September Tango (17 page)

Read September Tango Online

Authors: Scarlett Jade,Llerxt the 13th

The crowd cheered and she saw several cameras flash. She grinned like a buffoon. Layla came up to them beaming. “It's time to cut the cake!” Calvin took her hand and they walked over to a small table where a simple three layer cake stood. It had been hand decorated; someone had spent time creating roses with icing and the daisies that trailed down the side.

“It's beautiful,” she whispered. “Who made it?”

Pops finally spoke up. “Minnie Wilder made it.” The woman she'd been so unkind to on the phone stepped out of the crowd. Her kind, thin face broke into a smile.

“Congratulations on your wedding. I... I wanted to give you something beautiful. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything. I tried to get your father to tell you about us for months. I hope you enjoy it.” She twisted her hands in front of her nervously.

Zoe ran across the sand to her and held her tight. “Thank you, and I'm so sorry for being a bitch.”

“You weren't. You were being protective.” She stroked Zoe's hair softly and kissed her cheek. “You are a beautiful bride.” She stepped back into the throng and Zoe joined Calvin, her eyes sparkling with tears.

They cut the cake and fed each other bites. Calvin picked up a piece and pretended he was smearing it in her face. “Don't you dare,” she murmured, giving him a dirty look. He laughed and popped the bite in her mouth. Once cake was served, they were handed an envelope.

Grams smiled at them as they opened it. “We didn't have time to get y'all a load of fancy presents, and frankly, how were you gonna take it with you? So, we all pitched in, a little here, a little there, and you've got a nice start for feathering your nest once you get to Colorado.” The envelope was stuffed full of cash.

Calvin held the envelope back out to her. “Grams, this is too much.”

She shook her head and smiled. “We all want you to have it. You are good kids.”

Layla ruined the poignant moment by yelling, “It's time to throw the bouquet!” Calvin hugged Grams and all of the unmarried women lined up behind Zoe to catch the bouquet. She was laughing and counting, getting ready to throw the flowers.

Grams nudged him. “You did good, Calvin.”

He kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Grams.”

The flowers sailed over her head, and went right into Layla's arms. She looked up, blushing. “I'm not getting married anytime soon!”

Zoe floated across the sand to him and he pulled her into his arms. “What do you think about getting out of here? I have one last surprise for you tonight, my wife.”

She smiled brilliantly in the fading dusk, her face only illuminated by the lanterns strewn across the beach. “I will go wherever you go.” Layla had driven his car to the beach. He walked over to her and whispered in her ear. She handed him the keys and kissed his cheek. They hugged and kissed Grams and Pops before leaving the beach among cheers and shouts. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks and was grateful for the dusk that hid her face. He stroked her knee.

You are beautiful, Zoe. I'm so damn happy.” He hit the highway heading to Mobile.

Where are we going?”

I'm taking you somewhere special. Just for tonight. This place is ours.” He turned off the main road and took her back into the forest, the little road opening to a clearing, right on the water. A two story grey house stood on stilts. She looked at him curiously.

What's this place?”

Tim rented this place for us as a wedding present. It's a beach house.” He parked the car and got out, walking around to her side and opening the door. They walked hand in hand up the stairs and he unlocked the little blue door. “Wait.” He swept her into his arms and carried her across the threshold. He cradled her in his arms and kissed her warm mouth. “God help me, I love you.” He eased her down to standing and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Dance with me again, Calvin.” He pulled her to him and sang to her as they spun around the floor. Tears filled her eyes and she held on as they danced. He gently eased them to a stop and tipped her face up to his.

Don't cry, Beautiful.” He wiped the tears from her face, the gentleness making her sob harder.

I can't help it.” She wiped her eyes and whispered, “Today has been the most perfect day of my life.”

He kissed her slowly, his lips moving gently over hers. She gasped and he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She frantically grabbed his neck, pulling him closer. He held her close and eased them back until she bumped into the wall. His mouth brushed her cheeks, tasting her tears. He kissed down her neck and brushed his mouth over her collar bones. She groaned and arched into him. He slowly unzipped the back of her dress and the beautiful gown pooled around her feet. He stepped back and his eyes took her in. “I can't believe you're mine.”

She stepped forward with glowing eyes and a tremulous smile. “Forever.”

He swept her into his arms and carried her through the beautiful beach house, barely taking in the cool colors of the furniture and the simplicity of the design. He could only focus on his beautiful wife. He carried her into the master bedroom, flipping the light on and kicking the wooden door shut behind them. He set her back on the hardwood floor. She glanced around for a split second and saw the huge mahogany canopy bed that was littered with deep red rose petals. She caught his hand and pulled him closer.

“Wait,” he whispered. “Close your eyes.”

She closed her eyes and heard a lighter click. She smirked, knowing he was lighting the tens of candles on every surface of the furniture. She heard the light switch being turned off and smiled again. “Sorry, I meant to have it already done, Zoe.”

“Calvin, shut up.” She opened her eyes and was dazzled by the flickering of the candles. The light danced against the walls and dappled her creamy skin with shadow. He stepped closer, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. She touched his bare chest and ran her fingers through the light dusting of hair there. They came together frantically, mouths melding together. His fingers traced circles on her back and she arched into him. He popped the hooks on her bra and the fabric fluttered down between them, long forgotten. “You're wearing too many clothes, husband,” she whispered against his lips. Her hand skimmed over his growing erection and he groaned.

Undress me, then.”

Your wish is my command, husband.” A smile flickered at the corners of her mouth. She eased his shirt down his arms and it fell to the floor. She unbuttoned his pants and knelt, giving him a slow and smoldering look as she unzipped the pants. She found black boxer briefs beneath the pants and slipped her hands inside, cupping his ass and pushing both the pants and underwear down his legs. She gave him no time to pull the clothing off as she caught his erection in her hand. She slid her hand up and down his length a few times, gently stroking. He clenched his jaw and threw his head back, groaning.

Zoe, you have to stop.” He put his hand over hers. She looked up at him, her dark eyes and flushed face his undoing. With a growl, he kicked his clothing the rest of the way off and pulled her into his arms. “You're still wearing clothes, my wife,” he murmured against her neck. She squirmed at the rasp of his barely there beard and gasped at the soft kisses he pressed to her skin.

Only panties,” she gasped out.

They are lovely panties.” He smiled. “But, they are totally unnecessary.” His warm hands smoothed down her satiny skin to her hips, where a scrap of barely there lace was waiting for him to remove it. He knelt and slowly pulled the fabric down her impossibly long legs. He ran his hand down the back of her calf and lifted one foot, then the other. He tossed the lace and it landed with the rest of their clothes. She shivered as his hands skimmed back up her legs. “You're perfect,” he murmured against her stomach.

Calvin, love me.”

Baby, I already do. I couldn't love you more if I tried.” He stood and took her hand. “Come to bed with me.” He lay down against the deep blue comforter and pulled her on top of him. He eased a hand into her hair. “I want to see your hair down, Beautiful.”

She sat up and pulled the pins from her hair, raven curls slipping down her shoulders. As she ran her hands through her hair, her breasts jutted forth and he leaned forward, catching one nipple in his mouth. She gasped at the pull of his mouth against her skin. “Calvin.”

He pulled her on top of him, his mouth never leaving her breast. Her hair fell around them like a curtain and her smell was intoxicating. “Has anyone ever told you that you smell incredible?”

No,” she smiled against his chest.

Well you do.” He rolled over and she fell against the deep blue blanket. “My God, you are beautiful.” He kissed down her body, inch by inch, and the drumming in her core became more than she could bear. She grasped his shoulders and pulled him back up.

Calvin, I want you,” she gasped. The head of his erection pressed against her slick folds. She wrapped her legs around him. “Please.” She pressed with the heels of her feet into his ass, begging for him to take her.

I wanted it to be special,” he groaned.

Baby, it is. Please. I want you.” She licked her lips and he bent to kiss them as he slipped deep inside her. She held on tight, arching as he thrust deeper. “Calvin,” she cried out, her nails digging into his back. He felt her slick walls tightening around his cock as he drove into her. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she flushed hot. He lifted her hips and arched his hips, hitting her sweet spot. It took two strokes and she was screaming in his arms, clenching his cock with her heat.

Zoe...” He kissed her neck and chest between thrusts, coming ever closer to the precipice. She grabbed at his hips, bucking into him, sweat beading on her brow. “Come with me, Beautiful,” he murmured against her flushed skin.

She held on tight as he loved her, the feel of his skin against hers her undoing. She cried out as he filled her again and again. She saw stars behind her lids and her whole body tightened as she came around him. He let her hips go and exploded, pressing his mouth to her neck. “Zoe,” he whispered as they lay spent, wrapped in each other’s arms. “I'll never get tired of this.”

“Me either,” she smiled as she stroked his skin. “I love you.” He kissed her and the light from the candles blurred as tears filled her eyes. He withdrew and pulled her into his arms.

As their passion cooled, she kissed his shoulder. “You know, today has been one of the most beautiful days of my life.”

He smiled at her softly. “Yeah? Mine too.”

I'm going to miss you, Baby,” she whispered, her voice cracking.

He pulled her into his arms and she tucked her head under his chin against his chest. “I know, Zoe. I hate that we are getting married and we've only got days together before I leave again.”

“It's only six months, at least.” She tried to smile through her tears.

Yeah, then I can hopefully transfer somewhere closer to Alabama so I can be closer to Grams, Pops and Layla. I don't want to miss any more time with them. I've missed out on five years, you know? Grams and Pops are getting older, and Layla's gonna be going to college soon. I just... I feel like shit for missing so much.” He sighed and stroked her arm. “Thank you.”

For what?” She leaned back and looked into his eyes.

For everything. For loving me, for being with me when I went to my parents' graves. For just being understanding and the best damn woman in the world.” He kissed her mouth gently.

Calvin...” She murmured between his languid kisses. “Thank you for loving me.”

It's not a hard job.” He shrugged and kissed her forehead. “You are insanely lovable.”

Not what my Dad thinks,” she choked out.

Maybe not, but it's his loss, Baby.” He tipped her chin up and stared deep into her eyes. “You are a wonderful woman and I cannot understand where his mind is writing what he did to you, Baby. I don't know how anyone could hurt you like that. The only thing I can say is maybe it's his way of letting out grief. I don't know. But you are always gonna be loved by me.” He slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her slowly. “Always,” he whispered against her mouth. “And don't you forget it, Beautiful.”

He pulled her into his arms as she cried and he rocked her gently to and fro, humming into her ear and rubbing her back. A few minutes later, he gently stopped rocking and eased back, looking at his new wife. She had fallen asleep, her lashes damp against her cheeks. He smiled softly and traced his thumb against her dewy skin. “You'll never have to worry about not being loved again, Zoe. Not as long as I live and breathe,” he whispered into her hair.


Chapter Twenty-Three
– Wednesday


She woke up wrapped in his arms, early morning sunlight sliding through the filmy blue curtains at the window. She smiled as she watched him sleep, his eyes closed and his mouth slack. The warm sunlight gilded his chocolate skin and highlighted the rough angles of his face. She stroked her thumb gently over his full lower lip and he wrinkled his nose. She snickered and gently pulled out of his arms. He didn't stir. She padded through the beautiful house, as naked as the day she'd been born, touching the beautiful woodwork of the walls and browsing through the kitchen, finding the huge stainless steel refrigerator stocked with some basics. She pulled the coffee pot out onto the deep blue tile counter and started some brewing before searching out the bathroom. She found it down the hall, and it was very masculine in forest green and blue. She finished her morning rituals, using a brand new toothbrush she found in the cupboard. She tiptoed back down the hall to their room and dug through her luggage to find some yoga pants and a tee shirt. She pulled them on quietly and slipped back out the door to the small kitchen.

Stretching and relishing the ache in her core, she rummaged through the rough wood cupboards to find a coffee cup. She found some powdered coffee creamer and sugar, finally, and made herself a cup of coffee, padding out the door to the small porch. She leaned on the railing and watched the water while she drank her brew.

She felt his arms come around her and she leaned back against his chest. “Good morning,” he rumbled into her ear and she shivered.

Good morning, Calvin.” She sat her cup on the railing and turned in his arms. He kissed her deeply, and the heat surprised her.

I wish we didn't have to leave here. I could think of so many things to do with you in the house... On the porch... On the dock... In the water...” He groaned softly against her ear. “I'm sorry this is probably the world's shortest honeymoon.”

She smiled and kissed his neck. “Don't be sorry. I'm happy. I'm with you.”

He kissed her again and sighed. “Beautiful, we are going to have to go soon.”

What time is our flight?” She turned to grab her cup. “I need more coffee.” She walked back into the house and he followed behind her, rubbing his head.

Eleven. We should get there early.”

So coffee should be to go, yes?” She opened the cupboard and pulled down a travel mug. “I can make us some quick breakfast. I saw some bagels and cream cheese. Will that work?”

Yeah, Babe, that would be great.” He opened the fridge and pulled out the food, searching for the toaster. “Really? No toaster?”

She snorted. “Doesn't appear so. We could find a cookie sheet and heat them in the oven, I guess.” She bent and rummaged through the shelves, finally finding a cake pan. “This will have to do.”

He split open the bagels and dropped them in the cake pan. “Trust a bachelor not to have a cookie sheet.”

I figured he'd at least have a pizza pan.” She smirked and finished stirring her coffee. “I'm going to finish getting dressed while those toast.”

He nodded as he slid the pan in the oven. “Works for me, I'm ready to go.” He wore a tee shirt and shorts.

She trailed her fingers down the wall as she walked to the bedroom.
It's a damn shame we can't just stay like this forever. Just me and him, in the middle of nowhere. I wish we had more time.
Her chest tightened and she sighed sadly.
We just have to make the best of the time we have.

She slipped off her comfortable clothes and got her lingerie on and was pulling on her jeans as he walked in the door. “Mmm...” He started. “What a beautiful vision.” He leaned against the door jamb and grinned wickedly. “If only we had more time I'd be peeling that little red bra off and loving on your beautiful breasts.”

She blushed. “But we don't.”

Don't make me contemplate a quickie...” He pushed himself off the door and came toward her.

She squealed and hopped away, trying to button her pants. “No! We have to go!”

He laughed and brushed a finger over her cleavage. “Alright, I'll behave. The bagels are ready. Have you got what you need out of the bags? I can take them to the car.”

She nodded, pulling her coral colored top over her head. “Yeah, I'm finished.” He hefted them in both hands and walked down the hall. She slipped her sandals on and made up the bed they'd shared. She smiled ruefully at the bittersweet thoughts running through her mind.

She walked to the door and looked around the room one last time. There was a sad sort of finality in leaving the house. Reality was crashing in a little too fast. He was waiting by the car with coffee and bagels in hand. “Come on, Beautiful, let's go.” He smiled beautifully and she felt her heart trip as she walked toward him.
How can I be so damn lucky?

She climbed in the car and took her bagel and coffee. “Thank you.” He started the car and they headed toward Mobile. He drove smoothly with one hand, munching on his bagel with the other. “You know,” she mumbled around a bite of bagel, “I've never been on a plane.”

“Really?” He chewed the bite in his mouth and swallowed. “I've been on so many it's like second nature now. We'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about.”

She grinned and took a sip of her drink. “I'm not worried, I'm excited.”

“Good.” He smiled and finished his bagel. The ride was fairly short and they spent the rest of the time in the car in silence, just enjoying the time together. He took the exit toward the airport and she sighed.

I have to say, it's pretty damn bittersweet to leave Major.” She fiddled with the seat belt across her thighs.

I know, Babe. I felt the same way when I left the first time. Fort Carson will be your second home before you know it. I called the First Sergeant of the Rear Detachment, he's getting some appointments set up for us so we can get into an apartment and I can get you signed up for insurance. He says his wife is looking forward to meeting you and that there is a great group of women for you to spend time with.”

She squeezed his hand. “I'll be fine. I'm a tough cookie.”

They pulled into the parking lot of the airport and he parked. She climbed out into the sweltering heat and groaned. The AC had been nice. He carried their bags inside. “I need to return the keys to the car rental.”

Okay, I'll wait here with the bags.” She sat down and he hustled over to the counter.

LaTisha happened to be working again and she smiled wide. “Hey, Darlin', your back long before I thought you'd be. Did you miss LaTisha?”

Calvin smiled. “I sure did. My wife is sitting over there with our bags; I need you to hurry so I can catch our plane.” He handed her the keys.

Your wife?” She smacked her lips. “Damn, LaTisha is always after the married men.” She sighed. “Jerry, he gonna check over the ride and then we can finish up some paperwork, boo.” She turned and yelled, “Jerry, get your ass out here!”

Jerry came out of the back, a wide grin on his face. “What's up, blood? It's damn good to see you back here! Let's go scope out the wheels and then we can finish every thang right on up, ya hear?”

Calvin nodded. “Alright, let's go.”

They walked back out into the soupy heat and Jerry went over the car quickly. “She looks good; you got enough gas in her. We good, blood. Let's sign that paperwork. Thank you for using our rental service.”

They walked back into the terminal and Zoe winked at him. He smiled and walked back to the counter, signing a few pages before smiling at LaTisha. “Thanks.”

Thank you, honey. You done made LaTisha's day again. Lord!” She fanned herself with the stack of papers and he snickered as he walked back to his beautiful wife.

What are you giggling at?” She stood as he picked up the bags.

I'll tell you on the plane.” They walked through the terminal, going through the security checkpoints and heading to their gate. They would be boarding in just a few minutes. He looked over at her and smiled. “We barely made it in time.”

See? We had no time for a quickie.” She grinned and smacked his arm gently.

He laughed. “No? Wanna join the mile high club, my wife?”

She looked at him like he had lost his mind. “Eww. No. So, what's the plan once we reach Colorado?”

He shifted his backpack. “We will get a rental car and head to the base. I think with the time difference, we should be able to make it to get you signed up for insurance today, maybe even make it to housing. Then we will get a motel room, the ones on base are pretty nice. Tomorrow we can head out and look for apartments. Does that sound okay?”

She nodded. “Yeah, works for me.”

Did you want to grab anything for the plane?” He fished in his pocket for his wallet.

Nope, I have my Kindle in my purse, and I am not too hungry. I should be fine.” She brushed her hair off her forehead.

I have my iPod and my phone, we can stay busy.”

You sure you don't want to read some naughty romance books with me?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “You might get ideas.”

He laughed. “I don't need a romance book to give me ideas!”

“No?” She smirked as they started boarding the plane. “You sure?”

Hell yes, I'm sure. I haven't heard you complain yet.” He paused and stuck his backpack in the overhead compartment and sat down beside her, letting her take the window seat. “Wait. I mean you are satisfied, right?”

She giggled. “Yes, Calvin, I'm very satisfied. I don't have to fake orgasms with you.”

“Thank God.” He rolled his eyes skyward and she laughed again. An older woman took the outside seat and they waited patiently for the plane to take off. He leaned over and whispered. “You're cute.”

She turned and smiled. “You still aren't getting fucked on a plane, Calvin.”

He laughed and the older woman beside them gave them a horrified look. They finally took off and were able to use their electronics. Zoe turned her Kindle on and began reading a book and Calvin played some game on his phone. The stewardess brought around drinks and she was over half way into the book when they began descending into Denver. He shut his phone off and stuck it in his pocket. “We are in Mountain Time, it's only one here right now, so we should be able to make it to Fort Carson before four, and if we hustle ass, we can get to these appointments.”

Okay.” She stretched her legs and turned her Kindle off. “I can hustle.”

The plane landed and they left the plane and he pointed to a sign over head. “Can you wait for the baggage and meet me over at the car rental when you get them? I hate you toting them that far, but this way we can save time.”

She nodded. “I can handle it, Calvin. I'll meet you there.” He kissed her quickly and took off through the crowd. She walked over to baggage claim and waited for their bags. Luckily, hers had a handle with wheels. She got their bags and saw him coming back down the way, holding a set of keys over his head. “That was fast!”

Yay for teamwork, right? I got there before everyone else on this flight. Here, let me take these.” He left her with her rolling bag. “Let's get hustling, Mrs. Hall.” They moved quickly through the throngs of people and when the glass doors opened, she braced herself for soupy heat. When she found a mild heat, she sighed.

God it's not humid!”

He laughed. “Yeah it's not as bad here.” He pointed to a small green car. “That's the one I got. I'm going to take you and get a car for you before I leave. I can turn the car in on base, so everything works out. Layla is just going to have to use the Jeep until we can drive both cars up from Mobile.”

“Yeah, I didn't think about all that.” She sighed as they loaded into the little car.

Don't worry about it. We'll get it all done.” He squeezed her hand and started the car. “We're gonna break a few laws getting to Fort Carson.” He hit the interstate and the speedometer was pushing eighty.

Ooh, I'm going to tell Tim!” She giggled and held on as he maneuvered carefully through traffic.

I'm out of his jurisdiction, but I'll slow down a little.” The needle dropped to seventy-five and they cruised to the base. As they drew closer he handed her his wallet. “Will you pull out my military ID?”

She nodded. “Do I need any ID?”

“Yeah, pull out your Driver's License, we may have to do some paperwork, depends on how nice the soldier at the gate is.” They exited to the base and within minutes pulled to a stop. He handed their ID's to a soldier who bent to look in the car.

You're good to go, Soldier, enjoy your time at Fort Carson.” He waved them on and Calvin let out a breath.

Thankfully, he didn't stop me. Rank helps.” He smirked.

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