Ryker Fallen Angel's MC 3 (8 page)










Chapter 21

The last three days have been a living hell. Being in the same room with Jersey and not touching her is killing me. My dick practically screams in protest because of what I’m doing to him.

Climbing out of the shower, today is the day. Creed has lifted the lock down and I’m taking Jersey back to the apartment. I’m not sure how any of this is going to work out but I know now that she’s safe and that’s what matters most.

Walking into the bedroom my heart slams into me. I dead stop when I see that sexy ass standing there in nothing but a thong and bra. Why the hell is she making this so damn hard for me? I did save her fucking life didn’t I?

Clearing my throat, I can only hope that she takes the hint and covers up. Yeah, that would be great right? Fuck no. Not for Ryker, that isn’t going to happen. Instead what does she do? She turns the fuck around with those blue eyes as big as the sun and stares at me.

“You should put clothes on.” Nodding at her barely covered body, I know she can see the fucking hard on she’s giving me considering I didn’t wrap a towel around my waist.

“I could say the same to you.” Her eyes travel my body but I don’t make a move to cover myself. Shit, I’m comfortable with every piece of my body.

I walk over towards the dresser and grab out my boxers before pulling them on. I don’t miss the little groan she let out either. She really isn’t going to make this easy for me.

“It’s movin’ day sweetheart. We’ll go pick you up some girly shit on the way home.” Jersey spins around to look at me with her shirt in her hands.

“Home? We’re not staying here?” A new fear rises inside of her. Her hands tremble as she looks at me. Shit! Moving towards her I grab her hands in mine.

“It’s ok. I have an apartment. Creed said people will be watchin’ so we can’t stay here. I’m not given those motherfuckers any extra ammo against us. I won’t let them near you. You’ll be safe with me sweetheart.” Kissing her forehead, she nods. Why the hell did I just do that?

“I feel safe with you.” Something jumps inside of me. I’m glad she feels safe with me. She should have that right. She shouldn’t have to be afraid all the time, not anymore.

“Good. I’m glad.” I give her a small smile before walking over and grabbing the brush off the dresser. I comb through my long hair before slicking it back. Grabbing my jeans and a clean t-shirt I dress quickly before throwing a few things into a bag.

“Will we come back here?” God the way she says “we” like this shit is real just stirs something up inside of me. I scrub my hand over my face before I pull my boots and cut on.

“Yeah. This is my club.” I know I need to be short with her. I need to keep her at arm’s length for this shit to work.

Grabbing the bag, I head towards the door when someone knocks.

“Yeah!” The door opens slowly when I see Bella’s head pop in.

“What the hell are you doin’ stickin’ your head in like that?” The girl looks like a complete lunatic.

“I don’t want to see you naked or something!” Her little laughs make me smile as she walks in with a bag.

“You movin’ too?” Winking at her she smiles.

“No. I brought Jersey some things.” Walking towards her Jersey smiles.

“I’ll be out front.” With a quick nod, I head out the door. Blowing out a breath when I get into the hallway, this is going to be hell.

I walk out into the main room and mostly everyone has gone home from the lock down. I’m glad Creed made it mandatory until we figured shit out though.

“You ready to get your wife home?” Piper chuckles as he throws back a shot.

“Ain’t it too early for your old ass to be drinkin’?” Grabbing a beer from behind the bar I snap the cap off and take a drink.

“Looks that way yeah? Fuck, I ain’t drivin’ nowhere. This is home for me brother.” I look at Piper and wonder what he was like when he was younger. I wonder if he ever had a love of his life?

My world was blown to hell when Beth cheated on me. I thought I found my forever in her but that blew back in my face.

Shaking my head, I take another drink of my beer when I see Bella and Jersey walking down the hallway. They’re laughing and Jersey has the biggest smile on her face. She looks so angelic. Her hair drapes around her shoulders as her eyes sparkle.

“Yeah, you ain’t feelin’ shit my ass, motherfucker.” Piper laughs until he chokes. I can’t stop the chuckle that rips through me.

“See. That right there is what you get. Keep that old ass mouth of yours closed Piper.” Taking one last drink I toss the bottle into the trash before heading towards the door.

“You ready?” Looking at Jersey, she nods slowly. She doesn’t know what the hell is going on. Shit, neither do I these days.

“Let’s ride. Bella, tell your dad I’ll call him later.” Bella nods before I lean in and kiss her cheek. Turning towards Jersey I nod towards the door. The girl follows orders well; I guess that’s a good thing.

Jersey follows me over to the bike before she stands there looking slightly nervous.

Stuffing the bags down in the saddle bags, I grab the helmet I had Joey pick up for her. It’s black like mine with flaming pink skulls. I figured if she was going to riding with me now she needed her own helmet.

“Pink skulls huh?” She smiles up at me holding the helmet in her hands.

“Hell yeah. You are all girly and shit. If you don’t like it, I can get you a different one.” Closing my eyes, I need to listen to myself. When did I become such a pussy?

“No. I love it. Thank you.” Her hand comes to rest on my chest as I suck in a breath. Swallowing hard, I open my eyes before I grab her helmet and slide it on her head then doing the same with mine.

I climb on before Jersey follows. Her little arms wrap around me so naturally. Fuck me! The way her little fingers drag over my stomach, I can’t handle this shit. I reach down and grab her hands holding them tightly against me. If she keeps moving them, I’m bound to fuck her on this bike before we ever get to the apartment.












Chapter 22

Pulling into the parking lot I pull up in front of my apartment. I kill the engine before Jersey untangles her arms from around my waist. Climbing off I have a surreal feeling that surrounds me. I can’t believe that I’m bringing my so called wife in here.

“You ok?” Jersey’s hand comes down on my arm as I look over at her.

“Yeah, I’m good. It’s just a little strange.” Jersey nods her head and I know this has to be far worse for her than it is for me. Shaking myself out of the state I’m in, I pull the bags out and head towards the door.

“It ain’t much but it’s home. No one knows that I live here so it’s safe.” Jersey follows me inside as I flip on a few lights. I set the bags on the table before hearing her giggle behind me. I spin around to look at her as she looks around the room.

“What’s funny?” Her eyes come up to meet mine. God the heat that radiates from her just knocks the breath out of me.

“I didn’t expect it to be so clean.” Ok, I’ll give her that one. For the most part my room at the club is a fucking mess but in my house, I like to keep things in their place.

“Am I that fuckin’ much of a pig?” Cracking a grin at her, she shakes her head.

“I just didn’t expect a single biker to be this neat.” Chuckling a little I can see what she means by that.

“Well, I can be a neat freak too. Depends on my mood. I just like knowing my shit is in place.” Grabbing the bags, I head down the hallway towards the bedroom. I didn’t hear Jersey follow behind me but when I put the bags down I feel her hands wrap around my waist. My dick instantly knows her touch but closing my eyes I blow out a breath. I need to stop this with her.

“We can’t keep doin’ this sweetheart. You’re too young for me for one, and I need to make sure you’re safe.” Jersey doesn’t seem to care what I say though as her fingers find their way under my shirt. Shit the fire that explodes on my skin from her touch is hypnotic.

I turn to face her as her fingers slide over my skin like they were made to be there.

“Playin’ with the devil is dangerous darlin’.” Jersey licks her lips and I want to fucking die. I want nothing more than to pull out my bag of toys and fuck the hell out of this girl.

“Danger excites me.” Jesus Christ the things she can do to me with just her words. Shaking my head, she beams up at me.

“You have your whole life ahead of you.” I can’t finish what I’m saying. Her nails drag over my skin and I lose all control again.  There’s nothing left in me. I reach down and rip the front of her shirt open before moving to her jeans. That little voice in the back of my head is on repeat telling me to stop this now. My dick on the other hand, thinks this is the best idea ever.

Turning her I shove her roughly on the bed as she lies there in just her bra and panties. She chews that lip of hers as she eyes me. I make short work of my clothes before I grab my things out of the night stand. Jersey’s eyes never move from mine. There’s a spark of fire in those deep seas of blue. A fire that I’m drawn to like a moth.

“We do this my way.” Leaning down I kiss a path across her stomach as bumps form on her skin. God damn she is sexy.

Making my way up her body I stop to suck and lick at her little taut nipples before coming up to face her.

“We can’t keep doin’ this. You need to get your life back.” Running my tongue over her lips she moves in to grab it with her lips. God damn her!

“You keep saying that.” Sucking my bottom lip into her mouth I groan. Holy shit she has me rock hard.

“This needs to be the last time.” Her eyes dance with mischief as she looks me in the eyes. I see the game she wants to play with me but I need to win. I can’t take away her life. I can’t take away her new found freedom. It isn’t fair to her.

“Put your hands over your head.” Biting her neck, her body arches. Her hands that are wrapped around me trail over my skin before resting above her head.

“Mmmm. Good girl.” Teasing her lips with mine I reach over to grab the handcuffs. I like women to be at my mercy.

Sliding the shiny metal around her wrists I secure them to the headboard as her eyes burn into me.

“Are you scared?” Looking into her eyes, she smiles before licking her lips.

“Horny doesn’t fit well with scared.”  My breathing kicks up a beat and my dick screams to be inside of her but I want to take my time on her.

“You don’t know what you’re gettin’ into.” With a quick bite of her lip I slide down her body. My fingertips glide over her skin before I grab the vibrator. I don’t switch it on just yet though. I drag it over her clit and up her stomach before grinning at her.

“You don’t mind if I play a little right?” Her head snaps up and I can see how unsure she is. I don’t know what they did to her when she was locked in that room at the Dusts’ so I don’t want to scare the shit out of her.

I slide back up her body so that I’m hovering over her as she watches me intently.

“I may be a lot of things. A bastard, a killer, a complete fuckin’ freak in bed but I would never hurt you. Not in a bad way.” Thinking about what I just said, I sound like a complete bitch but I don’t care. I can see the look in her eyes. Someone hurt her, more than just one person hurt her.

She watches my face as my hair hangs around her, tickling her skin. Then the words I never thought I’d hear a woman say leave her lips and I want to melt into her.

“I trust you.”










Chapter 23

“Trust me with your pleasure and safety, nothin’ more.” Her eyes say she understands me. Her body is practically trembling beneath me. Her head comes up, her lips meeting mine before I crush my lips to hers.

I grind myself against her roughly before I move down her body. I flip on the vibrator and run it between her breasts as her breathing comes quicker. I’ve always loved watching the way a woman’s body comes to life with the simplest of touches. Dragging the vibrator over her nipple, I hear her moan. I circle it there while my other hand comes to rest between her legs.

“Open up for me.” The sound of her breathing just makes me want to play with her a lot more.

Jersey spreads her legs showing me everything I wanted to see.

“Fuck!” I grunt as I drag my fingers through the wetness. I slide my finger inside of her as her body clenches around it. Damn she wasn’t lying when she said she was horny.

“You feel so good.” Leaning down I suck the skin of her stomach into my mouth as she groans some more. I slowly but purposefully drag the vibrator down her body and in between her legs.

“Let’s see if we can get that little clit of yours ready.” Blowing against her pussy, she wiggles under me.

“Ryker please.” She arches up as I smile against her.

“Not yet baby. I’m goin’ to make you cum so many times before my dick’s even inside of you. I want to taste you. I want to drink every drop of you.” Lowering my head between her legs, I slide my tongue over her clit. Her body reacts as she pulls at the cuffs that bind her arms.

I bring the vibrator to her pussy and slide it inside before kicking it up to full blast.

Working it in and out of her, her body rocks against it.

“I’m gonna make you cum fast and hard. You ready for it?” Flicking my tongue over her little bundle of nerves I keep the vibrator moving in and out. Pushing a little deeper into her, she loves this. I can see it on her rosy face.

Wrapping my lips around her little clit, I suck it hard. I pump the vibrator into her roughly as I increase the pressure of my suction. Jersey writhes and moans as her body tenses up.

“FUCK! RYKER!” Hearing my name screamed out in pleasure has never turned me on more than it is now as it leaves her lips. I pull the vibrator out as I lick and suck at her swollen body. She tastes so fucking good.

I lick and suck at her a little more until her body stops shaking. The taste of those sweet juices linger on my lips and I can’t stop the feeling that shoots through my body. God, I want every part of this girl.

I climb up her body as her eyes connect with mine.

“You want my dick now darlin’?” Her head nods and my dick throbs. I reach between us and position myself before slamming into her. Jersey screams but to my surprise she lifts her little hips and wraps her legs around me.

“God damn, Jersey.” Her eyes sparkle before she tips her head back. Her sexy neck is exposed but I can’t stop the motions that I have going right now to kiss it.

The harder I thrust into her the tighter she squeezes me with her legs. I knew she was horny but this is beyond that. This is pure lust and want.

“Jersey!” Her name slides from my mouth like it’s supposed to be there all the time. Her head snaps back to me as I roll my hips.

“If you’re not going to fuck me again, you better fuck me harder than that.” I stop. I dead fucking stop moving. My dick throbs inside of her but I’ve never had a woman talk to me like that. I watch her face hoping she doesn’t change her mind and by the look in her eyes, she isn’t going to.

“That’s what you want?” Lifting her legs over my shoulders I piston down into her. I push her to her limits with my dick buried inside of her. My balls slam against her tight little ass which only heightens everything else.

The way her lips part slightly as she moans and screams my name does it for me. I thrust into her with so much force she will be sore tomorrow but I don’t care. She wants this and I need it.

“Jersey! Fuck!” My balls tighten as she clenches around me, her orgasm almost snapping me in half. My dick swells and cum shoots deep inside of her. Our bodies are locked onto each other like they have always belonged like this as we ride out the high.

Jersey’s body shudders as she finishes taking what she wants from my body. I don’t care as I gladly give it all to her.

“This is gonna be hell.” Sliding my dick out of her, I uncuff her hands, rubbing her wrists for her.

I drop on the bed next to her burying my face in the pillow before I drift off to sleep.

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