Ruined (21 page)

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Authors: LP Lovell

Tags: #LP Lovell, #She Who Dares, #Ruined

“I remember certain things, but it’s hazy.” I admit.

He sighs. “Okay, so I’ll fill you in. I ate your pussy.” He practically fucks the words as he says them, making my skin break out in goose bumps even though I suddenly feel like I’m on fire. “You came, then you passed out.” A blush creeps over my cheeks. “And then I wake up in the morning and you’re gone. I call you and text you. Nothing. That’s a bitch move, sweetness.”

“I…” I stammer. I don’t know what to say. “I didn’t know what to do. You and me, it’s just... I can’t deal with whatever this is that keeps happening between us. We’re friends, but we get drunk and have accidental encounters. Clearly this isn’t working.” My chest gives a little squeeze, because I love being around Hugo, and I don’t want to lose him, but I feel torn.

“One time.” He argues.

“You kissed me in Allure, and then barely a week later that happens.”

He nods, keeping his eyes trained on mine. “Okay, so twice.” He chimes in.

“Twice that we’ve acted on it.” I correct, fuck knows how many others that I’ve wanted to but restrained myself.

“You were drunk both times, and stoned the last. You cannot possibly be held accountable for anything that you do whilst drunk. Everyone knows that.” He says confidently.

“And you? Were you drunk?” I whisper. Something crosses his expression, but it’s gone before I catch it.

“I wasn’t as smashed as you, no.”

“So why did you do it?” I need to know.

“Uh, you have met me, right?” He smirks. He acts like he’s so care free, but I know him now. I can see when he’s just pulling his bullshit to distract from the truth. He comes across as so uncomplicated, but in truth, he’s one of the most closed off people I’ve ever met.

“Hugo, this is serious. I don’t want to be some cheap whore you think you can pick up and put down.” I growl.

“Hey.” He grabs my chin and my skin tingles under his touch. His expression turns serious, all humour gone. “Never.” His eyes are fierce as he speaks. “I would never treat you like a whore, Molly.” He trails his thumb along my jaw and to my bottom lip. His eyes fix on my lips before they darken into something so sinful I find myself unable to breathe properly. My blood feels like it’s raging in my veins, and my skin suddenly feels too tight. His fingers on my skin send what feels like an electric pulse over my body. Ten days. That’s how long it has been since I last saw him in person. I think spending time with him most days built up my resistance to him, but now I have none. He invades my senses in every possible way.

“Hugo.” I breathe.

His eyes lift from my lips to my eyes. “Yeah?” He looks calm, but his eyes are turbulent.

“You need to stop touching me.” I whisper.

He drops his hand away from my face and looks away, fixing his gaze on the table.

He clears his throat. “You said you’re with Alex now?” He doesn’t look up from where he’s scrunching a napkin in his hand.

“Yeah, he said he wanted to make things official, so…” I trail off. Why does this conversation feel so awkward?

He nods. “Good, that’s…he’s good for you.” I can hear nothing but the truth in his words. “So, now you’re with him. There are clear lines. We can be friends. Everything is fine.” He glances sideways at me.

I hesitate for a moment. Can we be friends? I mean, we’re not animals. I can fight my attraction to him. “Yeah, I guess, we can be friends.” His face breaks into a beautiful smile. “But no more kissing, or anything else.” I point at him.

He holds up his hands in surrender. “Okay. No more kissing.” I raise an eyebrow at him. “I promise!”

I smile. “Okay.” He opens his arms, and I twist in my chair to hug him. His arms wrap around my back, squeezing me tight as he buries his face in my hair. “I missed you.” I blurt.

“I missed you too.”

Clear lines. Yeah, right. The lines here are so blurred they’re ten foot fucking wide. I know this and yet I can’t seem to do the right thing and just walk away from Hugo, not even for Alex.





“You’re going to Vegas?” Molly shrieks. I haven’t told her until now, approximately one hour before we leave. She’s a shitty liar and I know Lilly will have grilled her.

“Ow, eardrums.” I grumble. “Yes, but it’s a surprise. You cannot tell Lilly either. I’m breaking the sacred bro code here by telling you this.”

She crosses her arms across her chest and leans back against the headboard of my bed. She’s petting Gary and watching me pack.

“I want to go to Vegas.” She says sulkily.

I laugh as I grab various items and shove them in the case. She rolls her eyes and gets up, crawling across the bed and snatching things back out, before folding them and putting them back.

“I’ll take you to Vegas, sweetness.” I tell her seriously.

“Really?” She looks up at me, her blue eyes looking hopeful as a smile stretches across her lips. My chest feels like a damn herd of buffalo are stomping all over it as I watch that smile.

“Of course.” I look away quickly and go back into the walk in wardrobe.

“So, what have you got planned for the stag do?” She asks.

I poke my head around the door. “It’s Vegas baby, you don’t plan, you wing it and hope that you make it out alive.” I grin and wiggle my eyebrows at her.

“Okay, I didn’t hear that.” She sighs. “Lilly will hurt me if she finds out that I ever had anything to do with your scheming. I’m so jealous you’re going.” She whines. I step out of the wardrobe and lean against the door frame.

“Look, I’ll document it if you like. Send you pictures.”

“Okay, deal.” Oh, she’s going to get pictures alright. “And I’ll send you pictures of Gary.” She smiles as she pats his head. Soft fucker is so into her it’s ridiculous. I can relate.

“If you dress him up and shit I will never leave him with you again.” I warn.

“Would I?” She feigns innocence. She bought him a fucking hoody. She already has a stash of clothing for him. Not cool.

I check my watch. “I have to go sweetness. I need to be there to strap Theo onto the jet and make sure he doesn’t bail like the pussy little bitch he is.”

“Sounds fun.” I zip the suitcase and wheel it into the hallway by the front door.

“Okay, you know what you’re doing with Gary?”

“Yep. Oh, and Hugo, do me a favour and try not to get Alex killed.” She tilts her head to the side as she places her hand on her hip.

I smile. “No promises.”




Ah, Vegas. The place reeks of money, debauchery and shame. I love it. I pull my Ray-Ban’s over my face as the setting sun glares off the glass windows of the airport.

“You brought me to Vegas?” Theo asks.

“Yeah we did.” His brother Will claps a hand over his shoulder. “Remember what you did to me on my stag do?”

I laugh. “About that…” Theo starts. We might have got him so drunk that he went missing and ended up in Prague with no recollection of how he got there. If this happened to me it would be fine, but Will is as straight laced as they come, which just made it plain awesome.

“Oh no. I never thought you would get married, but payback’s a bitch.” He grins.

Theo turns to me. “Do not let him send me to Prague.” He points at me.

I laugh. “Prague is going to be tame compared to what I have lined up for you my friend.”



Have you ever been to a fight? Probably. Ever been to a midget fight? Didn’t think so. I’m not sure why it’s so funny, but it just is.
The crowd are screaming for blood as the guy in the red shorts hammers the blue. I’ve got ten grand on that little fucker, do he’d best bloody win. There’s small man syndrome and then there’s this guy, who must be the angriest guy in history. He punches his opponent in the nose and blood goes everywhere.

“It’s a good fucking job he’s not six foot!” Theo laughs, shouting over the crowd. He sways on his feet as a bottle of beer gets launched across the room in front of us. Fists are waving, clasping notes and beer bottles. It’s crazy in a way that only Vegas can be.

I turn around and spot Alex wedged between Will and Henry, one of our friends from Eaton. He looks like a fish out of water. When Theo told me he’d invited him I kind of wanted to punch him. I don’t like the guy. He’s too nice, too fucking good. And if it looks too good to be true, it usually is. Of course Theo didn’t know where we were going. I could have warned the guy and told him this wouldn’t be his scene, but honestly, any time I’ve seen him lately he hasn’t been all that keen to speak to me. It’s almost an unspoken agreement between us now. We are polar fucking opposites and he knows it. No point pretending you like someone who is clearly not your bag.

The crowd goes wild as the red guy knocks out the blue, and is declared the winner, putting me fifteen grand up.

“Fuck yes!” I shout, grabbing Theo around the neck. He laughs as we sway drunkenly.

“To the poker tables!” He points toward the bookies booth where we collect money.

“Let’s double this shit!” I yell.


By day two my liver feels like it might fall out, and Theo isn’t looking too clever. I’ve pissed over thirty grand on the tables in two days. Theo has just lost fifty in one game. In his defence, he was beaten by a business-woman who looked like she might eat us both alive.

I’m consoling Theo by taking him to one of the best strip clubs on The Strip. The girls here are fucking beautiful.

Henry, Will and Alex are sitting in a private booth, watching what can only be described as fucking perfection sliding down a pole. Theo and I are at the bar.

“Jesus Christ, what I wouldn’t do to fuck her.” I say, watching as she spirals down the pole, holding on with just her thighs. Her sparkly underwear catches on the lights, making her look like some kind of apparition from heaven. She might just fucking be.

Theo smiles as he lifts his glass of whiskey to his lips. “I’d almost suffer the beat down Lilly would give me for that.” He mumbles against the rim of the glass, gesturing toward the girl.

“Fuck off would you. She’d cut your nuts off and feed them to you.”

He cups his junk protectively. “Oh, I know.” He glances over to where the guys are sat. “Alex looks terrified.” He snorts.

“He’s probably never seen a stripper.” I smile. Yeah, he’s that good, I wouldn’t put it past him. I mean, seriously, the guy had never pulled an all nighter before Thursday night. How do you even manage to go to Uni and not do that. It’s like a rite of passage or some shit. Hell, I was pretty much fucking nocturnal when I was a student. Admittedly this might explain why I didn’t get into Uni, but still…I did okay for myself. “He’s too good for that shit.” I mumble.

Theo rolls his eyes. “He’s really not a bad guy. I don’t know why you hate him so much.” He pauses. “Actually, no, I do.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Look at him, he’s just all; ‘I save lives.’” I put on my best pretentious twat impression. He snorts, spitting scotch everywhere. “Dude, you are such a prick.” I wipe my hand on his sleeve, as he laughs.

“I never thought I would see the day.” He says as he tries to catch his breath. “
are jealous.” He grins like the smug bastard that he is. 

“You forget my friend, I’m the guy that other guys are jealous of, not the other way around. You used to be, but now…well, now you’re just a boring fucker. You won’t even have a crack at the stripper.” I raise an eyebrow and start backing away from him towards one of the dancers working the floor. “What happened to you man? You used to be cool.”


The rest of the night is a blur. I know there are lap dances and strippers. Alex and Will bail at one in the morning. Pussies.

Theo, Henry and I go to a sparty. It’s basically a massive party in a swimming pool, but it’s an anything goes kind of deal. We have Crystal, Ruby and Lola with us. Nothing makes a party like strippers.

I lean against the side of the pool and sip a beer. Theo is next to me, his feet dangling in the water as he lays on the tiled floor next to the pool in his boxers. He’s fucking trashed. Hell, I’m fucking trashed.

The pool is rammed with people, some fully clothed, most butt naked like me. It’s a total tit fest in here, and I’m pretty sure this pool is more bodily fluids and beer than actual water. People are fucking in the corners and dancing to the heavy bass music as lights flash across the water.

“I can’t see.” Theo shouts. Ruby is sat on the other side of him, kicking her feet in the water. All I can see is her massive fucking bare tits. I bite my lip as I pop wood. I feel a hand glide down my body and drop below the water line to grab a hold of my cock. I turn to my left and meet the horny gaze of Crystal. Her fingers slide up and down my cock.

“Wanna see how long I can hold my breath for?” She purrs in her southern accent.

She doesn’t even wait for me to answer as she moves in front of me and takes a deep breath, sinking below the water. I feel her warm mouth engulf my cock and fucking hell. I grip the edge of the pool as I pitch forward drunkenly. Her tongue works over my bell end as her fingers tickle my balls. It’s a wonder she can even get below the waterline with that rack. Tits float you know?

I don’t know how long she can hold her breath, but long enough to make me come. I don’t know whether that’s embarrassing on my part or fucking epic on hers.


I jump awake to a loud noise. The fuck? I squint an eye against the bright morning light, trying to get my bearings. There’s a naked girl on either side of me, neither of which seem to be alive. The noise repeats, and I realise it’s the hotel phone.

I fumble around on the bedside table and pick it up. “Hello.” I croak.

“Mr Harrison?” I bright female voice asks.


“There is a gentleman in reception for you. He is unconscious, but he has your name and room number written on his forehead.” The thing about Vegas is no matter how ridiculous something is, the hotel staff are always super professional, because they’ve seen it all before. I have no idea who it is though.

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