SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (100 page)

Maggie jumped in the bed as the door opened to her room. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the light and she sighed in relief when she saw Urieal entering the room. He walked over to the table and poured a glass of water, then brought it to her in the bed. Maggie sat up as he handed the water to her and sat down next to her on the bed.

“I have done as I said I would, no more harm will come to the humans,” he said, looking gently at Maggie, “how are your wounds.”

“They hurt,” Maggie said honestly. She had never felt so much pain in her life and wondered if she would be able to walk. Each time the muscles in her thighs tightened the cuts began to bleed and caused more pain. “How do you know that no more humans will get hurt,” she asked, taking a drink of the cold water.

“Because I said so,” Urieal said, lifting his chin. She could see that he was proud, but she was not sure of what. “What I say is the law my beautiful Maggie, I am the prince.”

Maggie almost choked on her water that this prince had brought to her. “You are the prince,” she asked. Urieal smiled gently at her. “Why are you being so kind,” Maggie blurted out. She was completely confused at this point. She had no idea that the Watchers even had a prince, her family and friends had talked about them as if they were gods now she was learning that they were like humans at least in some ways.

“I will always be kind to you Maggie, to you and all of your species. I want nothing more than to help you and care for you,” Urieal answered her. He moved closer to Maggie causing the blanket so slide down to her stomach. She quickly grabbed for it trying to cover herself back up. Urieal reached for her hand and her heart began to pound. He was not going to let her hide her body so Maggie pulled her arms across her chest.

“You know what I have never understood,” Urieal asked, “I have never understood why humans are so intent on covering their bodies. You are all so beautiful.”

Maggie quietly laughed. She knew that compared to the Watchers humans were beautiful and she began to understand why Urieal was so intent on crossing the genes. “We are taught that we need to cover your bodies,” Maggie replied to him, “I guess it has always been that way.”

Urieal looked down at her, “You don’t have to cover your body here,” he said as he moved her arms away from her chest. Maggie watched Urieal as he looked at her body. He placed his hand on her shoulder and ran it down to her chest over her breast until he gently brushed her nipple. Then ran his hand back up to her neck again.

When Urieal touched her it felt different than when the other Watcher had touched her. It felt as if he genuinely cared for her. “I’m not going to make you mate with me,” Urieal began, “I have made it clear that no other Watchers are to come into contact with you. I do not want them tainting your beauty. At some point very soon you will have to be bred. I cannot risk my father finding out that I am protecting you.”

Maggie agreed and laid her head on Urieals shoulder. She was thankful that he had walked into her room when he had. She could not imagine what would have happened to her if he had not rescued her from the other Watcher. As she looked up at Urieal he gently began kissing her. Maggie did not fight him but instead enjoyed the kiss. It was the first time in her life she had ever been kissed so passionately.

Urieal pulled away and looked Maggie in the eyes, “One day you will be the mother of the first hybrid prince,” he said smiling. As Maggie thought about what he had said her mind filled with excitement. She knew that this time the Watchers were not going away, they were determined to create their super species and she realized that she had the chance to change the world forever.

She imagined a world where Watchers did not rule over humans, but instead both were part of the same world. She knew it would that she would be risking her life, but it was worth it in her mind. Urieal began kissing Maggie on the neck as she was thinking and she had instinctively entangled her hand in his hair. She loved the way it felt when he kissed her and wondered if the others were enjoying their time now that he had ensured their safety.

Urieal slid his hand down to Maggie’s waist and used the other hand to pull the blanket off of the rest of her body. He was almost on top of her with his head right above her breasts. He took his time ensuring that if Maggie wanted him to stop he would but she knew she would not stop him. She rubbed her hand in his hair and slid the other down his back. He was very muscular and although she knew that this was not his natural form she was attracted to it.

It was obvious to Maggie that Urieal liked the way that she was touching him because he lowered his head to her breast and took it in his mouth. Maggie let out a moan as he began flicking her nipple with his tongue. She loved the way the heat from his mouth felt on her skin and she completely relaxed under his touch.

Urieal slid his hand down her body until it was between her thighs. He was extra careful not to touch the already healing cuts that were on her legs and made a mental note to apply more medicine to them later. Maggie moved her legs apart as she felt the palm of his hand sliding down her now wet pussy and she took in a sharp breath as he slid his finger into her slit and back up to her clit.

She was no longer sore and her body loved the way that Urieal was touching it. Urieal released her nipple and quickly sucked the other one into his mouth, ensuring that he was giving each part of her body the attention that it deserved. He gently teased her clit, making circles around it with his finger before gently brushing over it, causing her body to yearn for more.

She began moving her hips, trying to encourage him to touch her more, but he continued with his slow pace. He began gently kissing down her stomach, enjoying every inch of it and slid his finger down to her opening teasing her even more. She had never felt such a desire for a man human or not she knew that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

As Urieal moved his head lower he began pushing Maggie’s legs further apart with his free hand, allowing himself to have full access to her. He quickly positioned his body between her legs and looked down at her wet, slick for a few seconds before looking back up at her. It was if he were asking permission and Maggie gave him a gentle smile. That was all he needed. He quickly had his mouth on her pussy and began flicking at her clit with his tongue.

Maggie had never felt such a sensation in all of her life and let out a loud moan. Her body wiggled under him, but he had his arms wrapped around the tops of her thighs and his mouth was clasped onto her completely. There was no getting away from the torturous pleasure that he was bringing her.

It was mere seconds before Maggie felt herself cumming and began to buck against his mouth. Urieal did not stop until her body finally relaxed and he was sure she was completely satisfied. Gently kissing her clit he pulled his head away and kissed his way back up her body until he reached her mouth. He kissed her hard and she could taste her juices still on his lips.

Urieal reached down, undoing his pants he quickly slid them off and Maggie could feel his pulsating cock begging for entrance. He was even larger than the Watcher that had taken her when she had first arrived and she was not sure if she could handle all that he had to offer.

Urieal was gentle as he pushed into Maggie. He pumped against her entrance until he was able to push no more than an inch of his large cock inside of her. She could already feel it pulsating and began moaning in pleasure. He continued this until she was able to accept all of him, allowing her body to stretch and adjust to him inch by inch. Once he was completely inside of her he gently began moving his hips only moving a few inches at a time until she began reacting to his movements.

As Maggie began moving her hips, his pumping into her became more forceful causing her to come around him several more times. The pleasure that filled her body was almost more than she could handle, and as she heard an odd growl coming from deep inside Urieal, felt him filling her with his fluids she screamed out his name in pleasure.

As her body began to relax, she laid back on her pillow and Urieal began to remove his still thick cock from her body. Maggie’s vision began to blur and once again the room began to spin then everything was black.

When Maggie awoke Urieal was already dressed and standing beside her bed. “Welcome back to the land of the living,” he said smiling at her.

“What happened,” Maggie asked him.

He was not sure what had happened, but had heard that when a human woman was successfully bred her body would react by almost shutting down. He assumed that she would soon find out that she was carrying his offspring, but did not tell her. He knew that it would frighten her and he did not want to do that.

Carrying an offspring of a Watcher was much different than a human baby. She would have to see a doctor in a matter of days and would have to be placed in containment. Urieal wanted to keep that from happening as long as possible, but knew that the baby would have to be monitored as would Maggie. That meant that he would not have any time alone with her until the offspring was born… If it was born.

Urieal tried to hide his uncertainties and smiled down at Maggie. “There is a shower through that door,” he said, pointing across the room, “Go clean up. I will go get food for you and then dress your wounds.”

Maggie still felt as if she was in a daze all that she remembered was feeling as if she were dying. She did not know if that was normal or not, but was not sure if she enjoyed it. As Urieal left the room, she headed off to clean herself up. Inside of the bathroom, she found that Urieal had left her a cute silky nightgown to wear after and was glad that she did not have to walk around naked any longer.

Urieal decided that he needed to talk to his father about Maggie and that it needed to be done right then. He made his way to his father’s quarters and as he made his way in he could tell that his father was already upset with him.

“Defoli came to see me,” Urieal’s father stated in his booming voice, “He says that the humans are becoming a problem for you.”

Urieal sat down in a chair across from his father, “They are not a problem,” he began, “but they are the reason I came to speak with you.”

The King crossed his arms and lowered his head Urieal could tell this was not going to be an easy process. “I have bred one of the humans Father. You know that I feel it is important for the first hybrid to come from royal blood,” Urieal did not take his eyes off of his father as he spoke. The King looked at Urieal and nodded in agreement.

“I also do not think that these humans should be treated like animals. When I walked into the room to first view Maggie, she was covered in cuts from spikes, scared and bleeding,” Urieal continued, “If we are going to combine our genes I think we need to start treating these humans like our equals.”

Urieal’s father stood and walked toward Urieal, “Equals,” he growled at Urieal, “if they were equals, we would not have had to rescue them from themselves. They are not equal.”

Urieal understood what his father was saying, but also knew that like himself the King had a soft spot for humans. “We rescued them because we care about them, if this human is going to give birth to royal offspring don’t you think she deserves to be treated better? You want to improve our species by crossing our genes, but will you treat my offspring the same way you allow humans to be treated,” Urieal was yelling by the time he was finished and he knew that he had gotten his point across. He did not care what his father said any longer.

If his father would not change the way humans were treated Urieal would wait until the offspring was born and take Maggie and the child back to Earth. He had no problem returning and staying there until it was his time to be the king.

Urieal quickly had food prepared for Maggie and told the cooks to leave it outside of her door. He knew that he needed to speak to the medical staff as well. He informed them that he did not want Maggie moved to containment that he wanted her cared for in the room that he had provided for her. The medical staff was in no position to argue with him and told them that they would see her the next day.

Now the only thing left to do was explain to Maggie what was going to happen. That was probably going to be the hardest thing he had to do. He needed to ensure that he did not upset her or scare her, but he also knew the risks that she was facing. She would only have to carry the offspring for 16 weeks, unlike a human baby it would develop quickly, but it would be the hardest 16 weeks of her life.

Urieal made his way back to Maggie’s room and found her getting out of the shower. He began applying medicine to her legs. When he was finished, he looked up at her. He saw the trust in her eyes and somehow knew that this human was going to change history. Love filled his heart for the first time in years and he couldn’t help but smile.













Rooming with the Bad Boy

Chapter one

“Nina, you had to expect this when you came to New York City. I can’t believe for a second that you would be so naïve to go into this with your eyes closed. Real estate is a commodity that is not given freely and you must pay a premium for a place that is even worth your time to look at. Most often than not, you’re going to need a roommate to offset the expenses. I think I’ve already told you this once, but you insisted that it wasn’t anything to worry about.” My sister April had always had a good head on her shoulders. She knew how to stretch a buck, unlike me.

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