Run to You (20 page)

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Authors: Rachel Lacey

Ethan flashed a megawatt smile but said nothing, always reluctant to brag on his Olympic success. Gabby squeezed his hand.

“Very impressive,” Lois said. “I hear you may soon be joining Harold at Lockhart Financial?”

Ethan straightened. “What's that now?”

Gabby's stomach turned to lead. She hadn't told Ethan about her father's ridiculous offer. “Actually, Ethan's just opened his own business in Haven.”

“Oh.” Lois frowned. “My mistake.”

They made polite conversation for a few more minutes before Lois and George moved off down the path, but Gabby couldn't shake the heavy feeling in her gut. It bothered her more than it probably should have that her parents were going around telling people Ethan was going to join her father at his company. Why couldn't they accept him for who he was? And for that matter, why couldn't they do the same for Gabby?

She glanced over at Ethan. He was smiling and laughing as usual, but she knew better than anyone how skilled he was at hiding his true feelings. Was he hurt? Angry?

He didn't say a word until later in the afternoon, when Dixie had gone to the restroom. “You want to tell me what that was about earlier?”

She sighed. “My dad offered to get you a job at the company where he works. It was…insulting so I didn't mention it.”

He was quiet, but the rigid set of his jaw spoke volumes.

“I'm sorry,” she said. “My parents are ridiculous. I already told them where to shove it.”

“Appreciate that, but no worries. I'm sure they only meant to help.” But as he walked off in the direction of the restrooms, Gabby felt an invisible wall rise up between them.

*  *  *

Ethan woke to the feel of Gabby's hands on him, stroking leisurely up and down on his shaft. He opened his eyes to see her facing him on the pillow, looking all sexy and sleep-rumpled.

“Good morning,” she whispered.

“Sure as hell is,” he croaked, his dick throbbing beneath her touch.

“I thought I'd get a head start since I'm here to help with your little problem this morning.” She smiled sweetly, her innocent expression belying the way her hands worked him into a frenzy beneath the sheets.

“You just about gave me a wet dream.” He pulled away before he came in her hands like a half-cocked teenager. “But I'd like to take my time and enjoy you this morning.”

“Sounds good to me.” She scooted closer, bringing her body against his.

He wrapped her leg around his hip and kissed her, slow and steady, until all the air between them had evaporated, their bodies pressed together, igniting a fiery friction everywhere they touched. They kissed while their hands roamed, exploring, touching, teasing. His cock was between her legs, and she rocked against him with a needy whimper.

He gripped her ass, grinding harder until they were both panting. She shifted her hips so that the head of his dick dipped inside her, and his eyes rolled back in his head.

“Condom,” he gasped, clenching his muscles against the need to slide all the way home.

“Leave it off this time.” Her breath tickled his neck. “I'm on the pill, and we're both clean. I want to feel you, just you, inside me.”

“We shouldn't.” He knew better. And yet, as she rocked her hips, taking him deeper, he was helpless to pull away. And as they made love in the soft morning light, he felt closer to Gabby than he'd ever felt to another human being, his skin on hers, inside her, taking them both out of their minds with pleasure.

Somehow it still got better every single fucking time.

“You have totally rocked my world,” he whispered into her hair, their limbs still entwined, still panting for breath.

“Ditto.” She pressed her forehead against his. “You have no idea how much.”

But he did. Because he felt the same way.

“You helped me get my confidence back,” she whispered against his lips.

He was starting to have trouble breathing. “You didn't need my help for that.”

“I didn't think so either,” she paused. “That's why I was so adamant about not making this real. I needed to do things on my own and on my own terms. But you make me feel sexy and…and
in a way I never have before. You've shown me what a happy, healthy relationship should be like.”

Fucking hell.
He was the king of fucked-up relationships. He'd been born into one and never managed a real relationship with a woman since. He was the guy her parents only deemed worthy of dating her if he took a “real” job at her father's company.

And no matter how badly he wanted to be the man that Gabby thought he was, in the end he'd only wind up hurting her, too.

onday morning signaled the final countdown to the Adrenaline Rush on Saturday. So far, fifteen teams had signed up, a mixture of locals and race enthusiasts from out of town. Ethan had hoped for a bigger turnout, but this wasn't half bad, and hopefully there would still be a few last-minute signups.

Ryan had been busy planning all the logistics, hiring food vendors and all the other crap Ethan would have definitely forgotten about. When he wasn't putting the finishing touches on the course, Ethan was out and about in town trying to drum up more interest for the race and Off-the-Grid in general. Mark had spent much of the last week trekking through the woods, mapping out a course for each team to navigate by compass to find the clue that would lead them to the next part of the challenge.

It gave the race a unique spin from other Spartan-type races, and Ethan hoped it would be popular. He also hoped enough people would have trouble navigating with their compasses that it would drum up some interest for the survival skills classes Mark planned to teach once they'd officially opened for business.

Ethan had brought Gram along to the office today as she claimed to be withering from boredom at home all day by herself, which was probably true.

“Show me how the ropes course works,” she said. “I want to be able to describe it to all my friends at book club on Thursday.”

“You trying to help me out?” he asked.

“Well, of course. Is there an age limit?”

“No, but the course is fairly strenuous. There are definitely a few ladies in your book club I wouldn't recommend it for, but I'll let you be the judge of that.”

“All the same, it might be fun to watch them try.” Gram wore a positively evil grin on her face.

Ethan laughed as he shook his head. “So the ropes course starts here with the tires.” He spent the next fifteen minutes demonstrating the course for her while she asked a million questions, most of which he had no idea why she needed to know, but hey, if she was able to drum up a few new participants from her book club, he wasn't going to second-guess her.

Just as he kicked off from the platform and soared over the pond on the hand trolley, he heard other voices coming from the bank. Women's voices.

Once he'd landed on the opposite bank, he turned and found himself facing Marlene, Helen, and Betsy from the Town Council.

“Hi, Ethan,” Marlene said. “We just came to check in with you on your progress for the race this weekend. How are things going?”

“They're going really well,” he said. “The course is complete. We're just putting a few finishing touches on everything before the weekend.”

“So this is part of the course for the race?” Betsy asked, gesturing around them.

“Yes. The race starts by the main house, where each team will receive a compass and directions to navigate to their next clue. They'll use that clue to get to the stream, where each team will receive a set of materials that they have to use to get everyone on their team safely across. From there, they'll follow a trail around the perimeter of the property with several obstacles along the way, ending here on the ropes course. Each team will need to successfully navigate the course together to finish.”

“That sounds fun,” Marlene said with a smile. “What's the prize if you win?”

“We've put together a prize package with donated goods and services from other local businesses in town, as well as local discounts for everyone who participates. And of course, a medal for everyone who completes the race.”

“I like that you've involved other local businesses,” Helen said.

“I heard the Haven Spa donated a full treatment package to the winning team to relax and unwind after the race,” Dixie said.

“That's true,” he confirmed.

“And have you had many people sign up?” Betsy asked. Of the three, she'd consistently been the most cynical. Even now, while the other two women were smiling and chatting with Dixie, Betsy maintained a sour expression.

“We have fifteen teams registered with a total of eighty-three race participants so far. We hope to exceed one hundred by race day.”

Dixie's eyes gleamed with pride. “That is fantastic.”

“It sounds like a good start,” Helen said with a nod. “And you'll have all the facilities you need here on Saturday to host that many participants and whoever comes out to cheer them on?”

“Ryan has all of that under control,” Ethan said.

“What about safety?” Betsy asked. “Will there be harnesses or nets to protect people?”

“Participants will wear harnesses on the rope bridge, but nothing else on the course requires safety gear. The zip-line course isn't part of the Adrenaline Rush, and the line over the pond here is low and slow enough so that anyone who falls will land safely in the water.”

“Hmph,” Betsy said, sounding unimpressed with that answer. “And what about first aid if someone does, God forbid, get injured?”

“Injuries are almost guaranteed,” Ethan told her. “They happen at any race, and especially any race with obstacles. We'll have an ambulance here on standby in case of anything serious and first aid stations throughout the course to assist as needed.”

“My granddaughter, Carly, signed up,” Marlene said, her hands pressed together. “I'll be here cheering her on.”

“That's great,” Ethan said.

“What about Gabby?” Helen asked. “Will she be racing?”

“Unfortunately not,” he said. “She's offered to volunteer here behind the scenes instead.”

“Oh, that's a shame,” Marlene said. “I was hoping to cheer for her. You know, the folks at the senior center are still talking about her. We're so excited she's coming to game night again this week.”

“Oh, yeah?” He glanced over at Gram, who was grinning like a fool.

“Everyone loves Gabby,” she confirmed.

“She's something, all right.” Even Betsy was smiling.

Betsy? Smiling?
Ethan just stared.

“I'll be here for the Adrenaline Rush, too, of course,” Dixie said. “And as soon as this place opens for business, I'm planning to be the first customer on the zip-line course.”

“Really?” He'd almost forgotten she'd said she wanted to ride the zip-line. Unlike the challenges in the Adrenaline Rush, just about anyone could ride the zip-line. It probably wasn't recommended for people with aneurysms just waiting to burst, but knowing Gram, he'd never talk her out of it. And having her as his first customer felt really right.

Having Gabby ride behind her felt even better.

“Oh yes,” Gram was saying. “I've saved the best item on my bucket list for last. I can't wait. I want to ride the whole course, all five lines.”

you receive the proper permits to open this place for business,” Betsy said. “And just so you know, there are still several members of the council, myself included, who have some grave concerns about allowing a place like this here in Haven.”

“Well”—Dixie raised her chin and shot Betsy a look—“I could ride the zip-line right now if I chose. Ethan can give rides to whoever he wants to on his private property without violating any zoning restrictions. But I hope I'll be riding as an official customer.”

And dammit, Ethan really hoped so, too.

*  *  *

By Thursday, Gabby was getting the feeling that Ethan had added some space between them. She'd seen him only briefly since they got back from their weekend at the Biltmore Estate, once for lunch and once when she'd brought Dixie home after game night at the senior center.

Sure, she knew he was busy preparing for the Adrenaline Rush. But it felt like more than that. He was pulling away. No doubt he'd have dumped her long ago if not for their agreement. The thought of him being forced to stay with her for Dixie's sake really sucked, especially when Gabby was nowhere near ready to let him go.

. These were not the thoughts of a woman committed to standing on her own two feet. On that thought, she took Lance for a walk then spent a very nice evening by herself drinking beer and playing video games online with a few of her coworkers.

On Friday, she brought sandwiches to the guys at Off-the-Grid as she often did. They wowed her with a demonstration of the ropes course. Her breath caught in her throat watching them boost each other over the climbing wall. It looked terrifying, but there was a whole lot of sexiness involved, too. Lots of tanned skin, toned muscles, and firm butts on display as they navigated the course together. All three of them were handsome, but her eyes never strayed far from Ethan.

“Want to join us?” he called from the rope bridge.

“Not even a little bit.” She waved her hands in front of herself. “I'm enjoying watching you guys up there, though.”

He flexed for her.

She grinned. “Yep. Great view from where I'm standing.”

“That's because she's checking out your ass,” Ryan said, giving his buddy a playful shove that set the rope bridge swinging.

Ethan grabbed on to an overhead rope to keep his balance, then shoved Ryan back, laughing the whole time.

Gabby sucked in a breath, her heart pounding. Her knees were shaking by the time Ethan made it safely to the far side of the bridge. She managed a smile as they took turns zipping across the pond. That part did look a little bit fun.

One benefit of their impending breakup was that she'd never have to find the courage to get up there herself. If they were dating for real, her own pride would force her up there sooner or later, with or without a little prodding from Ethan.

“So what do you think?” he asked as he came loping toward her, his skin gleaming with a sheen of sweat, his cheeks coated in enough scruff to be bordering beard territory.

, she almost said. “It looks great. A little terrifying, but I'm sure all the daredevils who've signed up for the race will love it.”

“Sure hope so.”

She thought she heard the tiniest amount of doubt in his tone. He had an awful lot riding on tomorrow's event. The whole future of their business might depend on it. She'd do whatever she could—from the ground—to help make the Adrenaline Rush a success.

After they ate, she went home to finish out her workweek. Everything for
Scion's Quest
, the game she was currently coding, was going according to schedule, but she'd been struggling with one code string since that morning. Once she'd gotten it straightened out, she planned to call it an early night.

She needed a good night's sleep because she'd be at Off-the-Grid all day tomorrow, helping out with the Adrenaline Rush. She was scheduled to work the registration desk in the morning and then float around wherever they needed her. Being a first-time event, there were bound to be kinks, and she was sure she'd be plenty busy.

Her phone pinged with a text message, and her heart surged that it might be Ethan. But it was from Emma. Gabby's brow furrowed. She and Emma had hung out a few times but didn't generally text each other.

You around?
was all Emma said.

Yep. What's up?

Mind if I stop by?

Well, she'd have to trade her pajamas for clothes, but otherwise…
Sure, no problem.

She walked down the hall to put her bra back on and trade her lounge pants for a peasant skirt. Ten minutes later, Emma knocked at the front door.

Predictably, Lance dashed for the pantry.

“It's Emma,” Gabby called after him. “She's the one who watched you last weekend when I was away. You like her.”

No response.

With a shrug, Gabby pulled open the door. Emma stood there in black yoga pants and a purple tank top. “Sorry to bother you tonight, but I figured I might be more persuasive in person.”

Gabby motioned her inside. “Persuasive?”

Emma clasped her hands in front of herself and drew a deep breath. “So you know I'm racing in the Adrenaline Rush tomorrow, and I've been looking forward to this for weeks. It sounds so fun, and it's an awesome chance to get to try some things I've never done, and our team—Team Flower Power—is the only all-girl team, so we really need to kick ass.”

“Okay.” Gabby nodded, cringing inwardly at the request she feared was coming.

“But Lisa, one of the girls I work with, came down with a stomach virus this morning, and it's a bad one. She can't keep anything down, and there's no way she's going to be able to run in the morning.”

“Oh, I'm sorry. That sucks for her,” Gabby said.

“It really does. That leaves me, Mandy, and Carly.” She paused, giving Gabby a pleading look. “And you know, we have to have at least four team members to participate.”

Gabby's stomach plunged right through her toes. “Oh, I…I can't. I'm really sorry, but I'm scheduled to volunteer all day.”

“I'm sure Ethan would be happy to find someone to cover for you. Please?”

“Even if I could get out of volunteering, I've seen the ropes course, and there's just no way I could do it. I'm sorry.” Gabby gulped air, feeling like a wimp.

“Oh yeah. You're afraid of heights, right?”

She nodded. “Terrified. So even if I agreed to join you, I'd only end up letting you down.”

“Adrenaline is a great fear-buster. It's like being high, but better, because you're sober. Who knows what you might accomplish once you're out there?”


Emma sighed. “You won't let us down. Maybe we won't finish, but without you, we can't even leave the starting line. I've asked everyone else I can think of, and you're my last hope.”

Lance came trotting into the room, tail wagging at the sight of his new friend. Emma reached down to pet him, and he licked her hand.

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