Savage Moon: Wolf Shifter Romance (Wild Lake Wolves Book 4) (15 page)

Finally, Brandon gave in. His red eyes went gold
again and he lowered his head to the ground. Alec let him go and moved to the
rest of the pack. None of them would meet his stare, holding their bodies low
to the ground in ultimate submission.

A hand
on my shoulder made me jump, but it was just my father.
He’d shifted and stood beside me.

“Let them be,” he said, his voice gruff. I nodded.

Alec raised his head high and howled. The rest of
the pack followed suit. Alec bounded back up to the top of the ridge. The four
members of his new pack fell in line behind him. He howled and they howled
back. Then Alec finally shifted, rising to his full height. He put a gentle
hand out and rested it on Cole’s head, then Christian’s. They tried to shift.
The pain of the effort etched on their faces, their snouts contorted. But, with
the strength and will of their new leader, they finally broke free from Kane.
One by one, they shifted. Cole staggered sideways, unable to get his feet under
him. Alec reached forward and helped him to the ground.

I didn’t know who to go to first. Jaxson stepped
away from Wade. The effort of his own shift made him sway. My father got to him
and put a gentle hand on Jaxson’s back. He swung his great head low. Fur became
flesh and he crumpled to the ground.

And I couldn’t wait any more. I ran up the hill,
calling Alec’s name. He startled and turned toward me. Blood poured from the
gash on his side and his skin looked gray, but he was in one piece more or
less. The rest of the packs finally emerged from the woods and came to greet
the new pack Alpha.

I wanted to jump into Alec’s arms but worried I’d
break him in half. There didn’t seem to be a spot on him not covered in blood
or angry welts. He looked wild, savage, and beautiful as he brought his hands
up and touched my face.

I kissed him. He winced past his split lip but
threaded his hands through my hair.

“It’s over,” I whispered, tears spilling down my
cheeks. “Thank God. You did it.”

Alec wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I
realized with alarm he needed my help to stand. But even now, I could see the
blood begin to clot around the worst of his cuts. He would survive. He would

I went to the others, hugging Cole, then Christian,
then Daniel. Brandon hung back. It wouldn’t be easy with us. And that was okay.
He recognized Alec as his Alpha, and that was all that mattered.

“It’s time to go!” My father’s bellowing voice
cracked through the trees. My brother stood at his shoulder.

Once again, I found myself caught between wolves and
bears. My father’s stern look sent a shiver through me. I felt Alec’s back
stiffen as we turned to face Caleb, Lord of the bears.



“Are you sure this is what you want?” Jax looked
down at me from his perch on top of Lucifer. Pat and Harold had loaned him to
my brother for the long trek back to Wild Ridge. Jax’s strength had mostly
returned, but shifting still took too much out of him.

I put my hand on his knee. “One hundred percent. And
trust me. When it’s your turn, you’ll understand.”

“My turn for what?”

I laughed and shielded my eyes against the sun. My
tall, strong brother looked like some sort of noble knight mounted on his
trusty steed. Color had returned to his cheeks. His rich, brown hair gleamed in
the sunlight.

“There’s someone out there for you. You just have to
make sure you’re in her path when you need to be.”

Jaxson shook his head. “You ask me, women are
nothing but trouble. And sorry, Sis, lately you’ve done nothing to disabuse me
of that notion.”

I gave Lucifer a pat on the rump and he reared back.
I laughed hard as Jaxson struggled to stay in the saddle. He wasn’t much of a
horseman, and I suspected Lucifer would remind him of that every chance he got
all the way home.

“Don’t worry,” Jax said as he leaned forward and
patted Lucifer on the head. “He’ll eventually come around. You know Dad.”

Jax reached down and squeezed my hand. We’d said
goodbye a thousand times. Now it was time to talk to my father. He leaned
against the side of the barn glowering at the two of us. He’d been a bear so
long it was still tough for him to be human. I went to him.

“I don’t like it,” he said, not waiting for any
preamble from me. Alec hung back on Pat’s porch at my request. But, I could
feel his eyes on me. Wolves and bears were never going to trust each other all
the way, but today thawed a lot of ice.

“I know. But you always knew this day would come.
Pat said Mom told you.”

My father growled. His eyes went dark, and I took
his hand in mine. It seemed he’d need a little help keeping the bear in check.
“She said I’d lose you to the wolves is what she said.”

“No, she didn’t. She knew I’d end up with one. Big
difference. Don’t be melodramatic.”

“Do you love him?”

The question took me aback coming from my father. I
looked back at the house. Alec’s arm hung in a sling and he stared predatory
menace my father’s way. The rest of the pack took positions along Pat’s wrap-around

“I love him,” I said, swallowing hard. “Fated mates
and all. But even without that, I’d love him anyway. He’s a good man, Dad. Like
you. And he’s proven more than once that he would die to protect me. It’s what
I want.”

My father let out a harrumph and crossed his
stubborn arms in front of him. “I don’t trust them. Those wolves were ready to
tear him to bits just a few hours ago.”

“I know. It’s complicated. But they weren’t
themselves. But now, they’d give their lives for mine. For Alec. We have a lot
of things to sort through, but we will. Trust me.”

“You’ll come home more often?”

I laughed. “Yes. All the time. I promise. Now give
me a hug and take Jaxson home. He needs rest. And salmon.”

My father hugged me in that way he had, warm,
all-encompassing, safe. I felt an ache in my heart later as I stood in Alec’s
arms and we watched them leave. My father shifted and reared his great, grizzly
head one last time to roar. Jaxson raised a hand and then lowered it quickly
when Lucifer charged forward and nearly unseated him. Though I hated to see
them go so soon, I knew it was right. Jaxson needed the healing powers of his
homelands and the solitude only bears can appreciate. And I needed Alec.

Later, the sun dipped below the horizon and a full,
bright moon rose high in the sky. I woke alone in the bed in Pat’s front room,
a cool breeze whispering across my skin. I reached for Alec in the space beside
me, but he’d already gone. I knew exactly where.

I met him along the water’s edge like the very first
time. I sank my toes into the sand and pulled my nightgown over my head,
letting the crisp air touch my skin and give me goosebumps. Still as glass, the
water reflected the moon. Then it bubbled and rippled as Alec emerged from the
deep like some sea creature. He cut through the water with clean, strong strokes
then rose up. Water sluiced off his chiseled form. When he came to me, he shook
his head like the dog he was and sprayed cold drops of water all over me,
soaking me from head to toe.

Laughing, I drew him to me. Even covered in cool
water, he warmed me as my nipples pressed against his skin.

“Come with me,” he said, taking my hand he drew me
toward the lake.

“I’ll freeze to death.”

“I’ll keep you warm. I’ll always keep you warm.”

So I followed him. Alec wrapped his arms around my
waist and we dipped into the water together. He kept his promise. He kept me
warm. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he slid into my heated core in one
smooth stroke.

“I love you,” he whispered. Joined like this,
floating through the water, it felt like we were one being.

“I love you more.”

“Not possible.”

“Well, Alpha dog, I hope to spend the next forever
proving it to you.”

Alec let out a low, wicked laugh that sent heat
spearing through me. Though I loved the water, an urgent need for a different
kind of friction rose within me. Alec’s feet found bottom and he carried me
back up to the shore. I thought he would lay me down in the sand, but my wolf
had other ideas. The woods called to him, so he took me there.

He laid me down on a soft bed of leaves, his cock
still hard and deep inside of me. He hovered over me with the bright moon over
his shoulder. A full moon. I remembered the promise I made at the last full
moon, and it made me shudder with fear. But just for a moment. Then Alec leaned
down and kissed me and chased everything bad away.

He thrust inside me. I arched my back to receive
him. We went slow at first, savoring the feel of each other’s bodies. I slid my
hands over the curve of his ass as his muscles clenched. I ran my fingers along
the faint lines of the scars he bore. Scars he’d taken for me. I had my own
scars, but they too were faint and didn’t matter.

Heat spread through me, reaching a throbbing peak at
the center of my being. I brought my legs up and Alec caught my ankles. He
spread my legs into a vee, pressing even deeper inside of me. I wanted it. All
of him. Forever.

With his hands circling my ankles, he found the
deepest spot inside of me and brought me to the edge of desire and back again.
I opened for him, thrust for him, breathed with him.

“Yes!” I gasped. Alec took his hands away from my
ankles and I curled my legs around his shoulders. He pumped inside of me, and I
felt the first jerk of his orgasm and then my own. We came together. I screamed
his name as he poured his seed inside of me. I dug my hands into the soft earth
beside me, finding the pressure and friction I needed to rise with him.
Pleasure tore through me. It felt as if the stars themselves exploded around
me. On and on we came. I could never get enough of him. He filled me. Completed
me. Loved me.

When we were both spent, a new urge rose within me
as Alec’s eyes flashed silver. I gasped and nodded. It was time, but he wanted
to hear the words.

“Yes. Please. I want you to.”

It was all I could manage to say. I found the
strength to turn and present myself to him on all fours. Still hard as a rock,
Alec slid inside me again, stretching me wide. My hair fell to the side,
exposing my neck. He nipped my ear, sending a shiver of pleasure through me. I
ground my hips backward, feeling the slow build of pressure. I would come
again. Hard and perfect.

Alec kissed along my spine, teasing me, driving me
wild. “Please!” I begged him. When he ran his tongue in circles at the nape of
my neck I thought I would die from the pleasure of it. Then I felt his fangs
tickling my skin. Tingling pleasure and expectation built inside me. I started
to come again. If he meant to go slow, when my walls clenched around him, it
did something to Alec. He wonderfully lost control. A low, vibrating growl
heightened my pleasure as he finally bit down. An instant of pain spread to
pleasure unlike I’d ever known.

He became part of me as he marked me. Oh, God, if
only I’d known. He claimed me. Made me whole. But as he bit me and made a new
mark, I claimed him too. We fit. Alec’s pulse flooded through me. Oh, this was
so much different. So much stronger. He came into me, filling empty spaces I
didn’t know I had. I saw the world through Alec’s eyes. Cruel, brutal,
beautiful. For an instant, his thoughts became my thoughts. His heartbeat
became mine. We were joined, coupled, a tighter bond than anything I knew
possible. Stronger together. Better.

Time and space became a swirl of light and stars. I
saw things. Me. Alec. The pack. Danger. Beauty. Wonder. Alec’s bite didn’t just
seal the bond between us. It awakened something in me. I found my magic. My
mother’s magic. It poured through my veins, set my heart on fire. Visions
flashed behind my eyes. Fast and furious at first, then slowly they took shape
and meaning. Some brought a new, hard darkness. But others . . . others made my
heart soar with hope and possibilities. All of them took my breath away. Then,
Alec brought me in and curved his body around mine as we stared at the moon and
held each other.

An eternity
might have passed, or only a moment. As Alec as I lay on
the forest floor together, for the first time in my life I knew where I
belonged. My mother was right. Alec was my destiny. And I was his.



Later, we went back up to the farmhouse together. As
much as we both wanted to spend the rest of our lives naked in the woods
together, the pack waited. We had decisions to make.

“Will we go back to the ranger station?” Since
Kane’s downfall, the outpost was empty. Part of me dreaded the possibility.
That place caused me terror and pain for so long, I wanted to forget it. And
yet, the woods around it brought me solace and peace.

“Well, that outpost was Kane’s job. We need a pack
presence there. But, if it makes you uncomfortable, we’ll find something else.”

I sipped my tea. We’d finished a huge dinner with
the pack, and they’d found reasons to head back off into the woods to give
their Alpha and his new mate privacy. Things were instantly easy between me and
Cole and Christian. Even Daniel. Brandon found ways to make himself invisible
and for now that suited me fine. Time would tell whether he could find a place
in this pack or would need to move on.

“What if we leveled it?” I said. As soon as I did,
my heart brightened. “Those awful cabins, I mean. We could make a real home
there. Still do all the things we need to do to keep the place running and the
wildlife thriving.”

Alec reached across the table and took my hand. He
turned it and kissed my palm, sending a shiver of warmth through me. “Then
that’s what we’ll do. Now, that that’s settled, are you going to tell me what
you saw out there?”

I wrinkled my nose at him. I tried to play dumb for
an instant, not sure if I was ready to give voice to what I felt, but this was
Alec. My mate. My Alpha. He knew me literally inside and out now. A flood of
echoed desire made me shiver as his eyes flashed with lust. When Alec marked
me, I felt his power flow through me, but I found a new power of my own as
well. His mark made a conduit for both of us. I couldn’t hide what happened to
me and didn’t want to.

“Pat said my mother was a seer. That she had a
vision about me and knew I was meant to be with you. Well, not you
specifically. But, she said she knew I was fated to be with a wolf.”

“Lucky me.”

I nodded.

“You had a vision too, didn’t you?”

He was calm about it. I realized why. My mate. My
Alpha. He had probably seen a flash of everything I did. I set my teacup down
and smiled at him. This was the hard part. I still hadn’t sorted out everything
I saw. It had happened in just an instant.

“Something’s coming. Not for us. I think we’ve earned
our slice of peace. But I think Kane had allies that might try to finish what
he started. The packs need to be ready.”

Alec nodded. “I thought as much.”

“It’s coming from the south. I don’t know why I know
that, I just kind of do.”

Alec nodded again. “It’s what we’ve always
suspected. That’s the other thing we talked about during . . . uh . . . beer
court. Derek’s pack is going to head down to Ohio to do a little recon.”

“Isn’t that going to be dangerous for them? I mean,
wolves up here are kind of expected.”

“They know how to stay safe. And it’s not our worry
right now. Like you said, you and I have earned our little slice of peace.
Derek can handle himself. If there is trouble coming, it won’t be worse than
things we’ve faced before. And I can’t help it. You could tell me the
apocalypse is coming and I still wouldn’t be able to wipe this smile off my
face. I have you. I can face anything.”

Then a slow blush warmed my cheeks. I slid off my
chair and onto Alec’s lap. I hadn’t wanted to give voice to the rest of what I
saw. As though the magic might only last if I kept it a wonderful secret. But,
I couldn’t keep anything from Alec. He slid his fingers along my neck and
traced the outline of the new, crescent-shaped scar he’d made. This time, my
mark flared with pleasure like a new erogenous zone. Heat shot straight to my
core. In another few seconds, I’d need him again. Another side effect of a
marking done right. We’d fucked more times than I could count.

I closed my eyes and kissed him. The vision flared
between us and I didn’t hold anything back. Alec saw everything I did. In a
future not far from now, I saw myself back at the ranger outpost. A beautiful
house cut into the hill overlooking the lake with floor to ceiling windows.
Alec waved to me from the dock, fishing pole in hand as he crouched low. Our
small son stood in front of him, his chubby fingers struggling to reel
something in. Alec tossed his head back and laughed as he closed his larger
hands around the reel and helped.

I waved from the window, our baby girl straddling my
hip. “Fiss on! Fiss on!” she squawked, kicking her legs as if I were Ladybug.
And just like that mare, I listened. I bounded down steps of the deck Alec had
built. We joined the boys at the end of the dock just as our son hoisted his
catch in the air. Alec’s rich laughter sent goosebumps through me. Our son’s
eyes flashed silver, just like his daddy’s as his own white wolf flared inside
of him.

Alec pulled away from me, his eyes shining, wet with
tears. “Is that real?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion. I smiled and
cupped his face with my hands.

“Well, Pat says my mother’s visions always came
true. But either way, think of all the fun we’ll have trying to get there.”

Alec growled as I reached down and loosened the
buttons of his fly. He was already huge and hard and all for me. His inner wolf
flared to life. He rose and swung me over his shoulder caveman style. I snorted
and laughed as he gave me a playful swat on the ass and headed toward our room
at the end of Pat’s hallway.

Oh, yes, think of all the fun we’d have trying to
get there.


A Note from
Kimber White

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for
following along with Alec and Olivia. This was one of those stories that just
poured out when I wasn’t expecting it. Alec is stubborn that way, I guess. 
He’s not the only one. Keep on reading and I’ll tell you about what happened
when Jaxson Lord roared across my computer screen.

Before I get to Jax though, I’m not quite ready to
leave Wild Lake yet and I hope you’re not either. Derek’s story is up next.
There’s a gathering threat to the south and Derek’s been dispatched to deal
with it. Trouble is, there’s a sexy, sassy, wolf hunter on her way to dispatch
Derek. What could
to wrong?! You can catch Derek’s story in
Hunter’s Heart
. Click
for more information.

If you’re new to the shifters of Wild Lake, you can
find out more about Alec’s pack in  
Primal Heat
. That’s Bas’s story.

The Wild Lake companion series is called,
Claimed by the Pack
which kicks off with
The Alpha’s Mark

Okay . . . now about those bears. Jax and Caleb will
be back. Promise. Jax just wouldn’t get out of my head while I was writing
Savage Moon. I’ve got something special planned for him very, very soon. He’ll kick
off the Wild Ridge Bears series I’ve got planned for late summer, 2016 (and if
late summer when you’re reading this . . . hot damn!) You can get
more info about Jax at the series page

For an exclusive first look at my next new release
in the Wild Lake Wolves series, sign up for my newsletter today. You’ll be the
first to know about my new releases and special discounts available only to
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Psst . . . can I ask you
a favor?

If you liked this story, can you do something for
me? Please leave your review
. Reviews help authors like me stay visible and allow me to keep bringing
you more stories. Reviews are the fuel that keeps us going.

And if you STILL want more, I’d love to hang out
with you on
. I like to share story ideas,
casting pics, and general insanity on a daily basis.

From the bottom of my heart though, THANK YOU for
your support. You rock hard.

See you on the wild side!



[email protected]


Books by Kimber White

Claimed by the Pack

Alpha’s Mark




an Alpha

Complete Series Box Set


Lake Wolves Series

(featuring Mal)

(featuring Luke)

(featuring Bas)

(featuring Alec)

Hunter’s Heart (featuring

More to Come! Check
for the latest releases.


Ridge Bears Series


Forest Wolves Series













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