Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3) (11 page)

Kris bit her bottom lip as she continued to undress him, her nails lightly running against his skin as she moved sexily to the beat.

His breathing quickened even more. Hell, he would love a lap dance, but he was overcome with the need to give Kris pleasure. A lot of it.

Abruptly, he stood up and placed her on the chair instead.

Kris' eyes widened in surprise. "Hey, I was in the middle of my performance," she complained.

"Later, baby. Right now, I want to perform for you," he said as he quickly got out of his clothes.

"You're going to dance naked for me?" she teased.

"I'm going to give you an X-rated show," he breathed as he undressed her fully. Then he parted her legs and knelt in between. "Just sit still and watch."

He started to kiss her neck.

"I can't watch you since you're too close," she said.

"Yes, you can. You can look down on what my fingers are doing," he said huskily as his thumb traced a hardened nipple.

Kris gasped, her fingers raking through his hair. Slowly, his lips made their way to her shoulder, kissing and nipping gently. When he got further down, he glanced up at her. She was breathing through her mouth and her eyes were hooded.

So beautiful.

"Watch what I do to your tits," he breathed as he flicked his tongue on one pebbled peak as his fingers tweaked the other.

"Trey," Kris cried out softly.

He lavished attention on her gorgeous breasts, alternating his mouth and fingers so both got equal treatment. Kris' panting was getting louder, and so was his. She turned him on so badly.

He left her boobs and went lower, leaving butterfly kisses on her belly and down her thigh. Her scent was intoxicating and he couldn't wait to taste her.

He moved her ass closer to the edge of the chair and opened her legs wider. He kissed the inside of her thighs, moving closer to the apex. When he got there, he let out a shaky breath at her dampness. Unable to wait any further, he licked her wet core with a hungry tongue.

Kris moaned loudly, her fingers grasping at his hair. When he ran his tongue on her clit, her hips bucked, seeking more friction with his mouth. He gave her what she wanted and was rewarded by impassioned pleasure sounds that he loved hearing. Eager to please her further, he inserted two fingers in her as his tongue continued its tireless ministrations on her sensitised nub.

"Oh, Trey…Trey…" Kris panted.

He closed his mouth on her clit and sucked lightly. Kris cried out his name louder and shuddered hard, his fingers inside of her feeling the evidence of her climax. He didn't stop until he felt her relax.

He grinned at her and she smiled back—a contented, tender, warm smile that did odd things to his heart. He'd pleasure her over and over if she would keep on looking at him like that.

He straightened and kissed her lips.

"I loved that show," she murmured against his mouth.

"Did you now? Good, 'cause there's more to come."

"Hmm," she replied, her hand moving down his body and closing around his erection.

He groaned and kissed her harder as she tugged and pumped with one hand and caressed his balls with the other. When she sucked his lower lip while swiping his pre-come around the head of his cock, he knew he wouldn't last long.

"Oh, God," he muttered under his breath. Unable to wait any longer, he hastily put on a condom. In the next breath, he was inside her.

"Ahh, baby, you feel so fucking good," he gasped as he moved in and out of her.

He looked at Kris' face and saw her eyes trained on what was happening in their groin area. She was watching.

"Oh, Kris," he croaked, the sight of her enjoying their coupling sending a surge of pleasure through him. He shifted so she—so they—could both have a good view.

He thrust inside her over and over, loving her feel, loving her expression, loving her response, until he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back for much longer. He brought his thumb to her clit and rubbed as he drove faster and harder into her. In a few seconds, Kris' orgasm washed over him, making him cry out loud in sheer ecstasy as he erupted inside her.

He collapsed on her, his head buried in her neck as he caught his breath.

Even in their awkward position, he revelled in the afterglow.

Even after his climax, he continued to feel good—a different kind of good—a deeper, more satisfied good that he'd never felt with anyone before.

He didn't want to leave her arms while her hands were gently stroking his back.

A pang of regret intruded his blissful state. No doubt in a few days, they would be moving on. He sighed deeply and gave Kris a longing kiss on her neck, then got up to discard the condom.

As he walked into the bathroom, something nagged him. He was afraid. Afraid of what, though?

He stared at his reflection in the mirror. There were two things that scared him about being in a relationship: One, that he might be just like his mother—unable to commit to a "forever" with the same woman, and two, that he might get hurt again if he allowed himself to fall in love.

He swallowed hard. After tonight, he might as well be honest with himself. When it came to Kris, it was the latter that scared the crap out of him.


Kris' pleasant dreaming was interrupted by a ringing phone.

"Hey, Dyl," a drowsy male voice next to her said. She grinned, wakefulness slowly seeping through. She was in Trey's bed. She'd stayed the night.

"Why?" Trey was saying. "Oh, okay…No, give me an hour…Yes…No. An hour…See you."

She snuggled up against him as he placed his phone back on the bedside table. "Are you having a meeting with Dylan?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's coming here in an hour to discuss a bid we just received for one of our apps," he answered, putting his arms around her and giving her a kiss on the lips. "Morning."

"Morning," she replied.

Trey stared at her, his expression one of wonder and tenderness.

"What?" she asked, placing a hand on his cheek.

He shook his head and kissed her palm before gathering her close and kissing her softly on the lips.

She pressed her body against his, wrapping her arms and legs around him. Before long, they were devouring each other's mouths.

They didn't exchange any more words. Instead, they traded kisses and touches and moans, and brought each other to climax yet again.


"We better get up. Dylan will be here soon," Trey murmured in her ear.

"Okay," she said, kissing him soundly before languidly getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom.

As she took a shower, her mind replayed the night they had together. The sex, just like their first night, was fantastic. Some people said you could tell if a man was good in bed by the way he danced. That myth had been busted. There was no way anyone could equate Trey's sexual performance with his dancing abilities. They were on the opposite sides of the spectrum.

She sighed contentedly as her mind circled around something that seemed different last night. She could swear there was a deeper, unspoken connection between her and Trey that wasn't there before. Perhaps it was from knowing a little bit more of each other from their conversation in the restaurant during dinner.

Her mind went back to Trey's relationship with his mum. It was clear he wasn't happy with his mother getting married again. He even considered her a gold-digger.

Her heart thudded hard in her chest. Was that where his hang-ups with women came from? Did he think girls would only be interested in his wealth? She knew Ari encountered similar problems with Dylan about that very issue when they had just started going out. Perhaps Trey had the same worry?

She must remember to fish more information out of Ari when she got the chance. The more she knew, the more she would understand him and discover why he chose to steer clear of relationships. She wanted to know what it would take for him to change his mind.

She smiled wryly at herself. Here she was again, wanting to turn a playboy into a committed man. She pushed that thought aside as she briskly dried herself with Trey's soft, fluffy towel. She didn't want to ruin her good mood with thoughts of her past or anxiety about the future.

As she got dressed, she mentally reminded herself to bring an overnight bag the next time she saw Trey. That would be okay, wouldn't it? She hoped he wouldn't think she was being presumptuous if she did, but she disliked wearing clothes she'd already worn the day before.

When she was ready, she went out to look for Trey and found him in the kitchen, freshly showered and making coffee.

"Next time, you should just join me in your shower rather than use the guest bathroom," she said to him as she sat on a bar stool by the breakfast nook.

Trey grinned and kissed her forehead as he placed a steaming mug in front of her. "I thought about it, but decided it wasn't a good idea. We could easily spend another hour there together and Dylan could walk in on us."

"Walk in?" she asked, sipping from her cup. Hmm. He made her coffee just the way she liked it, and it gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling.

"Yes. We have keys to each other's places, and we usually just walk in for scheduled meetings. But it's different now when we meet at Dylan's place. He instructed us to
buzz after he started going out with Ari."

She giggled. "Well, I'm sure they wouldn't want you catching them while in the throes of passion."

"No," Trey agreed, looking thoughtful.

Right that moment, they heard a click and in walked Dylan.

"Morning, Tr—" Dylan stopped in his tracks when he saw Kris sitting in Trey's kitchen. "Hi, Kris," he said in obvious surprise.

"Hi, Dyl. How are you going?" she asked, getting off the stool to give Dylan a hello hug and a kiss.

"Uh, good," Dylan responded. "You're here…early," he added, evidently still getting over his shock.

"Um, actually, I'm just about ready to go," she answered, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Go?" Trey asked. "Am I not driving you back? You can hang around here and have a proper breakfast while Dylan and I do a video call with Adam. Or if you like, you can go for a walk, have breakfast outside or something, and come back in an hour. We shouldn't take longer than that."

"Oh, don't worry about taking me home. You have work to do. I'll catch public transport. It'll be nice to move around like a local."

Trey stared at her uncertainly.

"Seriously, I'll be fine," she assured him. "I'm going now so you guys can start your meeting. Plus, Sam and I plan to go to Ari's today to make sure she's all set for the move tomorrow," she added with a bright smile at Dylan.

Dylan grinned back at her. "Thanks, Kris. I really appreciate you guys helping Ari out. I'll be there later this afternoon to start moving some of her stuff that she didn't want to load in the truck."

"No problem," she said, grabbing her purse that she left lying on the coffee table and slinging the strap on her shoulder.

She walked up to Trey, took his face between her hands and kissed him swiftly on the lips. "Bye."

"Bye," he responded, pulling her back for a more lingering kiss as his hands tenderly stroked her back. "I'll call you later."


Kris was making her leisurely way to the bus station when she heard her name being called. She swivelled her head and saw Blake approaching her with a wide grin.

"Hey, Blake. Fancy seeing you here."

He chuckled. "What are
doing here? Shopping?"

"I'm actually on my way to the bus station. I spent the night at a friend's." She felt funny saying that, but she didn't think she could claim Trey as her boyfriend—yet.

"You going home?"

"Yes. Then I'm going to another friend's place to help her finish packing. She's moving in with her boyfriend tomorrow. He lives a few streets from here."

"Oh. So does that mean you'll be around here a lot, then?"

"Yes, I'd say so. Until I go home, anyway," she said with a laugh, thinking about how she'd love to spend most of that time with Trey.

"Do you have time for coffee?" Blake asked.

She checked her watch. Ari wasn't expecting her and Sam until around midday. She had time and was actually feeling slightly peckish.

"Sure. Coffee—and maybe a bagel or croissant—would be good."

"I know just the place," Blake said.

They walked to a coffee shop around the corner, with Blake telling her about the musical he was choreographing.

While they were waiting for their orders, Kris decided to ask Blake what she'd been dying to know the answer to. "Ah, Blake. I was just wondering if you're any close to making a decision about the contract job?"

Blake sighed loudly. "If the complications I can't tell you about didn't exist, I would have announced my decision by now. I'm still working on a few things. But…I can tell you I'm very impressed with you. That's all I can say right now."

She grinned. "So if those complications didn't exist, or when you're able to resolve them, would it be fair to say I have a very good chance of being offered the job?"

Blake chuckled. "Do I have to answer that?"

"If you want to."

"Do you want me to?"


"Then, yes."

She gasped. "So if you get everything sorted out, I get the job?"

Blake stared at her for a long moment, his eyes dancing and a small smile playing on his face. "Yes. But…"

"I know. It's not one hundred percent certain that you'll be able to get rid of those pesky complications," she answered with a genuine smile. "I'm just glad I'm on the top of your list."

"How can you not be? You're wonderful," Blake said softly.

"Thank you," she said shyly.


"I'll walk you to the station," Blake offered as they left the café.


They strolled in companionable silence until Blake asked her nonchalantly, "So, Kris. Is there a boyfriend back home who'll get disappointed if you stayed here in Sydney?"

She glanced at Blake's profile, surprised by the question.

"No," she answered truthfully.

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