Read Rush Against Time Online

Authors: Willow Brooke

Rush Against Time (7 page)

Well, I thought that even though she was comfortable, she might want to feel sexy.  I know women tend to get down on themselves, and I wanted to make sure she had a little reminder of how smokin’ hot she really is.”  He bared his teeth in a huge grin. 

A small giggle came from
Autumn while she shook her head.  “Or you want to think about her wearing them for the rest of the night…”

He gave her a mischievous wink. 
“That too.”  She handed him the metal goblet of wine.  He took it, and quietly walked over and knocked on the door.  Unsure what her reaction would be, he hesitated when she answered.  “I, um, I have a glass of wine and clean clothes for you.  Can I come in for a sec?”

A small
“yes” was all he got, but somehow the small simple word gave him a ray of hope.  He twisted the doorknob and was slightly surprised she had left it unlocked.  The door creaked and squeaked when he swung it open slowly and stepped inside. 

The room was dark except for a few candles lit around the claw
foot tub that sat in the corner.  The top of her head was barely visible over the deep sides, and her cute little pink toenails peeked over the front.  She was adorable.  He had never met a woman that was cute, sexy, funny, and witty like Jessa.  She was a bundle of characteristics all rolled into one sexy little package.

He sat the garments on the vanity and walked over to her.  Not exactly sure what he should say, he gently touched her arm and just handed the glass to her.  When she looked up at him, his heart clenched.  She had been crying.  Her usually sparkling blue eyes were clouded and swollen.  The cute little button nose that he found so adorable was bright red.  There were still streaks running down her kissable cheeks.  He wanted to
wrap her in his arms so bad. 

Aside from the fact she was upset, he had to hold in a groan.  The candlelight illuminated her golden locks, giving her an angelic appearance.  She was drop
-dead gorgeous.  Logan let his eyes graze the length of her submerged body, reveling in her sexy curves and perfect build.  From the small pert breasts that floated on top of the water, to her long lean legs, she was a wet dream in the making.  Quickly dragging his vision back to hers, he offered a small smile. 

He reached for her and stopped, remembering what
Autumn had said.  Instead, he traced his palm along her jaw line in a loving caress.  To his surprise, she leaned into his touch, and rested her face in his palm.  He kneeled down beside the tub and pulled her closer with the other hand.  “I am so sorry, Jess.  I know this has to be miserable for you.  I don’t want to bug you, but please know I am here for you…for… whatever you need.”  He slowly leaned over cautiously, hoping he wouldn’t say or do the wrong thing.  He pressed his lips to hers in a sweet, soft, and sensual smooch.  When he pulled back, he dropped one on her nose before standing to leave.  “If you need company, or just someone to talk to, give me a call later.  I will come back in the morning to check on you and hang out if you feel like it.” 

She stared, speechless.  When she lifted the glass of wine to take a drink he took it as his cue and opened the door.  Before he closed it behind him, she said,
“I would like that.  See you tomorrow.”  And with that, he left.


Chapter Five



After the third time
heating the water, Jessa pulled the plug.  Her body felt waterlogged, but relaxed and rejuvenated.  The glass of wine had been a perfect touch, but she was starving.  All the thoughts that had been haunting her and overwhelming the circuits in her brain had calmed, and she eventually felt like she could handle life for a little while.  After she grabbed the plush purple towel that hung beside the tub and dried, she walked over to get dressed.

The first thing she found was her hot pink p
anties.  Laughter filled her. 
Sweet or not, he is still a man.  Okay, Logan…how about I give you something a little more to think about? 
She slid the thin scrap of material on, and instead of grabbing her sweats, she grabbed her cell phone.  She turned and positioned to where only the side of her derrière was visible in the screen, and snapped a picture.  She typed the following message before hitting send. 

Thank you for getting my clothes-Jess.'

ng, she threw the oversized t-shirt over her head and stepped into her favorite sweat pants. 

After a quick brush through her hair, she meandered into the living room.  Before she could locate
Autumn, her cell started playing “Boys From the South” by Pistol Annies, signaling a text.  Grinning, she unlocked the screen, curious what his reaction would be.  In bold print, he had typed.


With a giggle and a snort, she followed the noises that were coming from the kitchen.  What met her was not what she had expected. 

Christina, Annie, Autumn, and Jessa’s sister, Maisy, all stood around the center island.  The blender was going full speed ahead, and the counter littered with pizza boxes, clean glasses, sliced limes, pineapple, coconut, and an array of alcohol bottles.  They all stopped when she walked up and greeted her.  After a million hugs and people talking from every direction, she held her hand up to shush them all.  “Wait…not that I am not glad to see you all, but what is going on?”

handed her a plate of pizza and was the first to answer.  “We, my dear, are escaping from our kids and husbands for a few hours, well, all but Maisy.  She is escaping her fun, young, single life to come hang out with us.”  The girls all giggled, knowing that Maisy was the wild one of the bunch. 

Yes, I have to say, clubs, bars, and all of the handsome men I have coming and going will leave a girl tired out.  I needed some real fun!”  Maisy raised her arm in the air and let out a ‘whoop’.  The girls all erupted in laughter and squeals.  “Now eat up, Jessa, we need to get this girl-shifter support group meeting started!”

’s heart swelled.  She had the best network of family in the world.  They may not all be blood related, but she loved them just as much, if not more than some of her blood kin.  Chomping on a piece of pepperoni, she munched her dinner down while the others went back to making their concoction.  Before she could drop the second piece of crust onto her plate, Annie was taking it out of her hands.  She had to toss it a few feet and was thankful it hit its mark and not the floor.  “Jess, grab a glass.  I have four hours before I have to get home, and I refuse to go back sober!  I haven’t been out since before Leland was born.  I am going to make sure it is memorable!”  She swayed and shimmied away, moving and acting silly.  Jessa giggled.  Annie was the funniest girl to hang around.  She always had a light, silly, sweet air about her that prevented any bad or gloomy moods when you were in the same room as she was. 

Before she could make her way over to the counter that held prefilled glasses of a white, frozen liquid with small pineapple triangles neatly perched on the rims
—one was thrust in her hand.  She thanked Autumn, receiving a smile and a wink, which made her wonder if the woman had added any ‘special’ ingredients to hers.  She shrugged her shoulders, and took a swig. 
It was delicious
!  A sweet, tangy, light and creamy dream hit her taste buds.  It was a flavor overload.  She smacked her lips and gulped more.  “This is amazing!  Whose recipe is this?” 

It is mine.  I am glad you like it!”  Christina topped off her glass with the full pitcher.  Once all of the girls had a beverage in hand, Christina stepped up and dinged on her glass with a fork.  “Okay, ladies.  It is time we get our girl party on.  Jessa here is going through a tough time, so it is only right we step in and help her drink her sorrows away!  Now, in honor of my favorite movie,
Practical Magic
, I dedicate this little segment to our girl, Jess.  Drink up, and get in line!”  She hit the button on a stereo that sat on a table in the corner, and the song, “Lime in the Coconut” by Harry Nilsson, pumped through the speakers and caused the girls to all jump and screech in delight. 

They all formed a
conga line around the kitchen and danced through the house.  She hopped into formation and followed them around, singing at the top of her lungs with the rest.  Halfway through the song, candles began floating in the air, filling the house with a magical and incredible glow.  Jessa threw her head back in a fit of giggles, loving that however strange and unusual life was, she was glad she wasn’t stuck living like a regular human after all.  All the times she had secretly wished she was oblivious to vampires, shifters, magic, and all of the strange other things that existed, she now took back.  This was who she was, and she was proud to be a shifter.  She let loose and released a howl, urging the rest of the pack of women to join in. 

When the song ended, the
room erupted in yells and laughter.  The rest of the evening was just wild-crazy-fun, and the drinks kept pouring. After a few rounds of Tequila shots, an x-rated game of truth or dare, and conversation that revealed deep dark secrets she hoped she would remember the next day—and hoped the others wouldn’t, concerning her naughty text picture she had sent earlier—Jessa sighed of contentment.  She was pulled here and there, thrown in the mix of a huge dance off, and even participated in karaoke. 

The night wound to an en
d, and the girls all cleaned up preparing to head home. She was in the process of thanking and hugging each of the silly girls she loved so much when Alan strode through the door.  “Hello, ladies.  I will be your designated escort home.  Please keep all vomit out of the van, clothing on, and your magic contained at all times.”  He grinned, obviously entertained by their drunken stupor. 

raised her eyebrows in question.  “Is that for the rest of the night, or do I get to strip down at some point?  I thought you and Braden liked my

The slightest pink colored
Alan’s cheeks while the group all stared at him intentionally to embarrass the Alpha wolf.  “Oh, your clothes will be removed, but not how you think, love.  There will be nothing more than shreds left when we get through with you, my lippie little witch.  Magic will be involved, but not the kind you use.  Your ass is going to be a
shade of pink.”  The twinkle that sparkled in his eyes emphasized the promise he would surely deliver.  All of the girls broke out in oohs and awws, mocking and teasing them both.  “Okay, okay, ladies, that’s enough fun for one night.  Let’s get you home to your husbands so they can deal with you.  Maisy sweetheart, I am taking you to your mom and dad’s.  I can’t let you torment Chad tonight after you have been drinking.  You are a handful sober.  I can’t imagine what you would do to that boy tipsy.”

Aww, Alan, you are no fun!  There goes the rest of my evening!  Even if I promise not to bite…too hard?”  Her bottom lip plumped out in a mock pout. 

He rolled his eyes,
shook his head ‘no’ at her, and started helping the ladies out with their things.  “Okay, time to load up.  The party van is leaving.”  He told Jessa goodbye, and went outside.  All of the others showered her in hugs and followed, leaving Autumn behind.

“Are you feeling better now
, sweetheart?”  She rested her arm on Jessa’s shoulder. 

Yes, so much better…of course the numbing help of alcohol is always a plus.  I am buzzing pretty good, but I really needed this.  Thank you so much, Autumn.  I don’t think I have ever had so much fun in my life.”  She hugged her tight. 

released her and stepped back.  “Mission accomplished.  Now, I want you to get some good rest tonight, okay?  I will call you tomorrow.  Just kick back and relax a few days.  You are safe and sound out here, and don’t have to worry about a thing.”

Okay.  Thank you again for everything.”  She walked her over to the door. 

Goodbye, talk to you tomorrow.”

Bye.”  And with that, Jessa closed and locked the door.  She leaned her back against the cool wood, wondering what she was supposed to do to occupy herself for the next few days.  Deciding to figure it out later, she pushed off with a huff and plopped down on the couch.  Her head was deliciously numb, her body limp and relaxed, and for the first time in a long time, she felt at peace.  She flipped the television on and snuggled down, before slowly drifting to sleep. 


Her mind drifted farther and farther into the sweet dreamland as she fell into a deep sleep.  When she looked around, she found herself sitting outside on Autumn’s porch in the white swing that gazed out over the yard.  It was a warm, muggy night.  She gazed up at the stars, noticing how abnormally full and large the moon appeared to be. 
Wow.  I have never seen the moon cover the sky like that.  Breathtaking. 
Her wolf seemed content, which was odd.  Usually on a full moon she was fighting for a chance to run and howl before darkness could even coat the sky.  Tonight, she lay curled up and content, enjoying the beautiful evening with Jessa. 

Lightning bugs were flashing everywhere, giving the night a magical twinkling atmosphere.  There were no sounds but the peaceful croaks and chirps of the frogs.  Her night vision gave her a clear view for a long distance around her.  To her left, there was a momma raccoon taking food to her three babies.  Their cuteness made her smile.  When she looked right, she spotted opossums climbing a tree.  There was always so much to see at night. 
Jessa had always loved the calming feeling she got, and loved the darkness where most were uncomfortable in it.  She decided to call it a night, and went inside. 

After snuggling down on the couch, she said her prayers, and closed her eyes to go to sleep.  Only a few moments later, she felt something cold brush against her face. 
When she looked to find the cause, there was nothing to be found.  Then a deep, sexy, voice called out to her.  “
This time she sat up and investigated, but found nothing. 

Hands roamed over her body gently, leaving a trail of chills in their wake.  She felt her nipples being fondled, twisted, and plucked.  Her body arched into the so
urce, begging for more.  The other hand trailed up her thigh, stopping just centimeters from the ache that throbbed so hard it sent her head spinning into a vortex of erotic drunkenness.  The wolf inside of her held nothing on the beast of need that shook the cage, begging to be set free. 

Her eyes fluttered open, and surprise hit.  Instead of being met with
Logan’s chocolate stare, two of the palest of blue eyes smiled down on her.  As she gazed into them, she felt like she was floating in the clearest of aqua seas.  They mesmerized and hypnotized her.  “Hello, Jessa.  I have been waiting for you.”  The deep voice was like the finest crushed velvet to her ears.  Deep in her subconscious, she knew this was all wrong, and she should be frightened or reacting differently, but the sensual fog of lust had seeped into her pores.  Wrong or not, the man looming over her didn’t instill fear, but instead left a familiar calmness that felt so right.  She felt safe.  He invoked a desire from the depths of her soul that she never knew existed. 

She had to mentally tear her eyes away from his, and was rendered even more frozen by the gorgeousness that surrounded the intoxicating oceans she fell so deeply into. 
His etched features were perfect.  His hair was short, and a lighter and brighter shade of blonde that would make the sun look dull and lifeless.  The dim glow from the light over the stove almost made him look angelic.  From his smell to his touch, everything about him comforted her and made her blood sizzle. 

She needed to ask questions before this went any farther.  Her mind buzzed with thoughts that needed answered, but her voice was nonexistent.  Her mouth finally opened
to question but was hushed by the soft caress of his lips against hers.  He whispered tiny sensual pecks on her mouth, coaxing her lips to part.  Little by little, he took possession of her mouth, kissing her deeper and deeper into submission.  Her lungs fought for air, and her body fought for more.  She arched against what felt like a brick wall.  Her hands explored undauntedly, finding every bulge and dip of his chiseled body.  The coolness of his skin only intrigued her more, sending her exploration lower and lower.  When she reached the waistband of his jeans, she tore them open with overaggressive anticipation.  Her hands didn’t have to wander any farther.  His huge cock sprung past the zipper and against her palm, sending a serenade of moans to escape her into his mouth. 

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