Read Seduction by the Book Online

Authors: Linda Conrad

Seduction by the Book (12 page)

She took his hand. “Right now? Is it because of the baby? Please don't be afraid for us. I'm healthy and strong. Everything will be fine.”

That wasn't what he'd meant, but come to think of it, she was going to be a mother and had no business out on the ocean. “Aren't you even a little afraid?”

“Well, sure. Most mothers are scared their first time. You wouldn't believe the stories you hear. But that's normal.” She gazed up into his eyes and the look she gave him was soft and tender. “Okay, okay. I won't sail again until after the baby is born. But then will you please reconsider going with me?”

Pleased that she'd given in, even though it was not in the way he would've preferred, Nick lifted her hand and placed a kiss in her palm. What was one little fib, if it meant they would be together again?

“I promise to think about it again…after the baby is born,” he murmured then lifted his head. “Now, let's go back to the main house to change for dinner. I have a fantastic surprise for you later.”

Annie laughed and threw her head back. “I hope you mean much later…in our bed.”

“Yes,” he began with his own grin covering his face. That would be good too. “This will be a night to remember.”


Annie fussed with the button on her new fushia shirt. Not even three months pregnant yet and nothing fit her right. Elizabeth had brought her several new outfits with elastic waistbands and blouses that didn't need to be tucked in. But the shirt she'd wanted to wear tonight was already too tight around the bustline.

She quickly changed into the pretty poppy colored outfit that had no buttons and checked herself in the mirror. It was a great color on her, and she sure hoped Nick would like it. This afternoon, in his arms he hadn't seemed to take any notice of her burgeoning figure at all.

It felt so good for them to be talking again. She was glad she'd gotten the nerve to tell him about her sailing, even though she hadn't been able to change his mind. It was better if things were out in the open.

Just maybe their marriage had a chance of making it, after all. She loved him enough for both of them. And if tonight they were going to become lovers again, everything was bound to be okay.

Her mind was filled with music and flowers as she danced down the hallway toward the kitchen. Succulent
smells wafted toward her and she began to hum. All was right with the world.

Turning the last corner, Annie was secure knowing what to expect. But just then two strange figures appeared, following Nick down the hall from the guest suite. Had he invited company?

Two more steps and the strangers took form in the kitchen's light. Familiar forms. Beloved faces looked up at her and smiled. Annie froze and clutched at her chest.

“Ma! Da! I can't believe you're here!” She closed the gap between them and let her parents wrap her in loving embraces.

” Her mother hugged her tight. “Nicholas sent his plane for us. I would've thought…”

It took Annie a full minute to realize her mother had backed up a step and was staring down at her belly and then up to her bustline. The panic hit hard, with a swift kick to the butt. Too late to run now.

“A baby, Annie?” Her mother's expression was pained.

“Yes, Ma,” Annie gulped as she lifted her chin to take her medicine. “Another grandchild is on the way.”

Her mother grinned. “Well, no wonder you got married so fast.” Maeve rolled her eyes toward the heavens with an exaggerated sigh. “Thank the good Lord.”


half hour later, after introductions and tons of tears, the newly combined family members were called to the dining room. Annie hadn't said much so far. She was too nervous about what her mother would have to say when they had a moment alone. Annie knew she was in for a lecture.

But all through dinner Nick was the most gracious host. He smiled at her from across the table and even winked once when no one else was looking. His mother, Elizabeth, had been a calming influence as usual.

The food was wonderful. But though it was one of the chef's best efforts, Annie couldn't eat more than a bite.

Elizabeth suggested they take coffee and dessert out on the patio, as the balmy night was a perfect temperature and the sky was a star-filled spectacular. She spoke
to the chef and led the way. Following along behind Elizabeth, Nick and Annie's father were still caught up in a discussion of the island's police force.

Annie's mother rose, moved to her side and slipped an arm around her daughter's shoulders, whispering in her ear, “You really found your Prince Charming,
He's so handsome, just like in your storybooks when you were a girl. And so pleasant. He will make you a good husband.”

Stunned, Annie couldn't speak. Where was the lecture about marrying out of the church? Where were the hurt feelings about not being at her youngest daughter's wedding?

“I'm proud of you Annie,” her mother continued. “It's plain to see you have at last become an adult. For so long I've fretted that my baby would forever be letting the family bully her. But you went out into the world and made a life by yourself, and now you're doing all the right things with a man you obviously adore.”

Annie's mother hugged her close and kissed her cheek. “I only wish you could've done your living closer to home,” she stopped and sighed. “But I see that you had to do things in your own way and in your own time.”

“Oh, Ma,” Annie said with a hitch in her voice. “I love you so much.” Something clicked in her head then and she knew her mother was right. She would never again let anyone control her choices. Annie Riley Scoville was an adult, a wife and about to be a mother.

As they walked arm in arm out to join the others, Annie's heart swelled with love for Nick. She couldn't
wait to show him how much she loved him by getting her hands on him. In fact, she didn't want to wait another minute. In new adult mode, she was ready to make her own choices.


Nick stood next to the patio table, watching Annie and her mother walking toward him. His mouth watered at the very first sight of his wife, with her hair slightly tousled by the soft ocean breeze and her blazing green eyes looking in his direction with a yearning that he'd been feeling, too.

He'd had a moment of concern before dinner when Annie first spotted her parents, worrying that she would be furious that he hadn't warned her of their visit. But that didn't seem to be a problem. She'd laughed at his dinner conversation and gave him secret smiles. It had been all he could do not to drag her away before the first course.

Darling Annie, he groaned silently. She was the delightfully colorful and terribly erotic love of his life.

Everything went still. His heart waited for his brain to catch up.
Was that what this heavy feeling in his chest meant? If so, it was the first time in his life he'd ever really been in love.

It scared him, panicked him. What was love? The only thing he could think of at the moment was that he would die if she left him. He could not live without her. Would not.

But Annie wouldn't do that to him. She wouldn't walk away as Christina had done—not his Annie. And he intended to keep her safe and sound permanently.

“Uh, Nick?” Annie said softly as she walked up be
side him at the table. “Could I have a word with you before the coffee is served? Please?”

She glanced down and refused to look at him. Was she angry? His mind was racing trying to come with excuses, but he couldn't concentrate. He loved her. Dear Lord, he couldn't breath with just the thought of it.

He managed a nod and she turned, quickly making her way toward his old office. He followed silently behind her. But he couldn't feel his feet touching the floor. If she was mad, he would just have to find some way around it.

All he could think about was having her back in his arms later tonight. He would tell her he loved her then and she would say she loved him too and they would show each other how much they cared—all night long.

Annie waited for him just inside the office door. He moved past her, longing to take her in his arms. But he kept silent until she closed and locked the door behind him.

“Annie,” he began roughly and reached a hand out to beg her to come to him—or maybe to forgive him and love him.

She made a tiny squeak, like she couldn't manage anything else, and ran straight into his arms. He staggered under her assault, for a second. But the feel of her next to his chest—the warmth of her body and her spicy scent of cinnamon—overwhelmed his conscious mind and let his subconscious desires take charge.

“Nick. Nick,” she moaned. “I need you so badly. I can't stand waiting another minute. Please.” She was crying now, he could feel her tears against his neck.

“Easy, love,” he said, but his body was screaming for
him to rush. Fully aroused and suddenly desperate, he orientated himself in a second and backed them both up to the desk.

Cupping her bottom, he held their bodies together and let her feel the depth of his desire. Then he bent his head and took her mouth, ravaging her with open-mouthed kisses and tangling tongues.

Annie reached between them and placed her hand firmly over his zipper. He gasped, stopped breathing, then frantically tore at her slacks and panties, dragging them down her legs.

She was just as fierce, fighting his zipper and trying to free him into her hands.

Nick backed up to the edge of the desk, balancing himself as Annie kicked her garments aside and inched between his thighs, concentrating on getting her hands on his body. At last, she sobbed his name and gently caressed his flesh. With great tenderness, she ran her fingers up and down his shaft.

“You can't know how good that feels,” he moaned. I've wanted you again so badly. I haven't been able to think of anything else.”

But before he could drag her closer and before he realized her intentions, Annie dropped to her knees between his legs and put her curious tongue where her fingers had just been. The electric jolt stopped his heart as she tasted, sucked and licked him freely.

Without taking her mouth away from its pleasure, she looked up into his eyes, gazing at him with such intimate emotions that Nick thought he would lose it right there.

He took her firmly by the shoulders and pulled her
up his body. “I can't…” he gasped. “Maybe later. It's been so long.”

Annie threw back her head, laughed and climbed on the desk and into his lap. Her eyes were dark, her hands were everywhere at once. She fit herself down on him and wrapped her legs around his waist. He had never seen anyone so beautiful or so lost in passion. She was giving him almost unbearable pleasure.

Rearing back, Annie impaled herself more deeply on him. Warm and tight, he fit inside her perfectly. They were meant to be together forever. It was as certain as the dawn. Nothing else could ever matter this much.

“I love you,” she moaned and dug her fingers into his shoulders.

She pulled her hips up, then jammed them back down against him. He could feel the circles of her climax beginning and it was the last clear thought he had.

The world dissolved in a haze of heat and stars. In the distance he could hear someone yelling, but maybe that was Annie…or him. He wondered for a second if they had both spun right off the earth. He couldn't be sure of anything.

Except—he loved her.


Annie lay cuddled against Nick's broad chest and tried to regulate her breathing. It didn't matter that her parents were waiting for them only a few yards away. It didn't matter that she had never done anything so daring before in her whole life.

All that mattered was that Nick wanted her. He had been as desperate for her as she was for him. And she was the one who had controlled what they did. It was
freeing…exhilarating. She had wanted something and had taken it.

“Are you okay?” Nick asked quietly.

“Mmm.” Was all she could manage at the moment.

“Do you think we ought to try to go back outside?” His voice was hoarse, his words shaky. “Maybe we can have a quick cup of coffee and then claim we're tired. We could beg to be excused early.”

She kept silent for a moment, listening to his heart beating frantically under her cheek. He wanted her again, right now. What a fantastic thought.

“Annie…” He relaxed his grip and let her slowly slide to her feet. “We have to go back out there now. But we'll have all night—later.”

She was light-headed and her body still hummed, but she tried to bring a little clarity to her mind. Nick helped to find her slacks and panties, then he straightened his own clothes as she redressed.

Her parents. They had to deal with her parents tonight.

When they both felt they were presentable, Nick slipped his arm tightly around her waist to keep her steady and they headed down the hall.

“I'm glad you weren't upset with me about your parents' surprise visit,” Nick said after he cleared his throat.

“I'm sure my mother invited herself,” Annie told him. “She can be very overbearing. I'm just amazed she isn't foaming at the mouth about us not having a church wedding.”

“She was,” Nick said with a laugh and tossed his head. “Until I told her we were planning to have another big church wedding later this fall. She was thrilled to
know I intended to pay for all of it and wanted to fly the whole family to Alsaca for the reception. I think she likes me.”

Annie stopped walking. Her heart stopped. The world stopped. Had all the air been taken from the room?

“What did you say?” she heard herself ask distantly.

“Your mother likes me?”

Annie swung around to narrow her eyes at him. “You told my mother we would have a church wedding? Without asking me?” She tried to keep her voice steady but a reddish haze had enveloped her and she couldn't focus.

“Of course.” Nick's voice had grown wary, but he still didn't realize how deadly serious this was. “What's wrong with that? We're already married. You said you loved me. It's no big deal if we get married again for your family.”

“No,” she said as the cold began to numb her body. Icy fingers of doubt and pain drew circles around her heart.

“No?” Nick echoed and reached for her. “Why…?”

Annie backed away from his grasp, out of his reach. “You'll never change, will you Nick?” She could feel the tears threatening, but willed them down. “Everything will always have to be your way. You must have all the control.”

She saw the fury and the fear fill his eyes. “What are you talking about?” he choked out. “Grow up, Annie. You're my wife. You're supposed to love me, not question me.”

His words tore a bigger hole in her heart. Not only
would he never love her, but nothing she could ever do would make a difference to him. His childhood examples had affected him forever. She'd never had a chance.

She slashed her hand over her face, trying to push aside the tears. “I'm sorry, Nick. I thought I could make a life with you, but now I know it won't work between us.”

“What?” He moved fast and gripped her by the arms. “What are you saying?”

The tears were running freely now and Annie had to swallow twice to talk. “I'll go pack a few things and move back out to the pool house tonight. We can talk more about details tomorrow. I need to get my thoughts together.”

The look on his face ripped her in two. “You're leaving me? You can't. I won't let you.” His voice cracked and he dropped his hands to his sides.

Annie had to turn her back to him, otherwise she would've fallen at his feet in a heap. But she had to be the adult here. “Make my excuses to the family, please.”

With those words, she took off running. Afraid to look back yet desperate for him to say something to make her want to stay. But in her soul, she knew there was nothing that would ever make things right between them now.


“Oh Nicholas,” he heard his mother say through the fog in his brain. “I'm so sorry. I tried to help guide your life in a different direction, but…”

“What the hell are you talking about, Mother?” He knew she'd been a big help for the last hour since Annie had walked away, leaving him stunned and confused.

She'd settled Annie in the pool house for the night. And she'd also managed to calm Annie's parents and shepherded them into the guest suite with soothing words.

But since then, Elizabeth hadn't been making any sense.

She gripped his shoulders and tried to shake him, but he was so much bigger than his mother that it didn't have much effect. He knew what the gesture meant, however.

“Listen to me, son,” she said through gritted teeth. “You love that girl. You may not know it, but…”

“Yes, I do know it,” he interrupted. “It finally hit me earlier tonight.”

“Then, for God's sake, why would you treat her that way? Why would you hurt someone you love?”

“Hurt her? Don't be absurd. What
you saying?”

His mother dropped her hands and sighed. “Are you so blind? Have you finally lost all of yourself and turned completely into your father?”

He narrowed his eyes at her, and lifted his chin. “What does my father have to do with Annie?”

The tears filled his mother's eyes. “You've become just like him. Without even noticing, you are the same controlling, selfish man you feared and desperately tried to please while growing up.”

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