, and then Will was next to her, holding her and keeping her warm. She rolled over so that they were both on their sides and facing each other. Will grabbed her hands and held them between their bodies. He kissed her knuckles and looked deep in her eyes.

She saw something moving in his dark depths. She wished it was love. She wished more than anything it was love, but she knew it couldn’t be. Whatever it was, though, it belonged to her, and she would take it.

She smiled. He smiled back.

She’d never known such happiness could exist.


* * * *


Will was flat on his back. He stared up into the darkness. He could hear Lianne’s soft breathing beside him. Her hand still loosely held his, and he imagined Seb’s in her other. Even though he touched her, even though he’d felt her mouth around his cock, and even though he’d watched his brother fuck her only a few short hours ago, he couldn’t help thinking,
is this woman real?

Why had it taken him so long to see her?

He wanted to roll over, this very second, and sink his cock into her silken cunt. And then he wanted to wake up with her in the morning. He wanted to drink coffee and talk and laugh with her. And next week he wanted to take her to the Christmas concert on the square. And then he wanted to have Christmas dinner with her and welcome the New Year. And he wanted to take her camping on Brown Trout Lake after the first spring melt. He wanted to be with her when she celebrated the grand opening of Lianne’s. And a year later, when she celebrated its anniversary, he wanted to be with her then, too.

He didn’t know what it meant, didn’t know he would ever feel so strongly about anyone, but it was Lianne. She was more beautiful than any woman he’d ever met. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she was, and he couldn’t believe it had taken him this long to notice it.

She squeezed his hand, startling him. “Are you awake?”

“Yes,” he whispered.

She rolled toward him. “There’s no way I could fall asleep right now.”

He shook his head, but realizing she couldn’t see him, he squeezed her hand back. “I can’t either.”

Seb let out a small snore behind her, making them both laugh silently. Lianne scooted closer, fitting her body snugly against his. She didn’t say anything and neither did he. They didn’t have to. She put her hand on his face and traced his features with a soft touch. He ran his hands over her ribs and hip and rump and thigh, and then he ran it back up again. She rubbed her feet against his. He couldn’t stop touching her.

He put a hand on her petite breast and then rolled his thumb over her nipple. She’d been so ashamed the first time he touched these breasts, but now she let him without a word, without hesitation or apology. Her trust in him made his cock grow hard.

He wanted her. Oh, how he wanted her.

Seeming to read his mind, her hand snaked down between them and gripped his cock. Then she rolled her knuckles against his balls.

“You’re so big,” she whispered. “Seb, too.” She continued to squeeze and massage him. “How will I ever sleep? I want to stay awake with you like this forever, Will.” Her voice was tight. “I need you.” She rolled on top of him. “Where are the condoms?”

He pulled open a drawer on the nightstand, pulled one out, and handed it to her.

“I can’t see. Help me put it on,” she whispered as her fingers fumbled around. A few moments later, when they’d gotten it on, she leaned forward slightly and aligned her pussy with the tip of his cock. An instant passed and then she sank down. Her soft sigh filtered through the darkness. He heard his own small grunt at the feel of her warmth all around him. Grabbing her hips as she leaned forward, he pulled her cunt down snug. Some of her hair tickled his face, and then she moved. They both moved. He pulsed up into her. She clamped around him. He held her but let her ride, loving the tight little breaths she released each time he pushed into her.

She made him feel so good. His dick fit so well inside her, but more than that, she gave him so much of herself. With each pull and push, he could feel her heart and her soul in everything. She didn’t hold back. Didn’t try to be sexy or seductive or smooth. She was just herself—full of joy and passion. He felt himself responding to that, felt his own passion rising to meet hers. It was easy to let go with her. She invited him to do so in the way her lips lightly brushed his cheek and neck, in the way her small hands held on so fiercely to his shoulders, and in the way she was so absolutely unabashed. She was enjoying herself wholeheartedly, and so he did as well.

He felt Seb stir beside them. “Couldn’t even wake me up first,” he muttered. He rifled through the nightstand.

A few moments after that, Lianne suddenly stiffened, her body going still around his. “Seb! What are you—” She squealed and jerked up.

“Hold still for one second,” Seb demanded with a sleep-roughened growl. “See if you like it at least.”

“I can assure you. I do not want your fingers up
. Stop it.
Stop it!

Seb let out an exasperated sigh. “And if I don’t get my fingers up there, how the hell do you expect me to get my cock up there?”

“Your what?” she squeaked. By now, Lianne had completely stopped moving on top of him, but Will didn’t mind. Her pussy was still hot and tight. He knew they’d finish soon, and he was interested in the conversation. He loved her inexperience. He loved that she hadn’t thought about taking cock up her ass yet.

“Here’s the thing,” Seb said. “There are two of us, but there’s only one of you. And since there’s only one of you, that means only one pussy for the both of us. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

“No,” she replied stubbornly.

“Sweetie, we want to make love to you at the same time.” Seb’s tone had shifted into something a little more cajoling, and Will bit back his snort of amusement. “Don’t you want to know what that’s like?”

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