Read Seduction: The Story of M Online

Authors: L. A. Cloutier

Tags: #Maraya21, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Seduction: The Story of M (14 page)

She placed his hands and feet back into the positions she wanted them, cuffing them to the floor so that he was arched over the bale.  Surprisingly his cock was still really hard, and the side view was really

“Are you ready
to be milked, my little cow?”

, Mistress,” he begged.

The Mistress walked over to the table at the corner of the stage again and put on a single tight black latex glove. She let is snap as she pulled it down tight to her wrist, I
don’t know why, but I flinched.

She walked slow and dauntingly back over to her
little cow and started touching some of his more sensitive little red welts. She was saying something to him softly but it was too faint to hear in the back of the room.

She positioned the stool with her foot so that she could sit between the man’s legs. She pulled a small little packet of what I presumed to be a lubricant from the pocket of her tight leather pants and lubed up her index and middle finger on her right hand. With her left she fondled and played with his balls telling the audience how full and heavy they felt.

His cock lurched at times and he would moan softly. She inserted her lubed fingers into his asshole and he groaned loudly and his body flexed, his legs trembling.

She started working her fingers in and out of him slowly at first. His body writhed and squirmed against his restraints. His hips began to move with the movements of her fingers.

She began pumping her fingers into him harder and faster, his moans and groans getting louder and more frequent. The muscles in his arms were tight and rigid. His legs flexed and pulled against the cuffs attached to his ankles.

Climax claimed him and his cock quivered and jerked as it erupted like a fountain shooting milky white come onto his
chest as far up as his neck several times while his body bucked and lurched. I was amazed by how much he had released.

“I think you have more
, don’t you, my little cow?”

“Yes Mistress,
thank you, Mistress,” he stammered, his voice quivering.

The Mistress kept her fingers inside of him while she took hold of his still rigid and stiff cock and started to stroke it. The man was whimpering, groaning and squirming. She used the wetness on the head of his cock and teased his head terribly. A vivacious smile spread across her lips.

“Give me more, little cow…
” She held his shaft tightly in her hand and pulled it back a little so that the audience got a good horizontal view.  

, Mistress,” he groaned.

His cock erupted again, this time she held onto it and pulled the skin taunt as he released almost as much as the first time. His back w
as arched up off the bale and his body was stiff and rigid as his milky white come shot high up into the air. I could only imagine what that looked like for those sitting in the chairs up in front.

The man thanked his Mistress
again and she told him he did very well.

And again the two men brought out the partition to block of the stage while they rearranged and set up for the next performers.

“Quite the young stud, wasn’t he Misty?”

“Yes Sir, quite a performance.”

“You know, I felt your body tense up both times when he came.”

? I hadn’t noticed,” I said, blushing again.  I wondered if I should tell him I heard his heart beat pick up the pace a couple times during that performance as well, as I readjusted myself a little, pulling my head from his shoulder.

“I think we should head back up to the room, the last performance might be a little

for you at this point,” he explained, pulling his arm from my shoulder.

I straightened out my top, looking into his eyes the best I could in the darkness. Even in the dark he couldn’t hide the vibrant blue of his eyes. I knew going upstairs would mean I had to render him a decision as to whether I would agree to stay with him. I almost didn’t want to go just to avoid having to decide. “I’ll take your word for that
, Sir,” I said as we stood up to leave.

I couldn’t help but be a little curious about what the last performance might have been about as we left. He stopped back at the bar and got us a bottle of wine to take up to the room. He wrapped his arm around my side as we walked to the elevator, his hand sliding up to edge of my breast.

He held me against the wall in the elevator and kissed me tenderly yet passionately. He had one hand cupped around my ass cheek while the other cradled my back, slowly moving along my spine up to my neck. His hand slipped up into the back of my hair.

He pulled his lips from mine while pulling my hips forward meeting his.
  Gripping his hand into my hair he pulled my head back a little, all though not harshly. He paused looking at my neck for a moment before he leaned down starting at my collarbone and softly kissing up my neck.

I felt like this was one of the moments like in the movies where the girl pops her leg up behind her and they live happily ever after. I almost wanted to giggle about the time he got to my ear. His
fingertips crept in under my ass cheek, wrapping into my crotch a little and he tugged me just a little tighter to him, as if he were encouraging me to lift my leg and wrap it around him. I whimpered and his lips met mine again, more feverishly this time.

The elevator chimed and he released me, a tender smile on his face along with an unavoidable erection. I was thankful my arousal was better hidden even though the hallway was empty.




Chapter 12: Decision Time


Once back in the room he went to the kitchen and found wine glasses. He poured them while sitting with me on the sofa.

He leaned back handing me my glass as he made himself comfortable. I sipped at my wine and settled back into the sofa. I was a little nervous, wondering when he was going to ask me for my decision

What if I did stay? It was an impetuous idea

He turned towards me a little and brushed my hair away from my eyes. I turned to face him letting my shoulder sink into the cushion and resting my head upon it.

Would it really be so odd or terrible to allow myself to enjoy his taking care of me for a little while?
I had to admit I was starting to enjoy being with him.

He caressed the side of my face lightly, looking at my lips then to my eyes. “You said something at dinner I have been thinking about
, Misty.”

I felt fluttery butterflies in my stomach and sipped at my wine, I knew he was going to bring up my staying or going.

“You said, ‘in return for a free ride to college, and a place to stay’... I think you would gain more than just a free ride to collage and a place to stay.” He scooted himself back to the corner of the sofa and sat back against it pulling one leg up. He reached forward and pulled me back against him so that he could hold and cradle me in his arms.

He finished his wine and set down his glass, then wrapped his arms over mine and nuzzled his head into the back and sides of my hair. “I think you could learn a lot more if you stay
, Precious.” His lips found their way to my neck and he softly rubbed them up and down, his breath warm against my skin.

“I can teach you to free the woman you are inside and I am not speaking only sexually. I want you to enjoy being a young woman while experiencing all that life has to offer. I hate to think of you enjoying your bar
tending job in the same attire day after day, going home tired, with aching feet and back, more than the short time you have spent with me. Why settle for such routine when there is so much more to life, all here for you to enjoy?”

His hands had found their way to my breasts. He cupped them softly, slipping his hands up over them w
hile he pressed them together, his index finger, softly tracing the exposed cleavage.

“Surely you would have to admit that you have learned a lot more about yourself in the time you have spent here with me. For example at dinner this evening when the waiter took delight in your breasts. I saw it in your eyes that you enjoyed his looking at you like that.

“It made you feel good about yourself, and yet, had you picked out your top you would have concealed your decadent, pert little beauties and never experienced how good someone’s admiration felt. You are a gorgeous young woman, Misty, and I want you to learn how good it feels to enjoy that.”

He started to unbutton my shirt, leaning his head over my shoulder and watching each button free more and more of my bubbly breasts. His arms felt so nice around me
. I was warm and fuzzy inside and it made me feel special that he wanted to take care of me and teach me more about being a woman.

He pulled open my shirt and cupped my breasts, grazing his thumbs over my nipples. I closed my eyes enjoying the tingles it sent through my breasts. I didn’t know which was more intoxicating at the moment, him or the wine.

He leaned forward causing me to sit upright and he slipped my top off. Then he unbuttoned and took his shirt off. He pulled my hair all to one side and put it over my left shoulder and started to kiss the back of my neck softly, sensually.

The hair on his chest tickled my back as his hands roamed the warm soft skin of my shoulders and arms. And then he slipped them under my arms and slowly moved them up my torso to my breasts. I cooed and whimpered as his lips moved from one side of my neck to the other. I brought my hands up to meet his, holding them over his while he squeezed my breasts and teased my nipples.

He pulled himself from me and got up. I could see he was erect as he offered me his hand and pulled me from the sofa. He quickly embraced me in a kiss much like had taken place in the elevator. I loved the way it felt when his hand crept up into the back of my hair and he cradled my head.

He leaned me back and kissed each of my breasts, licking and sucking each nipple until they were fully aroused. He moaned while he sucked one of them sending mini vibrations all through my chest. “Misty
,” he said, not taking his lips off my chest.

“Yes Sir?” I whispered.

“I need to make love to you.” He scooped me up into his arms and paused looking into my eyes for a moment before carrying me to his bedroom.

Why did those words have such a profound effect on me?
They made me feel warm all over. He did not just want to fuck me—he wanted to be tender and loving.

He set me down on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp. He took off his pants, leaving them on the floor as he joined me on the bed. He put both the pillows behind me and laid my head back upon them while he kissed me, tenderly roaming his hand up and down my body. He worked my skirt down and off while he lay beside me.

“I have been aching to be inside of you all day.” He muttered while he kissed my breasts, then my stomach. He slid himself down and kissed my thighs and legs all the way to my feet.
Why did he look so gorgeous doing this?

He positioned himself between my legs as he kissed the inner parts of my legs and thighs, slowly pulling himself back up my body. His hands were slow as he touched and caressed my body as if he wanted to learn and remember every inch of it.

His face was right between my thighs and I heard him breathe in heavily and then sigh. He kissed my pubis and my lips delicately on the outside while using his hands to spread my legs apart a little wider. He licked the crease that parts my lips and then blew softly upon the wetness causing me to shudder.

His fingers inched their way to my lips and pulled them open exposing my aroused pussy. I
moaned, knowing he would put his mouth on me.

He groaned looking at it and then cupped his mouth over my sex licking and sucking at my secretions. I wrapped my legs around his back and let my thighs fall open, giving him full exposure. He rolled his tongue over my clit several times pulling soft whimpers from me as I arched my back.

My clit was full and throbbing as he held it between his lips, tugging and pulling it between them and then continuing to lap at it lavishly, licking from bottom to top. I started to rock my hips hoping he would penetrate me with his fingers.

But instead he gripped my thighs and pulled himself up, lying on top of me. He placed his hands under my shoulders and adjusted himself so that his cock was resting on my pubis, and looked into my eyes.

I felt his cock lurch and I thrust my hips up into his and moaned. It was nice not to be restrained. I could touch him and feel him while we moved together. He moved his cock around until he had it nestled between my lips, the head of his cock covering my clit. It throbbed making me wonder if he could feel that too.

He started doing that eye to eye searching and then he leaned down kissing me hard. I gasped, tightening my grip on his backside. His cock pulsated on my clit and we both moaned. He brought one hand up to the back of my neck, supporting my head and deepened the kiss.
Oh god.
The head of his cock quivered and my clit was burning for him take me.

He pulled from the kiss and looked at me, his breath as erratic as mine. “Misty?” he whispered.

“Yes Sir?”

“Do you want me?”

“Yes Sir!”

He kissed me again passionately, tilting his hips so that his cock slid from my clit to the opening of my pussy.
Yes, now…please.
I nudged forward urging him to penetrate me but he pulled back teasing me. I whimpered into his mouth and tried to nudge him forward with my legs, and again he resisted me. He put both hands up into my hair and gripped it softly before pulling from the kiss. “Misty?”

“Yes Sir?”

“Do you want to be my slave?”

I opened my eyes looking into his.
This wasn’t fair, why would he ask me this now?
He slid his cock back up to my clit, nudging it to and fro on it. I groaned closing my eyes. “Can’t my answer wait until after, Sir?” I whimpered softly.

, Misty, I want to know that you feel something for me as well.” His lips moved to my neck but his hands stayed in my hair. He pressed his cock into my clit causing it to throb, again.

I wanted to say yes so desperately
, I really did, especially now with my body on fire to have him take me, penetrate me, and fill me with his cock. Yet a part of me still said it was wrong.

“No risk…no reward. Is the glass half empty or is it half full?” he uttered softly next to my ear, as he slid his cock back down to my dripping
wet hole, but not entering me. “I’ll keep you right here on the edge until you choose, just like you’ll be tormented weeks from now asking yourself why you didn’t just stay,” he whispered, taking one hand from my hair, moving it to my breast, squeezing it softly.

I groaned trying to ignore what he was saying, thrusting my pelvis into his trying to force him to penetrate me. He pulled back
, not giving in and growling as he moved his mouth to my nipple sucking on it hard while I moaned.

I hated to admit it but he was right I would remain
. I might even… miss him?

He pulled from my nipple and slid his hand under my shoulder, looking down
at me again, and his cock slid back into my folds pulsating against my clit.

“Last chance
, Misty…are you my precious little slave?” he brought his hand to my brow and moved the hair from my forehead.

I couldn’t deny it. I wanted him, and I wanted to stay. I loved what he could do to my body, and
all though there were times I hated when he was right, he was teaching me things. I would hate myself if we parted and I could never find him again. I drew my hands up his back softly and stared into his eyes, as if I were the one searching for something this time. My bottom lip quivered as I whispered. “Yes, Master, I am your precious little slave.”

He gripped my shoulders firmly and took my mouth harshly as he penetrated me. I cried out in a loud moan, digging my fingers into his back. He groaned loudly into my mouth and held himself inside of me. I could feel his body tremble a little as h
e pulled back and then slid into me slowly, deeply.

I wrapped my legs up around his lower back and rocked my hips up into his. I loved the way he filled me fully each time he penetrated me. My arms clung to his back and shoulders, I found myself pushing and pulling him with each stroke.

Our bodies soon became as one in a soft but deeply emotional state. The sounds of heavy breathing and soft moaning surrounded us. His hands were on each side of my head holding it so that he wouldn’t miss a single expression on my face. His chest was thudding softly against my breasts, my pussy squeezing, tugging and pulling at his cock.

My g spot was swollen and throbbing, begging for release as he angled the head of his cock to make sure he would feel that warm rush flow down his cock when I came. I knew orgasm was inevitable as I arched my back, trying to hold my breath as if I could somehow prolong it. He thrust into me hard as I erupted, letting that breath out and gasping for another. I held him as tight as I could in every way, groaning loudly as the fluids expelled.

He lifted himself from my chest despite my grip, holding himself up with one arm while the other went under my ass. He plunged into me hard and deep, holding himself there. His cock quivered and pulsated. I could feel his come drawing up his shaft. I looked at his face, the blissfully lost state of mind expression as he grunted and growled, filling me with his come as deeply as he could.

After regaining his composure and he caught his breath, he slipped out of me and lay back on the bed. He robbed one of my pillows for his head and then pulled me close to him, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I laid my head on his chest listening to his still rapid heartbeat.

He stoked my hair softly as he turned his head, leaning down and kissed my forehead. He reached over with his other arm and took my hand in his intertwining his fingers with mine. He pulled me over on top of him and cradled me in both arms. His wet cock twitched against my abdomen as I nestled myself between his thighs.

“I know your decision was rash, Precious, but I know in your heart you want me as much as I want you and the desire you have for me will only deepen and become stronger as we take on this journey together.”

I petted his chest hair and traced his nipples with my index fingers as I gazed into his vibrantly bright blue eyes. I admired the way he was looking at me right then, there was a soft tender expression of love in his eyes that made me feel safe and warm in his hands.

“I do want you, Sir. In all that has transpired I know in my head, my choice would seem ludicrous to others but I would feel even worse if we parted and I could never find you or see you again.”
Geez, why did I feel like crying again?

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