Saving Maverick (20 page)

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Authors: Debra Elise


You blindsided me and I already told you were I was at. What my expectations were from this relationship. I need you to give me some time.” She crossed her arms around her stomach.

“I know, babe, and I understand there are still things we don't know about each other. Something has obviously happened in your past that keeps you from wanting to commit to a relationship. Even if it's with my awesome self.”

She grinned and looked up at him from under her dark lashes. Now he was getting somewhere.

“So how about we start again and move slowly with the relationship stuff? The real one, not the public one?” Maverick asked.

She sighed, but she didn't push out of his arms. Instead she turned and faced him. She placed her hands on his chest and whispered, “What am I going to do with you? I haven't been able to figure you out since the day we met, and I so don't want to be that girl who uses her past as an excuse to rule her future.”

Maverick kissed her forehead and ran his hands up her still crossed arms. He cradled her neck and placed his lips next to her ear and whispered, “We'll work through whatever comes our way. Because, Kelsey Sullivan, I've realized one thing today.”

“Wha-what's that?” she asked. Her voice hitched as he traced her earlobe.

“Where you're concerned, I'm not going anywhere.”

He leaned back and lifted her chin and placed a soft kiss on her raspberry lips. Gentle at first and when she opened her mouth, he consumed her. He twirled his tongue with hers and held her tight as she swayed toward him.

ringing of her phone broke through the spell he had created. He ended the kiss and brought his hands up to cup her face. “Looks like the outside world isn't interested in our need for some privacy, hmmm?”

“I know, and I wanted to talk more too.” Kelsey winked and placed her hand over the bulge behind his fly. “But I better answer that.”

“Uh-uh. Whoever that is can wait.” He picked her up and buried his face in her neck. He placed openmouthed kisses everywhere he could reach and pulled her legs up around his waist. “Where's your mom?”

“She's supposed to be at a meeting with her sponsor. She won't be back for an hour or so. I hope.”

“Where's your bedroom?”

“But what if my mom shows up?”

“Then we better be quick. Now point me to your room. I have something to show you.”

Kelsey giggled. She felt like she was breaking the rules by having a boy in her room while her parents were out. The fact they could be discovered at any time turned her on even more.

Maverick kicked her door closed and pushed her back up against the wall. His hands went under and up her shirt, pulling it over her head. He undid her bra and filled his hands with her now aching breasts. He held her gaze.

“I don't think I can take it slow this time.”

“I don't want you to.”

Kelsey threw her head back as he dipped his head and took first one nipple into his mouth, then the other. Lightly sucking at first before he circled his tongue around each in turn,
the assault on her puckered nipple. She cried out when he pulled up her skirt and buried a finger deep inside her. Her pussy clenched around him as he rubbed her clit and continued sucking on her nipple.

“Maverick, this is too much; I'm going to fall. Put me down.”

“I've got you, sweetie, relax. I want to see how quick I can make you come.”

“Well, you're almost there.” Kelsey panted in between each word. If he kept up with his assault on her clit she was going to come any moment.

He laughed against her breast and the vibration almost sent her over. Now all she could think about was coming. She gripped his shoulders and moved her hips to match his rhythm. When he added another finger inside her, she saw stars.

“C'mon, baby, squeeze my fingers. You're almost there.”

“Oh, god, Maverick. Please, yes, yes, yes.” The orgasm slammed into her hard. She rode his fingers and the shockwave as her pussy clenched around his fingers.

“Kelsey, you're so beautiful when you come.” Maverick laid her down on the bed. “I need to be inside you, I can't wait any longer. Feeling you come all over my hand . . .”

Kelsey had let her legs fall open when he placed her on the bed. She was still reeling from the fastest orgasm of her life and she didn't want it to end. Her body was craving another release. She placed a finger on her clit and began rubbing as she pinched one of her nipples.

“Maverick, I need you inside me, but I can't wait. My god, I've never felt this need to come again so soon.”

She held his gaze as she brought herself to completion. He touched himself as she did. It was the most erotic moment of her life.

“Sweet Jesus. You're the hottest woman I've ever seen.”

removed his clothes and took out a condom and sheathed himself. He covered her body with his and entered her in one thrust.

She ran her hands up his slick abs and followed the outline of each one as he pumped in and out of her. His body was so beautiful. She loved the feel of his skin over his sculpted muscles. She could spend hours exploring every dip and ridge but right now she wanted him to come unglued and scream her name.

She opened her thighs wider until he was buried balls deep inside her. He groaned at the new position. His body stilled for a moment. He raised his head from her shoulder and captured her gaze.

“Baby, are you okay? I'm not hurting you, am I?”

“No. We fit, Mav. And I really need you to start moving again.”

“Anything you say, baby. How about this?” He pulled almost the entire length out of her before he thrust back in and did it again.

She had no words. She let out a deep groan as he began to pump in and out. This time he didn't stop. She curled up her legs and wrapped them around his waist and held on. She ran her nails up and down his back. His body tightened up when she reached between them and lightly stroked his cock each time he pulled out of her until his own orgasm overtook him.

He turned onto his back and cradled her on top of him while he caught his breath and swatted her bottom.

“What was that last move? I wanted you to come again before I did.”

“Maverick, I had plenty. And besides, I wanted to give as good as I got.”

chuckled in her ear. “Oh, you definitely accomplished your goal.” He gathered her closer and ran his hands up and down her body. Shivers assailed her everywhere he touched and goose bumps appeared all over her body.

She covered their now cooled bodies with her comforter and lay as close to him as she could get. She watched his chest rise and fall. Her heartbeat soon matched his and before she drifted off to sleep, she wiped a tear from her eye.

She hadn't seen this coming. Maverick was everything she once thought she'd never want, had done everything possible to avoid tangling with. Never in her wildest imaginings did she think she'd break her once set-in-stone rule.

She'd fallen hard for this man and she didn't want to mess it up by telling him. She couldn't let him know he had that kind of power over her. The power to break her heart.

Chapter 23

Maverick woke up and looked at his watch. They'd been sleeping for maybe an hour but he needed to get to the police station and begin the process of obtaining a restraining order against Syndi. He reluctantly left Kelsey's warm bed, borrowed her car, and drove uptown. He called the dealership and asked them to drop off his truck at her house.

Between dealing with the police and his growing feelings, he headed back to his condo to shower and change and called the radio stations on the list Kelsey had given him last night. He also Skyped into an on-air interview with the highest rated sports show,
Sports Time
. It was the lead story. The Ballplayer and the Stalker.

“So Mav, tell us how you and Kelsey Sullivan met? We hear she's a close friend of team owner Thomas Scott.”

“Long story short, Brett, we met before I knew who she was. It was at a charity event for the Children's Club of Pineville, which I volunteer at, and I guess the best way to explain it is we saw each other from across the room.” He chuckled to himself. If they only knew the real story. “We've been together ever since.”

“Well now, I'm sure our female listeners are wishing they'd been at that event. Hearts are breaking, Maverick. Now, tell us, how is she dealing with this supposed stalker?”

ignored the dig and kept his tone light. He was not going to blow this interview just because that asshole Brett Canon wanted to bait him.

“I think it's fair to say Kelsey is as concerned as I am, but with her PR background she's been a trooper. We both have faith in the police department that whomever is harassing me will be apprehended. Soon.”

The rest of the interview focused on his thoughts on the upcoming season and if he would be the opening game starter. Easy stuff he could answer in his sleep.

With all the interviews wrapped up, he could finally relax. He and Kelsey had plans that evening to meet with a group of his teammates for dinner. Determined to not let Syndi's antics ruin his night or his life, he experienced a rush of emotions he thought long dead while he dressed for their first official night out as a couple. The optimism he felt was unexpected and a bit scary.

When he looked in the mirror, he no longer saw a stranger. And he no longer saw the ever-present strained expression or hooded gaze that his sister had pointed out to him last month. He saw the guy who before Connor's death and the division loss loved his life.

Kelsey had done this to him. Made him feel whole again. Made all the shit he was going through worthwhile. He wondered what she would say if he told her all of this? Probably run for the hills screaming.

Twenty minutes later, he knocked on her door and waited patiently. A minute had passed and still no answer. He raised his hand to knock again when he heard a woman's voice shout out.

Not Kelsey's, but similar enough to let him know it must be her mother. She'd obviously returned. He couldn't remember the last time he'd met the mother of someone he was dating.

had she told her about him? About their arrangement? She'd been reluctant to tell him what was going on between them other than her mom had a drinking problem and she was letting her stay there since she had no other place to go.

“I said I'd get it. Jeez, I'm not going to bite him.” Kelsey's mother opened the front door. She presented him with a toothy smile outlined with deep lines around a face that at one time might have been considered beautiful. “Well now, who do we have here? Kelsey didn't tell me you were coming over.”

Victoria Sullivan smoothed down her tight-fitting tank and gave him a full body once-over. “Well, just don't stand there. C'mon in, handsome.”

Mav tried to hide a grimace. He caught a whiff of alcohol as he passed her and something else he didn't want to identify. Before he had a chance to say anything, Kelsey rushed in. “Mother, I told you if someone knocked, I would answer the door.”

Kelsey looked up at Maverick and offered him a lopsided smile. She twisted her fingers and shot her mother a stern look. He'd sensed some deep issues with her mom she was not willing to share, and now that he'd come face-to-face with her mom, he understood a bit better. Kelsey was embarrassed about her.

She turned on her heel and walked into the dining room, grabbed a wrap and her keys, and spoke to her mother. “Vicky, you need to stay in and if someone else happens to knock, please don't answer. I'll call you later to see how you're doing.” She sounded like the mother in this scenario.

“What, no introduction? Where's your manners, Kelsey Marie? This fine-looking man here is picking you up and all you do is scold me for opening the door. It would be nice to meet
man who's taking my only child out to do Lord knows what.” Vicky ignored her daughter's evil-eyed stare as she addressed Maverick and gave him a frown.

“All right. Mom, this is Maverick Jansen. Maverick, this is my mom, Vicky Sullivan.” She turned to her mom. “Satisfied?”

Vicky ignored her daughter. “You that ballplayer that's been all over the TV and Internet?”

Maverick was more entertained by the two women than he was worried about the reprimand he knew was coming from Kelsey's mother. “Yes, ma'am. That would be me. Nice to meet you.” He stepped closer at risk to his sinuses and held out his hand.

“I know all about you ballplayers, young man, and my Kelsey is a good girl. You watch your step around her, you hear?”

“Mother, that's enough. I stopped being your little girl a long time ago and whom I spend my time with is my business,” Kelsey said.

Her mother squinted her eyes and mumbled, “Whatever,” and threw herself on the sofa and reached for the remote. “Don't do anything I wouldn't do.” Her cackle followed them out the front door where Kelsey closed it firmly behind her and locked the deadbolt before she turned to him.

“Okay, I'm ready. Let's go,” she said.

Maverick had a decision to make. Did he ask what the hell that was all about or did he ignore it and file it away for later to avoid what was sure to be an upsetting topic with Kelsey? He wanted her relaxed and happy for what he had planned for later.

made, he offered her his arm. “You look great, and smell even better.” He gave her a soft kiss on her temple. “The reservations are for eight. We should get going before we miss the paparazzi.”

Evergreen's was packed. A longtime gathering place for the rich and famous to party and play, it was a floating restaurant anchored in an inlet of Kokanee River and boasted year-round outdoor dining. It was a haven for the paparazzi when they needed a celebrity or pro ballplayer sighting. Now that the Outlaws had moved to Pineville, business had exploded, which equally pleased and irritated the locals.

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