September Tango (5 page)

Read September Tango Online

Authors: Scarlett Jade,Llerxt the 13th

Chapter Eight
– Early Saturday


She got up from the seat and looked up at him in disbelief. “I know how you were in school, Calvin.”

Those days are behind me. Besides, I was a regular customer here. It'll be nice to see this place again.” The two of them walked up to the entrance and Calvin inserted the key into the lock and turned it clockwise. With a click, Calvin was able to push the door open. He flipped the lights on and looked around. The old place hadn't changed much. Still brown and cream, with a gaudy disco ball and strobe lights hanging from the ceiling. Chipped Formica tables and yellow chairs stood on the floor in front of the glossy lanes.  “What sized shoes do you need?”

Why?” She asked defensively. He shook his head.

For bowling shoes, Zoe, we are in a bowling alley after all.”

Oh, yeah, right,” she said, embarrassed. “I guess a size 10 then.”

Alright, I will return.” He walked behind the counter, turned on the strobe lights and made the disco ball spin. He then ducked down and emerged holding two pairs of bowling shoes.

She looked around curiously at the light show he'd put on. “What's with the set up?”

“Oh, you know,” he started, “Just trying to impress you with a bunch of smoke and mirrors.”

She walked over to the counter, grabbed the collar of his polo and pulled him close. Her breath smelled like fresh peppermint. “You've already impressed me, no smoke and mirrors to it.” She gently pressed her lips against his, a feather soft brush that left him wanting. She stared into his eyes for a split second then let him go. She turned to walk away.

“Come back here,” he said, grabbing her hand and jerking her back to the counter. She gasped softly as her midsection bumped against the edge. “Don't think you're going to walk away after giving me that pathetic kiss.” He caught her chin in his hand and slanted his mouth over hers. His lips were hot and smooth, a little stubble grazing her face as he kissed deeper. She expected a rough kiss after he had jerked her back, but the kiss that he delivered was smooth and hot. She gasped and his tongue flickered into her mouth, making love to hers, their mouths melding together. He took his time, slowly exploring and devouring her. She quivered with desire when he slowly sucked and nibbled her bottom lip. He gently pulled back and murmured, “Now that was a kiss.” She could do little more than nod.

He turned and snagged the shoes, trying to prevent the grin that was spreading across his face.
Damn, that was an incredible kiss,
he thought.
Good thing I'm wearing loose jeans.
He caught her hand and they walked towards the lane he had set up. He handed her her bowling shoes before sitting down beside her.

I hope you don't mind going first.”

Nope, I like going first,” she smiled cheekily.

Do you?” His voice rumbled across the table, smoky and smooth. She shivered again.

I do.”

I'll keep that in mind.” She realized very quickly he meant a lot more than just going first in bowling.  After the shoes were on, she pushed back her hair, picked up her bowling ball and started to walk down the lane. “You don't need me to put the guard rails up for you, do you?” Calvin teased.

She looked back at him. “I can do perfectly fine by myself, thank you very much.” She turned and threw the ball down the lane and watched as it went straight into the gutter. “Don't laugh at me,” She turned back at him, “I meant to do that.”

He smiled. “Of course you did. I'm sure those gutters haven't been cleaned in a while.”

Fuck you,” She said playfully bending over to pick up her ball.

He quickly walked behind her, pulled her up and turned her around until she faced him. Her breath quickened. “Name the time and place and I'm there.” He said softly. She gasped slightly at his words.

“You couldn't handle it.” She quipped back.

The heat from her breath made his cock throb. “Oh, I can last.”

“Prove it,” She challenged, pushed him off before turning towards the lane.
I'm already doing all I can not to fuck you right here and now,
he thought. She readjusted herself before walking down the lane for her second attempt. She rolled the ball, this time successfully knocking down nine of the ten pins. “Let's see you do better,” she taunted as she walked past him running his hand along his arm as she passed.

Shouldn't be too hard to do,” he taunted, trying to shake off his now throbbing erection. He found it very hard to concentrate knowing that she was watching his every move. He slowly picked up the ball and set himself up to bowl.

Nice form you got there,” he heard her shout from behind.

He looked over his shoulder. “I'll have you know that technique is everything.”

“Is that so?”

You'll find out.” He turned back towards the pins, took a deep breath to calm his racing heart and attempted to roll the ball. It swerved towards the outer gutter, stayed on the edge of the lane and only hit the very last pin. He turned back and observed the cheeky smile on Zoe's face. “Yeah, still better than what you did the first time.”

Whatever you say.” She rolled her eyes. He walked back, picked up his ball and tried again. He hit the pin in the front, but two of the pins in the back remained standing as the ball went past. As he walked back, she was already walking towards him. “Looks like I'm winning,” she teased.

The night's still young,” he commented. His heart raced as she walked by, while his erection hadn't gone down at all. She picked up her ball, walked down the lane and rolled it knocking down all of the pins.

Yeah, take that, asshole,” she teased.

He stood up and walked over to her. He stood in front of her, looked her in the eyes and brought his lips inches away from hers. “It's on.”

“Bring it.” She smirked, pulling herself away from him. The temptation to rip her clothes off in the middle of the bowling alley continued to grow causing beads of sweat to form on his brow as he fought it. He shook slightly as he picked up his bowling ball, took another deep breath and stepped up to bowl. He tossed the ball down the lane and with the crash, the entire lane was empty.

He turned back to her. “Now that's how you do it.” She stood and walked over to him. Without a word, she brought her face up to his. He wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to push her too far for one night.

“I haven't even gotten started yet,” she whispered. He stood still for a moment, his desire for her almost completely overtaking him. He almost couldn't stand the tension that filled the entire bowling alley, and he knew that she felt the same. As she picked up her bowling ball, he took it out of her hand and put it back down on the rack. She looked at him curiously and he took her hands into his. He ground his teeth, fighting the incredible desire that filled him. 

You know what,” he said when he was finally able to form words. His eyes were pitch black and his jaw was tight. “I, I don't think I really want to bowl anymore.”

Oh,” she said nervously. “Well, um, what do you want to do instead?”

Well,” he spoke softly. He looked up, his eyes sparkling with desire. “How about we start with this.” He slid a palm into her hair, tilting her head back so her lips could meet his. He kissed slowly, and want pooled deep in her core. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back, angling her face so she could kiss him deeper.  She teased her tongue against the seam of his mouth and he sucked the tip of her tongue, making her jerk and her nipples harden against the black lace of her bra. She groaned into his mouth then pulled back.

I want you. Now.” She bit her bottom lip, her white teeth leaving an impression on her full bottom lip he longed to lick. So he did, dragging the tip of his tongue across her lip in one slow drag. She gasped and grabbed his belt loops, pulling him in tight to her. He throbbed against the zipper of his shorts and he tangled both hands in her long dark hair and kissed her again, rougher this time, the rasp of his beard making her cheeks pink. He continued the assault down her neck, nipping and kissing, then licking the same spots. He could feel her blood thumping through her jugular and laved the spot with his tongue, back and forth, a wicked flicker that made her core throb in tandem with her breasts.

Do you like that?” He murmured against her neck, the skitter of his breath against her skin making her shudder.

Yes...” she groaned between clenched teeth. She drug his face up and claimed his mouth as hers. “I'm gonna give you something to remember when you go back,” she whispered between feverish kisses.

Fuck, don't talk about me leaving you right now, Zoe. It's bad enough I want to rip your clothes off and take you on that table over there. Don't remind me I don't get this much longer.” He ran his hands down her sides and cupped her ass in his hands, kneading the flesh there. She stood up on tiptoe, granting him better access and nibbled his bottom lip.

You want me?” She breathed against his mouth, the heat of her question more than he could stand.

Hell yes,” he growled, lifting her by her incredible ass. She twined her arms around his neck and her long lush legs around his waist. He carried her over to one of the tables and sat her down. She kept her legs twined around his. He eased a hand up to her breasts and she arched her back, pressing into his hand. She smiled against his mouth.

I don't bite... Unless you want me to.”

Do your worst,” he murmured back.

She trailed her mouth down his neck, mimicking the torturous licks and nibbles he'd imprinted in her skin. She tugged at the bottom of his shirt. “This needs to go.”

“We playing strip poker? I will lose clothes if you do.” His mouth tipped up, a dimple winking in his cheek. He bit his bottom lip as he waited.

She tossed her wild hair back and shrugged. “Fine.” She peeled her black tee shirt off and tossed it to the floor. Her full breasts strained against the little black lace bra, her pink nipples visible through the thin material. He groaned.

“You are beautiful.” He pulled his shirt over his head, it joining hers on the floor. She ogled him, her eyes hot.

No, you're the beautiful one.” Her wanton little hands skimmed his muscles, and they clenched involuntarily. She leaned forward and caught one of his nipples with her tongue. He hissed in pleasure. He pulled her face to his and kissed her deep.

I'm not arguing,” he breathed. “You're beautiful.” He brushed the back of his knuckles against her nipples, feeling them tighten and pucker to meet his fingers. She moaned, her head falling back. He took the opportunity to kiss and nibble her neck again. As he pulled the top of her bra down, revealing her incredible breasts to his eyes, a flashlight shined in his face.

Well, well, well... Calvin Hall, starting trouble and you ain't even been home 24 hours. What am I gonna do with you?” The light flicked off and he pulled Zoe to him, shielding her from the eyes that danced with laughter.

Damn it, Tim! What are you doing? When did you become a cop?” He pointed at the guy he'd known since kindergarten. “Turn around. Give her some privacy.”

Tim chuckled. “Sorry, man.” He turned around. “I been a cop now for about two years.”

Calvin leaned in and brushed a kiss on her ear before murmuring. “Damn it, it's just not our night baby, I'm sorry.” He grabbed her shirt and helped her pull it on. She smiled uncomfortably before pushing him back and sliding off the table. She crossed her arms and stood there silently. Calvin grabbed her hand and squeezed it before pulling his shirt on. “Tim, you gonna ticket us? I got permission to be in here.”

Nah, I just saw lights on in here and wanted to make sure all was kosher.” He turned around and grinned. “You kids lock up the place. No more nookie in here, okay?” He slipped his flashlight into his holster and walked away whistling. The door clinked shut as he left the bowling alley.

I'm sorry, Zoe. I guess I should have locked the door.”

Zoe smirked. “It's okay. My back was hurting anyway. Mind if we call it a night?” She yawned and stretched her arms above her head.

“Yeah, I should probably get some sleep too,” he sighed.
Nothing like a mood killer.


Chapter Nine
– Saturday


She stumbled in the front door, the electric high of the night almost gone, exhaustion creeping in her bones. Daddy's truck wasn't in the drive still.
I'll call Minnie in the morning, this ain't like him...
She stumbled over to the couch, kicking her flip flops off along the way and collapsed. Her eyes closed and she dreamed of him.

The phone was ringing somewhere. She tried to open her eyes but her lids felt like someone had put ten pound weights on each one. She groaned and forced them open anyway, the early morning sunlight filtering through the blinds making her wince. She came to awareness quickly, at about the fourth ring.
The phone really was ringing
. “Shit,” she muttered, stumbling through the living room to the kitchen, snagging her foot on the coffee table. “Damn it to hell!” She squawked, grabbing her throbbing toes and hobbling over to the phone. She snatched the receiver out of the cradle. “Yeah?” She croaked.

Zoe?” A feminine voice queried.

Yeah. That's me. What is it?” She scratched her scalp and rubbed her eyes. She knew she sounded like a bitch and frankly she didn't give a rat's ass right now.

Zoe, this is Alice Taylor. Have you seen your Daddy in a few days, honey?”

Alice?” She tried to thumb through the recesses of her mind, searching for an Alice. “I don't know anyone named Alice...” She yawned, preparing to hang the phone up when the rest of the woman's sentence clicked in her mind. “What do you mean have I seen my Daddy?”

Zoe, honey. I'm his boss. He hasn't been at work in three days. We are getting worried. Is he okay? Does he need to take some time off?” Alice's voice was soothing and warm, she sounded just like a grandmother. It brought a warm and fuzzy memory to mind of baking cookies. Then reality crashed against her subconscious, shaking her out of the reverie.

Wait. What do you mean he hasn't been to work in three days?” She rubbed her eyes again and tried to focus. “He's been messing around with Minnie. Maybe she knows. I'll call you back. Can you give me about ten minutes, Alice?” She yawned again.
Maybe he took off for the water or something, went fishing. Hell who knows.

Of course, honey. I'll be right here waiting.” She hung up and searched around the kitchen for a phone book. Finally locating one that was stuck to the counter, it apparently had gotten wet at some point, she flipped open to the W's. She traced one fingertip down, searching for Minnie Wilder's name. She missed it the first time through.

Fuck me,” she muttered, finally spotting it. “Two-two-five-four-oh-three-seven...” she muttered, punching the numbers into the phone. It rang twice before being picked up.

Hello?” A soft voice picked up.

Where is my Daddy?” She tapped her fingers on the counter.

Excuse me? Who is this?” The woman on the line became indignant.

Oh, so you have multiple people's Daddies over there? Zoe Parker. My Daddy hasn't gone to work in three days. I need to talk to him. Now.” She tapped her fingers harder, trying to stay under control.

Honey. He ain't here.” Her voice was solemn, not a trace of deceit in it. Fear, maybe, worry clouded it a bit.

What?” She felt like someone had punched her in the stomach, all the air whooshed out of her lungs. “He's not there.”

No, Zoe. He hasn't been here in three days. I assumed he was with you.”

Yeah, you and me both. Got any ideas? I thought he might have gone to the Gulf.” She twirled the cord around her fingers, trying to stem the panic clawing through her chest.

No, I don't. Can you let me know when you hear something?” She heard the same panic tingeing Minnie's voice.

Yeah. I can do that. Thanks Minnie. I'm sorry... For being a bitch.” She slammed the phone down and took a slow breath.

Amy came out from her bedroom, looking stressed. “Zoe, I need to talk to you.”

“I need to talk to you too.”  She clenched the counter and leaned forward on her arms.

Me first, please. This will be easier if I just rip the bandage off. So, let me do it.” She was picking at a small scab on her arm and wouldn't meet Zoe's eyes. The next few words came out in a rush and they took her by surprise. “I have been sleeping with Derek since I left for New York right after high school. Every time I came down we would sneak off and fuck. I am so damn jealous of you, Zoe. You don't know how pretty you are. How good your life is. You have no idea. I wanted to have what you had, even just a little bit. I was determined to tell you. Especially after Callie...” Her voice trailed off to a squeak.

Zoe turned and leaned against the counter, feeling a lot like a Mack truck had t-boned her. “What? How good my life is? Really, Amy?” She managed to squeeze out around the fist that had settled around her throat. She turned again and looked out the window, taking a slow breath and trying to relax. “You know, Amy... This is the last thing I needed today, but since you decided to drop the bomb on me that you fucked my boyfriend too, I think you need to get the hell out of my house. Now.” She was starting to shake, and tears were filling her eyes. She had always been the type of girl to handle her anger in only one way. If she ever got mad enough to cry, people were going to be hurt. She'd only gotten that way a few times in her life, and Derek had been the root cause of most of them. “Just tell me one thing. Did he come on to you or did you initiate?”

Amy looked at her toes. “I initiated.” She looked up finally, tears filling her dark eyes. “I'm sorry, Zoe...” She reached out to her.

Zoe smirked, tears filling her eyes as she threw her hand up like a stop sign. “Don't fucking touch me, you bitch, unless you want me to break your nose. Get the hell out of my house. I must be the ONLY girl in the world who would have two best friends fuck her boyfriend. So, it's been going on the whole time?”

Amy nodded, and reached out again. “I'm sorry.”

Even after Mama died? That weekend too?” Amy nodded and Zoe took a slow breath, trying to get her shaking under control. “Get. Out.” She screamed, pointing at the door. “Take your shit and get the hell out of my house. I'm DONE.”

Amy took a step back. “You don't mean that, Zoe. We have too much history.”

She grinned wickedly through the tears. “Like hell I don't. I'm done. All the history we ever had has been a lie. Get out.” She pushed off the counter and went around her. “Let me get your things for you.” She stomped down the hall, grabbed Amy's bag, threw the rest of her things in it and hauled it back down the hall. Once she reached the front door she stepped out onto the porch and hurled it into the yard.

Zoe! I have expensive makeup in there!” Amy came out the door and thundered down the stairs, going to check on her things.

Yeah? You always were worried about having possessions instead of worrying about the people who fucking loved you. Take it and get off my property. I'll call your mom to come get you.” She rushed back inside the house and threw the bolt lock. Amy beat on the door.

Let me in. Let's talk.” She pleaded.

Go to fucking hell, Amy. I can't with you.” She picked the phone up and dialed a number she'd known since elementary school. “Hi, Mrs. Yoakum? You need to come get Amy.”

Why baby? What's wrong?” The woman she'd considered a second mom asked, her voice honey smooth on the line.

She fucked my boyfriend. Furthermore, she's been doing it for years now. I need you to come get her.” Zoe slammed the phone down. She realized she needed to call Daddy's boss back. “Fuck,” she grumbled as she looked up the work number.

She punched the numbers in viciously. Alice picked up on the second ring. “Alice Taylor.”

“Alice. This is Zoe Parker. His girlfriend hasn't seen him either.” She chewed her thumb.

Zoe, I don't know what to say. Protocol says I'm supposed to let him go, but I'd like to hold his job until we hear what is going on. Do you want to come check his locker and see if there are any clues? Of course, you need to call the police too.”

She leaned against the counter and put her head into her hands. “Hell. Yeah, Alice I can be there in about ten minutes. I'll call the cops on my way. Is that okay?”

Alice replied quickly, “Yeah, that's absolutely fine.”

She hung the phone up, put her sandals on, grabbed her purse and flung the door open to see Amy standing on the porch with her arms crossed. “About time you opened the door and let me talk, Zoe.”

Zoe slammed the door closed and walked down the porch. “I know you are NOT standing there being a righteous bitch, getting angry with me.” She hurried to the Jeep and climbed in. Amy picked up her bag and started walking to the vehicle. “Oh hell no. I'm not taking you anywhere. I have a little bit more going on this morning than your bullshit. I called your mom. She should be here soon.” She jammed the key in the ignition and the Jeep roared to life. She threw it in drive and peeled out of the driveway. Amy was screaming and waving her arms. She didn't give a fuck.

She called 911 and Maggie Hill, the dispatcher that had been working as long as she could remember, answered. “911, what's your emergency, Sugar?”

“Maggie, this is Zoe Parker. I need to report a missing person.” Her voice shook and tears filled her eyes.

Who is missing, baby?” She could hear Maggie's manicured nails tapping her keyboard.

My Daddy,” she whispered on a squeak.

Oh honey. How long has he been missing?” She typed faster.

About three days. I thought he was at Minnie's.”

Oh darlin', I'm going to let Officer Taylor know. Where are you at right now, Sugar?”

I'm on my way to Irving.” She took a slow breath.

Baby, I'm gonna have him meet you there, okay? Don't you worry about it. The good Lord has him in His hand sweetheart. Don't you hesitate to call me, y'hear?” Sympathy oozed out of her voice.

Thanks Maggie. I'll wait at the factory for him.” She hung up the phone and turned on the radio, spending the last few minutes drowning her panic in 80s music. She pulled into the Irving Glass Factory parking lot and threw the Jeep into park. She shut the engine off before taking a slow breath, trying to calm her nerves. She didn't know whether to cry from anger or worry. She pulled her cell out of her pocket again and called the number Calvin had called from last night.

He answered on the second ring, sleepiness clouding his voice. “Hey beautiful.”

Her throat got tight and she whispered, “Calvin, my Daddy is missing.”

What?” His voice became clear and she heard him rummaging around. “Where are you?”

I'm at Irving, Officer Taylor is gonna meet me here.” She ran a hand through her tangled hair before looking down and finding a pony tail holder. She snagged her hair up into a messy bun and wrapped the hair tie around it.

Zoe, I am on my way.” She could hear him shrugging into clothes.

You don't have to do that.” She rubbed her forehead, and took another breath. A migraine was brewing right behind her eyes.

I want to.”

You're not gonna be here in a few days anyway,” she sighed.

But I'm here now, damn it,” he growled. “I'll be there in thirty.” He hung up and she closed the phone with a sigh before shoving it back into her purse. She popped the door open on the Jeep and climbed down. She stalked across the lot and flung the big glass door open. She had been there a few times before, so she knew exactly where she needed to go. From the main lobby, there was a left turn that led to the employee lockers and locker #47 was the one that belonged to her Daddy. As she walked through the lobby, an elderly lady wearing a floral dress from the 80s waved, catching her eye.

Zoe, honey!” It could be no one other than Alice.

Hi,” she murmured, her heart choking her throat.

Hello, darlin'.” The older woman caught her in a hug and she fought the tears that popped up at being in the older woman's embrace. She had missed that, a lot.

Officer Taylor is on his way to meet me here.” She murmured against the woman's shoulder. She smelled like musk perfume and lilac body powder. She took a slow breath; it reminded her a lot of her grandma, who had passed many years before.

The older woman pulled back. “That's my grandson. Good. They can start an investigation, then. Why don't we sit here and wait. He should be here in a few minutes.”

Zoe shook her head. “I want to go to my Daddy's locker. I know where it is.”

Alice nodded, touching her shoulder in support. “Alright, sweetheart, you go ahead.” 

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