Seduced by a Dangerous Man (14 page)

Read Seduced by a Dangerous Man Online

Authors: Cleo Peitsche

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction

Oh, his soft lips woke every nerve ending in my body.

It wasn’t a gentle kiss. There was nothing loving about it. This was the kiss of a horny man. Someone who wanted to fuck me. My body responded to his desire; despite my anger and my feelings of abandonment and my fear of his anger, I wanted him more than ever.

He tasted of coffee and peppermint, and he smelled different than before. A new aftershave, or maybe he’d splashed on some cologne—trying to make a good impression on me? It was faint, though, like he’d put it on the night before.

His tongue swept deeper, and he tightened his hold on my face. His whole body seemed to tremble with barely controlled energy. He wasn’t just horny… he was desperately horny.

There was an urgent growling coming from his throat as he walked me backward, still kissing me greedily. I hit the wall, but that didn’t stop him from continuing forward, like he was trying to press into me, trying to envelop me within him, wrap us up together. His hips thrust hard against mine, and I pushed back, painfully aware of my own sexually neglected state.

He leaned away, but his hands held me against the wall. I was his captive as surely as I had been the weekend we met, and if he’d let me go, I still couldn’t have walked away.

“That didn’t help anything,” he said with a sneering curl of his lips. There was a fierce anger in him now, and it was like a cold shower. He wanted my body, but he
me. I saw it in the narrowing of his eyes, the subtle lift of his chin.

“No one asked you to do it,” I said. My breath came in fast, needy gasps.

The sneer turned into a snarl. “I changed my mind. I have no apologies for your boyfriend.” He yanked my jeans open, pulled them down an inch and slid a hand down into the waistband, under the elastic of my panties. I was breathless even before he sank two fingers into my wet channel.

I whimpered, lost.

“You’ve already cheated on him,” Corbin said. “You let me kiss you. Let me penetrate you. You don’t want me to stop. Unless you use your safe word, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you forget his name.” He used his free hand to yank down my jeans, and never mind that the grommets scratched against my buttocks, that the unforgiving denim scraped my skin.

“You are mine, Audrey. You were from the moment I saved your life, and I’m quite capable of playing dirty to keep you.”

If I were a better woman, I might have taken a moment to tell Corbin that there wasn’t anyone else. It was clear now that whatever had changed, his desire for me wasn’t one of the casualties.

But the part of me that wasn’t churning with pent-up sexual frustration was pissed that he could just saunter back into my life after all this time, after how he’d acted, and expect to have me.

So yeah, I kept my mouth shut about the truth. It wouldn’t hurt anything to leave him twisting in the wind a bit longer, and if he planned to fuck me and leave again, then maybe it was better if I had that extra bit of protection.

While I’d been thinking about coming clean, Corbin had been busy. My jeans were around my knees. He’d made a mess of pulling down my panties, and they were half twisted around themselves on one side. It was a bit unsettling to see Corbin like this, wildness in his eyes, breathing heavily, his face flushed dark red.

He pushed against my shoulders with one hand, pinning me to the wall. He penetrated me with his unwavering stare. There didn’t seem to be anything in his eyes except lust. Without looking down, he attacked his jeans. I didn’t move to help him, and there was no need for me to. He adroitly unfastened the buttons with one hand. A few sharp tugs and he’d pulled his jeans down enough to expose tight black boxers.

Those he also yanked down, and I inhaled sharply at the sight of his enormous cock. He was fully erect, so hard, straining toward me. A drop of moisture glistened on the swollen, pulsing head.

He pushed harder on me, keeping me from going anywhere. I wasn’t even trying to get away, but it was like he worried that if he stopped touching me, I would come to my senses, pull up my clothes and go hide away from the bad man who was intent on seducing me.

He rammed up against me, shoving his erection across my hip and stomach. It was burning hot, the skin itself so incongruously soft.

I tried to shift my hips, to angle him into the valley between my clenched thighs, but he wouldn’t be moved. Safe sex. He was always all about that.

Suddenly, I shoved at him, furious. He wouldn’t be worrying about that if he hadn’t been fucking other women. But he was too heavy, too strong, and I couldn’t budge him.

He looked at me, a crazed expression in his eyes. The intensity of that electric blue-green was enough to kill me. “I have condoms upstairs,” I said, enough anger in my voice to kill the erection of just about any man on the planet.

It had no impact on Corbin, though. He merely grunted and stepped away.

“After you,” he said. And oh, he looked furious.

I pulled up my twisted panties and jeans with as much dignity as I could muster, and I led the way up to my bedroom.

The condoms were in with my toiletries. Just two left, holdovers from my pre-Corbin days. I quickly glanced at the expiration date—something I’d never had to do before in my life, I realized with a twist of bitter amusement—and flung them at Corbin.

“That’s all I’ve got left,” I said.

Painful triumph twisted through me at his shocked expression.

“It’s enough,” he said hoarsely. “Take off your pants.”

“Enough for what?”

“To convince you to dump the bastard,” he said.


Corbin undressed me methodically, almost clinically, his eyes cataloging every inch of my body as if he were searching for something written there.

I wondered if he disliked what he saw. While I still worked out, my legs and stomach weren’t as toned as before. Maybe not noticeable in clothing, but I didn’t have a stitch of it to hide behind.

He unbuttoned his shirt, and I suppressed a gasp at the sight of his thickly muscled chest. He might be a son of a bitch, but Corbin Lagos was one hot piece of ass.

Brawny arms wrapped around me, lifted me into the air. I only had a moment to appreciate the feeling of his strength holding me tight, then he laid me on the bed. I swallowed as I looked up at him. He peeled off his shirt, revealing arms that were even more musclebound than I remembered, which was saying a lot.

I held my breath as he pulled off his jeans and underwear. Wherever he’d been, the man had taken very good care of himself. Those long legs were like steel cable, the kind that held up bridges. Touching him might have been interpreted as a compliment, so I refrained. It wasn’t easy. As for his cock… I tried not to look at it, which was as easy as ignoring an anaconda in the room.

He stepped forward, forcing my knees apart and then standing in the empty space between them. He stared me down. The anger in his eyes had reduced to a disquieting simmer. Maybe it was better to ogle his perfect body. With a concerted effort, I turned my attention to his broad shoulders and thick neck. Oh, I had missed the thrilling pleasure of his enormous frame looming over me. Sure, I’d thought about it an awful lot, but my fantasies were sorely lacking.

He ripped into a condom and rolled it over his erection. It squeezed him and looked absurd. I glanced up at his face and saw the anger had turned up a notch. For the first time, I wondered if maybe the condom was because of my so-called boyfriend, and not because Corbin had been up to no good.

But it wasn’t a conversation to get into now, with my legs already spread for him. He grabbed my thighs and brusquely dragged me close. The rough sheets scratched my back and shoulder blades, tugged at my hair.

Corbin’s hands tightened around my waist, making me feel small and breakable. His engorged cock had turned purplish. To look at him, one would have thought we’d spent hours in heavy foreplay.

One short nudge to part my wet folds and position himself, then he drove in, hard and deep and punishing, so fast that my shoulders flew off the bed, my mouth opened in a wide, silent scream, my eyes wide. My fingers dug into his thick forearms in a voiceless plea for mercy.

It had been months since I’d been penetrated, and I sure felt it now. It was like I wasn’t big enough to hold all of him… but I’d always felt a little like that. My toes curled, my calves tightened, and my stomach felt like I’d done hundreds of sit-ups without pause.

An instant orgasm built just from him pushing into my pussy, and he wasn’t even fucking me yet. He just held me there, impaled on his dick, and stared down at me, taking note of my reaction. He sensed, I feared, that I had lied, that I had been celibate. Corbin had seen me after a dry spell before.

There was such satisfaction in his eyes as I writhed on his cock. His hands tightened further around my waist, and he squeezed.

Then he began fucking me. I fell bonelessly to the bed and let him do what he would. Our ragged moans joined together, but his were louder, and the look in his eyes… I had never seen him so determined. Even as pleasure twisted his face, made his lips pull back from his teeth as he gritted against the sensations, that determination was there, unwavering.

He pushed me back with the force of his thrusts until there was room for him on the bed as well. My head hung over the edge. Corbin lowered himself over me and roughly looped his fingers into the tangle of my hair. I moaned at the tender gesture and didn’t fight him. He made a soft growl, then gently cupped the back of my head in his palm, supporting my neck, bringing me relief. It came at the price of trusting him, of giving him an opening; when he wove affection into his aggressiveness, I was lost.

I had my safe word, and that was all.

His thickly muscled legs were spreading me wider, and he dragged his thighs over mine, pinning me down with his substantial weight.

His free hand slipped between our bodies. I was covered in sweat. Hadn’t realized it until I felt his hand sliding down my damp stomach.

So be it.

Our time apart hadn’t lessened his confidence. He was a sexual master, even when he wasn’t playing domination games. The brush of his finger against my clit was like a sizzle. For all the times I’d masturbated thinking about him, it wasn’t nearly as good as this. Nothing was. He knew what I wanted and needed, and he knew how to surprise me, too.

My frenzied moans were turning into little screams. My nipples tightened as Corbin’s thrusts made my breasts shimmy, my hardened peaks skimming along his hard, damp chest each time his hips slammed home.

“Say my name when you come,” he ordered. The harsh light in his eyes was frightening.

His hand slowed, then he squeezed my clit.

“Look at me,” he said. I could tell that if I mouthed off now, he might walk away. Well, I wasn’t much in the mood for talking and might not have been capable of speech at all. So I stared into his gorgeous electric eyes, the color equal parts blue and green. Those impossibly gorgeous eyes that haunted my nights were even more beautiful in person than in my dreams.

He circled my nub, teasing me. My eyelids fluttered, and it took all my concentration to keep my gaze trained on him. I couldn’t help but look at his full lips when he repeated his order. “Say my name when you come.” His teeth were perfect, and I wanted to kiss him.

I wanted him back. Not how he was now, not like this, but the way things had been. I wanted him back and perfect, like before.

So when I came, it was the Corbin I had fallen in love with whose name I screamed out. He slammed into me so hard that it ripped me into pieces and brought me back to him.

“You’re mine,” he grunted, almost incoherently. “We belong together.” Even with the condom on, I could feel him coming inside me. “I love you,” he said. The words were growled, and I almost didn’t recognize what it was he’d said.

He slumped over me and exhaled. Now the scent of him was stronger than ever, sexier than ever. I closed my eyes and inhaled and allowed myself to dwell on the words he’d finally uttered.

He loved me.

Not to make a huge deal out of it… hell, it was what I’d wanted.

So why wasn’t I ecstatic?


Corbin disentangled himself from me and stood. After a moment, I forced myself to get up as well. It wasn’t the right time to lounge in bed, basking in the afterglow.

He opened the door, walked down the hallway. Apparently, he knew where the bathroom was. I shouldn’t have been surprised. I wondered what else he had been getting into during the unsupervised portion of his visit.

He loves me
. The thought popped into my head. I pushed it out again.

I dressed fast enough that I was covered by the time he returned. Now
was a nice turnabout. Usually I was the one undressed and exposed in front of him.

He pulled on his pants, then went to the window. “You’re being followed,” he said.

“You get points for perceptiveness.”

Corbin turned toward me, raised an eyebrow. “You know? And you’re allowing it to continue?”

I felt a flush heat my cheeks. He had no right to look so fucking gorgeous while insulting me in that backhanded manner. “Not much I can do about it,” I said. “Eventually Henry will get bored and go away.”

At the mention of Henry’s name, a thunderous look came over Corbin’s face. Despite the gulf that yawned between us, I hadn’t felt unsafe with him since his return. But… that expression. He hadn’t even looked that pissed right after he broke Henry’s arm.

“You didn’t ask your father or the police for help?”

I shrugged because any truthful answer would only further piss him off. Well, it didn’t matter what I said or didn’t say, apparently, because Corbin grabbed his shirt as he walked out of my bedroom.

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