Rune (6 page)

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Authors: H.D. March

Tags: #Romance

“Yes,” she yelped at the dart of pleasure that blasted over her.

“Before we begin with your education, I require some information.”

Anything, just finger fuck me, make me come.
“What?” Jess hated how her voice whispered hoarse on a crackle of air.

“What does this weekend mean to you, and what do you expect to receive?” His fingers continued their unceasing assault, and with slow sweeping drives, he teased at her entrance, circling, dipping, and then retreating. He continued to repeat the same journey.

Jess swallowed; each time she thought he’d keep them there, he moved, his finger reached in probing. It edged and tapped against her g-spot.
The bastard knew exactly where it was.
“It means I get to have sex, and I…oh fucking hell.” She arched into his hand.

“And?” He removed his fingers and licked each one, leisurely sucking. “I’m going to enjoy eating that delicious little pussy of yours.”

“Now?” she asked, desperation in her voice, hope on her face. Her thighs opened in welcome. She could scent the muskiness that seeped out of her pores, desire hung heavy in the air.

“You haven’t answered me. Do you want to be punished?” His voice rippled silky soft.

Fuck no
. Pain was something she had an aversion to, Kitty hadn’t mentioned that. Her lip trembled and again she shook her head.

“Jessalyn, remember this, I’ll never hurt you. This is all about your body, what I can give you. But it comes at a price.”

“It does?” she squeaked.
Jess couldn’t believe her bad luck, on the edge of losing her virginity and now she was fucked, like not
. “I don’t have any money.”

His face hardened, he cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “I’m not talking about money. What I want from you is absolute trust in everything I say and do.”


“Because I’m your Dom and will take care of all your needs. As you will mine.” His hand moved from her chin and crept down across her chest, cradling her tit. A thumb flicked her already hardened bud.

“I don’t understand.” Jess tried to concentrate on his words, her body stampeded with hormones racing out of control. They were all intent on a wicked fucking in unison with her pulsating clit.

“What do you know about BDSM?” His eyes darkened, and his palm rubbed her fanny.

Sweet sensations sparked over her and she struggled to reclaim her voice. It simpered out hoarse and scratchy, his touch attacking her sanity. “Only what Kitty told me, she loved it, bondage and giving her body to LeBron.” She tried to arch into his fingers and wished he’d stop talking.

“I think it was LeBron she loved,” he said with a knowing wink.

Jess flushed, unable to deny it, yet shocked how astute Rune was. Somehow from what she’d gleaned off Kitty, LeBron didn’t come across as the kiss-and-tell type. And she knew for a fact that Kitty wouldn’t make her feelings so obvious.

“Would you like me to tie you up, and make love to you?” Slowly, he inserted his fingers, both together and thrust up hard.

She whimpered, curling into his hand, and gripped his hand, pushing them deeper.

A frustrated rip of air blew out of her when he removed it.

“Rule one, Jessalyn, you don’t ever take charge. I give you pleasure when I decide, and no one else, understand?” Again, his palm circled her fanny.

She nodded and bit down on her lip. At each touch, he fetched her forward, and then snatched it away. Her orgasm teetered on the edge, ready to kick off. The burning in her lower stomach flared and her sex throbbed with an acute longing.

Jess tried to keep her attention away from his chest dusted with a sprinkling of hair that feathered down to his naval. Her hungry gaze followed the sweep of the line as it disappeared beneath the sheet draped over his hip. She wished he’d move it; Jess wanted to see him, all of him.

“Everything I do, each action however small, I do for you, to you, will be for both our sexual gratification.” He paused. “Think of it as a raunchy journey of discovery.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve just reached my destination, and it’s time to get off!” She attempted to hump his hand. A flutter of annoyance crossed her features when again he removed it.
What was his fucking problem?

“Jessalyn, you are the sub, I give to you what you earn, what I think you should have.” Again, his fingers resumed their strumming across her clit. “You never ever tell me what to do, you may ask, but my word is law.”

In silence, she watched him, her hips giving little involuntary twitches to his invading fingers.

“When you come, it will be on my instructions, never before.”

“You are frigging kidding me!” At the black fury rising over his face, she guessed not. Jess tried to slam her legs together, to hold him there, when yet again he removed his hand.
Fucking hell, this was like trying to catch the wind.

Rune lay on his side, studying her. “I never, as you put it, kid; when I give you an instruction, you follow it. At all times, unless I say different, you refer to me as sir or master.”

She gave a snort and debated if she’d made a mistake coming here. Should she tell him where to stick his offer of sex? Nah, she couldn’t.

A subtle sneak of a sexy grin teased his lips, and she wondered if he knew what she was thinking. Yet smug in the fact her thoughts remained safe.

“Over the next few days, Jessalyn, I will be taking you to the absolute pinnacle of love making. I will enter every orifice of yours, bringing you to countless orgasms.” His fingers returned and stroked across her pubes, tugging at them before sinking deep, they inched over her clit, and taunted her without mercy. “Your body will be mine, to do with as I will. When I bind your wrists and open your legs, I will have you screaming for release.”

Fuck, she wasn’t far off now
, and tried not to groan. His fingers continued to tease her.

“How does this feel? Good?” His words soaked over her.

“More than good.” She clasped his head that bent over her, his mouth nipped down on her nipple.

“Jessalyn, you’re doing it again, taking the initiative. I guide you, remember that.”

“Yea whatever,” she tried to thrust into his palm and discovered her pleasure taken off her.

“Are you asking for punishment?”

Her eyes widened, this was so not what she wanted.

“Because if you insist on behaving badly, then I will withhold any sexual favours. I can bring you to the edge.” He smiled, not a nice one. “And then leave you dangling, waiting. Do you want that?”


“What did I say to call me?”

Shit, what was it?
Her mind scrambled all thoughts centred on sex and her starved clit. “Er, sir?” she asked uncertain if she’d managed to get it right.

He gave a brief nod. “And now I fetch you to climax, you will lay back and not say a word. Not one, or if you do, I’ll stop.”

She sucked in a shudder; at last, she was going to get off on his fingers. Yet she wanted his cock, so bad, so very bad.

Again, a secret smile slid over Rune’s face. Then, all thoughts dissipated as he began to pleasure her. “Lie still, until I tell you, but you don’t come.”

Jess nodded; relieved he didn’t want her to speak. Because she couldn’t, her vocal cords had constricted and her voice box gone on strike. Instead, she relaxed into the swarm of heat steaming into her. At the touch of his fingertips tracing a wicked path across her clit, over her swollen labia, and further, a tremulous shudder bubbled on her skin.

She bit her lip, hard, anything not to take his hand and ride it with the abandon that raced through her.

“What do you feel?” His words drizzled over her, they melted like warm honey. Sweet and oh so sexy.

“I, er, I need to…oh God, I need, frigging hell, I want to come, my stomach is crunching, its hurting, and I—” She moaned, thrusting into his fingers that sank in deep, sneaking out to spread their torture over her fanny. “Please, Rune?” She was peaking, on the edge that he’d driven her to, over and over. And now, she needed to take the plunge. And with or without his permission, she’d be taking that leap.

“Please what?”

Shit, she’d do a fucking trapeze act if he’d simply let her come,
and knew, if he didn’t say the words soon, she’d be off on one long orgasm of delight.

A crinkle of a grin rolled over his lips. His fingers deepened, adding a third. “Come for me, Jessalyn.”

At his words, she threw her head back and arched into his driving palm teased by his wicked pulsating fingers. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she continued to thrust into his palm as the most intense orgasmic blast ripped into her. She didn’t know whether it was the tantalising, the tortured almost there then snatched away, or the fact he was good. Yet she was inclined to think the latter. But she’d never ever come so hard.

Finally, she collapsed back in a post-orgasmic glow. Her chest rasped up and down and she clawed in the oxygen. She dared to peek at him, shock shivered over her, alarmed at the reaction to his hand, Christ knows what she’d do with his cock.

“You are very responsive, I like that.”

Well, that was one way of putting it, she decided. She’d emptied herself like a bitch on heat into his palm. Yet now she felt shy about how she’d come under his hand, at his words. Suddenly, Jess remembered her missing phone; she wanted to text Kitty, tell her about her experience.

“I er, well, where’s my mobile?” she stuttered, not wanting to accuse him of being a thief, but he was the only one to have taken it.

“Whilst here, you have no contact with the outside world, which is why I removed it.” He stroked a hand over her stomach. “It will be returned when you leave.”

Rune rose from the bed, towering over her, and clasped her fingers, bringing her to stand before him. “And now, I introduce you to my rock pool.”

She closed her eyes, she’d heard of the old line about coming up to see the etchings. But hell, this was a new one. Her focus at once dropped to his hips, to the erection she’d felt but neither touched nor seen. And blanched, shit, the man was hung like a frigging stallion. Even though she’d just come, already her pussy perked up in anticipation.

Jess pulled back and searched for her clothes, something to cover her body.

Rune shook his head. “We don’t need clothes, Jessalyn, you will learn to relax naked around me.”

Yeah, in your dreams.
And huffed in frustration, it was all right for Mr. Muscles with a bulging six pack to feel comfortable. Yet with her sagging ass and not so flat stomach, she felt at a distinct disadvantage.

He curved one brow in a singular arch. “Well?”

Jess gave a snort, already realizing he wouldn’t back down. In silence, she followed. He led her through a door at the rear, which took them out onto a cold stone path. The worn slabs testament to many years of tread. A flurry of lights layered the way. They glimmered and shone across the route lighting over the track.

Curiously, she glanced around, yet her eyes repeatedly drew back to his firm buttocks, how his wide shoulders tapered into a narrow waist, along with a pair of heavy thighs that bulged. A wicked black and red tattoo with intricate markings trailed around his one thigh; it resembled a Celtic band but slightly different. He was one good-looking, fit bastard, she had to admit. And if he was her introduction into sex, well, what could she say?
Can I stay for a week?
came to mind.

“Do you want to know where we are?” He didn’t pause from his stride.

“Yes, sir.” Shit, she’d got that right.

“Very good, you’re learning. My club backs onto the mountain; this path goes beneath it to my rock pool, one I visit a lot.”

When they entered the huge cave, she stared around in awe. The image of a paddling pool swept aside. A huge mass of water lay before her. The dark walls lit with an array of lights, the golden sparks danced across the water. She glanced up and stared at the yawning cavern in utter disbelief. It was beautiful, raw, sharp, and primal. The whole place gave her a shudder. One of lust.

Rune stopped at the edge. The water rippled and swirled as if it were an ocean tide that tipped in. “Can you swim?”

“Yes.” Her gaze trawled over his naked body. She couldn’t believe she was so comfortable around him with no clothes in sight.

“Good, join me.” He dove in, his body arced and plunged beneath the surface.

For a moment, she hesitated, then followed him. Expecting a freezing chill, she was pleasantly surprised at the warm heat that greeted her.

Cutting through the water, she reached him, then flicked a splash of water over his face. The shock that registered on his features made her giggle. Obviously, she was overstepping the mark. And with a burst of laughter, she turned and swam from him. Her slim arms knifing into the depths, her long legs kicked hard, propelling her away.

“Jessalyn,” roared Rune, coming after her.

With ease, he caught up with her and she continued to splutter and laugh, his arm wrapped around her, dragging her body to his. Jess liked this fun side of Rune; the Dom in the bedroom was harsh and cold.

“So, you like to play games, do you, little one?” Bending his head, he instinctively sucked on her lips, his hands roped around her waist and his attention centred on her tits.

She rolled into his body, his skin slicked against hers, hot and wet. They slid up and down, the friction, the burn, the sexual tension heightened. A shiver scrambled beneath her skin, her stomach muscles tightened, and her fanny called. “Am I allowed to say how much I want you?”

Jess couldn’t believe the cheek, how she was coming across as a first class tart of a woman. But reasoned as she was paying for his body, for the experience, then she had a right to.

Plus, she’d already lost a night, thanks to the disastrous evening before. At least that visit had killed any yearning for fast food. Then wished she hadn’t thought of that expression.


Rune gave a glimmer of a grin. “I’ll let that one go.” He leaned against her, pushing her body against the back of the rock face. It was smooth and hard against her spine. His heavy erection slid between her thighs, rubbing against them with a slow, feral intensity. “I don’t have a condom.” His breath filtered out sharp and shaky. He pulled back.

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