Ryder (13 page)

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Authors: Jani Kay

Tags: #Scorpions MC#0.5

Two Worlds Colliding






S MC ~ Two Worlds Colliding (Book #1)


All any woman ever wants, is to know that she’s worth fighting for.

All a
ny man ever wants, is to know that he can take care of his woman.

Protect her, provide for her, look after her needs and desires.

That’s enough. Right?


It matters where they come from.

It matters who their family is.

Especially when it’s from polar opposite worlds.


Opposites attract. Ryder and Jade are drawn to one another like magnets.

The Princess and the Biker.

They fall in lust—hard.

But is it strong enough to lead to love when everything is stacked against them?


Will Jade follow her heart or her head?

Ryder OR her family.

an Ryder forget his allegiance to his brothers and his club to have his Princess?

Jade OR his family.


Is Jade worth fighting for?


What happens when Ryder and Jade’s two worlds collide?

Is what they have strong enough to overcome the odds?

Or will their worlds destroy one another and rip them apart. 


Is the ultimate price too high?


Full length standalone novel continuing Ryder & Jade’s story,


Target release date: 18 March 2014 


NB: Characters from The Firebird Series:
‘Lost In France’ also make an appearance in Scorpions MC ~ Ryder.


Ryder’s half brother Maxwell Grant features in Ryder’s story. If you would like to read more about Max, you will enjoy Lost In France.






Every one of you, the readers who have
read my books, written a note to tell me how much you enjoyed a book or posted a review – thank you for your support and encouraging words. Yes, even those who didn’t quite like my books – it fuels me to write even better – to earn every accolade that comes my way. I do read every review and I take it on board – trying to learn and improve my skills as a writer.


My Street Team, the most loyal and hardworking group of awesome ladies on the planet. You tirelessly pimp me, believe in me and inspire me. I wouldn’t even have contemplated writing a MC novel if YOU didn’t tell me I could do it!! I’m just so blessed to have each one of you in my group. Your willingness to help spread the word about my books humbles me.


To author Lilliana Anderson – superwoman – and if Google is god, then Lilliana is goddess – she knows just about everything about writing etc. and is the most helpful and supporting person I have met on this writer journey. She shares her knowledge and helps without restraint. Karma baby, it will come back to you tenfold…

To my author buddy, Nina Levine – you rock babe. Even though I don’t know what your face looks like, I know what you heart looks like – and that part is beautiful, so I am sure the rest of you is too.
Th To Kylie from Give Me Books – you work so hard, woman — you are amazing – always quick to help, no matter what. You were the first person to reach out to me just after I hit the publish button on Amazon for the very first time, taking me under your wing and helping this newbie get her feet wet in the blogosphere. Oh and what a steep learning curve it’s been…and so much fun. I didn’t even know what I didn’t know back then.


To Kylie from Give Me Books – you work so hard, woman — you are amazing – always quick to help, no matter what. You were the first person to reach out to me just after I hit the publish button on Amazon for the very first time, taking me under your wing and helping this newbie get her feet wet in the blogosphere. Oh and what a steep learning curve it’s been…and so much fun. I didn’t even know what I didn’t know back then.

Melissa from Luv To Read and her twin sister, My Fictional Boyfriends and
Melyssa M – your daily inspirational posting of hot men and women, have kept me inspired, helped with writing many a sexy love scene and to conjure up images in my mind of hot alpha males and strong sexy women. I am hoping to meet you when I get to the USA again.

A special shout out to the other Australian bloggers who have been amazing and supported me — helping to raise the profile of myself and other Aussie authors – thank you Sharon, Rose, Tasha, Melanie, Kristine, Tamara, Jodie, Kristy, Jess, Michele and Becky. And Trina from NZ too.

To the crazy bloggers who make me laugh and enrich my day with their political incorrectness (which is so me), Tara and Dawn or best known as T & D—keep cracking me up, chicks.

There are so many amazing blogger who have supported and cheered me on from day one—from all over the world. Joni, Michele, both
Amandas, Tammie, Tanya, Jennifer, Philomena, and tooooo many to mention. Thank you, I really appreciate every share and post

To Jennifer from Read and Share Book Blog  and to Tanya from Submit & Devour – for choosing ‘
Open Your Eyes’
as their Top 10 and Top 20 reads for 2013. Wow. I’m honored, knowing how many amazing books were released in 2013, to be on that darn list.


Since both my Mom and mother-in-law have passed on, I didn’t know who would actually read my books. I am sure that both of them are smiling down at me though – in spite of the naughty words and hot sexy scenes, I know in my heart they would have been proud of me for following my dream and doing what makes me happy.


To my DH: some days you are my Darling Husband and other days… (lol) but your wonderful support during this writing journey has brought us closer than ever. Thank you for believing in me, for telling me what an awesome talented writer you think I am (yes, flattery will get you everywhere)—especially when I sometimes doubt I can string a decent sentence together. Yes, I do have an active imagination and I’m cheeky, but that’s why you love me, babe! Oh, and for the countless cups of Milo at midnight and keeping my M&M stash fully supplied – thanks!!


My kids: thanks for supporting me and being the first to buy my new release the minute it goes live. I don’t know if there is a Porsche in your future, I’m not E.L. James or J.K. Rowling – yet. But I’m working on it, kiddos, hang in there…


Many people attribute Fifty Shades of Grey as the reason they started reading Adult Romance Novels – mine came in the form of Gideon Cross in Sylvia Day’s Crossfire series. Holy hotness!!

To every writer who has gone before me, and to all those writing their hearts out now, because they just MUST, I salute you. Laying yourself bare to the world to read your words is not for sissies. It takes guts, determination and tenacity to write a story. And that’s the easy part… everything that comes with the territory of being an author makes it an amazing journey. And finally: those aspiring authors who deep inside know they do want to write – take the plunge and just do it!! Just start, the rest will follow. Do not die with regrets.

Other Books by Jani Kay





Adult Contemporary Romance Novel.

Warning: 18+ Contains sex scenes and explicit language.


Is there such a thing as only one love for every person?

Is it possible to find your soul mate?

Do we deserve second chances?


Shattered and disillusioned after separating from her domineering husband, all Natalie wants, is a peaceful Christmas vacation in New York City, with her 21 year old daughter, Olivia. Uncomplicated. No pressure. Fun.

What she doesn’t expect, is meeting a dangerously handsome stranger in an art gallery. He’s charming, sexy as hell, and does funny things to her insides. Her frozen heart slowly melts as he seduces her, awakening her deepest desires, showing her that the kind of love she craves is very possible. She wants him as much as he wants her.

Battling his demons from the past, famous photographer Nicholas Gallagher has successfully evaded serious relationships, earning him the title of the world’s most eligible bachelor. But from the moment he lays eyes on Natalie, she stirs something in him. Compelled to chase the sadness from her vivid blue eyes, Nick is captivated by the spirited Australian beauty.

Hot romance.

Steamy sex.

Absolute perfection.

Until Natalie gets a call from home – one she can’t ignore. In a fateful moment the game changes and throws her life into chaos. Gabriel, her jealous ex, wants her back. Two powerful men want her. She is forced to make a choice that will tear her apart.

Will Natalie make the right choice? Is it possible to love more than one person deeply? Will she finally find her soul mate, the one person who can look into her eyes and see deep into her soul, everything she is and everything she desires… will she finally open her eyes?


A Stand-alone Novel.

Lost in France


Warning: 18+ Contains sex scenes and explicit language.


NB: Characters in Lost In France also make an appearance in Scorpions MC ~ Ryder.


Lost in Franc
is an erotic contemporary romance novel (which means
of steamy sex scenes) set in Paris, the city of Love and Romance. Part 1 of 3 in the exciting new Firebird Series.

Offered a thrilling new job, Rebecca flees her tormented past, putting as much distance between herself and her ex-lover, wanting a fresh beginning in a foreign city.

On the airplane she meets Alain, a dangerously handsome Frenchman, who seduces her with his charming European ways. But her new boss, super arrogant CEO, Maxwell Grant, doesn't like her entanglement with the Frenchman; he wants Rebecca to himself...

Rebecca hates her boss and tells him in so many words - a career limiting move if ever there was one...

Is Rebecca jumping from one hotter-than-hell fire into another? And will she finally find what she is looking for?



Excerpt: Lost in France


I ate with gusto; French food was famous for a reason. Alain cocked his head, his one eyebrow lifted as he gazed at me
. I couldn’t place his expression – was it amusement?

r thing I really like about you –” he chuckled as he leaned over to wipe the sauce from my chin.
There is more than one thing he likes about me?

He placed the serviette back on the table
. “French women don’t eat much. They just pick at their food. It’s such a waste of time… spending hours in the kitchen.” His grin widened as his gaze raked up and down my body, and then settled on my mouth. “I would love to cook for you at my chateau. And watch you enjoy every morsel.” 

A tempting invitation indeed. 

Lowering his voice he continued, “Watching you eat with such joy is very sensual, Mademoiselle Clarke, it really turns me on.”

How could my eating have
kind of effect on him?  He was so easy to please.
My previous boyfriends had always frowned upon my appetite, worried that I may add a few pounds to my already full and buxom frame.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

He leaned over and brushed his lips over mine
, his tongue rimming my lips. “I could just eat
now,” he murmured at the corner of my mouth. I spluttered, fully comprehending his innuendo. People in the restaurant were staring at us, a knowing smile on most of their faces.

“Alain! Not here
!” I could have saved my breath. He threw back his head and a deep guttural laugh escaped his lips, creasing the corners of his eyes.

“Oh Mademoiselle, it is not possible
– to
touch you. You are in for a treat this afternoon, I am going to delight you in ways you have never experienced before.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to understand that last comment, so I returned my focus
to my delicious food, aware of an awkward warmth spreading up from my chest to my cheeks.
For goodness sake, I really had to stop this blushing thing.
My cheeks were permanently flushed lately…

As if he read my thoughts, Alain gently brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. How could the simple act of eating – in a public place – be so damn erotic? He had me all hot
and flustered and we hadn’t even begun sightseeing yet. A swarm of butterflies were doing a jig in my stomach, my appetite for food gone.

After paying the bill, Alain took hold of my hand and lead me outside.
He tilted his head toward the limo. “Dessert will be served in there.”

settled inside, Alain pulled a bottle of cognac from the small bar and half-filled a crystal glass with the amber liquid. He expertly swirled the glass before taking a deep sniff, his nostrils slightly flared. My self-appointed French tour guide was beyond hot as his eyes gleamed wildly, everything about him dangerous and seductive.

Gazing into my eyes
from below a curtain of thick black lashes, he took a sip from the glass. Mesmerized, I held my breath and watched as he leaned over and gently parted my lips with his tongue, squirting the warm liquid into my mouth. My senses went into overdrive. I eagerly swallowed the fiery ambrosia – it warmed me all the way to my belly. My eyelids grew heavy and fluttered closed.

ompletely lost to this man’s lips, I leaned back as he kissed my neck, his breath warm on my skin. I moaned softly as his weight pushed me further into the plush leather seat. His erection pulsed against my hip, causing an equal throbbing ache and dampness between my legs. My need for him grew as his tongue plunged into my mouth – I wanted him –

limo’s engine cut. Alain pulled away.
Don’t stop now.

y eyes flew opened. Bewildered, I stared at the most familiar iron structure in the world.  

“Our first stop this afternoon.
” Gaston, the chauffeur, smiled.

“We will conti
nue this up there,” Alain whispered; his voice low and husky, his eyes on fire.

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