Saving Grace (32 page)

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Authors: Christine Zolendz

down softly on one of my nipples and looked up into my eyes. "Say my name again," he whispered.

," I whimpered.

His hands slid all the way under the lace of my undies and his fingers pressed inside me effortlessly.
My body just melted over his fingers and he sucked in a husky breath.
I cried out and rocked myself against him. He tugged at my nipple with his teeth and slowly slid his fingers deeper inside me, his thumb rubbing small circles against me. My head thudded itself back against the speaker, the vibrations of the bass hummed over every inch of my body making every movement of Shane's erotic as all hell.

slowly eased his
fingers in
and out, pushing and pulling inside
me and I moaned deep in my throat.

I needed to feel more of him. I skimmed my hand over his
body, unbuttoned his jeans,
and tore down his zipper. A small moan escaped his from his mouth as he brought his lips back up to mine.

I arched my hips away from him and slowly pushed his pants over his hips and heard the change spill out of his pockets when they fell to the floor. I yanked at his boxers until they hung low on his legs and he panted for air.

I slowly grasped my hands around him. He was swollen and throbbing. With his fingers still slowly moving inside
I rubbed him against the slick tender parts of my flesh
wet from his touch

Oh, God,
Grace," he growled. "I want
to be inside you s
o damn bad right now it hurts."

't stop Shane, please,
I begged.

"Grace, I'm not
you here, baby. Your first time
going to be on a speaker in the studio."

I licked his lips and slid my hand up and down him, "You want to be my first

baby, I'm going to be your last," he breathed.

I completely shattered and fell apart in his hands and I cried out his name over and over. My insides clenched so tight around his fingers I thought I would break them. Waves of unrelenting tremors rocked my entire body from my head to my toes and I never wanted the feeling to stop. He was right,
I would not think of anything or anyone until I could completely have him
inside me again

Then, as I tried to even out my breathing, still sliding my hands up and down Shane, the door to the studio slammed open.

"Hey! Shane are you in here?" Bliss's sharp shrill filled the studio. The hum of the speaker echoed an answer
vibrating along the walls. She flicked on the light and I looked
down at Shane in my hands.
Um, wow
There were just no words
. Shane was perfect.
Small sublime
rippled through my core as I slid him
slowly and quietly
along my wetness.
So hard

Bliss clicked the light switch back off but she stayed in the dark waiting for something, probably to see if he was hiding somewhere. Well he was definitely somewhere.
In my hands, ha Bliss!
Childish, I know.

Shane nuzzled his face in my neck and took long deep breaths, "Grace," he growled into my ear. "Don't. Move."
Shane was begging.
His voice sounded so desperate it made me ache.

I slowly slid my hands up and down him again and his teeth pressed into my shoulder making my body tremble for more of him. He brought his hands up to my hair and grabbed fistfuls of it, his body rocked with small tremors.

Bliss huffed
. Then we heard her heels stomp
down the hallway
and the door click closed.

Shane pulled his head back, eyes pleading with mine, "Don't move, babe. Please."

But I did. I sl
id my body down his and took him
deep in my mouth
until he
the back of my throat. His fingers threaded in my hair, his body shivered.
I slid my tongue around him and skimmed my mouth slowly up and down him until he tried to pull away. I tightened my grip on his hips and let him explode
; hungry for him;
His knees buckled and I swear I felt faint from the noises
he made from coming undone inside my mouth.
Because, seriously, I'd be damned if I
was going to
let him think of anything
or anyone
me until
the next time he could be inside me either.

Chapter 2

I sat next to Lea in Shane's apartment where it looked like someone vomited pink glitter and confetti all over
the walls
Above me dangled long iridescent streamers that tickled my hair whenever I stood up. I held an icy cold beer in one hand and I could still taste Shane's kiss on my lips, his hands on my skin.

Shane had dried my clothes and I wasn't dressed in one of his white tank tops and boxer shorts
for more than twenty minutes
Yeah, that got me a lot of stares

The entire apartment building was packed; mostly with people we knew from the bar, but there were more than
a few
people that we had never seen before. Shane tensed up as soon as all the people started
he locked his bedroom door from the outside and stood against the window of the living room
, on guard
. One of his hands was shoved deep in his pockets while the other held onto a beer that he'd been sipping for the
thirty minutes
we had been there.
Brilliant blue eyes fixed on mine
, barely blinking
His dark hair looked
, heat pooled low in my belly,
and my pulse quickened knowing that it was my hands that had run through his hair
that made
it look like that.

can't hold it
anymore, I have to use the bat
hroom," I said leaning on Lea and forcing myself to break eye contact with Shane.

"Yeah, me too," she nodded. "Let's go."

I watched Shane's eyes follow me to the hallway and I could feel them still watching me when I turned my back to him to get into the bathroom.
closed the door behind us
locking it
and immediately someone was knocking to get in.

"Give us five minutes! We've having
hot lesbian
sex in here!" she called out through the door. She whipped her head around and smiled, "

"I was wondering when you would jump on me. Nothing, well we definitely fooled ar
ound, but I didn't, he wouldn't, you know...

"Do you even hear yourself right now?
What does that mean
Shane wouldn't?

I couldn't help the smile that crept across my face, "Said he didn't want my first time to be on a speaker in the studio. Then, get this, I asked him if he wanted to be my first and he said
no Grace
I'm going to be your last

"On a speaker in the studio?
You ASKED him if he wanted to be your first? Are you in tenth grade again?

I hung my head in my hands and laughed, "God. Lea, I'm so not good at this. I
like I'm fifteen.
the first time I've ever let anyone, ever
felt anything,
thought about anyone
other than
What the hell am I doing wrong?"

"Grace, he said he wanted to be your
. Seems to me you're doing every
thing right," she offered.

I just hoped I had more than a week left with him

We emerged from the bathroom to a bunch of strange guys cheering at us. I had no clue w
t they were yelling about and then I remembered what Lea had said we were doing when people were knocking on the door. Why are men such idiots?

We crammed our bodies through the crowds of people dancing to someone singing badly on a karaoke machine. As we shoved through
the crush of people,
I could feel an all to
familiar foreboding chill travel down my spine
. My entire body tightened and I balled my hands into fists.
I am not done here, my time is not up; I won't let it be.
Bitter cold hands met with the skin of my waist, grabbing hold of my flesh, digging their fingers in deep.

My eyes
involuntarily blinked
and Gabriel was in front me. He held me in a
cold, calculating blue stare, locking right onto my eyes and chilling me to my bones. "Grace," his voiced whispered in my ears without his lips moving.

The hallway seemed to shift and move
becoming hypnagogic and dreamlike. Bodies that had shuffled and surged around me before turned shadowy and distant. And the karaoke that had been playing transformed morbidly into harsh discordant carnival music that grated at
my insides and made
hands fly to cover my

Gabriel lifted his hand to my face and brushed my jaw with his thumb, "You are as breathtaking as when I first laid my eyes on you." He squeezed his eyes shut tight, and whispered through clenched teeth, "Do not hide from me any longer. They won't be able to save you."

Leave me alone," I whispered.

"Impossible. I want you too much."

"The feeling is not mutual. Why do we have to go through this over and over? I will not go with you willingly. I do not love you. I do not even like you. I do not believe anything you say. I don't care about anything you say. You are nothing to me!" My voice grew louder and louder until I was screaming.

The hand that had been caressing my
face grabbed the back of my neck violently and pulled me towards him. Falling into
I held my hands out against his chest
to push away,
but he crushed me to him anyway. He muscled my head to his face as I struggled to break free of his hold. "I will kill them
little one. All the ones that take up residence in your heart
until there's no one left for you to want to stay here
," he hissed.

The thousands of veins and capillaries that ran through my body turned
frozen with a deep icy chill, "Then I will do everything I can to destroy you," I whispered.

Gabriel's beautiful angelic lips curled their corners into a devilish smirk, "Yes my heart, you are becoming more like me each day.
It just proves how we are so well
" He raked his hands slowly down my neck, dragging them along my shoulders and down my arms.

"Leave me alone."

He laughed, "You're like my little
Grace. Will you stand true to your choice of never being with me when everything is taken from you? Come with me
so I don't
to hurt you."

GABRIEL!" I screamed yanking my body away from him and stumbling hard against the wall.

Shane was in front of me instantly and suddenly a
tension filled the hallway
alive and dangerous that you could feel thick against your skin.
His eyes caught and held my stare.
Terror spiked through my body, if he hurt Shane I would turn into something as evil as Gabriel. Gabriel was right, if he hurt any of my friends I would never rest until I destroyed him
and that made me just as
as him. My body began to shake
with rage

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