Seducing Steve (17 page)

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Authors: Maggie Wells

Tags: #Erotica

“No.” He held up one hand to stop her. “I’ve got some things to say, and I want you to listen.”


“Dammit, Sara, I can’t do this anymore!”

She clamped her lips shut and blinked hard and fast, trying to beat back the rush of tears that burned behind her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Not like this. I can’t keep doing this like this,” he muttered, scrubbing his face with one hand.

“I don’t understand.”

“I know you don’t,” he snapped.

There was no stopping the tears gathering in her eyes, and she tugged against the restraints, anxious to swipe them away before he could see them. The knots at her wrists only cinched tighter.

Oblivious, he fixed her with a stern glare. “Now, listen... First of all, I’m not pretty.”

“Gotcha,” she whispered. “Not pretty.”

He took a deep breath and shook his head. “I don’t know who you think I am, Sara, but I’m not the guy in any of those books. My name is Steve, and I’m just a regular guy. My mother called me Steven, and that was only when I was in trouble for something.” His dark eyes burned black as coals when he stared into hers. “I am not
,” he ground out from between clenched teeth.

She gasped. “I know that.”

“I’m telling you here and now, I will never, ever share you with any other man. I don’t care who the fuck it is. I will not watch, I will not
watched, and I’m not sure I could ever hit you in any way, no matter how sexy anyone thinks a good spanking might be. That’s just not me.”

Sara stared at him, stunned by the tirade and afraid he might only be getting warmed up to the task. “Steve, listen...”

“I want more than this, Sara. I know it’s selfish, but I do. I want to take you to dinner to meet my dad next week. I want to introduce you to them. Maybe that’ll keep my crazy step-mother from trying to set me up with every former Miss
she’s ever trained in her image.”


He shook his head as if he hadn’t heard her. “I’m not some perfect romance guy. I’m just a guy.” He closed his eyes and sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. “I don’t want to be like Adam, but maybe I’m more conventional than I think. I’ve tried to be like those guys in your books. I want to be. I want to be enough for you. I want to be everything you want.”

He ran his hand through his hair, roughing the cowlick at his crown. She tugged again, desperate to smooth that burgundy wave with her hands and soothe the worry creasing his brow, but his knots held. “Untie me.”

“No.” He shook his head adamantly. “Not until you hear me out.”

“I heard you.”

“Did you? Are you even listening? God, I’ve been in love with you for so long, Sara.”

His voice cracked, and she came completely undone. “Untie me, you shithead!” she blurted.

Steve blinked and reared back. “Shithead?”

“Stupid, stubborn, redheaded shithead.” She yanked as hard as she could and the headboard banged against the wall. “Untie me!” He swung his legs from the bed and strode naked from the room. “Oh no! Don’t you dare leave me here!”

He reappeared a moment later holding a pair of scissors. “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it... Darlin’,” he added sarcastically. With one snip he cut the stocking in half, leaving the ends knotted around her wrists. Before Sara could move, he tossed the scissors onto the nightstand and bent to gather his clothes. “Sorry, Sugar, I can’t help you with your little project anymore.”

All she saw was red—crimson, scarlet, and blood red. She lunged from the bed, swinging her arm as hard as she could. Her palm connected with his ass with a resounding smack.

A surge of satisfaction bubbled up into a laugh when he yelped and whirled to glare at her, covering his ass with one hand. “The spankin’ thing goes for me, too!”

She slapped her hand to his chest, the silky tendril of her stocking trailing down over the tangled bundle of clothes he held protectively over his crotch. Shoving him as hard as she could, she knocked him back against the closet door. His breath escaped his lungs with a gratifying whoosh. “Shithead,” she hissed.

Sara plastered herself against him, pinning him like a butterfly, right where she wanted him. He gaped at her. She took the opportunity to slide her hand to the nape of his neck and jerked him down, pressing an insistent kiss to his parted lips. When she pulled away, he stared at her, his brown eyes wide and wary.

“I love you too, Pooky,” she whispered.

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “I will not be called ‘Pooky’.”

“You’re all full of things you will and will not do. I think you need to loosen up, Sugarplum.”

“Do you mean it?”

“That you need to loosen up?”

“No, the other thing.”

The breathless rasp of his voice made her heart flutter. “Did you?”

Steve leaned down and captured her mouth for a deep, soulful kiss. His chest heaved when they parted. His hot breath washed over her damp lips. He kept his eyes closed as he issued a weak challenge. “What do you think?”

She cupped his cheek, pressing a tender kiss to one eyelid while her thumb feathered the roan-colored lashes that shadowed his cheekbone. Her fingers brushed his temple, gentle and coaxing. “I think if we’re good enough friends, we should be able to talk about this.”

His lashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes. “I’m in love with you, Sara. I’ve been in love with you since the day we met.”

She smiled, remembering the tragic flood of spilled coffee that marked the start of their relationship. “It might have taken me a bit longer to come around, but I love you too. Even if you are a caffeine junkie, sex maniac, and general menace to society.”

A pink flush tinted his cheeks and turned his ears the most intriguing shade of cardinal. His clothes fell to the floor in a heap, covering her feet. He plucked at one of the knots at her wrist. “Thank you, I think.”

She watched as he worked one knot loose and started on another, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. “Steve?”


“Leave them.”

He exhaled slowly, a crooked smile lifting his lips. “I think they’re kinda sexy.”

“Do you?”

He nodded and lifted one hand to caress her cheek. His thumb stroked her lip, and he smiled. “Then again, might just be you.”

Before she could respond, he kissed her sweetly, tenderly rubbing his lips over hers. Sara gave in to the sensation, sinking into the kiss until her lips parted. Their tongues danced and dueled.

He pulled back and pushed his hand into her hair, pulling her head back gently so he could feast on her throat. Slow, hot circles tattooed her skin. He drew the sensitive flesh into his mouth and suckled ardently. He slipped a hand to the center of her back and sank lower. A trail of wet, open mouthed kisses blazed down the hollow of her throat. He cradled her waist as he traveled down between her breasts, finally falling to his knees and kissing her stomach. Grasping her hips, he stared up at her, his eyes filled with love and devotion.


He pressed his mouth to her abdomen, letting his tongue trail down to the tangle of soft curls covering her sex. His hot breath washed over her sensitive skin. He nuzzled her and lifted his gaze to meet hers. Fingers skimmed over her ass, barely touching her. “Let me love you. I need to love you.”

Sara bit her lip and nodded silently. He rocked back, sitting on his heels and gently parting her thighs. His thumbs teased the tender skin inside of her thighs, and one pressed gently against her clit. He rubbed gently in a slow circle, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves with alternating hard and soft caresses.

She gasped. The heady mixture of emotion and arousal making her feel raw and exposed. Her knees wobbled. “Please.”

“Please what?” he asked, watching with fascination as she pressed into his thumb and quivered with anticipation. His gaze locked on her. His lips were parted and wet with lust, his velvet eyes consumed with desire.

“Kiss me, taste me.” He moved his thumb up to separate her folds and replaced it with his tongue, teasing her softly, lapping at her clit and blowing soft breaths over her sensitized skin. “Take me,” she whispered.

Steve glanced up. “Mine?”


He pressed forward and drew her into his mouth, his nose buried in her curls, his thumb parting the damp folds of her sex. She clutched his head and shoulder, holding on as her knees buckled. He slid a finger into her tight heat and began to stroke her as his tongue tugged at her clit. Sara gasped softly and unconsciously pressed her hips down onto his questing finger.

“I want you inside of me.”
“Mmm-hmm,” he hummed, undistracted.

“I need you to hold me,” she whispered raggedly.

The plea in her voice broke through. Steve pulled back, unfolding his long legs until he towered over her. “Sara, darlin’, I plan on holding you for a long, long time.”

She half expected him to sweep her into his arms again, but he didn’t. Instead, he simply offered her his hand. She stared at the tender, vulnerable skin of his palm—given freely—open to anything.

Sara placed her hand in his. Warmth blossomed in her chest when his fingers closed around hers, holding her fast. He led her to the bed and pulled back the covers without letting her go. As he turned to her, Steve kissed her again, long and sweet. One kiss melted into another, unfolding seamlessly until she forgot where she stopped and he began.

“I love you,” she whispered when they parted.

He smiled. “Good.”

The clasp of her bra sprung open. Her startled gaze met his, and his smile turned boyish and playful. “Opie,” she added with a laugh.

He quickly divested her of the bra and moved to conquer the garter belt. “Sweet, darlin’, Sara

my dirty, dirty girl.”

He bent, smoothing the loosened stocking down her leg. She grabbed his shoulder, stepping free of the tangle of silk. Steve brushed distracted kisses to various points of interest as he straightened, ending with an urgent plundering of her lips.

“We’re gonna hafta do this my way this time,” he drawled in a breathless whisper. “We’ll go back to your way next time, I promise.”

Sara frowned, and a puzzled laugh burbled from her lips. “What does that mean?”

His devilish smile lit his dark eyes. “That means I’m gonna love you soft and slow, Miss Sara.” He pecked a tender kiss to her lips then nuzzled her neck. “You’re just lucky I’m probably not gonna last five minutes.”

She threw her head back and laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and swaying against him. “Oh yeah, I am a lucky girl, falling for a sexy, seductive guy like you.”

His smile turned sheepish as he propelled her back onto the bed. He crawled over her, stretching out and pressing his body the length of hers. “Well, you already got yours, sugar. Now I’ve got you, and I’m gonna get mine.”


About the Author

By day Maggie Wells is buried in spreadsheets. At night she pens tales of people tangling up the sheets. She'll tell you she's a deep down dirty girl, but you only have to scratch the surface of this mild-mannered married lady to find a naughty streak a mile wide. The product of a charming rogue and a shameless flirt, she just can't help herself and that's part of her charm.

Learn more about Maggie at:

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