Serena's Submission (2 page)

Read Serena's Submission Online

Authors: Jasmine Hill

Tags: #Contemporary, #Erotica, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotic Romance Fiction, #Romantic, #Romance

“There are two rules,” he said, as he moved his hand from her face to caress her right arm. His soft touch sent a shiver through her, hardening her nipples until she feared they would jut visibly out of her dress.

“Rule one—which your friend should have warned you about—what happens in the club stays in the club. No names mentioned outside, and if you see someone on the outside whom you recognise from here, you pretend you don’t know them. Rule two—if you like what you see tonight and you want to come back, I will train you and I will be your Dom.”

Serena gasped. This was moving too fast. She had only just met this man and he was proposing to be her Dom—this was crazy. She was only here to look and research, not to participate. She stared at her lap and bit her lip in indecision. The look on her face must have betrayed her sudden anxiety. Aaron reached out and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted her head up so she was looking into his eyes.

“Don’t be scared, baby. I know you’re new to this and I wouldn’t do anything without preparing you first. We won’t do anything that you don’t want to do, angel, but I want to teach you, I want to be the man whom you submit to. I want you as mine,” he murmured in his low seductive voice.

Serena’s mouth went dry. Suddenly she wanted nothing more than to offer herself to him, to submit to him totally and to have him possess her. She closed her eyes briefly in an effort to regain some control over her raging hormones and her common sense finally kicked in.

“We don’t know each other, Aaron, how can you propose to train me and be my Dom when we know nothing about each other?”

“You want me to take you out on a date first?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Well, is that so silly?”

His eyes narrowed in contemplation. “No, it’s not silly,” he responded. “The most important aspect in a D/s relationship is trust and I have to remember that you are new to this—just a baby.”

“I’ll have you know that I am twenty-four and as far from a baby as is possible.”

Aaron smiled. “I meant a baby in the best sense—new, fresh and inexperienced. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let me show you things this evening and we’ll go from there. After tonight you decide if you want to come back.”

“What about sex?” Serena asked suddenly. “Will we have to…?” She waved her hand in the air vaguely.

It was an embarrassing question and her cheeks flushed with discomfiture, but she had to ask. She needed to know what Aaron’s expectations in that regard were. She held her breath, both dreading and anticipating his answer and found with a shock that she hoped he would say yes.

He grinned, then looked at her intently. “BDSM is not just about sex. In fact, for many sex doesn’t even come into it, and for some it is merely a by-product of the scene.”

“Oh.” Serena heard the disappointment in her voice and wanted to kick herself for her blatancy.

“But I personally,” he continued, “have always been one for whom BDSM and sex goes hand in hand. For me, domination and control is something that I need, both personally and sexually. I can vouch that I am free from STDs, but if we do anything we will use protection, as do all the members here unless they are serious partners. I reiterate though, baby, that you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do—I am into domination not assault,” he finished with a crooked smile.

Serena frowned in contemplation. What Aaron was proposing was a reasonable compromise, she decided, and after all she was here to experience as much as possible and she mustn’t lose sight of her goal. Besides, the thought of having Aaron dominate her in any way and every way was thrilling and had her insides clenching with excitement.

She smiled slowly and nodded, feeling nervous but eager about the things that would be revealed to her in the evening ahead.

Chapter Three

“Come,” Aaron demanded, holding his hand out to Serena.

He had decided he would take her into one of the dungeons. He wanted her to witness bondage and domination acts involving pain. He might as well hit her with some of the more intense aspects first up. If she was going to run, he wanted her to do it sooner rather than later and if he was totally honest with himself he hoped like hell that she wouldn’t.

His Friday night was suddenly looking up. Only an hour ago he had been feeling bored and indifferent and now a gust of fresh air had hit him full force.

He had to work hard to contain his excitement at the prospect of training Serena—a beautiful submissive, a BDSM baby to shape and mould into what he most desired was a fantasy come true. He was keen to gauge her reactions to what she saw. She was so pure, so fresh that it would almost be like witnessing things through her virgin eyes.

His cock was rock hard at the thought of showing her the baser, darker aspects and he tightened his hold on her hand as he pulled her along behind him. He entered a door which led into a hallway and spoke briefly to the Dungeon Monitor before turning to Serena.

“Okay, angel, now I want to show you some BDSM play. The rooms off this hallway are called dungeons. Most of them have windows, with or without blinds to satisfy the exhibitionistic aspect of the scene, and all have speakers,” he said, pointing to a black box on the wall. “There is also a main area that we call the Arena, but I won’t be taking you there this evening. Are you ready?”

Aaron schooled his facial features into an impassive mask, careful not to give anything away. He wanted her reactions to be hers alone, free from any outside influence or presumed expectations. He watched as she took a deep, shuddering breath before looking up at him. Her blue eyes were wide with apprehension, dominating her lovely face so that the urge to reach out to her was overwhelming. He clenched his fists by his sides until his nails cut into his palms in his effort to remain aloof—the decision to continue needed to be hers alone.

* * * *

Serena tried desperately to quell the frantic butterflies in her stomach as she fixed a mask of false bravado to her features. “I’m ready.” The words sounded forced to her ears and all but trembled on her lips.

Aaron fixed her with an intense stare before he once again took her hand and tugged her towards the first window.

Serena gasped at the scene that greeted her. A woman was naked but for a black collar around her neck and bound spread-eagled to a cross so her back was exposed. A heavyset man clad in black leather pants stood to one side brandishing a short-handled leather whip that had numerous fronds attached ending in knots. He ran the whip across the woman’s back and buttocks before he drew it back and sent it cracking across her flesh. The sound was loud in the otherwise silent room and Serena jumped in shock. Again and again the man struck the woman’s back until a zigzag pattern of welts criss-crossed her back and buttocks. At each strike the woman cried out and jerked against the binds that held her.

Serena made to step back but Aaron was behind her, his arms on either side of her body, caging her against the glass. The feel of his strong chest pressed against her back had a calming effect on her and she started to relax against him. The stubble of his jaw brushed against her cheek as he leaned in to speak in her ear.

“She is strapped to a Saint Andrew’s cross, so named after Saint Andrew who is said to have been martyred on one. Her Dom is striking her with a flogger. See how he doesn’t draw blood and is careful to place his blows evenly across her flesh?”

“Is it very painful?” Serena whispered.

“It can be, but most of the time it is a good pain, quite intense.”

The woman’s cries turned to soft moans as she slumped weakly against her restraints. Her body glistened with perspiration, making the red welts on her flesh appear more vivid and somehow more obscene.

Serena looked up at Aaron with trepidation. “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine, baby. They have been in a D/s relationship for a long time and besides, everyone has a safe word. If she was in too much pain or discomfort she could have safeworded and her Dom would have stopped instantly. She looks like she’s in subspace. That’s a natural high that subs can get during a scene where they seem to disconnect from reality.” Aaron’s soft, seductive voice caressed her senses and Serena relaxed against him further, taking comfort in his strength and proximity.

“Her Dom will take care of her now—just watch,” he instructed.

Serena watched as the man rubbed oil all over the woman’s body, massaging and caressing her before undoing each of her restraints. When the woman was free of her bindings, she slumped against him as he lifted her and carried her over to a padded bench. He sat with her on his lap, bracing one arm behind her back while with the other he massaged her legs, running his oiled hand up one leg and then the other before doing the same with each of her arms. In response to his continued ministrations the woman started once again to moan. She threw her head back and the look of supreme satisfaction and bliss that suffused her features took Serena’s breath away.

The man ran his hand up the woman’s leg until he reached the apex between her thighs, where he pushed one, then two, fingers into her pussy. The woman groaned loudly and thrust her hips against the man’s hand. He plunged his fingers in and out of her before his mouth descended on one of her nipples and he took the taut bud between his teeth and tugged hard. The woman cried out and thrust her breast into his mouth while she pumped her hips into his hand. Suddenly she jerked wildly on his lap as she climaxed in spectacular fashion, pulling a fistful of his hair as she shuddered in release.

With a low growl the man picked the woman up and spun her around until she straddled him on the bench. He reached between them and freed his erect cock from the confines of his leather pants. Grasping the woman’s hips, he yanked her down hard until he impaled her completely.

Serena gasped at the brutal and erotic display. She was completely spellbound and aroused—in fact, she had never been so turned on. Dampness seeped between her thighs as a deep, throbbing ache started low in her belly. Aaron leant forward, caging her body closer, and sniffed the air. She clamped her thighs together in mortification and tried to struggle out of his iron hold, but he banded a thick, muscular arm around her waist and spun her around to face him. He grasped her ponytail with his free hand and tugged her head back so she could meet his gaze. His eyes were dark and smouldering with lust and his pupils were dilated as he dipped his mouth to hers.

“I can smell your arousal,” he whispered against her lips. “Such a sweet scent, it makes me wild to taste you.”

Serena flushed at his provocative words and wriggled in his grasp, but she was immobilised, pressed hard against his body so she could feel his arousal, rigid and thick against her belly. Aaron’s lips hovered over hers before he licked the seam of her mouth, gently demanding access. Serena moaned, allowing him entry. His tongue plunged into the wet recesses of her mouth as he crushed her body hard against his in a dominant display of possessiveness.

His lips seared hers, branding her and marking her as his. Serena sighed and melted into his kiss, her limbs suddenly feeling limp and boneless against his powerful masculinity. He tightened his hold on her, supporting her weight, keeping one arm banded tight around her waist while he wrapped her ponytail around the wrist of his other to keep her head in place while he plundered her mouth. The sounds of frantic sex and skin slapping skin drifted to them from the speakers, reminding her of what was happening in the next room and heightening her arousal to throbbing, painful proportions. Aaron pulled away from the kiss and ran his stubbled jaw along her cheek until his lips were at her ear.

“Fuck, I want you,” he rasped, his breath ragged and hot against her skin. “But tonight we will just watch, even if it kills me.”

He bit the lobe of her ear, making Serena gasp and sending a white-hot flame of desire directly to her pussy. Straightening, he loosened his hold on her and massaged her scalp where he had been grasping her hair.

Everything about him was intoxicating—his delicious spicy scent, his deep voice, gorgeous looks and powerful, muscular body. He was swooningly male and Serena swayed against him, trying to regain her equilibrium.

He chuckled and steadied her before dropping a chaste kiss on the top of her head.

“Come, angel, I have something else to show you,” he said, taking her hand, once again in control and his impassive mask once more in place.

Chapter Four

Aaron was trying to decide whether taking Serena to the next dungeon was a good idea. His cock was so hard it was painful and he knew that the sensation was only going to get worse once he witnessed what was happening in the next room. Having Serena next to him would only make matters more unbearable, but he was determined to push her buttons and show her some of the more erotic BDSM scenes. Plus he wanted—no, needed—to see her reaction to such raw, sexual exploits.

They arrived outside the next dungeon and he turned to face her, then tugged her against him.

“You can leave whenever you want to, baby—just remember that,” he said, keeping his voice low and reassuring as he skimmed his hands down her back to grasp her backside. He pulled her tighter against him so he could feel her softness against the hard length of his arousal. He couldn’t help the groan that left his throat before he spun her around to face the window and switched the speaker on.

This time instead of stepping away from the window she stepped towards it. Aaron watched as her breathing quickened and the pulse in her neck fluttered, giving him the sudden urge to lean over and lick it.

He turned from watching Serena and gazed through the window at the scene playing out. Instantly and what seemed impossibly to him, his cock lengthened and thickened to the point where he thought that he would burst.

Two naked women and two naked men were locked in a sexual tangle. One woman was lying on a padded bench. A man was straddling her head and shoving his thick cock in and out of her mouth, grasping her hair as he did so to manipulate the angle of his thrusts. A woman was bent between the other woman’s spread legs, lapping at her pussy greedily while another man thrust in and out of her from behind. His sheathed cock glistened with the woman’s juices and he grasped her hips tightly as he plunged in and out of her, each of his rough inward thrusts pushing the woman’s face harder into the other’s cunt. Grunts and groans mingled with the wet sounds of licking and sucking and drifted around Serena and Aaron with a disembodied echo.

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