SEALed with a Kiss (Alpha SEALs Book 2) (13 page)

Chapter 19


Alison drummed her fingers on the table in the break room of the hospital.  Something was wrong.  Rebecca had called in a panic earlier from the courthouse, saying she’d gotten word that someone was injured.  The fact that she hadn’t spoken directly with Patrick had her sobbing into the phone.  Alison’s own heart had stopped at the idea of Evan being hurt.  What if he was the one who’d sustained an injury so critical he’d been airlifted to some damn military hospital in Germany?

She’d tried to console her friend, tried not to even consider that Evan was the one hurt.  But the idea that any man on Evan’s SEAL team was injured had her chest tightening in worry.  Her stomach heaving in nausea.  Her heart breaking at the idea it could be Evan injured and never coming home.

Rebecca had mumbled something about a head injury and coma.  She had no idea which of the men had been harmed.

Alison stood and paced the break room.  She was antsy, restless as hell.  She wanted nothing more than to run out the hospital doors to her car, jump in, and hightail it over to Evan’s apartment.  Except that he wasn’t there.

Rebecca didn’t even know where the men were.  When they’d return.  Some commander from Little Creek had gotten word to her that the other men were on a flight back to the States.  When they’d left was anyone’s guess. Alison’s gut clenched.  What if they weren’t all returning?

If Evan was the man injured, she’d be on the next flight to Germany.  She had leave saved up.  She was a nurse.  No one would stop her from being at his side for his entire recovery.  Hell, she could even assist with his care.  She sat down again, her hands shaking.  The butterflies in her stomach were ridiculous.  She didn’t even know if he was the man hurt.  All she needed was to hear his voice, and she’d be fine.  Scratch that—all she needed was to know that he’d be okay.  The relief coursing through her body at knowing he was here, safe, sound, and back in Virginia Beach was all she asked for.

If he didn’t want to be with her after the way she’d flipped out on him, she’d understand.  He just needed to be okay.

She glanced at her phone, willing it to ring.  Rebecca would call her the second she heard anything.  There was absolutely nothing she could do at the moment.  How long was a flight back?  She assumed the rest of the team was in the Middle East if the injured man had been sent to Germany.  What the hell did she know though?

She briefly wondered if any of her colleagues at the hospital had contacts in Landstuhl. It wasn’t unheard of—they could’ve gone to medical or nursing school together. Worked together at some point. But really, what was she going to do?  Send out an email to the entire hospital staff asking if anyone knew someone there?

She was being ridiculous.  Glancing at the clock, she saw she only had a few minutes left on her break.  Five more hours on her shift, and she’d be that much closer to finding out where the guys were and who was hurt.  If they weren’t on their flight already when the commander called Rebecca, they must’ve flown out shortly after that.

She sighed.

It was going to be the longest afternoon of her life.




The headache pounding through Evan’s skull was relentless.  Never-ending.  The aches filling his body made him feel about a hundred years old.  It wasn’t one thing that hurt.  His entire body screamed for relief.  So this was what it felt like to die.

“Flip, man, wake up,” someone urged.  Was that Patrick?  Evan struggled to open his eyes.  Why the hell was it so bright?  They’d conducted this op in the middle of the night.  The last thing he’d seen was the blast in the darkness.

A beeping sound to his left caught his attention.  He turned his head slightly toward it but squeezed his eyes tighter.  The lights and sounds were unbearable.

Someone pricked his arm with a needle.  No, it was an IV.  There were tubes and monitors all over him, he slowly realized.  Seeing the nurse’s scrubs as he opened his eyes, his heart rate accelerated.  The pain momentarily subsided.


Not Alison.

But he was in a hospital.  He was alive.  The meds they had him on made him loopy and tired.  Confused.  Where the hell was he?  He tried to open his mouth to speak, but whatever medicine she’d added to his IV just now made it really hard to keep his eyes open.  Maybe he’d just sleep for a few more minutes.  Then everything would make sense.  He was just so damn tired….




One more hour, and her shift would finally be over.  Alison used to think the night shifts she pulled when she was younger were the longest hours of her life, but none of them topped this.  She counted every second.  Each minute felt like hours.  It felt like days had passed since Rebecca called earlier.  It was almost painful to glance at the clock and realize barely any time had elapsed.

She jumped as she was paged over the loudspeaker.  Had Rebecca come to the ER to see her? Dear God, something must really be wrong.

She ran to the front desk of the emergency room and stopped short at the sight of Patrick in his camo.  He was massive and intimidating.  Completely out of place.  Had he come straight here after he’d landed?  Where was Rebecca?

Patrick was here, and Evan wasn’t.

She ran to him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Without a word, Patrick pulled her into an embrace, his large body holding her.  He ducked his head down to her ear and spoke in a low, commanding tone.  “Evan was injured, but he’s stable.  I’ll take you to see him.”

Alison looked up at him and nodded, tears running down her cheeks.

“Where is he?”

“Walter Reed, up in Maryland.  We’ll hop a military flight up to Andrew’s.  I’ll be with you the entire time.”

Two hours later, after the absolute longest flight and car ride of her life, they’d finally arrived at the military hospital.  Patrick flashed his ID and seemed to know enough people to get her where she needed to go, stat.  Between his camo and her scrubs, they fit right in anyway.

They wound through endless corridors of white halls, the beeping of machines and low voices coming from hospital rooms the only sounds.  Her heart beat so fast, it nearly pounded right out of her chest.  “I told Evan you were coming,” Patrick murmured quietly as they walked.  “He’s gone through enough shock.”

“Right,” Alison said nervously, swallowing.  Shit.  What if he was mad at her?

Patrick eyed her, his blue eyes cool.  “That man is in love with you, Alison.”

She nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek.  “I’m in love with him, too.”

“I know.”

A second later, and she was walking into his room.  Evan was lying in a hospital bed, wearing an ugly blue gown, a white bandage wrapped around his head.  His face looked battered and bruised, but his bright blue eyes flashed and a huge grin lit up his face as she stood nervously in the doorway.  “Ali, thank God.”

Relief washed through her, and she rushed over to him.  She hovered over his bed, not wanting to hurt him, but Evan lifted her right off the floor and into his arms.

She collapsed on top of him, wrapping her arms around his broad chest, nestling close, as Patrick excused himself, closing the door.  She burst into tears as Evan held her to him, and she cried and cried, inhaling his scent and savoring the feel of his warm body flush against her own.  He was okay, and she was exactly where she belonged.

“It’s okay, baby,” he murmured, running his hand down her hair as his other arm tightened around her waist.  “I’ve got you.”



One month later


“You didn’t have to drive all the way up to Walter Reed to get me,” Evan said as they pulled into his apartment complex in Virginia Beach.  “One of the guys could’ve driven me home.”

“No way,” Alison laughed.  “You’re mine, and I don’t share.”

Evan chuckled beside her.  “Damn, woman, what’s gotten into you?”

“Hopefully just you,” she teased, her green eyes lighting with fire.  She was feisty as hell today, teasing and flirting with him the entire drive back from Maryland.  He wasn’t sure what she was up to, but hell if he didn’t love it.  After a month in the hospital, he was desperate for some time alone with her.  Evan’s eyes flared, and he stretched across the front seat, capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

“Let’s get you inside first,” she chastised.

Heat coursed through him, and he quickly climbed out of Ali’s car.  After his week’s stay in Landstuhl and month-long stint at Walter Reed, Evan was fully recovered and more than ready for life to return to normal.  With Ali at his side and in his bed.

He opened the door to his apartment, his brows creasing as he looked around.  A vase of flowers sat on the kitchen table, and he noticed a new package of coffee on the counter.  Had Ali picked up that stuff?  She smirked as he glanced around.  Wandering through the apartment, he saw a stack of women’s magazines on the coffee table.  And was that a pile of Ali’s clothes on top of his dresser?  “I brought a few of my things, since I’ll be over here so much.”

“Is that so?” Evan asked, a smile breaking out over his face.

“Uh-huh.  Most girlfriends leave some stuff at their boyfriend’s apartments, right?”

“I guess,” he teased, wandering into the bathroom.  Her toothbrush sat on the counter right beside his.  He looked back to see her face had fallen.

“I love your stuff, here,” he murmured, walking across the room to her.  “I’d just been planning to spend all my time at your nice, big townhouse instead.”  He bent down and kissed her softly.

“Oh,” she breathed around his kisses.  “That sounds perfect.”

“Uh-huh,” he teased, mimicking her.  “But since we’re already here, I plan to spend the entire night making love to you.”

“It’s only two in the afternoon,” she giggled.

“Even better.  We’ve got all day and all night,” he said huskily.

His hands slid to the hem of the dress she had on, and he tugged it up and over her head.  Black lace covered her breasts, and the teeniest, tiniest black lace thong covered her mound.  The high heels she’d slipped into when they’d walked into his apartment suddenly made a helluva lot more sense.  Fucking gorgeous.

“Jesus, Ali,” he breathed.

She grinned and walked over to his bed, her ass swinging back and forth.  His groin tightened as he stared at her smooth, perfectly rounded bottom.  All of Ali’s panties had seemed sexy-as-hell, but that thong was insane.  He was rock hard as he stalked after her toward the bed.  She coyly looked over her shoulder at him, that long strawberry blonde hair cascading down her back, and she was like his every fantasy come to life.  He stopped behind her, his large hands gripping her slender hips, and he pulled her toward him, grinding his erection into her ass.

“Fuck, baby.  I like this side of you.”

She turned her head, tilting it up toward him, and they kissed.  Slowly.  Sweetly.  What started as a slow burn was quickly grower hotter, about to lead to an explosion.  He’d never get enough of this woman.  His hands rose to her breasts, kneading and caressing them through the lace.  They swelled under his touch, and he plucked and pinched her pert little nipples as she whimpered and moaned.

“Evan,” she breathed.

“I know I said I was planning to spend time at your place, but with you looking like this, I may never let you leave.”

Alison laughed then gasped as his hand slid down to cup her sex.  She was his, and Evan was about to show her just how badly he wanted—needed— her.  He could feel her bare lips through the lace, and it was the sexiest damn thing in the world.  She was already wet, dripping for him.  He’d planned to take his time exploring her body, getting reacquainted with the curves he’d dreamed about in the hospital, but he was so hard and she was so ready, he needed to be inside her this instant.

Ali seemed to know exactly what effect her skimpy little lingerie would have on him.  It was hotter than hell to know she’d dressed this morning just for him.  “How much do you like these panties?” he growled.

“What?” she gasped as he massaged her sex through the lace.

“I’m going to rip them off.”

She whimpered, and he yanked the scrap of fabric away.  “I’ll buy you all the sexy lingerie you want,” he ground out.  “Tomorrow.  Climb up on the bed.”

She complied, edging up on her hands and knees, still wearing those sexy heels.  Fuck.  He rested his large hand at the center of her back, gently pushing her down until her ass was up in the air.  He grabbed a condom from his nightstand, quickly unfastening his pants and sheathing himself.  His pants slid to his knees, and he didn’t give a fuck.  He stepped to the edge of the bed and rubbed his throbbing cock through her wet folds.

“Evan,” she moaned.

He toyed with her a moment, letting his thick length brush up against her clit.  She gasped.

Ali looked like a seductress sent down from heaven in nothing but those come-fuck-me heels and black lace bra.  He could feel her wet heat as his cock nudged at her entrance, and a moment later, he was slowly edging inside her molten core.  She clamped down around him immediately, moaning his name like she needed him more than anything else in the world.




Alison moaned as Evan’s thick length slowly penetrated her.  He stretched and filled her, letting her know she belonged only to him.  Her hair cascaded around her, blanketing her view, tickling her shoulders, and she felt bare and exposed bent before Evan this way.  His large hands gripped her hips as he held her—not too tightly, but in a way that let her know he was in complete and utter control.  She felt like some kind of sex goddess wearing nothing but sky-high heels and black lace.  No man ever made her feel this way before.  Evan brought out a side in her that made her feel cherished and cared for yet desired and worshipped all at the same time.

  She wanted everything in Evan—a friend, a lover, an entire lifetime together.

He bottomed out, filling her more deeply than he’d ever been before.  It was erotic and sexy as hell having a man take her from behind this way.  He dominated her, controlled every movement—and she freaking loved the power he currently had over her.  He gently began to thrust into her, and she moaned.  Evan was in complete control of their lovemaking, his thick erection stroking her inner walls.  Claiming her.  She gently thrust back against him, meeting him stroke for stroke.

White light flashed before her eyes.  Her sex gripped him tighter, and she softly cried out.

He groaned in approval, murmuring quietly to her.  “You’re mine, Ali.  Say that you’re mine.”

“Yes,” she gasped, shockwaves of pleasure bursting right through her.  Evan’s hand slid down to her clit, softly caressing her, and she screamed, her orgasm coming from nowhere.  She bucked wildly back against him, Evan carrying her through the intense ways of pleasure.  Rather than climaxing himself, Evan pulled out and flipped her over.  She gazed up at him, shocked to see the tenderness in his eyes after that erotic encounter.  Muscular arms wrapped around her, and he moved her to the center of the bed, his cock twitching.

“Leave the shoes on,” he said with a grin.

She smiled, flushing, and he gripped her knees, spreading her legs wide open for him.  The next instant, Evan was prowling over her body, his weight settling on top of her.  His erection nudged at her center, and he slowly entered her again.  Her walls still spasmed around him, the aftershocks from her orgasm rippling through her body.  Her sex milked him, making Evan groan.  He kissed her, his manhood nestled deep inside her core, and made love to her slowly.

Pressure began to build once again inside of her, and she clutched onto his shoulders, desperately needing to hang on.  His blue eyes bore into hers.  “You’re mine, Ali.”

“And you’re mine.”

His tongue dipped into her mouth, ending further conversation.  He rocked into her harder, faster, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels digging into his ass.  Evan shifted positions, somehow stroking her even deeper inside.  His large hand slid between them, down to her bare sex, and he stroked her clit with his thumb.  Fireworks began to explode in her mind, the sensation nearly too much to bear.

He thrust again and again, filling her, claiming her, and as his thumb circled her clit again, she screamed.  His mouth muffled her cries, and she clung to him, her anchor in the midst of her fall.  She was drowning, lost to everything but this man.

Evan inside of her was pure heaven.

Minutes later, she lay wrapped in Evan’s strong embrace.  His arms were wrapped possessively around her, holding her close.  Keeping her safe.  His fingertips softly caressed her arm, and he buried his face in her hair.

“Are you okay?” she asked as he pulled her tightly against his chest.

“I’m perfect,” he said, planting a kiss on her bare shoulder.

She twisted in his arms to face him, and Evan’s eyes shone brighter than she’d ever seen.  He lifted one of her legs up over his hip, their sexes rubbing together, and she could feel Evan already growing hard again.  For her.

“I love you, Ali.”

“I love you, too.”

He dipped his head toward her, kissing her gently.

“But I don’t want us going back and forth between your place and mine,” she said, a smile playing on her lips.

“You don’t?”  His lips quirked as he watched her.

“I was thinking maybe you should just move in with me.”

“You were, huh?” he asked. Mischief sparkled in his blue eyes.

“Well, you’ll have to grill for me.  And make me dinner,” she teased.

“I do make killer spaghetti,” he joked.  “Anything else?” he asked, lightly tracing her lips with his fingertip.

“You have to make love to me like that every night.”

“Done.”  He bent forward and kissed her again.

“Promise?” she teased.

“Yep.  Sealed with a kiss.”

Evan rolled onto his back, pulling her along, too, so that she straddled him.  The grin on his face lit up her entire world.  Having this powerful man beneath her, in love with her, was more than she’d ever dreamed about.

Evan was hers.


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