Read Sarasota Sin Online

Authors: Talyn Scott

Sarasota Sin (18 page)

Her pupils dilated. “I’ll try it once…see if it fits. Okay?”

“Thank you.” He was dying to know something about her. “I’m wondering why a woman as beautiful as you…”

“Was still a virgin?” A high flush stained her cheeks. “Part of my hesitation was exactly what Noah and Libby always claimed. I have…had serious daddy issues.”

“Ah,” he said, understanding where this was headed. “Trust is your kryptonite.”

 She laughed once. “My, uh, father was a minister. My mom stayed at home taking care of Dad, me, and the church members who couldn’t seem to wipe their noses without divine intervention.” She dropped her hands, fooling with the sash on her robe. “Dad was the worst hypocrite of all, preaching about sin in the pulpit on Sunday morning after he’d screwed everything that crossed his path on Saturday night.”

“Ah, Payton, how terrible for you and your mother.”

“And Noah,” she added.  “His mom and my dad…yeah, well.  Everyone in the church and our neighborhood found out about them, humiliating my mother, Noah’s father and brothers.”

She rested her head on his shoulder, and he stroked her hair. “Tell me.”

       “Noah and I were pariahs by association.” She put her lips on his throat and held them there for a calming moment. “We lost most of our friends so we stuck together.”

“To think,” Avery said, “I’ve been jealous of him living with you, working with you.”

“Well, you don’t have any reason to be jealous, but I won’t lie, either.  Noah wants more than friendship from me, and I can easily see that he’s looking for nothing more than security.  You see - Noah acts just like my father, more times than not, though he’s decent enough not to promise anyone fidelity besides what he tried to offer me.”

“Well,” he growled, his possessiveness rearing its ugly head, “it’s a good thing you’re living with us now. I wouldn’t be able to stand you living there another minute, knowing he’s truly after you.”

She ran her fingers across his forehead, brushing his hair from his face. “I spent one night. I’m not moving in. That’s too much pressure and you’re smart enough to figure that out without me saying it.” She kissed him then, a soft press of those luscious lips against his throat, where his scars were the worst.”

“The living with us conversation isn’t over, just put on hold.” She groaned but he knew he would win in the end, because Avery Easton always got what he wanted. And he wanted Payton Calloway.  “Before I go to work,” he pressed, raking his teeth down the side of her throat until he nipped over her increasing pulse point. “I want to show you how pleasurable it can be between us with the mildest elements of bondage and discipline. Just to whet your appetite and satisfy mine.”

“Is that why you haven’t taken me?” she asked, pushing his face away so she could look at him squarely. “You need bondage…or bdsm.”

He brushed his finger over her freckled nose. “My scars prevent me from taking you,” he half-lied, if there were such a thing. “That’s why I’ve had mistresses for playtime all these years.  Also, this is why Dylan and I started sharing in the first place. But to answer your question, I don’t refer to what I practice as bdsm. I’m not a sadist.” But he would love testing her limits.

“You can’t make love to me?”  She swallowed audibly. “I’m so -”

He put his finger on her lips. “My masculinity couldn’t take an apology from you so don’t.  But what I need is what I need. And that’s you yielding to my control.” When she raised her brows in offense, he qualified, “When we’re in our private, sexual setting.” Dylan had those needs as well, but it wasn’t Avery’s place to tell her. “I’d like to do something mild with you before I leave.” He stuck his tongue out, flicking it. “I have to take this out before work.”  Avery wagged his brows.  “Want me to make use of it first?”

He hated leaving her today, but his work was still backed up.  And what he’d found out about Trey regarding Payton’s firehouse was past disturbing, so he had a fire of his own to put out for her sake.  His mind reeled, wondering what possessed Trey to do something so horrid, when she pulled him out of his thoughts.

 “I want to learn to do that,” she said, tugging at his tongue.

 “Oh, you’re not getting a tongue piercing on my watch.”

 “Not a piercing.” She stood up. “I don’t know what your limitations are, but I want to suck you off.”

 “Oh, really?”


“Follow me.”  Though he grew instantly hard, he couldn’t bear it. But an idea hatched. “Dylan needs waking up and I know his favorite way.” 


Payton kissed Dylan’s hard stomach, flicking out her tongue when she felt him constrict beneath her mouth, the tension in his stomach muscles so hard and strained Dylan looked as though he would shatter.  She rolled her tongue around his navel, circling, dampening the tasty skin she found there.  Her hands slid up, her fingers and thumbs finding the flat discs of his nipples as she nipped a straight line across his narrow hips.  Dylan had that V-thing working for him, the deep grooves conditioned men received on either side of their pelvises when committed to a regular and thorough workout.  And the blessings of good genetics didn’t hinder him any.  She traced the V on his left side with her tongue and he rolled his hips, the steel length of his erection swiping her cheek. She stared at his intimidating appendage with all those balls and rings threaded on its underside. When combined with the sheer size of him, he was a force to be reckoned with.  He’d almost speared her at the Hytel Plume with that thing, without realizing her virginity status.  Her hands left his nipples, sliding, sliding, sliding around his flanks, moving over those impressive Vs and down beneath his thighs. She pulled them apart, watching as his heavy balls lowered down and his erection shot upward.

“Avery,” Dylan groaned, fisting his hands where his manacles rattled in protest. “I want her hot little mouth where it belongs, or so help me, I’ll be whipping two asses in five, four, three -”

“Payton, the glistening drop at his head needs attention.” When she nodded, hovering her face over Dylan’s cock, Avery directed, “Blow your breath over it nice and slow…oh, yeah, that’s it.”

Dylan arched his back, threading a couple of inches between her lips, gyrating his hips. His strained jaw confirmed his threadbare control. “Suck hard, sweetheart,” he demanded of her.

Exploring his slit with her tongue, she cleaned the salty juice uniquely his own, absorbing him, putting him to memory.  She moaned at the taste, his thighs tightening with her humming. This tang was addicting, the tenderness of velvety skin covering an appendage so powerful that he could ram into her again and again with all those rings and balls staying in place was mind numbing.  Heat was coiling low in her stomach, warming her thighs, spreading to her apex, and tightening her clitoris to a hardening peak.

Avery cupped her jaw, stroking it lightly while he watched her take Dylan’s erection deeper. “Watch her, Dylan, watch what she does to you.” He pressed deliberately against her cheek, creating friction as Dylan’s cock slid in and out of her mouth. “I can feel you enjoying the slide.” Avery closed his eyes briefly, savoring the sensation with them somehow. “She is perfect with this mouth of hers.” 

Dylan stared down his great body at her, pushing up into her mouth.  His lips parted, as he took short panting gasps between his teeth. “Take more of me.” He wasn’t asking. He wasn’t necessarily demanding, either, just stating his need of her.  To have someone such as him at her mouth’s mercy, affecting him enough that his balls were drawing up tight, empowered her in a way she’d never known. She tried unsuccessfully to take him deeper, the rings and balls of his piercings hard to maneuver around with her tongue.

“Open your exquisite mouth, Payton.” Avery pushed on the sides of her lips, pressing his thumbs gently to widen her.  The first deep glide of Dylan’s cock hitting the back of her throat had her gagging. She drew back quickly, shaking her head no, but Avery caught the back of her head. Leaning, he crooned encouragement in her ear, telling her nonsense such as what a good job she was doing for her first time. “Breathe through your nose slowly, relaxing your throat as you do. That’s it…oh, there you are sucking him off perfectly.  Tell me when you get another burst in your mouth because we’re not ready for Dylan to come just yet.”

“Fuck off, Avery.” Dylan pushed his hips forward, trying to feed her more of his steely length but Avery leaned his forearm against Dylan’s lower stomach, stilling him somewhat.  “I’m done this game, A. She keeps pulling back though I need more, and I need it deep.”

Avery ran his opposite hand through Payton’s hair, studying her intently and cupping the back of her head again as she stroked Dylan slowly, thoroughly. “Now, Dylan, you have better control than what you’re exhibiting, and Payton needs to learn how to appreciate your cock, service it when your tension needs alleviating sexually.”

“Enough,” Dylan warned, his thighs trembling beneath her hands as she bobbed up and down on his slick crown. “Payton Calloway,” he stalled, his breath faltering entirely when Avery licked the side of her jaw, his mouth trailing down her throat as she licked the very slit of Dylan’s cock.  “Oh, you wouldn’t dare!” he howled.

Avery’s hands moved lower to massage her breasts in his big palms, squeezing gently, releasing, and twisting slightly.  A tremor stole through her, even before he raised his heavy body over her naked back to slide his wet tongue down her spine. With Avery’s arm off Dylan’s lower stomach, Dylan surged in her mouth. However, Avery caught her hair by the nape and gently pulled her away from her oral ministrations.

Laughter left Avery when Dylan screamed every explicative known to man, and many she’d never before heard, when Avery flipped her over to straddle his face.  He slammed her wet heat on his awaiting mouth.  “So tasty,” he complimented between licks.

“Oh, A, I want to eat that!” They were next to Dylan, but he couldn’t get his hands on her. His heart was thudding in his chest, the swift rise and fall of his ribcage a telling sign of his frustration. Payton leaned weakly back and flattened her palms on Avery’s biceps, her thighs aching, muscles twitching in her vagina. This was what she needed: the remnant taste of cock in her mouth and an orgasm fueled by Avery’s very capable tongue.  His hands gripped her bottom, a purposeful finger gliding through her dark crevice to find the round rim of her anus.  She jerked at that, at the sense of the forbidden mingled with desire.

Dylan directed sternly, “Bend down, sweetheart, and lower your head and chest over Avery’s head while he eats you.  That’s it.  Oh, you have a spank-able ass. Go as far as you can, stretch your torso. Perfect.” The manacles rattled, the headboard protesting with Dylan’s irritation in not getting his hands on her. “Keep your knees wide, thighs straight.”

Payton felt comfortable taking his direction, her obedience granting her pleasure in return as Avery pulled her bundle of nerves in his mouth, stroking it with arduous pressure. A strangled gasp left her, her channel rippling and tightening impossibly more.  Avery’s fingers continued dividing the globes of her ass as he pressed the tip of his finger in her anus.

“Calm her down, A, she’s tensing up,” Dylan said, his voice a dangerously low octave, and Payton trembled to think what his demanding cock would do once he was freed.

Though he’d done this last night, the foreign sensation of Avery exploring her there whipped her chin back in a blurring line of protest and fascination, she wanted more yet she was embarrassed, almost humiliated to ask. As if sensing her inner turmoil, Avery breathed over her pussy, his words a vibration nearly sending her into climatic orbit. “Tell me what you want, Payton.”

Instead of answering, a moan escaped. She dropped down further, helplessly, but he easily caught her in his protective arms and flipped her on her back, now looming over her, his tongue and mouth back to work immediately on her pink flesh.  She wondered if she could endure one more stroke to her weeping core, before she lost control and begged him to give her something of which he claimed to be incapable.  It seemed natural just to ask Dylan to take her, with Avery enhancing the experience by his touch, his possession, and his tender dominance.  But how could she ask for what she needed without hurting him?

Abruptly, he pulled one leg high and stung her right cheek with his hand, the instantaneous low burn stoking her release without sending her over. She arched for more, silently begging for the next sting. Surely she would detonate under the force and heat.  But Avery tapped her knees, causing her to focus on him nestled high between her legs, his cock obviously straining against his pants but he was making no move to unleash it and take her. “I asked a question that requires an answer.”

In frustration, she blurted, “I’m starving for you to fill me!”

Avery inhaled sharply, half closing his eyes as his body rocked forward.  She could feel the ridge of his hardness swiping her secret lips.  From what she felt, he was infallible and potently virile, not at all the way he'd made his inadequacies in making love to her seem. His mouth slanted over hers, and she detected her muskiness on his tongue when he dipped inside, enveloping her with their combined tastes. His hands found her swollen silk folds, soothing them with the expert friction of his long fingers as his opposite hand moved to Dylan’s wrists.  She screamed into his mouth, her orgasm mounting and mounting, yet he refused to tickle that perfect spot deep within her and cause her completion.

Through her frustrated, lust-filled haze she heard Dylan’s manacles hit the headboard, realized that Avery had released Dylan.  And although she wanted her blonde-headed god to fill her deeply, Avery owned her impending orgasm and her natural instinct was to scream at him to snap out of whatever he thought would or wouldn’t happen if he took her. “You’re hard,” she accused Avery as Dylan replaced him, his mouth grim, his eyes aqua-hued eyes feral.

“Both of you have pushed me too far.” Dylan was over her, gloving up with a condom before pressing down against her, the rippling of his frenum ladder sliding up and parting her labia wide for him as it stroked her clitoris.  “But don’t push Avery in this, sweetheart.”  His hands on either side of her face, he opened her mouth with his tongue, laving at what Avery had left for him, a taste of her, a taste of Avery.  In one silky smooth stroke he entered her, his chest resting against her breasts, the throb of her heart connecting with his.

Avery was over her face, looking straight into her eyes as she took Dylan.  With an unwavering stare, he pulled her right knee to the side and slid his hand beneath her posterior to lift her, spreading her wider for Dylan’s impalement.  Avery’s hazel eyes glowed radiantly as Dylan foraged on, filling her completely, a high flush crossed his chiseled face as he pulled her knee even higher, the tip of his middle finger tracing her crevice once more.

Dylan lifted his face from hers, drawing a wet line with his tongue to her puckered nipple, biting lightly and then laving when Avery claimed his next kiss.  Avery’s tongue swooped in, licking the fronts of her teeth, the roof of her mouth, exploring and groaning as Dylan stroked her vagina with tight powerful thrusts, his balls slapping her ass, his growls of pleasure heard high above Payton and Avery’s random moans.  Dylan’s mouth left her breast, and his face was taut with lust when finally she bucked furiously with an orgasm strong enough to stop her heart.

But it didn’t.

It continued to pound away as Avery pinched the wet nipple Dylan vacated.  A bit of his blue-black hair had curtained his eyes and she smoothed the strands away, connecting with those gold-greens as she gasped through the tight clenches of her orgasm.

Dylan called her name, drawing all the way out and then burrowing through, each ball on his rings moving over her inner ridges, her quivering sheath stinging yet endlessly craving his invasion as he spent in her with brutal force.  Her legs fell away, knees going in opposite directions. Payton’s arms dropped to her sides. 

Avery leaned back so Dylan could kiss her, nibbling at her sweat-slicked throat.  She could feel the slight motion of Dylan’s hips rocking her slowly into a semblance of calm, easing her from her climax.  And no matter how sated she was, she still wanted more, because she was missing Avery this way, needed him deep between her legs.

Ending their kiss, Dylan promised, “I had to take you fast and hard, watching him stoke you up when I couldn’t touch you was nearly impossible.” His flaxen brows drew together as he slid his wetted cock from the suctioning pull of her body. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No.” Payton was startled at his question. “I never want you to hold back.”

“I’m getting a shower and heading into the office.”  He kissed her and left.

Dipping his head, Avery kissed the valley between her breasts, right over her heart.  His oversized arms wound around her and pulled her to sitting.  “Put your arms around my neck, Payton.”

She did as he asked, hugging him tightly and kissing the dip beneath his bottom lip. He eased off the bed, lifting her legs and wrapping them around his narrow but sturdy hips.  Payton still couldn’t believe he could pick her up this effortlessly.  His hands cupped her butt as they moved across the floor, his grasp slightly spreading her backside and the rush of cool air titillated her nerves, stimulating them back to zinging life.

“I have a few things stowed in one of the guest bathrooms,” he explained.  “We’ll take a few baby steps together.”

“I’m still unsure but I’ll try,” she said, when he picked up his pace, carrying her down a hallway that could rival any decent art gallery.

“You don’t even have to try, because I know what you need, Payton.”  His hand skated beneath her as they walked through the double doors leading to a guest bath.  He thrust two thick fingers straight up, impaling her pussy.  She screamed out his name, her walls too sensitive after Dylan’s robust fucking.

Avery’s hot mouth sucked on her shoulder, yet he removed his fingers from between her legs.  “I’m spanking you.”  He tightened his grip on her when they entered the bathroom.

“But you’re hard.” She ground on him, not understanding his limitations.

“Don’t.”  He placed her on the granite vanity, the coolness seeping into her fiery core.  “I’m almost certain I need only certain elements of bondage and obedience to satisfy my edge.”  He closed his eyes as if he were in pain, “And it’s all owing to the fact that you’re different, Payton, so very, very different from anyone else.”  He cupped her cheeks with both hands, pressing his forehead against hers.  “And although you don’t realize why I can’t take you, I do.”

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