Second Chance at Love (Love Conquers All) (17 page)


Donna remembered those days of being physically and mentally exhausted. Her then deadbeat husband was more interested in running the streets and staying away from home instead of being a participating parent in raising their girls. And when he was home, it didn’t make a difference because he hadn’t wanted to be bothered with Karen and Starr.


Janet grinned at Donna. “A woman after my own heart.” Nodding to the kitchen counter, Janet instructed, “Grab that pitcher of lemonade. If you’re husband is anything like mine, he’s going to wonder what’s taking us so long.”


Laughing, Donna agreed. “Patrick was just complaining about how hunger he was. I know he’ll either come in here or send Dominic to see about the food. So we’ll have to talk later about our little mission.”


Picking up the tray of sandwiches, Janet suggested they meet for brunch the day after New Year’s.


“Sounds good to me. I’m staying another week in Philly. Patrick’s brother wants him to fly down to New Orleans on January second to go over some newly discovered family business. His flight leaves at eight-thirty in the morning.”


“Perfect. Dominic will be in the office by nine.”


Heading toward the kitchen door, Donna stopped to look over her shoulder at Janet carrying the glass pitcher of lemonade. “This is going to be so much fun.”


Winking at her co-conspirator, Janet smiled, showing off her dimples. “I know.”

Chapter 22



Sometime early New Year’s morning


Karen sat snuggled up next to Dom on his sofa. They had not too long ago gotten in from Henry and Joan’s New Year’s Eve party. It was like Christmas all over again with the entire family together, with the exception of the tension in the air with Beatrice being in attendance. Everyone was living up to their commitment to have a spirit of forgiveness where the older woman was concerned. Beatrice had gladly welcomed and was genuinely appreciative of her new family’s change of heart toward her.


The older children, if you could call them that, had thought they had hit the jackpot when the grownups agreed to them staying up to bring in the New Year. They had grumbled complaining they weren’t babies like the triplets, NJ and Autumn. No way were they going upstairs to bed at eight-thirty with the babies. So after much pleading and begging, they had been allowed to stay only if they promised not to get into any trouble.


Henry had allowed them to have run of the den to watch as many cartoons as they wanted and to play as many board games as they could handle. Just to make sure they were behaving, each of the adults took turns doing fifteen minute checks. By ten in the evening checks were no longer needed. Ashley and Zoe were sprawled out on the huge, dark brown leather sofa. And Kyle was curled up on the matching leather loveseat. All of the adults laughed when Kevin returned to the party from his turn to check the children. “Alright, which one of you drugged the kids? They’re passed out in there like drunken sailors on leave.”


Five minutes before midnight corks of champagne were popped and glasses filled. When the stroke of midnight signaled a new year, Karen made a wish.
Please God, let Dom be the one.
She and Dom joined in with the other couples as they kissed the first kiss of the New Year. Even Charles, the butler who practically raised Langston, gave Beatrice a quick peck on the cheek. A few raised eyebrows caused Beatrice to drop her head, blushing from embarrassment.


After rounds of hugs and wishing each other a happy and prosperous year, parents began gathering their sleeping children to set off for home. Karen was pleased that the Perettis had offered to keep Ashley and Kyle for the night. As done after each gathering, each family had made the round of calls letting the others know they had made it home safely. Karen had just hung up the phone with Summer and Nick before snuggling up next to Dom.


“Everybody home okay?” Dom asked as he kissed her temple.


“Yes, all is well.”




Each sat in silence as they thought what the new year would bring them. Dom wondered if it was too soon to let on to his feelings for Karen. He had never felt this way about another woman. Not even Gina, and he had believed that he was mad crazy in love with her. Last year this time he had been on the west coast, living his life as a carefree bachelor. The farthest thing from his mind was falling in love. But then he met Karen and her children and his life has never been the same.


He told himself in the beginning he was marginally attracted to her. If he asked her out and they had some fun and moved on it would be all good. Moving back to Philly and getting caught up in a serious relationship never crossed his mind. But then he met her children at his niece’s party. Kyle was a little demon on wheels, Ashley a sweet little girl having to indirectly pay the price for her brother’s behavior, and Karen, a single mom at the end of her rope. He would never forget the look of anguish and embarrassment on Karen’s face when Kyle blew up, throwing a tantrum at the party. The tears of frustration in Ashley’s eyes because her mom was so embarrassed that she was ready to make them leave the party, tugged at Dom’s heart. Any other time, he would have minded his own business and looked the other way, but this one time he couldn’t. And as he held Karen, snuggled so close to him, he was glad he hadn’t minded his business.


Karen was finally able to admit to herself that she wanted Dom for keeps. But how would she tell him so? Would she run him off if she told him she had fallen madly in love with him? Should she wait until he told her he loved her?
Yes, because what if he doesn’t feel the same way? I don’t know if my heart can take it.
She sincerely hoped God had heard her prayer. She knew in her heart that he was the one for her and her children. He had at least revealed his love for Ashley and Kyle. And she appreciated it, too. A feeling of sadness washed over her as she wondered what her life would have been like if she had met Dom before Gregory. It probably wouldn’t have worked out since she was two years older than Dom.


The moment the unwelcomed friend, melancholy, rested on her, Dom had sensed it. “Hey what’s wrong?”


Tilting her head to look up at Dom she answered, “I was just wondering what would have happened if we had met earlier.”


Dom chuckled. “I would have been the man. You know, having an older chick sweating me and everything.”


Karen laughed. Sucking her teeth, she said, “Boy, I’m only two years older than you. And I wouldn’t have been sweating you.
would’ve been sweating me.” She made sure she put emphasis on the you.


Cocking his head to the side, a gleam of mischief shone in his dark eyes. “Prove it,” he challenged in a deep, seductive voice.


Karen sat up, lifting an arched brow. “Prove it?”


“Yeah, prove it,” he dared her, this time letting all of his South Philly swagger hang out.


Standing up, Karen purred, “Boy, you about to sweat like you’re having a heart attack.”


Keeping her eyes fixed on Dom she began undoing the buttons on the silver silk blouse she wore, removing it and throwing it over her head, revealing a matching camisole. Crossing her arms in front of her, she curled her finger around the hem of the camisole. Reaching up, she pulled the delicate fabric, stretching her arms above her head like a lazy cat as she took it off. This time instead of throwing the clothing on the floor, she threw it at Dom, hitting him in the face. Any other time he would have been quick and caught it in midair, but he was too transfixed as she entertained him with a striptease.


Small beads of sweat popped up on his forehead when she removed her wide-legged dress slacks. She was so glad she had opted to wear her dress knee length socks with her boots instead of tights. The only thing she had on was her bra, panties, and a killer pair of four inch, knee high burgundy leather boots.


Karen wanted to giggle when Dom swallowed hard. She felt sexy and powerful when he shifted on the sofa. She knew it was from the killer hard-on he was getting from watching her. “Do you want me to wipe that sweat off your brow, Baby?” She teased in a sexy purr.


Scooting to the edge of the sofa, Dom had to just look at her a little longer before he lost control and ripped off what little Karen had on. Gone were the granny underwear. The silver lacy bra looked so silky and soft, like it would slide right through his fingers. The matching thong rode low on her curvaceous hips. Have mercy the boots just set everything off.
Dayum! My woman is sexy as hell!


Instead of answering he smiled at Karen, showing a hint of canine. She nearly melted into a puddle where she stood. The way he was looking at her as he stood to remove his clothes almost sent her into an orgasm. Now
was the one sweating.


When he finished undressing, he didn’t have to beckon her to come to him, she went automatically. The kiss he laid on her was like a drug she couldn’t get enough of. Backing up their mouths stayed connected as their tongues alternated between dancing and dueling for dominance. Falling onto the sofa, Dom gently grabbed Karen’s waist, bringing her to straddle his lap. With deft fingers he yanked the flimsy fabric to the side and entered her moist center with a quick thrust of his powerful hips.


The moment he entered her, the kiss was broken. Their eyes locked and held. Dom was the first to break eye contact. Closing his eyes, he clenched his jaw. Before he could say anything, Karen whispered, “It’s okay.”


His voice was raspy with raw need when he asked, “Are you sure?”


“Yes.” She assured her lover as she unhooked the front clasp of her bra, freeing her breasts.


Dom moved her hand out of the way as he slid the strap off one shoulder and then the other. Karen smoothly ran her hand over the top of his head, to rest at the base of his skull as he latched onto a nipple. She began rocking slowly back and forth, enjoying this new position of lovemaking. When Dom released her nipple, she cradled his face in her hands, kissing him long and deep.


Dom nearly bit his bottom lip off to keep from screaming like a girl. Karen was doing some wicked things with that mouth of hers as she licked, suckled and nibbled him from his earlobes to his nipples. He had to put an end to her madness, because if he didn’t, he would have exploded right then and there on the spot.


Wrapping his large hands around her waist, he lifted her up to the tip of his throbbing manhood. Karen let out a long moan as he lowered her back down, hitting a spot he hadn’t before as he completely filled her up. When he repeated the motion, Karen grabbed hold of his muscular shoulders. Throwing her head back she cried out in ecstasy each time he hit her spot.


Each cry pushed Dom closer to the edge as her inner walls contracted around his shaft, squeezing him tight. He was sure she would have bruising as his hands tightened and he thrust up to meet her coming down. He’d apologize later, because to stop now would kill him. Increasing the pace, he thrust harder, leaning forward to capture a bouncing breast between his teeth.


Shock waves of electricity bolted straight to her swollen, throbbing pearl as Dom suckled her nipple like a starved babe. Tightly closing her eyes, the brilliant burst of color behind her lids was bright. The slight tremble escalated to a violent shatter, flinging her into an orgasmic bliss. “Dom!”


With three hard thrusts of his hips, Dom’s large body shuttered, releasing his seed, deep into Karen’s womb. Slumping forward and wrapping his arms tight around her waist, he nestled his sweat-drenched forehead in the crook of Karen’s neck. Inhaling her fragrant scent, his voice was heavy with passion as he made his confession. “Woman, I love you.”


Tears misted Karen’s eyes. She no longer had to wonder about his feelings for her. Not giving a place for any doubt she held him tight. She was so beyond playing any games. Now was the time to let him know the place he held in her heart. “Honey, I love you, too.”

Chapter 23



Opening her eyes, the first thing Karen saw was Dom’s handsome face gazing at her. She smiled shyly at him. After their romp on the sofa, Dom had picked her up and taken her to his bed where they made love again. Each time he touched her, caressed her, stroked her, he told her how much he loved her. And each time she had told him she loved him right back.


And she did. What she felt for Dom surpassed what she had ever felt for Gregory. With Dom she knew her heart would always remain safe. She knew he would always love her, protect her, and never grow tired of her.


She reached out and gently rubbed the stubble on his jaw. “Morning,” she whispered.


He didn’t respond right away. Instead he placed a tender kiss on her lips. This is what he wanted. To wake up every morning watching the woman he loved as she slept. When she opened her eyes to look at him, his heart hammered in his chest. What he saw in her eyes was unrestrained love. The kind of love he’d heard about, but had never experienced. It was the kind of love he’d seen in his mother’s eyes when she tenderly gazed at his father. And that same kind of love he recently witnessed in his sister’s eyes each time her gazed connected with her husband’s.

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