Saved by the Spell (Anna Wolfe Series, Book #2) (14 page)

“You’re mine now and I will always protect you at all costs,” he hesitates, clearing his throat. “My life is inconsequential without you.”

pant inwardly. That's a pretty big statement. I open my mouth, attempting to say something… anything, but words refuse to pass through my lips. Is this his way of telling me he loves me? He didn't say the actual words, so technically, he doesn't as far as I'm concerned. Valen gently places his hand on my chin, closing my gaping mouth like a gentleman.

Don't feel pressured to respond or make sense of it. You asked what it meant, so I told you,” he shrugs. He leans back on the bed, resting his arm under his neck.

I nod my head, still lost for any words. Seriously, what can I say to that? He turns to look at me, locking onto my eyes with his.

“What?” I ask, curious to know if his thoughts are in any way similar to mine.

“You have no idea how scared I am of losing you. This is only the beginning... until Micah’s
dead, he won’t stop trying to take you from me.”

I lean over his chest,
gripping his chin with my hand. I rotate his face to mine. “Valen, he won’t ever have me,” I smile before leaning down and placing my lips on his. I part them, kissing him slowly. I pull away, losing myself in his sparkling blue eyes. We stare at one another, desperate to find the right words to say. Valen opens his mouth to speak just when a loud rapping at the door forces him to stop. I exhale in annoyance before making my way out of bed. I comb the floor for the repulsive dress, throwing it on haphazardly. I pat my hair, making sure any obvious sex strands are now under control. I clear my throat.

“Who is it?” I ask politely.

“Roman,” a strong voice replies from the other side of the thick door.

My heart drops a little, not wanting him to see Valen
in my bed or discovering what happened. Why should I care if he knows? I’ve always wanted Valen, so if anything, I should show him off, right? Why does the idea of Roman finding out scare me? I shake off my reservations and unlock the door, peeking my head through the small sliver I barely provide.

“What’s up?” I inquire, hoping to sound normal.

Roman arches an eyebrow, clearly not buying my act. His large hand palms the door, pushing it open wider. I watch Roman’s eyes widen as his gaze settles on a naked Valen lying in my bed.

“I see you’re busy. I’ll come back later,” he states sarcastically. He turns around and strides down the hallway with purpose and determination.

The urge to run after him and explain myself catches me by surprise. After all, Roman and I never dated, and I wasn't exclusive with either of them. I guess that is until now. I replay the night of the ball in my mind and Roman's kiss in the limo, but quickly push that memory and the feelings associated with him faraway. I can’t even attempt to analyze this screwed up love triangle I’m somehow in the middle of. I glance over my shoulder at Valen, who smirks at me as if to say
now he knows you’re mine
. I roll my eyes at his macho man attitude. I walk over to the bed, gripping the covers in my hand.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he
questions playfully.

crinkle my brows, not understanding what he means. He gestures for me to disrobe. I look down, noticing the sad excuse for a dress hanging on my body. I reach for the bottom hem, slowly pulling it over my head. Valen’s blue eyes change to yellow when they rest on my nakedness. Passion plays with his expression as he watches me slide into bed. Before I have a chance to blink, he's parting my legs and climbing above me, thrusting himself deeply inside.

He nibbles on my ear. “I can stay inside of you forever.”

I close my eyes and moan.




I wake up in pitch darkness, scouring the room in fear. It takes my brain a minute to comprehend the events of the past forty-eight hours. We're in Italy, not Savannah. I wipe my hair away from my forehead and shimmy to the edge of the mattress. A cold glass of water is what I need right now. I slip on the dental floss dress, mentally scolding myself that I must throw it out first thing in the morning.

Opening the door, I cringe as I listen to its squeak echoing down the hallway. I tiptoe onto the floor, doing my best to remain unseen and unheard. Gliding down the stairs, I feel proud I haven’t made the slightest peep, minus the door hinge squeal. A slice of light stretches across the marble floor in front of the last step, illuminating the tiny gold flakes brushed in it. Someone's in the library. Who
in their right mind is reading at this hour? I stroll over, pushing the oak door open slightly further. A waft of musty leather tickles my nose. My weary eyes dart around the room, finally landing on Roman’s broad shoulders. He’s facing one of the bookcases, flipping through a hardcover’s pages.

“Hello Anna.”

I’m surprised he knows it’s me. “Hey,” I respond shyly.

“What are you doing up?”

Good question.
“I’m not sure, but I think residing in an unknown mansion in a foreign country might have something to do with my lack of sleep,” I chuckle.

Roman glances over his muscular shoulder, wearing his usual,
suggestive smile. “I imagine it must.”

I blush involuntarily. Curiosity pushes me towards the velvet couch in front of him, and I plop myself into its plush corner. I study the room, observing its rich décor. A large, stone fireplace crackles loudly, its tossed lit embers aglow. To my left
sits an oversized, dark cherry desk, complete with every gold accessory imaginable. Behind me, a large bookcase spans the fifteen-foot wall and is crammed with books, bindings and papers. My head throbs at the sight of all the reading material.

“What are you looking for?”

He flips a few more pages before responding. “I’m hoping to find The Scholars’ hideout based on your dream. I’ve searched a few books on the history of the catacombs and I came across this,” he answers, holding the open book towards me.

I reach over the top of the couch and pluck it from his hand. A familiar photograph of a man engulfed in flames stares back at me. “This was the drawing I saw when I was one of
The Scholars,” I reply in a hushed tone.

“That’s what I thought.” Roman walks around the couch, lowering himself right next to me. His well-toned thigh rests
firmly against mine. I feel my cheeks growing warmer from our close proximity, but as awkward as I feel, I can’t bring myself to move my leg. I like the touch of Roman, and since we’re both witches, our bodies are highly receptive to one another, which could become a problem. I shake the inappropriate thoughts of him out of my head and focus on the photograph.

Is this painting in one of the catacombs?”

Roman rubs his strong chin with one hand.
“I believe it very well might be, although I can’t say for sure. I tried a positioning spell, but The Scholars’ magic is too solid. Plus, being in a different dimension doesn’t help,” he answers.

“So, you’re telling me the magical reception is bad here?” I ask with a giggle.

A smirk tugs on the corner of his mouth. “That’s one way to put it. The way I see it, we need to search for them, get closer to their alleged location, and then perform the spell. The closer we are, the better chance we have to feel an echo.”

A magic echo would make sense. “Don’t you think they would conceal it? I mean seriously, if they didn’t, Micah
would have already found them.”

“I’m sure they have
, but I can assure you we won’t have a challenging time finding them. Part of me thinks they want to be found, and they’re just waiting until we’re close enough to lift the spells.”

I doubt finding them will be easy. “
Maybe I can try to reach out to them through my dreams?”

Roman looks at me with eagerness. “It’s worth a try,” he grins timidly.

I sigh, realizing the long road ahead. Even if I do find them, who’s to say they would come with me? A Grand Witch who doesn’t function at her greatest capabilities… yet.

“Stop doubting yourself.” Roman’s strong voice disturbs my silent rant.

How the heck did he know what I was thinking?

“I know how your mind works Anna,” he states confidently.

I squirm a bit, uncomfortable with how well he knows me, and worse, how much I like it. “I don’t see why they will
trust us or me for that matter. I mean, how can we protect ancient warlocks Roman?”

Roman shifts, facing his body towards me.
Is this necessary? I glance into his sapphire eyes, watching them sparkle like rhinestones. If anything, the man does have phenomenally good looks. I smile wearily, awaiting his answer.

“Anna, they aren’t t
he most powerful magical beings. You are forgetting someone,” he replies, clearing his throat.

I roll my eyes at his irritatingly sexy arrogance. “Yeah, yeah,” I shoo his comment away with my wrist. “The almi
ghty Roman. I didn’t forget, trust me,” I laugh.

He chuckles, inching closer to me. My breath halts, getting stuck in my throat. I can feel the hairs on my arm sticking straight up like I just rubbed a balloon over them.

“I’m confident that once they meet you, they’ll fall in love with you.”

His last sentence carries more meaning than I care to know. I clear my throat nervously, focusing on inhaling much-needed oxygen. “Uh… yeah, I guess.” I clam up instantly. There’s something between Roman and me—an unidentifiable attraction that if uncovered, could ruin us both. “Well, I’m going to head back to bed.” I throw my hands over my head in a fake stretch. I stand, and suddenly Roman’s fingers
are wrapping themselves around my wrist, pulling me on top of him.

“Roman,” I whisper with bated breath.

He stares into my eyes ardently, without saying a word. I know I should move, hell I need to, but our magic is so in sync, it’s nearly impossible to focus on logic. He lightly grazes my bottom lip with his thumb, and I close my eyes. Please, not again. Resisting him is like trying to fence in the wind—practically impossible. Valen’s face pops in my head just in time. I slide my eyes open and loosen his grip.

“Roman… please,” I murmur, scared someone will walk in and see us in this unseemly position.

He glides his palm down my cheek and my stomach flip-flops. I push off his solid chest, finally standing out of arms’ reach.

“Goodnight,” I say hastily and scurry through the library doors.

I dash up the staircase, attempting to wipe away what just happened. I feel slimy, like I cheated on Valen and myself. I’m in love with Valen, I know I am, but whatever strange connection Roman and I share, might compromise everything. I fling open the bedroom door, delighted to view Valen’s nude body. The moonlight kisses his skin, brushing over every muscular curve flawlessly. I slip in beside him, resting my head in the niche of his shoulder. I rub his firm chest, trailing my hand to his stomach, outlining each muscle lightly. His hand clasps mine, and I glance up to see him staring at me. A sexy smile slides across my face. He guides my hand to his excitement and I wrap my fingers around his thick shaft. I find his lips, and kiss him hungrily. Passion rips through me like a tornado as I climb on top of him, gently sliding him inside of me. I gasp when I reach the base of him, thrilled to realize how perfectly he fills me.


I wake up feeling irritated. My dreams were empty—no Scholars, no clues. What good are my abilities if I can't call on them when I need to?

“We should probably head to the library,
” I grumble.

Valen and I have been cooped up in my room all night and the morning sun is beginning to tap-dance across the carpet. Valen throws the covers off
him and slides to the edge of the bed. He stands, offering me a wonderful opportunity to examine his muscular ass. I swoon, wishing we could lie in bed all day.

“Lord Jesus up above,” a male voice prays from the hallway.

I snap my neck, forgetting I left the door wide open when I came back to bed last night. I leap out of my warm spot, throwing on Micah’s disgusting dress in a whirlwind. I moan, annoyed I keep forgetting to throw it out. Martello’s jaw drops halfway to the ground when he catches a glimpse of Valen’s assets.

“Martello!” I scream, embarrassed.

Martello shoos me with his wrist. “Girlfriend, you needs to learn to share… mmm-hmmm, honey, that is one fine man,” he finishes, craning his neck past the closing door behind me.

I slam it shut, mortified to know Martello was lucky enough to
steal a clean view of Valen’s cash and prizes. He stands there, one leg forward in his diva stance, pretending to examine his fingernails. Then he looks up at me with a devilish grin. “You little hussy! It’s ‘bout time you gots yourself some good ass lovin’,” he chuckles. “Lordy knows I woulda already had my toes curled by that one.” He points to the door.

I smack his arm down as my cheeks grow hotter than the surface of the sun. “Stop it,” is the only response I can muster.

“Girl, you has no idea how happy I is for you,” he winks.

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