SCOTTISH ROMANCE: My Sinful Surrender to a Highlander Werewolf (Scottish Werewolf Pregnancy Romance) (Historical Medieval Shape Shifter Paranormal Science Fiction Short Stories) (52 page)

It took everything he had to stay in his own room that night. He did not get much sleep because all he could think about when he closed his eyes was Nairobi’s naked body standing in front of him. The next morning, Mitch got out of bed before the sun came up and was met by the housekeeper when he walked down the stairs. Nairobi’s outfit had been delivered late the previous night and she was not sure what to do with it.

Mitch told the housekeeper to place the dress inside of the guest room and allow her to sleep until she was ready to wake up. He made arrangements for the two of them to travel to Los Vegas so that they could be married. He considered giving Nairobi a large wedding, but decided against it since she would have no family there to support her.

Once they were married, he wanted to take her up into the mountains for their honeymoon to show her snow. He wanted her to see everything, he wanted to see that look of awe on her face as much as he could. He hoped that it would never go away, but he knew eventually she would become accustomed to her new life and it would. He wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.

After a few hours Mitch could not wait any longer, he had the chef prepare breakfast for Nairobi and he took it to her room. He placed the tray on her bedside table before waking her. She gave him a smile that could not be faked. It was if she had thought that she was dreaming and realized that it was her real life.

Mitch kissed her on her forehead and gave her the tray of food. He told her to eat and prepared her dress for her. As he pulled it out of the box her eyes widened again. He could tell that she loved it. It was very colorful just like the dress she had worn the day before, but it was bright and clean, new and all hers. She had never had a new dress, she was lucky that her mother was able to find that material to make the dress that she did have.

She quickly ate her food, enjoying all of the new flavors, slid out of the bed, allowing her T-shirt to raise above her hips. When she saw Mitch looking at her, she smiled and lifted her shirt over her head and off of her body. She dropped the T-shirt on the floor and walked over to Mitch, kissed him gently on the lips then picked up her dress. She slipped it over her head, shook her body slightly causing it to fall perfectly on her and turned to look at Mitch.

He smiled in approval as she slipped on the new flats he had purchased for her. “I’m ready,” she said with a little bounce. Mitch laughed and wrapped his hands around her waist, “First, we are going to go shopping then we will get married,” he said.

Nairobi’s eyes widened as she realized that he was telling the truth when he said they would be married today. She did not know what married in America really meant and she wondered if she would be able to handle the job. As they walked down the stairs, she found herself wondering what the women in this country did. There was no water to gather, no fields to work, and no animals to care for.

“What is my job,” Nairobi asked Mitch as they headed out to his car.

Mitch looked at her confused, “Your job,” he asked.

“Yes, what do I do,” she said, trying to find the right words.

“You just spend time with me and have fun,” he answered her.

“Have fun,” she laughed, “American girls just have fun.”

They got into the car and Mitch explained how many American women chose to have jobs of their own while others chose to have children and how still others who were lucky like Nairobi did not have to do anything but enjoy life with their husbands.

Nairobi did not understand how she was supposed to have fun, but she was willing to try. She wanted to make Mitch happy and if he wanted her to have fun that was what she was going to do. Mitch took her first to the hair salon and had her hair treated and styled. She had never worried about being beautiful before, but as she looked in the mirror she felt beautiful. The stylist also showed her how to do her own makeup and Mitch bought her everything that she needed.

The next stop was a huge mall, Nairobi stayed close to Mitch when she saw all of the people. She had never imagined that so many people would gather in one building. She had never seen so many people in all of her life and the thought of losing Mitch in the crowd scared her.

Mitch picked out tons of outfits, had workers pick outfits out for her and after a few hours Nairobi was exhausted. She did not understand why women in this country loved shopping so much. It was more work than she had ever done and she did not understand why she needed so many clothes but it seemed to make Mitch happy.

Once the two of them finished shopping they grabbed a bit to eat and were back in the car again. This time they were headed to a place that Mitch called Los Vegas. He told Nairobi that it was a few hours away and that she could rest if she wanted.

He had his hand on her leg when she fell asleep and she could feel the heat from his hand warming her thigh. There was something about the way his hands felt on her body that warmed her completely. Soon she was nodding off. Mitch could only imagine what a toll all of the changes she was dealing with was taking on her body. Not only was she in a new country she was being exposed to completely new foods and a totally new culture. He hoped that she would adjust soon so that she was not so easily exhausted.

It took several hours of driving before they arrived in Los Vegas. When they finally did arrive it was dark and the city was completely lit up. Mitch did not want Nairobi to miss seeing the city so he gently shook her to wake her.

She rubbed her eyes and as soon as they adjusted she began to look around and take in all of the sites. She reminded him of a kid in a candy store and the smile on her face was all he needed to know that she really was happy.

They found a small chapel and got married before he took her to a few casinos and a show. It was late before they checked into their hotel, but the two of them were bursting with energy. Mitch grabbed a few things out of the back of his car before they checked in and they headed up to their room. Mitch had booked the presidential suite thinking that the honeymoon suite was a little tacky.

Nairobi had never been in a hotel before and Mitch knew that he could have gotten the smallest room and she would have been happy, but he wanted to show her all of the finer things in life. When they arrived at their room, Mitch took their clothes to the bedroom and walked back into the front room. He found Nairobi, looking at all of the furniture, running her hands over the wood and smiling.

She turned to him, “I feel like a princess,” she said with tears in her eyes. It was that moment that Mitch realized that she was more to him than just a mail order bride. The two of them had a deep connection that he had never felt with anyone else. He wanted to not only spend the rest of his life with her so that he was not alone, but he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her because he loved the person that she was.

Mitch walked up to Nairobi and wrapped his arms around her, “You are a princess,” he said to her, “You are my princess and you will always be treated like a princess.” Nairobi looked up at him with a huge smile on her face. Her dark brown eyes full of trust and love. Mitch pressed his lips against hers and kissed her passionately. He pulled at her dress until he had it lifted above her waist.

He pulled his lips back from her and continued to lift the dress over her head and let it fall to the ground. Underneath the dress Nairobi wore nothing and Mitch smiled as he told himself that he needed to show her what a bra and panties were.

Mitch ran his hands down the front of her body until they reached her breasts gently, he flicked both of them with his thumbs causing them to become hard and stick out at him. Mitch lowered his head and sucked one of them into his mouth. Nairobi let out a quiet moan as he flicked at her hard nipple with is warm tongue.

He moved his other hand around her back and pulled her into him. She could feel the hardness that was growing in his pants pressing between her legs. She knew that his desire for her was strong. Nairobi placed one of her hands in his blonde hair gently rubbing his head as he continued to suck and flick at her nipple allowing small moans to escape her lips.

Mitch wasted no time and quickly slid his hand between her thighs, feeling the moisture that was building. Nairobi squealed at his touch and jumped slightly. Her eyes began to flutter as he found her clit and began to rub it gently with his finger. Her body stiffened as she tightened her grip on his head.

Mitch released her nipple from his mouth and raised his head to look at her. He wanted to see her reaction to his touch. Nairobi moaned as her fluids dripped from her pussy. He slid his finger down her slit and teased her opening. He felt her body tense up even more.

“Let’s go to the bed,” Mitch whispered in her ear. He could see the fear in her eyes, but gently kissed her, “I promise I am not going to hurt you,” he said before leading her to the bedroom of the hotel suite.

Once they were in the bedroom Mitch stood in front of Nairobi with his hands on her waist. He pushed against her, causing her to back up until her legs hit the bed. Mitch continued to push against her, forcing her to lay on the bed. He looked down at her, her trusting eyes looking up at him and began to take off his own clothes.

As he undressed Nairobi moved up onto the bed, placing her head on one of the pillows. She spread her body out across the bed, allowing him to take in all that she had to offer him. When Mitch unzipped his pants, allowing his cock to be free, her eyes went directly to it. It was much larger than she had expected and Mitch could see the fear growing in her eyes. He let his pants fall to the floor and stepped out of them before climbing on the bed.

He positioned himself between Nairobi’s legs pushing them far apart. He bent down and began kissing her trying to help her relax as he pressed his throbbing cock against her opening. He knew that he was going to cause her some pain, but tried to keep it minimal. He began pumping against her opening until the tip of his cock slid inside. He continued the pumping until he stretched her pussy and was able to enter her inch by inch.

When he was finally completely inside of her he looked into her eyes. Tears were welling up and he could see the confusion. “It gets better,” he promised. Nairobi nodded her head, unable to speak. Mitch slowly began pumping in and out of her until she began to moan. He reached down and began flicking her clit. The louder she moaned the faster he pumped into her until he was on the brink of coming.

Nairobi felt his cock swell even more inside of her and her legs began to shake. She grabbed for the sheets not sure what was going on. She had never felt that much pleasure in her life. Nairobi arched her back and her pussy began contracting around his cock.

Mitch groaned, pumping fast into her, causing her tits to shake just before he released his hot cum into her body completely filling her up. Mitch fell down on the bed catching himself with his arms before falling onto Nairobi. He kissed her neck and chest, then kissed her passionately on the lips before sliding his cock out of her.

Mitch rolled off of her and laid on the bed both of them trying to catch their breath. Nairobi looked at Mitch smiling, “Now I am your wife,” she said still breathing heavily. Mitch wrapped his arm around her and the two of them fell asleep completely naked in each other’s arms.

The next morning they headed for the mountains. The drive was long, but they spent time getting to know each other. Nairobi told Mitch stories of her childhood. How she had grown up and how her mother’s only dream for her was to come to America.

Mitch talked about growing up in America and realized just how lucky he was. Even his worst story from his childhood sounded a million times better than anything Nairobi had been through. He felt bad and wished that he had been able to save her sooner.

He thought about all of the girls that were in South Africa and everything that they went through each day. Not all of the conversation was serious, they joked and played with each other, pulled over to eat and make love when things got heated between them. Mitch had wondered if he would be able to keep up with her in bed, but each time he saw her naked body he knew that he would never have a problem.

The two of them arrived in the mountains late in the evening. Mitch had booked a private cabin for the two of them for a month. The first week the two of them rarely left the bed. They only stopped having sex long enough to eat, sleep and shower before they began again.

On the third week they finally walked out of the cabin and began to explore. Mitch could not get over the way that Nairobi looked at him. There was nothing but love in her eyes and she did not want to be away from him. When he would tell her that he was going to go grab food or other supplies she was sure to go with him, he did not even have to ask and that made him happy.

On the fourth week at the cabin Nairobi began feeling sick. On Wednesday of that week Mitch woke up to the sound of Nairobi sobbing in the bathroom. He jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. She was sitting on the floor with her head over the toilet crying. She looked up at him.

“I am dying,” she sobbed.

Mitch sat in the floor next to her. “What is wrong,” he asked.

Nairobi turned her head suddenly and began throwing up. Mitch reached up and took her hair in his hand and slid the other hand down her back. “You are not dying,” he said, smiling at her. Nairobi wiped her mouth and then her tears and looked at him.

“What is wrong with me,” she asked.

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