Seduced by the Laird (Conquered Brides Series Book 2) (24 page)

Gregor held tight to her hips, feeling totally out of control as she claimed him just as he’d claimed her and then her mouth was falling open and a moan that skated up and down his spine fell from her lips.

“Saints, love, ye are so beautiful,” he whispered as she climaxed.

But it wasn’t over yet. He flipped her back onto her back, bracing himself on one elbow, his other hand skimming over her thigh, squeezing tight. He wanted her to climax again. Gregor drove deep, swiveling his hips, withdrawing, and repeating. Slow, then fast. Hard, then soft, until she was crying out again. He bent down, sucked her lower lip into his mouth, swallowing her moans of release, absorbing the shudders of her body, and letting himself go completely.

A rush of pleasure, so complete, so perfect, so damned satisfying, ripped through him, and he pounded into her, letting his body break apart inside her.

They stayed connected for a long time after that, both of them still breathing hard, their bodies slick with sweat, legs and arms still entangled and trembling.

“That was amazing,” Kirstin breathed out.

“Mind-blowing, love.” Gregor rolled to the side, tugging the covers up over them, and pulling her taut to him. “Do ye realize we’ve made it back to the place where we first met? Where I first fell in love with ye?”

Kirstin giggled, and turned over to embrace him, her eyes connecting with his. “Sometimes to find your way back, ye have to start all over again. I love ye so much, Gregor, and this time, I’m not going to run away again.”

“Och, my heart, my love. ’Tis a promise, I will never let go.”

And then he made love to her all over again, slow, and sweet, and filled with promise.




Late December, 1305

Two days before Hogmanay (New Year’s)


“This washroom is simply magnificent,” Kirstin said to her husband as he walked into the steamy room.

She’d been luxuriating in the large copper tub for the better part of an hour. Her sister-by-marriage, Catriona, had the entire room decked out in all the bathing finery a lady could want. Scented soaps, candles, bathing oils and the softest linen towels. There was a massive copper tub, commissioned just for this room that could easily hold two people—which Kirstin and Gregor had enjoyed more than once since returning to Castle Buchanan. There was always a large iron kettle warming on the hearth, along with several heating stones, so if a bath was required, one did not have to wait long for warm water.

Kirstin felt like a queen as she soaked.

“Ye look like a goddess,” Gregor said, stepping behind her to wash her hair. “A tempting, sensual goddess.”

Catriona’s husband, Samuel, had financed the entire project as a gift to her for struggling through the birth of their firstborn son, but she’d said Kirstin, being the mistress of the house, could use the special bathing chamber whenever she liked (but Kirstin always asked, just to be certain).

“Won’t ye join me?” Kirstin asked, bending her head back to catch Gregor’s eye, a wicked smile curving her lips.

He returned her grin. “I’d love to, but… Our guests have arrived a day early.”

“Already?” Since their wedding ceremony had been quiet, and the clans had not yet gathered for a feast to celebrate, nor had they had a chance to throw a celebration for the birth of Catriona and Samuel’s son since Samuel had been away on a mission, Gregor had agreed to Kirstin’s suggestion that they throw a multi-clan Hogmanay festival.

Och, but the planning had nearly done her in—hence why she’d chosen this precise moment to sink into Catriona’s tub with a host of herbs and oils scenting the water to calm her.

She’d not yet gotten used to being the lady of the castle, as she’d never been trained in anything other than the care and keeping of an abbey—and even with that, most of the duties had fallen to her aunt. Catriona had been such a gem in helping her to learn the needs of the castle, and she was grateful for it. She was even more excited to have a lovely friend at home to spend the day with when Gregor was off training the men or running an errand for the king. Besides, Catriona had needed the distraction while Samuel was away—and now he’d thankfully returned, safe and sound.

There were still men trying to abduct allies of Wallace, and the country was sadly divided, though not in half, in regards to where the English stood. She was proud of her husband for being a part of the
side, and soon she hoped their rightful king could be crowned.

“The castle is filled with the scent of your apple cakes,” he mused.

“My apple cakes…” She’d completely forgotten that she’d been preparing them before she got into the tub. Saints, but her brain had been in a fog, but not simply because of all the planning. There was another, more special reason. One in which she wanted to announce that evening since she was certain about it now, and that her husband would be ecstatic to hear. “Och, but I’m suddenly famished.”

Gregor laughed. “Ye’ve hardly eaten all day. Seems every time I look at ye, ye’re darting this way or that. Ye’ll run yourself ragged if ye keep it up. Come, let me help ye from the tub, and then I’ll escort ye downstairs to meet our guest, and ye sit down, and I’ll do whatever it is that needs to be done.”

Kirstin laughed, and waved away his offer. “I am so pleased to do this, believe me, husband. I am beyond thrilled!”

Gregor leaned close, finished rinsing her hair and whispered into her ear, “Just as long as ye are awake to celebrate the new year with me in private tonight.”

Kirstin turned around in the tub, her wet hands on his bare knees and she pinched his thighs, teasing. “Ye know I will be.”

Gregor kissed her hard on the mouth, one that left them both wanting, but then he reluctantly grabbed hold of a soft linen towel and held it out to her. She stood, climbing from the water into the shivery air and let him dry her. He paused at her belly, which was no longer as flat as it once had been. She chewed her lip as he flattened his palm to the small knot.

“What’s this?” he asked, his eyes brightening as he locked his gaze on hers.

She’d managed to keep her body hidden the last month by seducing him in the dark, or making frantic love to him with her chemise on in the light.

“Too many apple cakes,” she said with a wink.

Gregor raised a brow, but didn’t press her, only continued to dry, his hands managing to find their way back to her belly repeatedly. “Are ye certain?” he asked.

Kirstin laughed, deciding to put him out of his misery instead of waiting until she could announce it tonight.

“What do ye think has happened?” she asked. “Too much venison and herbed butter?”

“Och, ye tease me!” he growled, nipping her shoulder as he stood behind her to dry her hair.

“I do.” Kristin whirled in his arms, placing her hands on his shoulders. She couldn’t hold it in any longer, else she burst from excitement. “I believe I am with child.”

“With child…” Gregor’s expression went from excitement to fear and back again. “How far along?”

“At least three months now.” When she’d first missed her monthly, she’d been terrified. After all, she’d nearly broken when she’d lost their first babe, but over the last two months, she’d grown more joyful, more hopeful. She was going to do everything she could to keep this bairn.

He blew out a deep sigh, and wavered on his feet. Kirstin guided him back to the stool he’d occupied while washing her hair, laughing softly.

“Are ye all right?” she asked. “Should I get ye a dram of whisky?”

Gregor laughed, but it was more of a nervous sound. “I am… Last time…”

Kirstin pressed two fingers to his lips, and looked him right in the eye. “I, too, am fearful, but this time, we will have each other. We will love this child, help it to grow, and provide it with a loving home. Whatever happens, we will be together this time.”

Gregor nodded. “Aye, we will.” His hands pressed to her belly and he leaned forward to kiss her there. “I love ye so much,” he said.

Kirstin moved to straddle him. “I love ye, too.”

And despite their guests waiting downstairs, they made use of that stool and Kirstin’s nakedness, with frenzied, passionate, celebratory lovemaking.



A mere hour later, when they finally emerged from the upper chambers and entered into the great hall, more than one set of guests had arrived, in fact, it appeared they were nearly all there!

Before the hearth sat very stoically, Gregor’s giant wolfhounds, three of them, and between two was her newest pet—a comely white and black lamb named Skye, a wedding gift from her husband. Skye was pretty certain she was a dog, too, and she did her best to sit tight between them, nipping at the skirts of the serving lasses as they walked past.

The tables had been pressed to the walls, allowing room for dancing before the grand feast. Servants weaved in an out of the crowd with cups of wine, and trays of tiny treats such as mushrooms stuffed with venison sausage, and eel baked in tiny sweet rolls, and cubes of cheese. Och, but her mouth was watering!

Aunt Aileen, Donna, her sister Brenna, her husband Gabriel and all of their children, rushed to embrace her, a large group filled with her loved ones. ’Twas a precious gift she’d cherish for a long time to come.

“Ye’re glowing,” Brenna said, flicking her gaze to Gregor. “I am so glad ye are happy, sister.”

“More than I could have ever dreamed, or anyone could possibly know,” Kirstin answered.

They embraced, and then Brenna looked down at Kirstin’s belly. “More than anyone else knows, too,” Brenna whispered.

Kirstin couldn’t help the joyful laugh that escaped her. “Aye! And I’ve just told Gregor.”

“That explains the twinkle in his eyes, though from the flush of your cheeks, I had thought it was for another reason.” Brenna winked wickedly.

“Well…” Kirstin drawled with a lift to her smile. “There is that, too.”

Brenna laughed and hugged her tight again, while her husband Gabriel patted Gregor on the back, him and Samuel dragging the other gathered men toward the hearth where an old, bottle of Big Abe’s whisky had been uncorked.

“There are so many people!” Kirstin said with a clap of her hands.

“Aye,” Catriona said. “Let me introduce ye to my sisters-by-marriage.”

Two beautiful, golden-haired ladies crossed the Great Hall. “Arbella, Aliah, let me introduce ye to Lady Kirstin Buchanan, my delightful sister-by-marriage and your host.”

The two ladies dipped into curtsies.

Kirstin reached forward, and hugged them both. “Let us not be so formal, we are practically family! Call me Kay.”

For she’d finally embraced who she was truly meant to be—and Kay and Kirstin were one and the same. Kay saved for those close to her.

“Arbella’s husband is Magnus, the Earl of Sutherland, right over there beside Samuel, and on the other side of Samuel is Sir Blane Sutherland, Aliah’s husband.”

Kirstin studied the men, and smiled at her two new sisters. “They are verra handsome.”

“And so is your Gregor,” Arbella said, in a silky English accent. “When is your bairn due?”

Kirstin gasped, glancing down her belly. “How did ye know?”

Arbella laughed, her eyes twinkling. “I’ve had half a dozen bairns myself. I can tell.”

“Congratulations,” Aliah said, pressing her hand to her own womb.

“She’s not announced it yet, but my sister has not been able to stop touching her own belly for quite a few weeks,” Arbella teased.

Aliah gasped and elbowed her sister, though gently.

“I think I am due sometime after May Day,” Kirstin said.

“Me, too!” Aliah chimed in.

“Me, too,” Catriona said, clapping her hands.

All three glanced from Arbella to Brenna and back again, expectantly, both of whom held up their hands in surrender, laughing.

“Not me,” Brenna said.

“And not me, either,” Arbella giggled.

Across the hall, Kirstin spied Donna, making eyes at Finn who’d been drinking whisky with the men. He excused himself, and sauntered toward her.

“It appears, that perhaps, Donna also has a different path.” Aunt Aileen appeared beside Kirstin and Brenna, a knowing smile on her face.

“’Twould appear that our Mother Superior loves to play matchmaker,” Brenna teased.

Aunt Aileen laughed. “I do love a good
histoire d’amour

“And ye’ve gotten to be a part of many love stories, haven’t ye?” Kirstin said.

“The verra best,” Aunt Aileen said.

Just then the minstrels began to play a lively tune. The first to the center of the floor were the many children, but then, Kirstin spied her handsome husband sauntering toward her, and she felt herself come alive with excitement. Every time she looked at him, her belly fluttered with wonder, and she was so pleased to have had a second chance at loving him.

“My lady, may I have this dance?” He held out his hand to her, bowing over it.

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