Saved by Submission (22 page)

Read Saved by Submission Online

Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

“Wow, don’t hold back. Tell me what you really think,” Megan said.

“Yeah, well, if you’d met her, you’d have known what I’m talking about. And what’s more, when Jacob realized it, and broke up with her, she went all crazy psycho on him. You know, calling him in the middle of the night, showing up at his business, crying her eyes out, begging him to take her back one minute, and screaming abuse at him the next.”

“I guess that’s good reason to be cautious,” Megan said, thinking out loud.

“Well, I haven’t ever seen him this happy and relaxed,” Rachel said. “If you want my advice, and even if you don’t, I’m going to give it, anyway.” She grinned at Megan, “Keep doing what you’re doing. Make sure you’re honest and upfront with him. He’s all about the honesty thing, and let everything else play out naturally.”

Megan, having eaten the rest of the biscuit, now helped herself to a croissant. “That’s good advice, Mom, thanks.”

Rachel threw her empty food wrapper at Megan, and they both laughed.

* * * *

Jacob pulled into his driveway and parked the car by the front door. When he went upstairs to his bedroom, he could smell the perfume that Megan wore—a fresh citrus smell, like lemons. He knew he had said she could stay at the kennels apartment for now, but he was starting to regret his decision.

Slowly, he began to collect her belongings, and put them in the two bags she’d brought with her. When he picked up the bottle of perfume she’d left in the bathroom, he saw that it was lemongrass. Just the smell of it made him hard for his submissive.

She hadn’t taken much out of the bags really, just the essentials, and within a couple of minutes, he was done.

His mood was dark while he drove to a small local restaurant to pick up some food for the three of them. Mat would be stuck at work all day, but the two of them had decided to take the women out to dinner at a great Mexican restaurant in the center of town.

Back on the road, he pulled himself together. Megan had explained to him her reasons for wanting to live on her own, and they made perfect sense. It was important to her, and he was going to respect that.

Just as he was walking through the front door of the kennels, his cell rang. It was Mike, one of his drivers, and by the time he got off the phone, his black mood had returned.

When Megan saw him, she slung down her paintbrush and rushed into the foyer to greet him. Just for a second she was shy, and then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

His dark mood lifted immediately. God, just the feel of her body was enough to help him get things back in perspective.

Horrified, Megan jumped back when she remembered what she’d been doing for the last two hours. When she looked at his shirt, she saw the paint marks she’d left there, and stepped back, in dismay.

“I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice. “I’ll pay for a new shirt, just as soon as I get my first pay check.”

“Shit, he must think I’m a complete idiot,”
she thought, but when she glanced up at his face, he was smiling.

“Don’t worry, its only emulsion. It’ll wash straight out. Of course, you could buy another one, but I’d much rather take you into your apartment, and punish you there for being so careless.”

Just for a second, she thought he was serious, but instead of taking her wrist and marching her down the hallway, he unpacked the food, and the three of them tucked into smoked ham, salad, and fresh doughy bread.

They chatted about how much decorating was still to be done, and how both Rachel and Megan had spent some time getting used to the new computer system, and then Jacob told them about his phone call.

“One of my drivers called, and he’s sick. I could get a relief driver to do this run, but its short notice, and a hazardous load, so I’m going to have to take it myself. That means that our dinner plans will have to wait until tomorrow. I should be back by about seven, so if you and Mat are free, we could rebook for tomorrow night.”

Rachel thought that would be fine, and said she would call the restaurant that afternoon.

When the meal was finished, Jacob took Megan outside and led her over to his car. “I have to get going now, sweetheart. I stopped by the house and grabbed your things, although I’d be much happier if you’d stay there.”

Megan was torn between wanting to experience the independence she had always craved, and also needing to be near this man, who had turned her life upside down, in more amazing ways than she ever could have imagined.

He was going to be gone, though, and she didn’t relish being on her own, in that big, empty house. “I’ll be fine, and this way, I can be up and working really early. We’ve got a couple of deliveries scheduled for tomorrow, and the last lot of painting.”

He was quiet for a minute, and then nodded. “We came to an agreement, but while I’m away, I want you to call Mat and Rachel if you need anything, do you understand? I’ll be calling you when I can, and I expect you to answer, sub.”

It was strange, having someone worrying about her. Her mother had become so distant, after her father died, and Megan had pretty much been left to her own devices. Now she had this big, bossy, gorgeous Dom making sure she was going to be okay. It was a good feeling.

“Yes, Sir, I’ll call them if I need anything at all, and I’ll make sure I pick up the phone by the
ring, I promise.”

“That’s it, you bratty little submissive.” Laughing, Jacob grabbed her round the waist, and unlocked the car. He opened the back door, pushed her face down onto the seat so her ass was at the edge, and undid her jeans, holding her legs still with his knee.

Megan struggled, but it was no use. Before she knew what had happened, her jeans were pulled down, together with her panties, and he was spanking her bare bottom.

She was still sore and tender, and she cried out with every stinging swat. At last, he stopped, and pulled her clothes back up before helping her to stand up again.

It had been meant as a fun punishment for her bratty behavior, but when their eyes met, all she wanted was for Jacob to haul her over his shoulder and take her into that damn apartment, and fuck her senseless. From what he could see in his face, he obviously had the same thoughts in mind.

Her ass was burning, but she didn’t care. Her pussy throbbed for this man, and every part of her craved to have him inside her, controlling her, and bringing her to heights of ecstasy that she had never been anywhere near before.

He drew her roughly to him, and grabbing a handful of her copper curls, he pulled her head back to kiss her so thoroughly she had to catch her breath when he stopped.

He took her bags out of the car, and to the main doors, then got into the driver’s seat.

“I’ll talk to you tonight,” he said, and she nodded. Then he pulled out of the parking lot, and drove away.


Chapter Thirteen




By nine thirty, Megan had unpacked her bags, washed all the paint off, was sitting up in her new bed, and looking at degrees online.

It had been Rachel’s idea, something they had discussed that afternoon while they’d been unpacking several boxes that had been delivered.

Rachel had been commenting about how lucky it was for Megan, and the delivery guy, that he hadn’t arrived until after Jacob’s departure. Megan, who had been kneeling on the floor, with the inventory list, had looked up at her, and seeing her expression, Rachel had burst out laughing.

“Oh, my God, you
?” Megan had asked.

“Well, only for a second. As soon as I realized what he was doing, I went back inside. Don’t worry, you know you can’t see anything from the road, and I was the only other person here.”

After she’d calmed down a little, Megan had struggled to put the necessary delivery information in the computer, and Rachel had brought up the subject of courses that Megan could take.

It was a great idea, and now Megan was sitting under the new comforter that she’d bought, searching online for something appropriate.

She glanced at the photo of her dad, sitting on the small table beside her bed. “I’m going to do it, dad, I promise. Whatever course I take, you’ll be able to be proud of me.”

Rachel had suggested that she use the truck for any errands she needed to do, and had pointed her in the direction of a small shopping mall on the edge of town.

It had been fun, getting a few things to make the apartment feel more like hers, and sitting there, knowing that at last, she was making good choices, and things were working out, she finally felt contented.

Rachel had insisted that she be on the payroll, even though the kennels weren’t open yet. “You’re doing plenty of work already, and I’ve done it now, so there’s no point in arguing,” she had said, pouting.

Megan was secretly glad. The things she had bought today had taken pretty much all the money she had left, but she had a little food in the kitchen, and all the essentials.

When her cell phone rang, she smiled to herself. She let it ring twice, and answered just before the third one.

“Nice timing, sub.”

Megan laughed. It was so good to hear his deep voice.

The two of them spent a while talking about the courses she planned to take. He thought it was a great idea, and it made her warm inside for someone to genuinely care about what she did with her life.

“It would be easier to sleep if you were here, naked, curled up against me,” Jacob commented.

She knew what he meant. Her bed may look good, but it needed Jacob in it, pulling her body back to his so he could hold her breasts while they slept.

“I miss you, Sir.”

There was silence for a second, and then he answered her, his voice husky. “I miss you too, little sub.” Then he chuckled. “You better get plenty of rest now, because when I’m finished making you come tomorrow night, you’re going to have trouble standing up straight.”

Megan couldn’t believe someone could make her blush from hundreds of miles away.

“Are you blushing, sub?”

“No, Sir,” she replied, a little too defiantly.

“Are you telling me the truth?” he asked.

“No, Sir,” she repeated, but with a lot less defiance. She grinned when she heard him laughing.

“You’re always trying to find ways to earn yourself a trip over my knee, aren’t you, sweetheart. Don’t worry, though, I’ll be generous, and let you choose an implement from my dungeon to spank you with.”

“Gosh, thank you, Sir.”

His laughter rang in her ear. “Get some sleep now, sub, and I’ll see you tomorrow, at eight.”

“Goodnight, Sir.”

She put her cell on the bedside table, and then went through to the main office. After she’d checked that the door was locked, she returned to bed, turning off the light and snuggling down under the covers.

She laid there, her thoughts full of him, missing him like crazy. She was pathetic, that was all there was to it. He’d only been gone for about ten hours, and she couldn’t settle down and sleep?

Eventually, her eyes closed, but her body tossed and turned, like it was reaching out to try and find the man who should have been beside her.

* * * *

By a quarter to five, Megan was bathed, dressed and ready to leave. It had been a long day, but a good one, helped by the fact that Mat had arrived after lunch to deal with the delivery of the cages that the dogs would be sleeping in during their stay at the kennels.

The work had been hard, but so satisfying, and while she sorted out huge piles of fluffy blankets, and boxes of dog toys and treats, she thought about the course she had found online. She couldn’t wait to show Jacob.

Jacob pulled into the parking lot just before five, and when she saw him, she grabbed her purse, locked the heavy front door, and walked towards the sleek, black car.

He looked her up and down in an appreciative way, and the worries she’d had earlier, about whether her short, red dress and bolero jacket would be elegant enough, slipped away.

“Mmm, little sub, you look good enough to eat,” he said, running his eyes over her long legs and low cleavage. Then he frowned. “In fact, that’s not a bad idea.”

He grabbed her hand, and started to lead her back to the front door.

“What are you doing? We have to be at the restaurant in fifteen minutes!” Megan said, laughing. But, if she were honest, the thought of Jacob’s mouth on her, licking her slowly and thoroughly, then flicking her clit…

No, they couldn’t. They had reservations, and Mat and Rachel would be waiting.


He stopped, a couple of feet from the front door. “You’re right, we shouldn’t be late.”

When he turned, and led her back to the car, she couldn’t help being a little disappointed. Then she told herself to quit acting like a hormonal teen and settled into the passenger seat.

It was already getting dark, and she could see some heavy black clouds moving in. A few drops of rain hit the windshield while Jacob maneuvered the car round a tight bend.

“Megan, pull up your dress, for me.”

She looked over at him, her mouth dropping open. “But what if some…” She closed her mouth, the profile of his face showing his totally Dom-like expression. The matter was clearly not up for discussion.

Her heart thumping in her chest, she pulled up her dress. When Jacob glanced at her, she saw him raise an eyebrow, his eyes taking in the stockings and garter belt she’d decided to wear as a surprise for him.

His eyes moved back to the road ahead. “Thank you for dressing so beautifully for me, Megan,” he said softly. “Now, pull down your panties, and spread your legs.”

The rain was falling harder now, and Jacob turned on the windshield wipers, while Megan peeled off her red, lace panties and tucked them in her purse.

Slowly, she spread her legs until she could feel the warm air of the heater hitting her rapidly moistening folds.

“Use your finger and show me how wet you are; how much you want me to touch you,” he ordered.

She lowered her hand and let one finger slip into her pussy. When she held it up to show him her glistening juices, he took her finger and slid it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the skin until he had licked it clean.

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