Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations (22 page)

Read Sacrifice Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

Chad reached out, tucking her hair behind her ear. “You look perfectly natural there, babe.”

The smile left her face as she appeared lost in thought. He cupped her face and asked, “What’re you thinking?”

Her eyes searched his and she said, “I need to make a couple of visits. I know you said we’d go to my parents together to talk about where you and I are in our relationship and we can do that this weekend. But, Chad? I’ve got to talk to Adam’s parents as well. I didn’t want to say anything to them earlier about the pregnancy, until I was sure I was going to make it to the second trimester.”

Nodding, he rubbed her silken cheek. “I know you do, babe. I’d like to go with you for that, as well, unless you think it would be awkward.”

Her eyes brightened, a burden being lifted from her shoulders. “Oh, no. I think they’d love to see you and know that you’re involved.” Heaving a sigh, she said, “Thank you. It means so much to me.”

“I’m in this, Dani. I’m in this for the long haul.”

She cocked her head to the side, holding his gaze.

“Babe, I’ll be here for her birth. But so much more than that.” Deciding to make sure she understood the extent of his devotion, he continued. “I’ll watch her take her first step and say her first word. I’ll take pictures when she starts school and teach her to ride a bike.” Seeing Dani’s smile, he kept going. “I’ll scrutinize her prom date and, when the time comes, I’ll walk her down the aisle.”

She leaned forward, clutching his jaw in her hands, pulling him in for a kiss. Without pulling back, she whispered against his lips, “I love you.”

He immediately took over the kiss, owning her mouth, drinking from her as a thirst-starved man. Tasting her essence, he thrust his tongue inside her warmth.

Without giving up his mouth, she shifted forward so she could reach the buttons on his shirt. Undoing them as quickly as she could, she pushed the material off his shoulders. He grabbed the bottom of her shirt, pulling it over her head, their mouths separating only long enough for the material to pass between them.

Chad slid his hands down her sides to her waist, lifting her as he stood. Her hands went to his zipper at the same time his moved to her skirt. Laughing, she pulled away.

“I can do it faster,” she said, quickly unzipping her skirt and stepping out of it. Lacy topped, thigh stockings ending in her modest, strappy heels, plus a pale pink lacy bra and panty set captured his lust-filled gaze. Her breasts were barely contained in the bra, their luscious mounds pouring over the top.

Chad’s gaze roamed from the top of her deep auburn hair to her toes peeking out of her shoes. “Damn, girl.” His cock, already raring to play, strained at his zipper, demanding to be free.

Glancing down at his impressive erection, she lifted her eyebrow saying, “Looks like someone is eager.”

Bending down to undo her shoes, he growled, “No way. Panties and bra off only.” Smiling, she obliged, unfastening her bra and letting it drop to the floor. Shimmying out of her panties, they landed on the floor as well. Shifting her hips toward the back of the sofa, he pressed gently on her upper back.

Grinning, she bent over the sofa, her hands holding onto the soft cushions on the back. Automatically spreading her legs, she moved her ass back, rubbing it along his crotch, loving the groan from his lips.

He jerked his jeans and boxers off, then leaned over her body. He massaged her shoulders before sliding his hands down the smooth expanse of skin on her back. Palming her ass cheeks, he chuckled as he heard the sounds coming from her lips. “Now who’s moaning?”

As his hands then roamed around to her heavy breasts hanging, he tweaked her sensitive nipples. No longer moaning but full out begging, she pleaded for him to take her as she pushed her ass back further.

Wanting to make sure she was ready, he kept one hand working her nipple and the other sliding through her wet folds. After a minute of blissful torture, she cried out, her body shaking with the ripples of her orgasm. As the quivers subsided, she slumped over the back of the sofa, unsure her legs would support her. “Damn, Chad,” she groaned, her body pliant.

Chad smoothed his hands along her back as she recovered and grinned when she finally cast a glance over her shoulder at him. “I’m just making sure you’re okay first, babe.” Her smile was his answer.

He looked at her perfect body, but realized his height was going to make his amorous intentions difficult even with her heels. Grabbing a couple of pillows off the sofa, he tossed them to the floor. “Step up,” he ordered gently and watched as her perfect ass rose to the perfect level.
There’s no way a woman can understand what it does to a man to have that gorgeous ass presented to him!

“Chad,” Dani said. “I need you now! Stop looking and get moving!”

Laughing, he slid the tip of his cock to her entrance, saying, “I live to serve.”

Plunging in, they both gasped—her, at the delicious sensation of fullness and him, at the exquisite torture of tightness. Thrusting in and out, slowly at first and then with more vigor, he closed his eyes in awe of the beauty that was all her. His fingers dug into the flesh at her hips, careful not to bruise but desiring to crush her to him.

Her slick channel grabbed him, causing her entire body to tingle. The electric jolts shot from her pussy outward as the friction increased. Her fingers clutched the sofa cushions in an attempt to hold her body in place as his thrusts pushed her forward. Digging her heels into the pillows on the floor, she was grateful for his hands on her hips holding her steady.

The movements were hard, but not harsh, tying celebratory and sensual all into one package. There was no one in her mind but Chad…no other thought but their two bodies coming together. Adam had been a gentle, even playful lover, but nothing prepared her for the perfection of she and Chad. As she felt one of his hands slide to hold her tummy with his fingers splayed she knew without a doubt, he loved this baby.

His balls tightening, he was close to coming. This woman…this baby…it all tied together for him to love. If it made him a bastard to be glad to have this chance with them, then so be it. With a final thrust, he powered through his orgasm as his thumb pressed on her clit, pulling her along with him.

Coming together, they both screamed out their torturous pleasure. Collapsing onto her back, he held her with one hand to keep from crushing her against the sofa. His legs threatened to give out and he began to question the wisdom of not taking her to the bed. Prying his eyes open, he saw her standing in lacy-topped stockings, heels, her hair tousled, and his come sliding down her legs with a well-fucked expression on her face.
Hell yeah!

Forcing his body to move, he scooped her up in his massive arms and she threw her arms around his neck as he stalked up the stairs to the master bathroom. Setting her feet gently down on the floor, he wet a warm cloth and washed between her legs. Tossing the cloth to the tub, he turned her body to face the mirror, plastering her back with his naked frame.

His eyes once more moved from the top of her head down to her rosy-tipped, full breasts, to her rounded tummy. Then he caught her eyes in the reflection.

“What do you see, Chad?” she asked softly.

“I see perfection, little mama.” Placing his hand on her tummy with the other arm wrapped around her chest pulling her back against his body, he repeated. “I look at both of us and I see perfection.”

Chapter 18

had pulled into
the parking lot of the active living community apartments. The neat grounds and early spring flowers gave an indication of the care given to the outside appearance. He was always pleased that when he visited his grandmother, he found the buildings to show just as much care. He walked up the pathway to her unit and entered the warmly decorated interior. Making his way down the hall, he raised his hand but the door flung open before he had a chance to knock.

“Chad,” his grandmother called out, enthusiastically grabbing him in a hug, “I’ve been watching for you.” Her small, but strong body gave him a squeeze. “Your parents called to check on me this morning. I told them to stop worrying and enjoy their vacation.”

Grinning as he kissed the top of her head, he returned her embrace. Her long, grey hair was pulled back with a headband and the soft silver layers fell down her back. “Hey, gramma,” he greeted, as she reluctantly turned him loose.

“Come on in, boy,” she said, ushering him into the apartment. The inside was as warm as the rest of the building and she had decorated with many of the paintings she had finished over the years.

“The place looks good,” he commented, eyeing her walls. “Looks like you’ve got some new paintings up.”

Bobbing her head, she grinned in reply. “I’ve been spending time at the new studio that is near here. Not as good as the one I used to have, but a good one nonetheless.”

Lorna Casinella, born in Italy, had come to the United States as a college student studying art fifty years ago and never left after falling in love with a dock worker from New Jersey. After retiring, they moved to Virginia to be nearer to their son and his family. Chad’s grandfather died several years ago and Lorna decided to give up the stress of a home and move to the apartments specifically for older adults.

“You still like it here?” he asked, more out of politeness since he already knew the answer.

“What’s not to like?” she laughed. “No yard to care for, someone else grows the flowers, I have bus transportation to wherever I need to go when I don’t feel like driving, no shoveling snow, lots of time to work on my paintings…it’s fabulous!”

Patting the sofa next to her, she said, “But enough about me! Tell me what’s new with you.” She peered at him astutely as he sat down. “And I can tell something’s on your mind!”

Grinning again, he nodded, certain there was no way he would ever be able to keep anything from her. Leaning forward, his forearms on his knees, he wondered where to start.

“Chad, don’t worry about me,” Lorna said softly. “Just start talking, boy, and I’ll catch up.”

With that, he began telling the story of he and Dani, going back to when they first were together with Adam. As the story unfolded, he watched his grandmother’s expression waver with the different emotions the story brought out. But finally her smile grew as he related where he and Dani were at this time.

Leaning back, she said, “That’s quite a tale, my boy. This woman has been through a lot.”

Shaking his head ruefully, he added, “Yeah, that’s what drives me crazy. Looking back, we could have saved ourselves so much heartache.”

Patting his leg, Lorna stood up as the teakettle whistled and moved to the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back in with two steaming mugs. Setting them on the coffee table, she sat down in the chair facing the sofa.

Chad smiled at her lovingly. Her floral broomstick skirt hung to her ankles, her purple top flowing over the waistband. A large, turquoise necklace around her neck. And a twinkle in her dark brown eyes. She settled her gaze on him and he waited, knowing she had been pondering what to say to him.

“Your grandfather loved working on the docks, the wind in his face, and the hard work honing his muscles. Your namesake was a big man…his blood was Welsh as well as Italian,” she reminded, although Chad had no doubts about where his stature came from. “One day, I got a call from his boss. My Chad was injured and they had taken him to the hospital.” Shaking her head as the memories came back, she said, “When I got to him, he was so angry. The injury would keep him from going back to his old job. The company gave him a desk job, but at the time, he was like living with a hornet.”

Chad smiled, watching his grandmother reminisce.

“After a couple of years, he was able to be in a position in the company to make a difference in the safety of the other dock workers. They used to stop by his office just to thank him after new safety regulations had been passed that he started and forced through. As it turned out, he ended up in a position to help. The sacrifice of one career for another became a good thing. No more looking back…no more wondering
what if.

“So what you’re saying is…”

“Your grandfather was named for St. Chad, the Saint of sacrifice. Your parents and we were always so proud of you, both in the Army and when you worked for the ATF, but we were so afraid. Your willingness to sacrifice yourself…walking toward a bomb…” a shudder ran through her before she continued. “We recognized it was just who you were on the inside, but we were not sad to see you leave that job.” She cocked her head to the side, saying, “In a roundabout way, the situation with Danielle was what made you leave that profession.”

He nodded slowly, having never thought of how his career choices affected his family. He looked up as she leaned over, patting his leg again.

“Don’t make yourself crazy thinking about the past. What you didn’t do or didn’t say. The circumstances around Danielle’s widowhood are tragic, but you two are back together now. No looking back. Just look forward. No more
what if

He stood, embracing her once more, and then turned to walk to the door.

“Chad,” she called, fiddling with a chain around her neck as she pulled out a diamond ring dangling on the end. Holding her arthritic knuckles up, she said, “I can’t wear my diamond anymore, but would be so proud if you wanted to take the diamond and have it reset.”

Stunned as he looked at the diamond solitaire, he remembered so well as a child seeing it on her hand. “Are you sure?”

“Oh, yes,” she exclaimed. “Your grandfather would be so proud to see the diamond he gave me so many years ago on the hand of his only grandson’s wife. And you need to hurry up before that baby comes!”

“I’d be honored, gramma,” he said, a lump forming in his throat.

Smiling widely, eyes twinkling even more, Lorna clapped her hands in delight. “The baby will have lots of love…from her biological grandparents, your parents, and goodness…for me, a great granddaughter after all these years of sons in the family! God be praised!”

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