Read Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5 Online

Authors: Kathleen Kelly

Tags: #Savage Angels MC, #Biker, #Biker romance, #contemporary romance, #Biker Erotica, #Suspense

Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5 (3 page)

“No, and I did need someone to help put me back togethe–“

“Not someone-it was never going to be just
-it was always going to be Dane.”

Kat sighs and picks her coffee cup back up. “When did you get to be so freaking wise?”

“Comes from hanging out with you!” I tease her. “Why’d you two have to see a doctor?”

“We can’t get pregnant. We’ve been trying but nothing,” Kat admits sadly.

“My guru on the guitar, did it occur to you that your body has been through so much that you just needed to let nature take its course?”

“Yes, Truth, it did, but it’s been over a year,” replies Kat with a hint of anger.

“So what? You’ve been in a major car accident, got kidnapped, been shot and had I don’t know how many surgeries, maybe your body isn’t ready, and you need to give it more time to heal. You know they say practice makes perfect.” I smile at her.

Kat quirks an eyebrow at me. “We practiced plenty.” A blush creeps its way up her neck.

“You naughty little minx!” I say with a laugh and wave my hand in the air.

Kat shakes her head at me and smiles. “You’re impossible! Tell me about you and Rosie, do you two practice often?”

Suddenly, I don’t want to talk, I smile, and stand. “Time for me to go.”

“Truth, you are happy aren’t you?”
. Now she’s concerned about me.

I flop back down on the couch. “We don’t...that is we haven’t...” Kat’s eyes widen, and she shakes her head.

had sex with Rosie?” Kat asks incredulously.

“We’ve done other things, we just haven’t actually...” I sit up and rest my elbows on my knees and stare at the floor. I’m embarrassed, I’m known as a womanizer, and don’t get me wrong, I used to be. Hell, I’d fuck any female anywhere, but Rosie? Rosie is different.

“Don’t you want to?”

“Of course, I want to. Kat, how many women do you think I’ve slept with?” I ask her candidly.


“Yeah, lots. I don’t want Rosie to be another notch, another fuck. I don’t want to lose her, she means more to me than that.”

“Oh my God!” replies Kat loudly.

“What?” I say looking around the room.

“Truth, you’re in love!” Kat claps her hands and bursts out laughing.

“Don’t be fucking ridiculous,” is my quick response, but I know she’s right.

“It’s been way over a year for you two. How the hell do you sleep beside her every night and not have sex? Doesn’t Rosie want to?”

“Oh, she wants to all right. At first, I wanted to get tested to make sure I was....clean.” Kat looks surprised. “You said it yourself, lots of women. I’m fine by the way. Then I was waiting for the right moment and now...I don’t know. I’m so wound up I’m worried I might hurt her. The term fucking her brains out keeps going through my mind.”

Kat lets out a laugh and points at me, she doubles over as it pours out of her. She looks hilarious, and I begin to laugh as well. Soon, I have tears streaming down my face, and this makes Kat laugh harder.

“Okay, okay, make fun of the eunuch.”

“Oh, honey you are no eunuch. Sexually frustrated, but no eunuch,” she says as she continues to laugh.

“As a woman, what should I do?” I ask her.

“Don’t ask her, just find her, and claim her. Rosie loves you, too. I understand now why you two have such a good relationship, you’ve actually gotten to know her
you’ve fucked her.” I frown at her. “Sorry, before you’ve made love. ‘Cause, honey, I think that’s what you’ll do when you finally take that step. Just don’t leave it too long.”

I nod at her and wink. I’m glad I’ve lightened her mood but confused for myself. “I should go. You going to be all right?”

“Yeah, honey, I am. Think I’ll have another cup, then a nice hot bath and put myself to bed,” says Kat.

I stand, and she rises with me. “You find me, us if you need anything.” I embrace her and talk into her hair. “Sweet dreams, my pretty princess.”

“You too, love.”


t’s a pain in the ass having both bands stay at the same hotel. The fans generally surround the place, and you have to be careful in case you get trapped with an avid admirer in a lift or in the hallway. Thankfully, between us, we’ve booked out the top five floors. I’m heading toward Will’s room, I need to set him straight about Kat and tell him to back off.

I knock on his door, and then I pound on it. I’m about to walk away when the door flies open and an almost naked Will Van Ryken screams, “What?”

I raise my eyebrows at him and take a step back. He’s holding a small pillow to his front, covering his privates.

“I was wondering if we could have a word...but I can see you’re busy?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’m up to my head in it, so to speak. Want to join us? There’s two of them.” Will steps back motioning me to come into the room.

“Not my scene–“

“Really? The Truth I’ve heard about would fuck anything, anytime, you telling me that’s not true?”

“I’ve got a girlfriend,” I reply.

“So? Ask her to join us too, I don’t mind.”

“Will, I came here to talk to you about Kat–“

“You ever fucked that?” asks Will with a grin.

“No, she’s–“

“I think she’d go all night long. Especially now that her dick of a husband’s out of the way.” He grins, and nods at me, and I’ve had enough.

“Will, you have no chance. She’s way above your pay grade. I’m going to give you some advice, keep away from her, or I’ll help you keep away from her. Do you get me?” I threaten.

He drops the pillow and laughs. “Fuck she must be good, want her all for yourself, is that it?” I feel my anger rise to the surface and stare at him, but before I can respond, he continues, “Tell you what, I’ll leave her alone if she leaves
alone. But the women love me, so before this tour is over,
be fucking Kat Saunders.”

Two women stumble toward the door, giggling, one of them stops, and stares at me. “It’s Truth!”

Will looks back over his shoulder, and the women come closer to the door. All they have on is their panties.

Will looks back at me and smirks. “You sure you don’t want to join us?”

“I’d rather join a leper colony than share anything with you.”

“Good to know. Now, fuck off.” Will grins at me and slams the door in my face.

Out of frustration, I kick it and storm toward the elevator. I wish Kat had just seen what I saw. She’d know then what a scumbag Will is.  I get in the elevator and hit the button for my floor. When the doors open, I stride to my room and put the keycard in, but the door won’t open. I try it again, then I try it another way, frustrated I kick the door.

Rosie opens it, she’s standing there in a short black satin nightie, and my cock goes hard at the sight of her.

“What are you doing opening the door dressed like that?” I demand, pushing her back inside.

“It sounded like you were having trouble with the door, so I let you in.”

“How the fuck did you know it was me and not some whack job?” I ask angrily.

Her face goes red, and she shakes her head. “I didn’t, and it wasn’t, so stop being a dick.”

I know she’s right, I’m angry at Will, and now I’m horny looking at her. She must have been asleep as her hair is a little mussed. I let out a sigh and scrub a hand over my face.

“Sorry, it’s been a long night.”

“I could make it better,” Rosie says, grabbing my hand and walking me toward the bedroom.

“I need a shower.”

“I could help with that, too,” she says with a grin.

As much as I want to make love to her, I can’t. Not after everything that’s happened tonight. Rosie changes direction and leads me to the bathroom. I watch as she opens the shower door and turns it on. She reaches down, pulls her nightie over her head, and like always, the sight of her naked takes my breath away.

“Rosie, I can’t.”

Her smile slips from her beautiful face, and she takes a step toward me and holds out her hand.

“I need you to.”

My cock has other ideas and is straining against my jeans, begging to be set free.

“You know how I feel about you, don’t you? You know I want you, just not tonight.”

“It’s always not tonight. Truth when we first met, you told me you’d been with a lot of women, you bragged about it. What do I have to do to get you to fuck me?”

Her blunt question takes me by surprise. Then she hops up onto the vanity and spreads her legs wide. A groan escapes me as I remove my jacket and pull my t-shirt over my head. Next, I kick my boots off then lastly my jeans. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to fuck someone so much, but I can’t get myself to do it.

As if she can sense my apprehension, she smiles, licks her fingers and slowly trails them down her body. Rosie circles her nipples, making them pebble, and then makes her way toward her core. I drop to my knees in front of her and kiss the inside of her thigh.

“No, Truth. I want you,” says Rosie on a breathy whisper.

“Rosie, you’re getting me,” I reply as I lick her fingers and nibble the inside of her leg.

She moans and spreads herself wider, keeping her hand over her most sensitive parts. I lick her hand and try to push my tongue through her fingers.


“You know you want me to. You’re so turned on right now, all you have to do is move your hand and let me make you feel good.” Again I try to push my tongue through her fingers, but she doesn’t budge.

“I want to make you feel good, too.”

Talking to her hand, licking and nibbling it, I reply, “This does make me feel good, knowing I can please you makes me feel so good.”

This works, she spreads her fingers and my tongue darts between them. Rosie’s hand moves from her core to the back of my head, guiding me to her sweetest parts. A gasp escapes her, and she grinds herself harder into me. I love the noises she makes, the taste of her, and the way she can make me feel. I’ve never had a woman who can keep me so off guard, just when I think I have her figured out, she throws me a curve ball. It’s been like this from the moment we met. Rosie comes across as all sweet and innocent, and for the most part, she is, but when she wants something, bossy, smart-mouthed Rosie comes out. She has a way of making me do whatever she wants, never had a woman do that to me before.

“Stop!” yells Rosie pushing me away from her.

I look up, and she’s all red with lust filled eyes. I kiss the inside of her thigh; she pushes me away, and I land on my ass.

“What the fuck?” I ask surprised.

“It’s not enough. Truth I want you, not just your mouth, I want your cock.”

See what I mean,
curve ball


“No, this is non-negotiable. I don’t understand. I know you want me, I can tell.” She looks down at my hardened cock. “Explain it to me, tell me why.”

“Rosie, you have to know how I feel about you. I’m worried if we take this to the next level, it will wreck things,” I admit as I get to my feet.

Her face has gone bright red, she closes her legs and gets off the vanity. “You’re an idiot,” she whispers as tears escape her beautiful eyes.

I embrace her and stroke her hair. This reaction is not what I wanted. It cuts right through me to see her so upset. I pull her into the shower and lather up my hands. I massage her shoulders and work my way down her body. Her skin feels soft and smooth, slowly the tension leaves her body, and she relaxes against me. I should have known she had other intentions when her hand grips my cock and starts to stroke me.

“Rosie, stop,” I groan into her neck.

“You really don’t want me to and baby, I don’t understand why you’d expect me to stop.”

Rosie turns and pushes me up against the shower wall, her eyes are pleading, and as much as I want her to keep going and plant myself deep into her, I need something from her first.

I grab her hands, pulling them away from me. “Please, stop.”

Hurt flashes across her face, she drops her eyes to the floor and steps back. I cup her face and tilt her head back up so that she is forced to look at me.

“Let’s get out of here, I need to ask you a very serious question, and I want to show you something.”

Rosie nods but doesn’t say anything. We both get out of the shower, and I grab one of the white, fluffy, bathrobes and put it around her. Then I do the same for myself, and I guide her back into the bedroom.

“Sit on the bed. I’ll just be a minute,” I say, as I go to one of my guitar cases and pull out a small blue box.

When I turn back around, she’s sitting on the bed, looking at her hands in her lap. My Rosie looks sad, and it kills me to have upset her. I put the little box in my robe pocket and walk toward her. Once in front of her, I drop to my knees and wait for her eyes to find mine.

“Time for a little truth,” I say in an attempt to be funny. “Rosie Kelly, I love you. I think I have from our very first date.”

“Then why won’t you make love to me?” she asks with hurt in her voice.

“I don’t want to fuck this up. At first, it was because I wanted to make sure I was clean. You know I’ve been with plenty of women, and I didn’t want you to be worried about anything.”

“We both know you’re clean, and those tests were a long, long time ago. Is it me?”

“No, Rosie, it’s not you. I’m worried you won’t want me anymore; I’m afraid if we take this last step, I’ll fuck it up, and you’ll leave.”

“Truth, don’t you know I love you, too? Do you really think I’d still be here if I didn’t?” she asks placing her hands over my own.

“I have a way of fixing this, if you’ll have me?”

She pulls my hands away from her face and tilts her head to the side. “Baby, I’ll try anything. How do we fix this?”

I pull the little blue box out of my robe, and she sucks in a breath. Shock goes across her features, and her mouth hangs open.

“Rosie Kelly.” I open the box to reveal a ruby ring, surrounded by diamonds in a platinum setting. It’s an antique, and as soon as I saw it, I knew it was meant to be hers. “Will you marry me?”

Rosie covers her face with her hands and begins to cry. I have no idea what to do, her cries go from soft to loud then sobbing in a matter of moments. I get up off my knees, pick her up, and sit on the couch in our suite with Rosie on my lap. I’m stroking her hair whispering to her as she slowly calms down.

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