Seven (12 page)

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Authors: Amy Marie

I slowly sip the piping hot coffee. “I’m not love-sick.” I mean, Jesus. I’ve known the girl less than two weeks.

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

I look at him. Trying to figure out why he would say something like that. I don’t have a reputation for falling in love with a girl who I barely know. I’ve only loved one in my lifetime, and that was a lifetime ago. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“You were always the one who was looking for more than ass. The only one of us who had,” He pauses waving his hand in mock disgust. “Those relationships things, it’s really fucking disturbing.”

“Really? You think so?” I ask, challenging him. “What about Embyr’s roommate, Trinity? I heard you asked her out.”

He jerks back, his eyebrows raised. “She wouldn’t come home with me. I mean, what girl in their right mind doesn’t want a no-strings-attached night with me? So, I asked her out.”

“The older we get, the more women want a commitment and not a one-night stand, Reece. Even quickly approaching your thirties, you still have a lot to learn about women.”

“Me? I have a lot to learn?” he asks, and I nod a yes. “Well, you look like you have your hands full with that girl from the other night. She seems a little pretentious.”

I stand up, instantly angered by his assumption about Embyr. I know she can be hard to read, but what happened the other night, with Ian, shouldn’t have happened. She isn’t mine to pass off to someone else. I should have asked her if it was okay. Plus, Ian can sometimes give off the creepy vibe. He is never one to pass up making a girl uncomfortable.

“That girl’s name is Embyr and watch what you say, Reece.” I point a finger at him. “You know nothing about her.”

He stands up too and peers at me from across the table. “You’re right. I don’t know anything about her and neither do you, but I get a feeling that something isn’t right, Casen.” He taps his knuckles on the table. “The way she looked at me . . . looked at Ian . . . even at you, sometimes—it just feels wrong.”

I shake my head. “I don’t say a word about who you fuck. Don’t make assumptions about the ones I’m interested in.”

He takes a defeated breath, raising both hands, and drops the subject. “Alright, man.”

I take my seat again and get back to work on my breakfast. The endorphins from my workout, now long gone. I’m irritated and wanting to go back to the gym. Reece picks up his garbage and heads towards the exit but stops at the doorframe. “Do you have that information?”

I nod. “Yeah. I’ll finish this up and bring it to you.”

He walks out of the room, and I notice that the other guys are looking at me. I guess we were a bit heated, but I like Embyr, and he is in no place to say anything. It’s been a long time since I have been able to really get into a girl. Not since high school. Sure there were many girlfriends over the past decade. Some more long term than others, but none that held me captivated the way Embyr has with just knowing her a short time. She brings out every side of me: the sweet, the rough, and the aggressive. But, what Reece sees as pretention, I see as hurt. I can tell someone hurt her and she is cautious. Her little stunt the other night, fighting her orgasms, has me confused but, once I commanded her to, she let go. It was fucking beautiful, too. It was the first time I didn’t want anything reciprocated. To watch her come beneath my touch was enough for me. I can almost feel how bad she is going to wreck me, and I’m looking forward to every fucking moment of it.


Thirty minutes later, I walk over to Reece’s sleeping area just as he is about pull the covers back. I throw a large manila envelope on his desk with a thud, still obviously irritated with him. “Here you go. That’s everything Ian needs.”

He walks over, picks it up, turning it over and back. “Are you sure about this? Seems like Ian is the last person you want doing this for you.”

I pull my hands down my face and bring them to my sides. “Yes. I’m sure. He may not be the best guy to ask, but I have no other options.”

Throwing it back down onto the desk he shrugs. “Okay, then. Get out, so I can fucking sleep.”

“Alright, princess,” I tease. “Get your beauty rest.”

I turn to leave, but Reece calls me back. “You really like this girl?”

“I do.”

He points to the envelope. “Are you going to tell Embyr about her?”

“Sure,” I nod. “If there is anything to tell.”

I walk out into the hallway, so I don’t disturb the other guys while they are sleeping and pull out my phone. Leaning against the wall, I find Embyr’s number and hit “send.”

She answers on the third ring. “Hello,” her voice filled with sleep.

“Hey, baby. Did I wake you?”

I can hear the rustling of sheets through the phone. “No. I’m awake. Just figured I would take a day off from job hunting and working out. Maybe clean up the house. What are you up to?”

I don’t know what is going on or why I have this attraction to her so strongly, but even just her voice over the phone causes me to smile. “I just got to work for my shift. I won’t be off until tomorrow. You have plans tomorrow night?”

She clears her throat. “I do. Trinity is coming over for a girl’s night.”

“Okay. Our crew switched with another crew for Friday, so what does Saturday night look like for you?” I ask, hoping this isn’t a brush off. She seemed very off the other night and I hope I didn’t scare her too much. There is something behind those eyes that she is protecting, and I hope she gives me the chance to break down her walls.

“Saturday is good.” I hear the smile in her tone. “I have to run to the suburbs in the morning, but I’m available after that.”

“Is five o’clock okay to pick you up?”

“Sure. Anything special I should wear?” she inquires almost seductively.

I swallow hard. Just her tone brings flashes of her coming on my tongue yesterday. “Just something casual.”

“Alright. I’ll see you Saturday, then.”

We hang up a few minutes later and I push off the wall, walking past the sleeping quarters. I see Reece as I walk by, and the manila envelope flashes at me like a beacon. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time and I just happened to start pushing it through when I met Embyr. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but part of me is wondering if I should tell her what I am doing. I mean, I would want to know. But, this relationship, or whatever it is, is too new to go messing it up with something that I believe isn’t a big deal.

So then, why am I hiding it?


“Are you going to get another job?” Trinity asks as I watch her riffle through my closet. Something she has always done ever since we met. I never had a sister, so it was weird to me the first time she barged in my room demanding silk. She thinks my clothes are cuter, but I wear a size smaller than her. She says that’s perfect because she likes things tight. I shake my head when she pulls out a sequin black tank top and steel gray pants, propping them up to her body, eyeing herself in my full-length mirror.

What was supposed to be our girls night turned into me, sipping wine alone, while she gets ready for her date with Reece? She called earlier today to ask if it was okay. Reece asked her out at the last minute, so she asked to change. I normally wouldn’t care, but I fucking hate Reece Craig. I took a deep breath and told her I was okay with it since she seemed excited and didn’t want to blow it.


“I’m not actively looking right now. I just want to enjoy some time off. Patrick rode me pretty hard when I worked there,” I tell her with a straight face, though, on the inside, I’m laughing my ass off.

He was hard. And rough with me. Much to my dismay, his wife bailed him out of jail and, last I heard, he was looking into taking a plea deal. If that happens, I don’t think I will have to testify. I was almost looking forward to telling everyone what a small dick he has on the stand. I would be under oath and all.

“I’m just worried. I left you. You aren’t looking? Do you have some trust fund I don’t know about or inheritance?” She laughs, but then deflates. “I’m sorry.”

She shouldn’t feel bad. She knows what happened with my parents—well, the version I wanted her to know. Every so often, the mention of anything family related brings a sad look to her face. I can’t say I am over their deaths, but there is some sort of strength you gain when you lose two people, who are your absolute world, within months.

“Don’t apologize,” I brush it off, pulling out a red, off the shoulder, tank top and throw it at her. “Wear this.”

Her face lights up. She immediately switches out the black for the red.

“It looks perfect. And no, no inheritance or trust fund. I’ve just been very smart with my money.”

She strips her clothes down just as a knock comes at my door. “Can you grab that?” she breathlessly asks, pulling the pants over her ass. I nod, leaving the room and closing the door behind me. The closer I get to the door, the more my heart races. Another quick knock and I’m opening it to find Reece with his fist still in the air.

“Reece,” I greet, gesturing for him to walk in. “She will be out in a minute.”

He brushes past me, even though he has plenty of space, and it instantly makes my skin burn with hatred. He surveys my place, taking in each and every inch like he is trying to record it to memory. We don’t speak but his eyes find mine and hold them. I can feel my fingers start to tremble and I’m not sure if I’m scared or if I am keeping myself from making a fist and punching him square in the face. Our gaze is broken by the sound of the bedroom door opening and we find Trinity coming down the hallway. The shirt looks amazing on her and for the first time, I think ever, I find a genuine smile on Reece Craig’s face. It makes me want to slap it off of him. Thank God I never slept with him, and I hope Trin sees through his nice guy façade and doesn’t, either.

They leave and I balk at the sight of his hand on her lower back. If I could, I would kick him in the ass on the way out the door. I wasn’t particularly thrilled that Trinity had him pick her up here. Sure, I don’t blame her for not wanting him to get her at her sister’s house, though, I can guess it would be amazing birth control. She didn’t ask me and, even though a few weeks ago this was her home, I am upset that Reece now knows where I live.

I warm up and eat some leftovers, wash my plate, and then head to the living room. I lay down for a brief moment, before my tired eyes drift closed, as I watch Patrick’s story on the nightly news.

“No!” I scream as Patrick’s hands push down on my shoulders. My knees hitting the dirt underneath our high school football field’s bleachers. “I can’t do this anymore.”

His cold eyes look down at me. “You can stop this at any time, Annie, but I can’t be sure what will happen to that tape once you do.”

My chin drops as I listen to him unbuckle his belt and step closer to me.

“Ok,” I sigh.

“Fuck!” I scream into the dark, sitting straight up, placing a hand on my chest as I try to calm my racing heart. I can’t get myself to calm down even as I drink down an entire glass of water.

Even though it was just a dream, and Patrick never made me do anything sexual for him, the threat of that tape over my head had me doing whatever they wanted. A brush of my ass, my tits, and nights upon nights of doing their homework. Rumors were spread around and every single guy that showed any interest in me was run off by a PITCREW member. Then, one day, my life was ruined, and none of it mattered anymore.

I jump at the knock on the door and tip toe over. A look at the clock tells me it’s just past nine at night. I take a look into the peephole and try to hide my smile. I swing the door open and find Casen, a grocery bag and DVD in hand.

I lean into the doorframe. “Can I help you?”

He smiles one of those toothpaste commercial smiles and lifts up the bag. “I brought popcorn, candy, and a movie.”

He attempts to step inside but I block him. “What movie?”

“Fast and Furious.” He waves it at me. “I know it’s about cars, and you may not be into that, but Paul Walker is in it and I heard girls think he’s nice to look at.”

I stay quiet for a moment before letting him off the hook. “Come on in.”

He complies and kisses me chastely as he passes by. “So,” he starts, putting the bag on the counter and making himself at home. “I heard Reece interrupted your girls’ night.”

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