Read Seduction: The Story of M Online

Authors: L. A. Cloutier

Tags: #Maraya21, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Seduction: The Story of M (4 page)

“I don’t like
,” I shot back angrily.  I pulled my head away from his hand ripping the rest of my tangled hair through his fingers.

“Oh, my, my, my
Precious, I think my scared little rabbit has developed an attitude hasn’t she?” His hand went back to my hair even though I tried to move my head avoiding it.

He gripped it firmly at the base of my head and squeezed. My body tensed up and I gasped from the pain. He turned my head and looked directly into my eyes.

 “I love a challenge, my dear.”  He smiled, pressing his lips hard against mine and my hands moved to his chest, trying to push him away.

Stop it,” I tried to cantor as he shoved his tongue into my mouth.  My hands clawed at his chest before I bit his tongue hard.

You fucking bitch!” he roared, pulling back quickly letting go of my hair.

The back of his hand struck my face hard as he got up from the sofa, the sting and heat from the slap spread throughout my face and down my neck as I brought my right hand to my face, feeling the welts starting to form.
Tears welled up in my eyes but I fought to hold them back, as I gathered my composure.

I watched him get up and get a bottle of water from the fridge, rinsing his mouth and spitting in the sink. Then he drank the remaining water and left the bottle near the sink. He turned to face me with a glare in his eyes, observing me carefully as he walked back over to the sofa and stood in front of me.

He took hold of the chain and pulled me to my feet, keeping a tight grip on the chain and not allowing any slack. He gripped my face painfully in his right hand while holding firmly to the chain with the other.

“Do not test me, Precious. It is not my intent to harm you in any way. However, if you choose to get violent with me I will swiftly put you in your place by any means necessary. Should you feel the need to scream I will be forced to gag that pretty mouth of yours, and if you keep trying to claw me, I will have no choice but to put you in full restraints. Do you understand me?” 

His eyes bored through me as he inched his face closer and closer to mine as he spoke pulling up harder on the chain, forcing me to my tiptoes while the collar bit into my skin.
I nodded my head to the best of my ability, trying to hold back the tears while his grip remained firm on my face.

“Say it
, bitch,” he growled.  “Say, ‘Yes, Sir, I understand’.”

My lower lip was trembling, and I could feel my palms taking on that cold clammy feeling.

, I understand,” I said through my clenched teeth.

He let go of my face, and lowered his hand holding the chain allowing me to stand comfortably.

“Let’s get you out of these grubby cloths, shall we?” he said, trying to sound calmer. He started to unbutton the white blouse, his eyes showing excitement with each undone button from the first to the last. He slipped the soft material from my shoulders and let it fall to the leather sofa. His arms slipped under mine as he unfastened my bra and put it with the blouse. The chain was cold against my bare skin and I shuddered. He stepped back a little, a pert smile on his face in admiration of my naked chest.

“Hands up behind your neck, P
,” he ordered.

I coyly complied, putting my hands behind my neck and locking my fingers together.

“Good, very nice, princess. I want you to stay just like that while I finish undressing you, understand?” He paused, awaiting my compliance.

I nodded.

“No dear, give me the respect I deserve.”

I watched him raise an eyebrow, his eyes once again boring a hole into mine.
“Yes, Sir, I understand,” I repeated very quietly.

He stepped close to me again, reaching up and running his fingers through the hair around my face. He softly stroked my neck with his right hand as his fingers trailed down my chest to my breasts. He squeezed them in both hands and then rubbed my pert nipples with his thumbs.

I shuddered, feeling angry.  I almost thought I heard a tiny groan from his lips. I started to feel my knees shake and I fought against the fear knowing it was something he seemed to enjoy.

His hands wrapped around my lower back and then slid to my buttocks, squeezing them hard, and I gasped as he pulled my pelvis towards his. He lowered himself into a squatting position, delicately kissing my stomach just above the waist of my skirt, while his fingers fumbled to find the clasp in the back and unzip it.

My skirt fell around my ankles and I felt his hands on my hips, he laid his head to my stomach and whispered, “You are very beautiful
, my Precious.”

He slid down my panties and then nudged me to step out of them. His lips were just above my pubis mound as he inhaled slow and deep taking in my scent. His fingers crawled up the back of my thighs and again to my cheeks, squeezing them harder this time until I whimpered. I dropped my hands from behind my neck, pressing them into his shoulders, in an attempt to push him away.

“Eh, eh, eh, Precious,” he said smartly, and slapped my left cheek hard.

I flinched, letting out a meek cry.

“Hands behind your head, my dear,” he said softly as he rubbed the reddened area of my cheek, which was now quite warm.

My thighs were trembling badly and there was little I could do too control it. I placed my hands back behind my head. He pulled himself upright and stood with his hands on my ribcage, tilting me back just slightly, looking down the length of my body slowly and then into my face. I looked down when his eyes met mine and I heard him sigh.

“This will be your new attire while we are here
, my pet. You will soon learn that the length of your chain will allow you into the kitchen, the bathroom, and this room. Do not attempt to remove the collar or you will be severely punished and with far more than a spanking. This is how I want to see you always, my precious, naked, vulnerable, and always ready to serve me. I promise to be fair to you in hope to gain your trust in me…
at me,” he ordered as I hesitantly looked up into his face.

“In three days, you will have a choice to make my dear… you will either choose to embrace your submission to me
or you can go back to your mundane life of being a barmaid.” I felt his index finger under my chin coaxing me to keep eye contact with him. His bright blue eyes tormented me as he looked into mine from one to the other.  “Do you understand Princess?”

I stood there, my hands behind my head trying to make
sense of what he had just said, certain he could see the confusion in my eyes as I contemplated.

“No Sir, I do not understand
,” I said finally.  I watched his face harden just slightly. 

He pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around my sides, to my lower back. I found it awkward to keep my elbows from hitting his face.

“Put your arms down, princess. I can see where all of that may seem very perplexing, but I assure you by this time tomorrow you will have a much better understanding of what I mean.”

He wrapped his arms tighter around me, letting one hand slide to the red mark
s he left on my buttock, caressing them delicately as my breasts pressed into his white shirt just above his abdomen. I was relieved to put my arms down and just let them hang.

“You have gone through a lot in the last seventeen hours princess. I think you would appreciate a nice hot shower and something to eat. I’ll show you to the shower where you will
find everything you need. You have one hour while I order dinner.  When you are done, I want you to come out of the bathroom with your hands behind your head and position yourself near me in a pose of submission, whatever submission means to you in your mind. You might want to give this some thought while you are relaxing in the shower.” His words were soft as he spoke with his cheek resting on the top of my head, as he held me.

He pulled himself from me, took my left wrist along with the chain in his hand and led me past the kitchen, down the short hallway and to the right was the bathroom, with no door. He let go of my wrist and stood to the side of the doorway, leaning up against the wall.

“The reason there is no
door is because you will hide nothing from me that I wish to see. If you are allowed privacy it will be of my choosing. Look at me, Princess, this is important for you to understand now.”

I looked up into his sparking eyes.

“Only you control your mind
, Princess. But from this moment forward I will have complete control of your body. You may feel your treatment at times to be very humiliating and even degrading.  Put your hands behind your neck, dear.” He ordered passively.

I begrudgingly complied, watching his eyes lower to my chest as I brought my arms up. I saw the hint of a smile on his lips before he resumed talking.

“Your body belongs to me for the next three days. As promised, I will not harm you unless your actions such as earlier call for such, as I am sure you would agree. I want to teach you things about yourself that you have probably never even thought of before. I hope that through my control of your body that you will allow your mind the freedom of learning and enjoying the experience, and if nothing else,
you will walk away with a better understanding of who you really are, and who you were always meant to be.” He reached up brushing the hair from my face and eyes.

“Go now, I shall leave you alone for one hour. Please do your best to think about what I have said rather than plotting how to sneak out in the middle of the night
.  I assure you that is
possible,” he said.

I saw him sneer as he looked at his watch.

“One hour
, Princess,” and he walked away leaving me in the doorway.




Chapter 3
: Submission


I stood in the large bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. Black smudged make up under my eyes, my eyelids swollen and puffy, and his dark red hand print on my left cheek, raised and swollen. I turned on the water in the sink and took a washcloth from the shelf above the toilet. I washed my face while contemplating his words.

Three days of being his slut puppy and he was going to just let me go?
But I’ve seen his face now
. I would be able to identify him to the police
. Why would he just let me go? He wants me to feel more at ease,
I thought
. He wants to give me a false sense of security.
I turned off the water, lowered the lid on the toilet, and sat down, holding the warm washcloth to my swollen eyes.

I hope his tongue hurts as much as my cheek does
. I pulled the washcloth from my face and tossed it onto the vanity.

I opened the sliding glass doors on the shower, turned the water on hot, waiting for the steam to start rising. I got in the shower and closed the doors as best I could to accommodate the chain. I closed my eyes as the hot water beaded down on my head, running my hands through my long red hair and wetting it thoroughly. My mind was all over the place as I let the hot water flow down the back of my neck, gathering my hair to one side. His words flooded my mind in a mangled, twisted mess.
What would I understand by this time tomorrow? What does he mean to teach me about myself?
I shuddered at the thought of his controlling my body. What sick and twisted things would he do to me and force me to do to him?

He has to sleep sometime.
What would prevent me from slicing through this collar and slipping out while he slept?

He would probably drug me so that I slept while he did
, I realized. I finally settled on the thought that I should probably make the best of my situation for the next three days, holding onto the hope that he really would let me go in three days time as I finished washing my hair and body.

I grabbed a big white fluffy towel from the rack and wrapped myself in it, while I took another and toweled through my hair, looking at the assortment of items on the vanity. His words came back to my mind,
“a pose of submission.”
I looked at the collar around my neck followed by the long gold chain.
He wants me to act like a dog
, I thought,
an obedient well-trained dog
. I bet he is one of these sick bastards that enjoy watching a woman lick the bottom of his shoes.

I shuddered at the thought of that and started to brush out my hair.

I jumped when I heard a knock at the door, which was not far from the bathroom. I listened as he approached, glancing in on me as he passed the bathroom and answered the door. I heard him say thank you and then close the door and lock it. He walked back past the open bathroom carrying a large silver tray. The smell of food trailed behind him and my stomach growled, loudly reminding me that the last thing I had eaten was a handful of stale trail mix several hours ago. The food smelled very good, and my mouth started to water in anticipation. I could hear him playing with the chain and soon, I felt a modest tug from the collar around my neck.

“Your hour
is up, Princess, come join me for dinner.”  

My stomach lurched and twisted as I tossed the towels in a pile in the corner of the bathroom. I placed my hands behind my neck as I reluctantly left the bathroom and ascended the
hallway, sporting my naked sex and feeling rather shameful. He was right, this was humiliating and I wanted to cover my pussy instinctively, feeling the shame of him seeing me so open and bare.

“Stop there
, my dear, and pull your hair away from your beautiful breasts and let it flow behind your back. I never want you to cover your beautiful bubbly mounds again. Please do try to remember this, or you may receive a punishment next time you hide them from me.”  

I watched his lips curl into a smile as he sat on one of the chairs next to the table
, examining me as I followed his instructions, and placed my hands back behind my neck.

“Very, very, lovely, my dear, now onto all fours and crawl the rest of the way to me,” he said smiling.

I looked down at the floor, ashamed to do as he asked. My insides were shaking as I lowered myself to my hands and knees, moving the chain out of my way as I crawled slowly but steadily towards him. I stopped just short of his feet and then knelt with my feet tucked under me, and my hands respectfully in my lap as I felt the tears forming in my eyes.

“Is this what you feel to be a submissive pose, Precious?” His words were inquisitive and his eyes held a bemused look.

I nodded my head while the smell of the food caused my tummy to rumble, allowing him to hear my hunger. He lifted the lid on the tray of food and my eyes followed.

“You are famished, my dear, but you must earn your dinner before I let you have it.”

I looked back to his face awaiting an explanation as my mouth began to water.

“First of all, my
Precious, I would like to see a true submissive pose while you sit there at my feet begging for your dinner,” he said softly.

He got up from his chair and squatted down in front of me. He took each of my hands and placed one on each of my thighs. Then he pushed open my thighs, put his hand under my ass and lifted me slightly, scooting one foot and then the other under each side of my buttocks. He told me to lift up and to support myself on the balls of my feet as he moved them. This caused my knees to lift from the floor so that I was in more of a squatting position. He brought a finger up under my chin and pushed my head up.

“Straighten up, my dear.”

My back arched and my breasts rose, making my chest more prominent.

“Lesson number one
, Precious, never conceal your decadent treats from me again. I will show you more of what I mean soon.”

He stroked my still damp hair telling me to lower my eyes but not my head to the floor, to which I complied, while he sat back down in his chair. He looked at me for a few moments and then took a few bites of his food while I looked at his gray nylon socks.

“Would you like some food
, Princess?” he asked coyly still chewing on a morsel.

“Yes please,” I said softly without looking up at him.

“Yes please,
” he corrected me. “And you are required to look at me while you speak to me.”

I tried again, in order to please him that I might be rewarded with something from the tray of food

“Much better my pet, now move closer to me. I would like your head to hang just above my crotch while you sit in that same position and I want you to beg for some food.”

Anger welled up inside of me as I leaned forward, placing my hands on the floor, my ass rising shamefully as I crawled closer to him, positioning myself between his open thighs so that my head was positioned just above his crotch. My breasts hung in a resting position partly touching his thighs. He reached to my left breast, tweaking my nipple, causing it to become hard and then did the same to the other as I felt my insides starting to shake.

“Speak pet, tell me what you desire
,” he commanded.

I looked up at his face.
“Please, Sir, may I have some food?” I asked trying to sound as meek as possible.

He took a small piece of breaded fish and laid it on his crotch.
“Eat it from my crotch, pet, and while you do, embrace the feeling of humility.”

I reached
to take the fish and he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it hard. I yelped just a little and looked at him. My eye’s begging him of what I’d done wrong.

“I said to embrace your humility pet. You will eat your meal from my crotch without the use of your hands.”

 His words were stern but the look in his eyes showed a mild excitement. I lowered my palm back to my thigh and lowered my head, bending just enough to pick up the food with my teeth and eat it. He repeated this four more times and each time, I would accept the food by way of lowering my face to his groin.

My shame, as well as my hatred for him continued to build.
You sick bastard
. I felt his finger under my chin, prying my eyes up to meet his. I knew he could see the brimming tears in them that I was trying not to let fall, as I swallowed the bit of food in my mouth.

“Is this hard for you
, my Precious?”  There was an evident smile on his face as he took a drink of wine from his glass.

, Sir,” I whispered, blinking and a single tear rolled down my reddened face.

Surely this is what he meant by degrading. I felt like a controlled animal, conditioned to respond according to the master’s wishes in order to receive my reward. He lowered his glass to my lips and told me to drink as he tilted it up. Some of it dribbled from my lower lip and ran down my chin then to my neck. The wine was bitter and dry, I didn’t like it very much, but I drank none the less. He took a cloth napkin from the tray and wiped at the spilled wine.

“Lean yourself back a little
, pet, and let me see that submissive pose I showed you.” He sounded amused.

I complied with his orders, inching myself backwards a few inches, arching my back with my legs spread, one foot under each of my buttocks while I rested my hands on my thighs and looked down at the soft shag carpet.

I could feel my nose wanting to run as another tear fell and rolled off my cheek, landing on my right nipple. I peeked up through the hair over my eyes and watched as he open his belt and unbuttoned his pants, pulling them open, and exposing his semi-hard member. Resentment ignited, knowing what he was going to order me to do next and my bottom lip started to quiver.

He put a small cut up piece of fruit in
his pubic hair next to his cock and ordered me to come and get it. I paused momentarily, looking up at his face, my eyes begging for him not to desecrate me this way.

“Do it
,” he ordered.  “You must learn to do what you are told, when you are told to do it, without the slightest bit of hesitation, because I assure you, there will be no compromise with me…ever! This is lesson number two, my Precious, that you learn how to please me to
satisfaction, not your own. Your mistakes will cost you later.” He winked.

He placed his hands on his thighs and waited for me to take the fruit from his open sex. I inched myself forward, unable to hold back the tears now and took the fruit with my lips. Before I could lift my head up, his hands were in my hair, he turned my face to the side and pressed my cheek into his pubic hair, forcing me to look at his cock as he rubbed each piece of fruit up and down his shaft and then pressed it to my unwilling lips forcing me to eat it.

My nose was running freely now as I forced myself to chew and swallow the pieces of pineapple and strawberries after he scented them with himself. Tears were running into his hairs, but he paid little attention as his cock grew stiff and hard with my breath against it.

He took hold of himself
, as if he could no longer stand it, and moved the head of his cock to my lips.  He rubbed it back and forth over my mouth while he maneuvered my head with his left hand, gripped firmly in the back of my hair.

I pursed my lips tightly not wanting his
cock in my mouth. I got scared and brought my hands up to his thighs. I tried to push myself back, an audible squeal of resistance tearing itself from my lips.

He gripped my hair tighter, causing me not to wan
t to pull away.

I let a little sob go.

“Oh princess, how I long to have you suckle and drink from me,” he said with a groan. 

I felt his thighs flex against my chest.

“But I am a very patient man, and I will wait for your full submission. I do not want to force myself on you.”

I felt his hand relax in my hair and he pulled it away and softly stroked my cheek and the side of my neck. I felt a flood of relief that he was not going to force his cock into my mouth. The fear of vomiting up my recently eaten food diminished as I sighed in relief, noticing my hands had become cold and clammy as I moved them back to my thighs.

“Sit up, precious, and look at me,” he whispered.

I pulled my head from his lap and straightened myself up, sitting in the pose he had shown me, while I sniff
led to keep my nose from running. I looked into his eyes.

“I need to use the rest room
, Princess. You are free to sit in my chair and finish anything left on the platter that you so desire. There is more wine in the bottle too.” His eyes looked somewhat remorseful as he got up from the chair and carefully moved past me, running the ends of his fingers over the top of my head as he made his way into the hallway.

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