Sacred Surrender (23 page)

Read Sacred Surrender Online

Authors: Ava Riley

Tags: #Erotica


Lying on his back next to her, he turned his head and smiled,  “Will you do something for me?” 


“Anything,” she said in a whisper. 


“Straddle me.” 


Without hesitation, Madison straddled his waist certain that he had planned on her riding his cock this way.  Excitement coursed through her body when he gripped her hips, holding her in place as he slid his body to the edge of the bed.  She now found her aching pussy hovering over his mouth and in less time than it took her to answer him, his tongue slipped into her hot core.  He licked and prodded; he sucked her swollen clit until she wasn’t sure she’d be able to take anymore.  Trying to find an anchor, she grabbed onto his hair, rocking her hips as she rode out her orgasm.  Rowan continued sucking her clit, flicking with his tongue even after her juices had spilled into his mouth. 


When she was completely spent, she placed her hands on the mattress to catch her breath.  Before she had time to recover, Rowan flipped her to her back nudging her legs open, placing his body between her thighs. 


“I love you, Madison,” he said as he placed the tip of his cock at the entrance of her pussy.  He slid ever so slowly inside her, keeping his eyes focused on her face, waiting for that moan of pleasure that would always slip past her lips when he first entered her.  “I never thought I’d be able to say it again, but I love you with everything that’s inside me, with everything that I have to give, I love you.” 


“I love you, too, Rowan,” she gritted out as he began to drive deeper, harder, and faster than he’d ever had before.  Madison planted her feet flat against the bed, lifting her hips, giving him more access to her and for the first time in her life, she felt complete.  Not just her body, but her mind, her soul, and her heart.  


Chapter 25




Rowan gave his notice at the hospital as soon as he returned to work.  He’d not wanted to waste anymore of his life waiting for things to happen, nor did he want to go another night working instead of in the company of Madison.  His last two weeks had been spent with his replacement catching him up on the ins and outs of the E.R.  He was both excited and sad about the changes taking place in his life.  He loved his work in the E.R.; he always felt as if he were making a difference here, more than any other place he could be.  But he loved Madison and was excited about what the future held for them.  He didn’t get to see her much since their lasagna dinner, a dinner that actually had never been consumed, but it was worth it for the time being because he saw a light at the end of the tunnel for both of them. 


Rowan still hadn’t told her about Erin working at Cade’s office and he was nervous about how she would take it.  Tonight would have to be the night he spilled the beans, though.  He loved that Madison always took things in stride, rarely ever getting upset, but he didn’t know what to expect from her with this type of news.  He’d been putting it off for as long as he could.   When Rowan talked to Cade earlier in the week about it, he realized Cade was right when he told him she had a right to know.  If their relationship was going to flourish, trust and honesty had to be the backbone of it.  He’d get it over with, deal with the consequences and move on.  Hopefully, she’d not take it as bad as he probably would if she told him she’d be working with an ex-fiancé. 


Madison picked up take out on her way home for her and Rowan.  She dropped her purse inside her front door before heading straight to his place.  She loved that he lived just seconds from her, it certainly gave them more time together.  Walking up the stairs to his front door, she saw his silhouette in the living room window pacing back and forth.  She stood for a moment enjoying the view.  Even the man’s silhouette made her body react.  A quick knock on the door to announce her arrival and she headed inside. 


Trying to sound  nonchalant, knowing something was bothering him, “Hi, babe, dinner’s here.” 


Rowan cleared the room in two steps and wrapped her in his arms pressing his lips to hers.  His hand cupped the back of her head, his fingers bunching in her hair as he took his time enjoying the feel of her lips on his and the taste of her on his tongue. 


“Wow, what was that for?”  She asked when he finally broke the kiss. 


“You mean, other than the fact that I’m completely and undeniably in love with you?  Do I need any other reason?”  He asked, feeling her relax against him. 


“Mmmm, you definitely don’t need any other reason.  I love you too.  Are you ready to eat?” 


“I am, how about on the back patio?”  He needed the fresh air to keep his mind clear.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this nervous. 


“The patio is perfect.  Take this and I’ll meet you out back,” she said handing him the bags of take out, “I just need to use the restroom.” 


“Okay, I’ll be outside.” 


“Oh, I forgot to drop my jacket at home, do you mind if I hang it in your closet?” 


He leaned in kissing her on the forehead, “Of course not, it’s on the way to the bathroom.” 


Madison made her way down the hall, stopping at the closet.  She pulled open the door and grabbed a blue plastic hanger from the rod.  As she hung her jacket up, she noticed the vintage Gibson Hummingbird guitar shoved to the back of the closet.  She was tempted to pull it out; she hadn’t seen a Hummingbird since she lived at home and her dad would bring it out to play it.  Standing there, lost in memories of her father, her bladder quickly reminded her why she’d made the journey in this direction in the first place.  She closed the door and made her way to the bathroom. 


As she washed her hands, she allowed her mind to wander.  She had so many wonderful memories of her father, but the ones her mind always found its way back to, were the ones as a little girl sitting on her bed at night, her dad playing his old guitar, and singing her to sleep.  She swallowed hard, trying to push aside the emotional lump that welled up, resting in her throat.  There were so many things about Rowan that reminded her of her father.  He was a man of integrity, honest and trustworthy, he loved to cook for her and he always made her feel worthy of his love.  Now that damn guitar sitting in the back of his closet seemed somehow to be a sign from her father that Rowan was the one for her.  She’d never been one to look for signs in the things around her, she was a believer in making things happen for yourself, but she couldn’t deny what she saw with her own eyes.  As she passed the closet she hesitated.  Quickly turning around, she swung the closet door open, pulling the old guitar from its resting place. 


When she stepped out onto the patio with the guitar in hand, Rowan glanced up from pouring two glasses of Chardonnay. 


Greeting him with a sly grin, “A Hummingbird?  You actually have a vintage Hummingbird tucked away in a coat closet?” 


Rowan handed her a glass as he took the guitar from her.  He hadn’t played the old guitar since before he and Erin started dating.  He’d been so wrapped up in making sure she was happy he just hadn’t had time and since their relationship ended, he didn’t have a desire to play it.  Feeling it in his hands now reminded him of why he loved it so much. 


“How do you know this is a Hummingbird?”  He asked amazed that she knew. 


“My dad had one similar to it,” she responded taking a sip of her wine watching him over the rim of her glass. 


“Your dad had great taste, then.  A Hummingbird is one of the greatest guitars made by Gibson.” 


“Yes, I know.  But my question would be, if it’s such a fine instrument, why do you have it tucked away?” 


“I just haven’t had the time to play it.  Honestly, I forgot it was even in there.” 


“Play something for me,” she said quickly.  She wanted to hear him play. 


“If I play will you throw your panties at me like a crazy fan?”  He said, laughing as he leaned the guitar up against the wall. 


“I’ll throw them at you, anyway, but I’d love it if you played something for me.” 


“After dinner, after we talk.”  That  simple statement closed the discussion. 


Rowan pulled out Madison’s chair, then quickly seated himself across the table from her.  The night was perfect with just a slight breeze floating in from the ocean a few feet away from them.  The sounds of the waves hitting the shore were better than any music Rowan could’ve selected on the stereo and they could actually see a few stars out tonight.  A  romantic setting that was relaxing and the perfect mood made it easier for him to explain the whole Erin situation.  As they ate, he mentally prepared himself for the conversation  that would take place. 


Chapter 26




Madison’s angelic voice brought Rowan from his thoughts.  Her voice affected his body along with his heart and it didn’t even matter what she was talking about.  Hell, she could mention the wind shifting directions and it would make his cock twitch. 


“Earth to Rowan,” she said smiling. 


Giving her an apologetic grin, “I’m sorry.” 


“Are you okay?  You seem kind of pre-occupied tonight.” 


This was it, this was his opening and he needed to get it out of the way.  Explain Erin and move on so that he could enjoy the rest of the evening with her. 


“Actually, I need to talk to you about something.  Something you should know about before I start work with Cade on Monday.” 


When she sat motionless without a word, he jumped right in head first without any hesitation.  “Erin, my ex, works for Cade.” 




“Well, it means that now that I’m going into practice with him she’ll basically be working for me also.” 


“Okay,” she responded, waiting for him to say something of great importance.  The fact that his ex was going to be working for him didn’t bother her in the least.  Rowan made her feel that secure in their relationship.  


“Can you say something more than okay?”  Rowan wasn’t getting any kind of reading from her.  As he tried to explain the situation, she continued to eat as if he were talking about a movie he’d just seen. 


Resting her fork against her plate, “What do you want me to say?” 


“Anything other than okay would be good.  I wanted you to know so there weren’t any surprises or distrust between us.” 


“Rowan, do you honestly think I wouldn’t trust you because your ex will be working for you?” 


“No, I don’t think that at all.  Madison, it’s important we have trust and that there aren’t any secrets between us.  I almost married her and I just wanted you to know she would be in the same office.” 


Picking her fork up, loading it down with fried rice, she placed it in her mouth.  As she chewed she contemplated his statement.  “You’re right; there shouldn’t be any secrets between us.  Do you still love her?” 




“Do you still love her?” 


“No, not at all; hell, I don’t even like her.” 


“Subject closed.” 


And that was that.  He loved that about Madison.  She’d given her love and trust unconditionally to him.  She took him at his word, never questioning his responses or his love.  She was such a stark contrast to any woman he’d ever been with.  After they finished their meal, they cleaned up heading back inside.  Rowan grabbed the Hummingbird as Madison cleared the table. 

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