Read Seeing Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

Seeing Love: Saints Protection & Investigations (25 page)

He hesitated, uncharacteristically nervous. “Princess, you’ve got to know that I want you. I want this, but only if it’s what you want. You say the word and we stop.”

“No, don’t stop. Please, Bart. I’m so tired of being lonely.”

As though cold water rushed over him, he halted, gently pushing her back, his eyes boring into hers.

“Oh, no, babe. This means something to me. It needs to means something to both of us. I don’t want this to just be what you use to forget.” In the past, making a lonely woman less lonely for a night was his specialty.
But not now. Not her.

Irritation slashed across her face as she pushed the rest of the way out of his arms. “What?” she asked incredulously, stepping back as she wrapped her arms around her middle. “Can you honestly tell me that you haven’t gotten lost in the arms of a woman before just because you wanted to forget some case you were on?”

“Dammit, Faith,” he huffed. “That’s not fair, and you know that’s not what this is.”

“I don’t know what this is,” she bit back, frustration pouring off her. “Your reputation hardly bespeaks of someone who gets emotionally involved.”

“I told you it was always clear with any woman I’d been with that it was only physical. With you, I never said that because it’s not just physical.” His hands landed on his hips, itching to pull her back in and kiss the confused expression off her face.

he thought,
How’d things get so fucked up?
Sucking in a deep breath, he let it out slowly as he surveyed the confusion in her expression. Cupping her cheek, he said, “You’re right, Faith. I’ve never told you any different so how could you know.” He paused, then added, “Hell, this is all new for me, too.” He slid his hand from her face down to her hand and laced his fingers through her delicate ones. Giving a little pull, he tugged her so she was sitting on the edge of the bed. He dragged a chair closely so that when he sat, his knees encased her legs on either side.

“Right now, this,” he said, pointing between the two of them, “is as real as it gets. You need to believe that I have never had another woman in this house, other than my mom, Sabrina, or Miriam. Never. This is my place and not where I ever brought a hook-up.” He watched her dark eyes grow wide as he gave a nod, making sure she was following him.

“And if this were only physical, I’d have said so, but it’s not.” He reached to her lap, engulfing her small hands in his much larger ones, moving his fingers over her soft skin. “Princess, in less than a week, you’ve gotten to know me more than any other woman and I sure as hell know you more than anyone else in my life.” Before she could respond, he added, “And I love what I know.”

She lowered her gaze to their clasped hands, watching as he held them gently. Lifting her eyes, she saw nothing but sincerity in the deep blue orbs. “I…I didn’t mean to debase what was happening between us,” she admitted. “I’ve just been alone for such a long time and well…if sex was all you were offering, I was willing to take it.” She gave a little snort, saying, “I know that makes me like the other women, willing to take what I could get, even if I knew it would hurt that it couldn’t be more.”

“This is not about sex to me,” he vowed. “Not with you. This is real. This is emotion. I don’t have a clue what else it can be since I’ve never gone down this road, but I’m willing to give it my all to find out.” He moved his head in closer, his heart pounding nervously. “That is, if you’ll have me.”

Gifting him with her smile, she whispered against his lips, “Yes, I want you.”

Fighting the urge to move swiftly, he forced himself to go slow. Take his time and savor every flavor and feeling. His fingers itched to glide along her silky skin but, more than ever in his life, he wanted this woman to feel treasured…and know she truly was treasured.

They stood again, this time toe to toe, before he lifted her in his arms. All she felt was his lips on hers, his hand on her ass, and she wanted it all. The kiss flamed white hot once more, stealing her breath.

She tugged her arms out of her robe before grasping the bottom of her shirt and jerking it quickly over her head, pulling away from his kiss just long enough for the material to pass between them.

Her breasts, covered in a functional, white bra, looked delectable to him. All other thoughts of silk or satin undergarments flew from his mind. His knees almost buckled, but not from her slight weight. He moved his lips from hers, trailing kisses from her neck to the top of her breasts. With a flip of his fingers, the front-clasp popped open and the bra quickly fell away.

She gasped as the cool air moved over her exposed breasts, her nipples pebbling tightly both from desire and cold.

Alternating from one to the other, he sucked her nipples until he thought he would go mad with want.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him tighter, feeling the distinct bulge in his pants. A very large bulge.
I’m no virgin, but it’s been a really long time,
she thought, as she moved her core against his erection. She grasped his chiseled jaws with her hands for another kiss, plunging her tongue in, tasting all that was him.

Not recognizing the moan coming from himself, he bent with her still in his arms to grab the comforter, tossing it down. Laying her gently on her back, he stood over her partially naked form. Her perfect breasts beckoned but, before he could answer the call, she slid her hands down to push off her socks and pajama bottoms. Smiling, he leaned over her body, resting his weight on either side of her. “I’ve got this, princess. Unwrapping this gift is just for me.” He took over, sliding the bottoms down her legs, taking her white panties and green fuzzy socks with them.

“Perfection,” he said, looking down at her. It had not escaped his thoughts that a week ago, she was the last woman he expected to be with—or fall for. Easy women with no expectations of cuddling afterward were his forte. A sweet woman who made him think of a future longer than just one night was not on his radar. Now, she was all he could think about.

His hands reached for her tiny feet and lifted them. Sliding up her legs, he moved them apart, exposing her pink folds. Kneeling on the floor between her legs he kissed from her knees upward until his mouth covered her pussy. Sucking hard, he licked along her slit, lapping her juices until he pulled her clit into his mouth.
Jesus, I could come right now.

“Bart,” she moaned, trying to pull on his hair to bring him back up. “I need you.”

“Not until you come, babe. I want you ready to take all of me when I finally get inside of you.”

His words barely filtered in as her body began to quiver from deep inside, sending bolts outward. She arched off the bed and he splayed his fingers on her pelvis to hold her still. She began to writhe more, her hips undulating upwards, seeking sweet relief. He added a finger into her pussy while still sucking on her clit. The feelings were overwhelming and moans escaped her as she felt herself climbing higher and higher until she cried out his name as the tremors overtook, shattering her into a million pieces. As the spasms slowed, she barely lifted her head off the mattress to see his smiling face looking up at her.

He lapped her juices before raising up from the floor, placing his finger in his mouth, not wanting to miss a single taste. He grabbed the back of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. His hands went to his jeans, unbuttoning them as quickly as he could.

As he shucked his jeans, her eyes traveled down from his wide shoulders to his naked chest. She looked at the intricate tattoo on his shoulder. It appeared to be some kind of bird with a trident, an anchor, and a gun.
That must be from his SEAL days.
She had never been attracted to tattoos, but this one made her want to discover it in detail…with her tongue.

As her eyes continued their path downward, she confirmed what she already knew. Powerfully built, with massive chest muscles, chiseled abs, and a tight stomach that ended in a perfect V traveling downwards. Her gaze caught the glint of silver on his chest and, at first glance, she determined it was a pendant.
Hmmm, that must be important.
Before she could process it further, her gaze automatically continued down to the end of the delicious V. Now that his jeans and boxers were off, her eyes feasted on his cock. She gawked at the pure, male specimen standing in front of her.

The realization washed over her that he had been with many women—more experienced, more sexy, more…everything.

He saw her expression go from desire to uncertainty. Leaning over, he placed his hands on either side of her shoulders, surrounding her with his presence. “What’re you thinking, princess? If you’re unsure about this, we can stop.”

Her eyes looked down as she struggled for the right words. “I know you…uh…have had a lot of…uh…partners—”

“I’m clean,” he said, “but I’ve got condoms. You’re safe with me, I promise. I get tested—”

“No, no,” she interrupted, her blush flaming her face. “That’s not what I meant.” Pulling in her lips, she kept her eyes on his chest, not willing to look directly at him.

He lifted her chin with his fingers, and said, “We’re getting off on the wrong foot if you can’t tell me what’s on your mind.”

Nodding her agreement, she lifted her gaze back to his face, her cheeks still warm from the blush. “Um…I meant, you’ve had a lot of…uh…experience and with um…women who have had a lot also. I guess. I mean, I assume they have. Not that I should assum—”

He placed his finger on her lips, stilling her words, knowing that saying them was costing her dignity. Her expression almost broke him. She looked so unsure.
My fuckin’ reputation is biting me in the ass! How can I ever convince her that there’s no comparison between her and the others before?

Lowering himself gently to her side, he propped his head up on his right hand, letting his left settle on her hip, rolling her toward him. “Faith, there’s nothing in the world I can say that’ll make you feel any better about who I was before I met you. But you’ve gotta believe me when I say, that was

“Bart, we’ve known each other for a week and the first half of that you hated me.”

“I get that, and I’m not making any promises here other than
are different,
is different, and I want to explore what’s between
. What I’m experiencing, I’ve never felt before. And I sure as hell am not comparing you to anyone before, other than to say that being with you is blowing anyone else out of my mind.”

She reached over, running her fingertips over his stubbled jaw before sliding them into his hair. “We seem to always be at odds, don’t we?” she asked, sadness filling her dark eyes.

“No, princess,” he protested. “We’re moving past that and moving forward. That’s what I want you to focus on—nothing in the past, just us, here and now and the future.”

His words flowed, filling her lonely corners. Smiling, she leaned over, keeping her eyes on his as she kissed him softly.
Maybe tonight is all I’lI have with him…but he’s right…for tonight, there’ll be no looking at the past.

Laying on his side with her next to him, he began to explore every delicious curve. She traced the smattering of chest hair tickling her nipples and as his hand moved between them to cup her breasts, she felt the jolt down to her core. She watched as he lowered his head, beginning to suckle once more. Rolling his tongue around the tight bud, he pulled her nipple deep into his mouth eliciting a moan from her lips.

Moving between her breasts, he reveled in the silky, smooth skin, knowing his jaw stubble was abrading, then secretly smiling at the thought of marking her.
Jesus, what a caveman move.
Sliding his fingers down over her stomach toward her mound, he cupped her, slightly touching her clit.

She jerked upward at the sensitive touch and grabbed his hair with both of her hands, tugging his mouth back to hers. Once more losing herself in his kiss, she sucked his tongue deeply.

Groaning, he took over, owning her mouth with his. As he moved his finger through her slick folds, he pulled his lips away from hers, kissing his way down her body—over her breasts and back up to the sensitive spot where her pulse beat wildly.

Knowing her pussy was now wet and relaxed, he placed his engorged cock at her entrance, then hesitated. “Has it been awhile? I don’t want to hurt you.” He hated asking. Hated even thinking of her other partners, but recognized the double standard in his mind. Navigating unchartered waters, he forced his expression to be neutral.

Lowering her eyes in embarrassment, she replied, “Um, about a year.”

His eyes widened in shock, but quickly recovered, not wanting to embarrass her further.
Fuck yeah,
he thought once again. Feeling like a caveman once more, he moved to the side to roll on a condom. He gently entered her, filling her a little bit at a time, allowing her to adjust to his size. She moaned at the fullness and the pressure that immediately began to build. With a final push, he was in all the way and began to pump slowly.

The tightness of his engorged cock filling her stretched her inner muscles more than ever before. She clasped her arms around his shoulders before moving them to his back, feeling the tight muscles moving underneath his smooth skin.

“More, I need more,” she said in a whisper and he began to pump faster, rocking her body. She wrapped her legs around his tight waist in an attempt to draw him closer as the delicious feeling of friction was soon sending her over the edge again.
Two orgasms in one night. I’ve never had that,
she realized as the shock waves pulsated from her inner core outwards.

He felt her pussy walls grab his dick and her natural juices made the pounding easier. He captured her lips once more, imitating the motion of his thrusting with his tongue. He sensed his balls tighten and knew he was close. Keeping his eyes on her face, he wanted to see her pleasure…he wanted to own her pleasure.

For a second, he wondered about the instinctive, intimate connection to this woman, but quickly turned his mind back to the amazing feeling of driving deep inside of her.
If I have my way, she’ll never be lonely again.
Her eyes were closed and the bliss that covered her expression was all he needed. Throwing his head back, he powered through his orgasm, pulsating deep inside as her pussy tightened around him once again.

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