Sacrificed to the Dragon (18 page)

Read Sacrificed to the Dragon Online

Authors: Jessie Donovan

Want her. Take her. Fuck her.

Not yet
, he said to his dragon as he thrust his tongue deep in her pussy before retreating to focus on her clit. As soon as his tongue made contact with her slick, hard nub, Melanie moaned and tightened her thighs around his head.

He could draw this out, but from the sound of Melanie’s moans, he could tell she was close. Besides, he wanted to send her over the edge so he could have time to explore the rest of her body.

His tongue swirled and lapped at her clit. Melanie tried to raise her hips, but he held her down and squeezed them to keep her in place. Then he bit her. Hard.

Melanie cried out and his dragon rumbled in approval at how loud she screamed. Tristan ignored him and thrust his tongue back inside her core, feeling her muscles squeeze and release around him.

When she relaxed and stopped spasming, Tristan took one last drink of her sweetness, and raised his head. Melanie’s eyes were half-lidded, her cheeks flushed, and her expression relaxed. His dragon approved of her sated look, but Tristan’s human-half was hungry for more.

He ran his hands up her belly, her breasts, and then cupped her face. As he lay on top of her, her softness cushioning him like a caress, he murmured, “That was just the appetizer. Are you ready for the main course?”



Chapter Six



Melanie could barely think straight. While she’d orgasmed many, many times during her weeklong sex marathon, none of them had compared to the one Tristan had just given her. She didn’t know if it was because of her growing feelings for Tristan or the fact he no longer viewed having sex with her as a chore, but instead as something he desired.

But, quite frankly, she didn’t care because, holy crap, the man had a talented tongue.

She didn’t have time to dwell on what else he could do with that tongue, because after giving her a very hot, possessive look, he crawled on top of her and cupped her cheeks and said, “That was just the appetizer. Are you ready for the main course?”

Despite her recent orgasm, his words shot straight between her thighs. Somehow she found her voice and couldn’t resist teasing him. “Do they only teach you corny dirty talk in dragon school?”

Tristan gave her a wicked smile and her heart skipped a beat. “Why, did you want to attend and learn a thing or two?”

The image of her attending a dirty talk class with a group of tall, gangly teenage dragon-shifters made her laugh out loud.

He nuzzled her cheek and her laughter died as she drew in a breath. She loved the feel of his late-day whiskers on her skin.

But she was having too much fun with her dragonman and she wanted to tease him some more in case he retreated into his gruff self once they both had their clothes back on again. “No, but maybe you could teach me.”

Tristan growled and he ended her chance to tease him further by taking a rough kiss. Opening to him, she savored the feel of his hot, silky tongue against hers. He moved one of his hands to her ass and squeezed, his touch like a brand on her skin.

She wanted, no needed, to feel more of his skin against hers. She wrapped her thighs around his hips, grabbed his shoulders, and tilted her hips in invitation. She wanted to feel him inside her.

As she rubbed against him, Tristan snaked a hand between them to pinch one of her nipples and then twist. The pleasure/pain made her cry out. Tristan took the opportunity to kiss her jaw, her neck, and then her shoulder. When he moved down her body, she put a hand on his head and forced herself to speak, “No, Tristan. I want your cock this time.”

He looked up. While she saw no sign of his dragon, his gaze was intense. He eased down some more, but before Melanie could work up the nerve to ask him again, he caressed her round belly with both of his hands before he placed a gentle kiss on her lower abdomen.

He was acknowledging their baby.

Her heart squeezed at the action. Tristan MacLeod could be gentle when he tried.

Moving back up to her face, he took her lips as he thrust his hard, long cock inside her. The sudden intrusion was slightly painful, but in a way that was unbelievably good.

Tristan remained motionless, and while she still felt full, she adjusted, her pussy clenching his cock tightly. Her body remembered the way he filled her up, as if he was the perfect fit for her body.

He broke their kiss, looked into her eyes, and said, “This time it’s for us and not for the sake of the contract, okay?”

His fierce and tender look, combined with his words, made her eyes grow misty. Rather than risk her voice cracking, she merely nodded.

Growling, Tristan moved his lower body in slow, long strokes, reaching deep inside her. As his pace picked up, she gripped his shoulders and moved with him, never taking her eyes from his.

His very human eyes.

While his human-half was in control, she knew his dragon-half was there too. She wanted to give his inner beast a reward.

On impulse, she scratched her nails down Tristan’s back hard enough to leave a mark. Rather than frown or scold, he growled in approval and said, “Mark me harder.”

The “before Tristan” version of Melanie would’ve hesitated, but she’d tumbled with a dragon and had survived. So, Melanie scored her nails down his back again. Harder.

Tristan cried out and stilled above her, the cords of his neck taut as he came. Much like before, she could feel each hot jet of semen inside her, and the contact sent her over the edge into her own orgasm.

Shouting Tristan’s name, she clutched his shoulders to ride the wave after wave of delicious, blinding pleasure that coursed through her body as her pussy clenched and released her dragonman’s hard cock.

Tristan collapsed on top of her just as she started to come down from her orgasm. When he lay fully on top of her, Melanie hugged his body tight, afraid he might leave; the memory of waking up alone in her bed last week was still fresh in her mind.

It was stupid, as she barely knew him, but she wanted to lay like this forever with Tristan’s weight and heat a comforting blanket. Despite being out in the open and completely exposed, she felt safer than she had in a long time. On an instinctual level she understood that her dragonman would protect both her and their child with his life.

She hugged him closer to her. They would have to uncouple, get dressed, and return to the main living community soon. But for right now, she wanted to pretend they were the only two people in the world. And that maybe, just maybe, she could have more of this, both the sex and the teasing, again in the future.




Tristan lay on top of Melanie and finally released the rein on his inner dragon. He expected the beast to demand they flip the human over and take her from behind, rough and hard like during the week of the mate claim frenzy when his dragon had been in charge. But to his surprise, the dragon merely stretched out and hummed in contentment at the feel of the female’s skin next to theirs.

Tristan resisted a frown. He’d had his fair share of women over the years, but never had his dragon been so calm and content after fucking a female in the “human way”. His dragon liked it rough, hard, and often. His inner beast’s new behavior had to be a result of his dragon’s nearly complete attachment to Melanie Hall.

He should be worried by that realization since fully attached dragons rarely looked for another female, even if the female the beast had grown attached to refused them. But on the contrary, Tristan’s human-half was starting to want her too. Partly because he thought she’d make a brilliant mother, but mainly because he couldn’t stand the thought of another male’s hands on her.

In that instant, he wanted to cradle her close against him and stroke her soft skin. He rolled over onto his back, taking Melanie with him until she lay against his chest, and he squeezed her tightly.

Our female. Keep her. Hold her tight.

Tristan was starting to agree more and more with his dragon.

He caressed up and down her back, taking the time to learn the dips and curves of her body. He had yet to kiss every inch of her skin, but he would.

His hand stilled for a second before he resumed stroking his human. Yes, he would have her naked and willing in his bed every night, if he had anything to say about it.

Melanie snuggled into his chest and said, “This is nice.”

He laid his cheek against her hair. “I would say it was better than ‘nice’.”

Melanie laughed, the sound making his dragon preen. They should make her do it again.

But instead of teasing her, he said what he really wanted to know, “Come live with me. I don’t want you living with Samira any longer. I will take care of you.”

She lifted her head and gave him an assessing look. “Is this your dragon, your dick, or your human-half talking?”

I like her
, his dragon crooned.

Tristan agreed. “All three, little human.” He moved his hand to her arse and took a possessive grip on her right, squishy cheek. “You belong to me, and I want the entire clan to know it.”

She battled a smile. “I should be offended at ‘belonging’ to anyone, but somehow, I’m not adverse to the idea.”

He growled and slapped her arse. “So is that a yes?”

Before she could answer, his mobile phone started ringing and he growled.
Fucking fantastic timing, that.

Since it could be Bram calling about his sister, he reluctantly rolled Melanie onto her back, sat up, and took his mobile phone from where he’d placed it inside his boot. He saw the call was from Ella, another Stonefire teacher, and frowned. While they sometimes took their classes together on trips, she had no real reason to call him.

Curious to see what she wanted, he clicked the receive button and said, “Hello?”

Ella’s voice was filled with worry when she answered, “Tristan, thank goodness I got a hold of you. One of the teenagers had a run in with the dragon hunters and we need your help.”



End Part Three











Chapter One




At the ring of Tristan’s cell phone, Melanie just stopped herself from swearing out loud. She knew the sound meant the end of their little bubble of sex and teasing. Even if it was only a short call, it didn’t matter. Interacting with the other dragon-shifters might snap Tristan back into his grumpy self.

Her fear was only made worse when she heard him say, “Dragon hunters?

She stopped breathing, sat up, and listened with every cell in her body to Tristan’s side of the conversation. Would talking about the dragon hunters bring back his hatred of humans? Or, his initial hatred of her? After all, he’d been familiar with his hatred for far longer than he’d known her.

And if, indeed, talking about the dragon hunters undid all her hard work in getting Tristan to give her a chance, Melanie wasn’t sure she could start all over again. She wasn’t about to trap herself into a repeated cycle of niceness and hate. Even her resolve and stubbornness had limits.

Tristan kept his gaze away from her face as he finally said into the phone, “I can be there in forty-five minutes. Contact Kai and Zain to start putting together a rescue plan. But whatever you do, make sure the boy’s parents are watched at all times. The last thing we need is for them to go looking for the dragon hunters themselves.”

A few seconds later, Tristan clicked off his phone and stared at it. Melanie burned with curiosity, and decided to dare a question, “What happened?”

She steeled herself for a gaze of hatred, but when Tristan’s eyes met hers, they were neutral.

His look filled her with a small sense of relief. There was still a chance this could work between them.

He said, “One of the teenagers went out flying on his own into one of the restricted areas and had a run in with a group of dragon hunters.”

Melanie’s heart clenched. “Is the young one okay?”

“From what information we have, he’s still alive.” Breaking eye contact, he stood up and reached for his clothes as he said, “Get dressed. We need to head back.”

As she watched him pick up his shirt, she made a split second decision and said, “Shift into your dragon form and fly back. That way you can do whatever you need to do to help the teenager faster.”

He looked over at her. “I can’t leave you alone.”

While it wasn’t a declaration of love, Melanie felt a small sense of relief at his concern. She still couldn’t tell how the news of the dragon hunters had affected him, but he didn’t seem to completely hate her. “If you lend me your cell phone, then I’m sure Bram’s number, as well as a few others, are in there. I can also call Samira to meet me and take me back to her house.” She saw his frown and quickly added, “Just for now. I still want to live with you, Tristan, if you still want me after this.”

Rather than give a gushing dialogue about how he couldn’t imagine living without her, he merely grunted and said, “I don’t like handing over your care to someone else.”

She stood up and took a step toward him. “Look, as much as I enjoy your bouts of alpha to the tenth power, if you think I’m going to spend the rest of my life coddled and locked away, then you have no idea who I am.” She still didn’t see any emotion in his eyes. She took another step toward him. “If I need your help, I will ask for it. But I can damn well handle walking a mile to my friend’s house, in the middle of dragon territory no less, unless you’re going to doubt the safety of our clan’s lands?”

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