Seven Will Out: A Renaissance Revel

Copyright © 2015 JoAnn Spears
All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1514775891
ISBN 13: 9781514775899
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015910900
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
North Charleston, South Carolina

Thanks once again to my family and friends for their support and patience. Thanks especially to my dad, Joseph Kuchta, for all the crossword puzzles we’ve done together over the years. Much of the trivia and many of the quotes thus encountered made their way into this book.

Author’s Notes

For checking the accuracy of the various Shakespeare quotations in the book, and for miscellaneous fact-checking,
Open Source Shakespeare
) and the Folger Library website (
) were most helpful. Quotes from the Bible were sourced with the help of
Bible Gateway

Relationships among the various characters presented here are complex. In the interest of simplifying them for the reader, the word “cousin” is used throughout the book to denote cousinly relations both direct and at varying degrees of distance.

Table of Contents

Act One

Chapter One:

Betwixt Mixed Bags

Chapter Two:

Meeting and Greeting

Chapter Three:

True Love’s Course and the Source of Divorce

Chapter Four:

Puck’ll Chuckle

Chapter Five:

The Rest of the Guest List

Chapter Six:

Burr Puts a Burr under Dolly’s Saddle, by Golly

Chapter Seven:

Aviation and the Odd Relation

Chapter Eight:

A Ragtag Chin Wag

Chapter Nine:

Mary and Lizzie Go All Bizzie

Chapter Ten:

The Lives of Six Wives

Chapter Eleven:

To Go, Or Not To Go, Commando

Chapter Twelve:

Dear Me, Syncope!

Act Two

Chapter Thirteen:

Déjà Vu Plus Two

Chapter Fourteen:

Menagerie and Query

Chapter Fifteen:

The Mission Condition

Chapter Sixteen:

Canny about Grannie

Chapter Seventeen:

Hello, Marlowe!

Chapter Eighteen:

Tête-à-Tête on a Reprobate

Chapter Nineteen:

The Statutory Story

Chapter Twenty:

Spring Fling

Chapter Twenty-One:

Rendezvous and Parlez-Vous

Chapter Twenty-Two:

The Permanent Termagant

Chapter Twenty-Three:

Of Stoolies with Brass Goolies

Chapter Twenty-Four:

Disaster on the Morning After

Chapter Twenty-Five:

Used Sorely by Morley

Chapter Twenty-Six:

Hero of the Zero-Sum Game

Chapter Twenty-Seven:

Mythology’s Follies

Chapter Twenty-Eight:

The Breakdown of a Shakedown

Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Bess Is Tightest with the Best and Brightest

Chapter Thirty:

Hot to Plot

Chapter Thirty-One:

Bring on the Bling

Chapter Thirty-Two:

Regalia Inter Alia

Chapter Thirty-Three:

Sidekick and Psychic

Chapter Thirty-Four:

Must We Force It into a Corset?

Chapter Thirty-Five:

How to Deck Dolly’s Neck?

Chapter Thirty-Six:


Chapter Thirty-Seven:

The Distinguished and the Extinguished

Chapter Thirty-Eight:

Hearts Afire and Dolly for Hire, More or Less

Chapter Thirty-Nine:

The Names of Three Dames

Chapter Forty:

A Little Mystery in the History

Chapter Forty-One:

More than One None-Too-Cheery Theory

Chapter Forty-Two:

The Rustic and the Prick

Chapter Forty-Three:

Keep Calm, Rest Still, and Call Cecil

Chapter Forty-Four:

The Pair Who Missed the Fair, or Of Potions and Emotions

Chapter Forty-Five:

Of Empty Houses That Haunt Absent Spouses

Chapter Forty-Six:

Assumption and Gumption, or A Dame in the Patriot Game

Chapter Forty-Seven:

Of Climacterics and Tricks

Chapter Forty-Eight:

A Team on the Same Beam

Chapter Forty-Nine:

Quaff, Drop, and Roll Is the Goal

Chapter Fifty:

Caught Red-Handed and Wedding-Banded

Chapter Fifty-One:

The Chi-Chi English Lady and Catherine de’ Medici

Chapter Fifty-Two:

Circumspection and Escaping Detection

Chapter Fifty-Three:

By Dint of Madame Serpent

Chapter Fifty-Four:

Solution Convolution

Chapter Fifty-Five:

A Gal in a Gallery

Chapter Fifty-Six:

Genial Genealogy

Chapter Fifty-Seven:

One Tear More or Less and the
Devonshire MS

Chapter Fifty-Eight:

On Sorrowing and Borrowing

Chapter Fifty-Nine:

Star-Crossed and Pillow Tossed

Chapter Sixty:

Termagants and a Song and Dance

Chapter Sixty-One:

The Party Line on a Maligned Spine

Chapter Sixty-Two:

The Royal Matron and the Literary Patron

Chapter Sixty-Three:

The Accessory That Tells a Story

Chapter Sixty-Four:

Being Practical and Waxing Theatrical

Chapter Sixty-Five:

The History of the Sisters Grey, or the Thwarted Departed

Chapter Sixty-Six:

On Disparaged Marriages

Chapter Sixty-Seven:

Mary Grey’s Matrimonial Testimonial

Chapter Sixty-Eight:

A Little Ire and Irons in the Fire

Chapter Sixty-Nine:

Mary Grey Tells It to Liz Like It Is

Chapter Seventy:

Iniquities and Ditties

Chapter Seventy-One:

Time for Catherine to Chime In

Chapter Seventy-Two:

Character Building and Gilding the Lily

Chapter Seventy-Three:

Confinement, Wine, and On Down the Line

Chapter Seventy-Four:

Holy Folio!

Chapter Seventy-Five:

Doggy Style for a Little While

Chapter Seventy-Six:

Hypocritically, Literally?

Chapter Seventy-Seven:

Remorse, of Course

Chapter Seventy-Eight:

Hindsight Is All Right

Chapter Seventy-Nine:

Execution, Exile, and Exculpation

Chapter Eighty:

How They Were Hand-to-Handed, and Whence They Landed

Chapter Eighty-One:

Paeans to Three Queens

Chapter Eighty-Two:

Family Dysfunction Junction

Chapter Eighty-Three:

The Spin on Ann Boleyn

Chapter Eighty-Four:

A Quote or Two to Float Your Boat for You

Chapter Eighty-Five:

Of Druthers and Mothers

Chapter Eighty-Six:

The Concussed and the Nonplussed

Chapter Eighty-Seven:

Literary Notions and Going through the Motions

Chapter Eighty-Eight:

The Riled and the Exiled

Chapter Eighty-Nine:

Tiswas at Amboise

Chapter Ninety:

The Gift That Fixed a Rift

Chapter Ninety-One:

See ’Em Later, Alligator

Chapter Ninety-Two:

Propinquity with Antiquity

Chapter Ninety-Three:

The Lots of Some Scots

Chapter Ninety-Four:

Stitch and Bitch

Chapter Ninety-Five:

In the Stir with the Green-Eyed Monster

Chapter Ninety-Six:

Gore in Store and Walking the Floor

Chapter Ninety-Seven:

About a Lout

Chapter Ninety-Eight:

Moor and More

Chapter Ninety-Nine:

Imogen and Imagining

Chapter One Hundred:

A Gem of a Stratagem

Chapter One Hundred-One:

Amnesty, Your Majesty

Chapter One Hundred-Two:

Ruff and Bluff

Chapter One Hundred-Three:

Bucolic Frolics

Chapter One Hundred-Four:

Winter’s Chill Fits the Bill, or Nothing Finer than Paulina

Chapter One Hundred-Five:

No Greater Collaborator

Chapter One Hundred-Six:

The Rom-Com Bomb, or a Winning Way with Twinning

Chapter One Hundred-Seven:

Validating Vacillating

Chapter One Hundred-Eight:

Fare-Thee-Wells and Dare-Thee-Tells

Chapter One Hundred-Nine:

A Toast That Is the Most

Chapter One Hundred-Ten:

What’s Supposed to Be Sub-Rosa

Chapter One Hundred-Eleven:

Enigmas, Anyone?

Chapter One Hundred-Twelve:

Routing and Outing

Chapter One Hundred-Thirteen:

Spouse in the House

Chapter One Hundred-Fourteen:

Secreted and Defeated

Chapter One Hundred-Fifteen:

A Man of Parts, a Change of Heart, and a Departure

Act Three

Chapter One Hundred-Sixteen:

Arise and Surprise

Chapter One Hundred-Seventeen:

The Shindig and the Big News

Chapter One Hundred-Eighteen:

Bliss and Synthesis

Chapter One

Betwixt Mixed Bags

In general, I agree that “no legacy is so rich as honesty,” but I wasn’t exactly feeling it that morning. I had let out a feeble “Fine, thank you,” when my solicitous husband inquired how I was feeling, even though I’d skipped my usual hearty breakfast because of a slightly upset tummy. I knew he’d fuss over me like a mother hen if I told him of my indisposition, and I’d not built any fuss time into the day’s crowded agenda.

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